Morbid Mystery: The Death of Elisa Lam

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- In February of 2013, guests of the Cecil Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles complained that their room's tap water tasted funny. More than that there were water pressure issues, the water smelled strange and sometimes it came out of the faucet black. While some guests thought "Ah, downtown Los Angeles! "You glittering cesspool. "Of course your water is foul and black." Enough people complained that maintenance employee Santiago Lopez went up to the roof to check on the hotel's main water tank. Unlocking the rooftop door and disarming the alarm, Lopez climbed the ladder leading to the top of the platform where the tanks stood, then climbed a second ladder to the top of the main water tank. When he reached the top he noticed the hatch to the tank was open. Peering under the 20 pound lid he found a corpse of a woman floating face up, approximately 12 inches from the top of the tank. Lopez had found the body of Elisa Lam, a guest of the Cecil who had last been seen on January 31. While Elisa had been reported missing, police had not searched the water tanks on the roof. And while Elisa herself had been found, her discovery only raised more questions. How did she get to the roof? Why did she go to the roof? Was she a victim of foul play? And what about that bizarre surveillance video footage from the elevator? (dramatic piano music) Before we get into it, it's important to remember that Elisa Lam was a human being. She had, and still has, a family that cares about her, she had friends, she went to school, she was interested in art and fashion, she had a blog. She was also a Chinese Canadian woman who lived with anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. We're not trying to offer an expert opinion on this case. I'm more interested in what the death of a beautiful young woman with a high profile weird corpse situation does to the media, and the internet. This case has spawned countless amateur sleuths claiming to know what really happened to Elisa. The truth of the matter is, there are very few facts in this case that offer much clarity. Here are the basics we know. Elisa, a 21-year-old student at the University of British Columbia, was staying at the Cecil Hotel while on vacation in California. The Cecil is one of downtown L.A.'s historic hotels. It opened as a business hotel in 1927 before falling into a dismal state after the Great Depression. Besides being the site of several deaths and suicides, frankly, what Depression era hotel still in operation hasn't been, the Cecil was home to serial killers Jack Unterweger and Richard Ramirez A.K.A. the Night Stalker. So even before Elisa set foot in the Cecil, it had a dark pedigree. Which of course the internet is going to be like "Dark pedigree, yes!" Elisa checked into the Cecil on January 28, 2013. It was reported that she was originally in a shared room, but then switched to a single room due to quote "Odd behavior." Elisa was last seen alive at the Cecil Hotel on January 31. During her trip she had called her parents everyday, and when they stopped hearing from her, they called the L.A.P.D. The L.A.P.D. searched the Cecil Hotel for Elisa, but could not find her, or probable cause that a crime had been committed. A week later, on February 6, the police went public with information about Elisa's disappearance, and more than a week after that, detectives released surveillance video of Elisa behaving unusually in and around one of the hotel's elevators. This is the footage that set the internet ablaze! In it Elisa enters the hotel elevator and carefully presses multiple buttons before cautiously peeking out of the elevator, as if being pursued. Her behavior is agitated, cautious, she hides in the corner of the elevator as if waiting for someone to come down the hallways. Some have described it as an uncomfortable game of hide-and-seek. At one point, she exits the elevator and is seen gesticulating wildly, like she's speaking to someone out of frame. Mental health experts have said she seems to be in the midst of a psychotic break. Weirdly, during the four minute video, the elevator doors don't automatically close. They stay open for almost three minutes, only closing after Elisa walks down the hall, away from the elevator. Some speculate a hotel employee must have been manually keeping the elevator door open from the front desk. Others say the elevator got jammed because of all the buttons that Elisa pushed, which seems like the most likely scenario in an old hotel. And of course, there's the theory that the dark ghosts of the Cecil Hotel held the door! And I don't think that's what... (breathes deeply) Whatever it may be, the surveillance video of Elisa gives us a clue to her mental state before she disappeared, but unfortunately it doesn't offer much else. Elisa's body was found in the Cecil's main water tank on February 19, almost three weeks after she disappeared. One of the interesting things in the internet sleuth community was the obsession with the coroner's cause of death and toxicology report. Where are they? Why haven't they been released? What are they hiding? My friends, the L.A. Coroner's office is not on your schedule! They are not on much a schedule, period! It's just like, "When we get em, we'll let you know, maybe." Eventually her death was ruled an accidental drowning with her bipolar disorder as a contributing factor. The medical examiner found evidence that she had consumed her prescribed medications, but the autopsy report indicated no alcohol or illegal drugs in her system. The big question was how Elisa got from the elevator incident onto the roof of the Cecil? It was originally thought the only way to the roof was through a locked door with a loud alarm, and only hotel staff have a key to the roof door. No alarms were heard the night Elisa disappeared, so did a staff member take Elisa onto the roof? Was she forced up to the roof? How Elisa got to the roof has never been determined, although it has since emerged that there is an un-alarmed fire escape up to the roof. For a determined person it would be pretty easy to climb up there and to the water tanks. In 2015 I visited my friend Colin who was staying at the Cecil, re-named the Stay on Main as a public relations move. He wouldn't let me climb up to the roof, thanks Colin, but it was pretty obvious it would not have been difficult to do so. It was also originally thought that Elisa was found inside the water tank, with the 20 pound lid closed. How did she get the lid closed while already inside, floating in the tank? A much later interview with maintenance employee Santiago Lopez revealed the tank lid was open when he found Elisa, meaning she could have opened the lid, gone inside, and drowned. In 2015 a judge dismissed a wrongful death suit filed by Elisa's parents against the Cecil Hotel, stating that Elisa's death was unforeseeable due to the fact she had died in a section of a hotel off limits to guests. It's understandable that people continue to speculate on the death of Elisa Lam. Videos and blogs similar to this always seem to have to involve ghosts, sex offenders and murder. My pragmatist view of, young women with mental illness, climbs up fire escape to a hotel roof, gets in a water tank, is unable to escape and drowns? This is not a popular one on the internet. But part of facing death is looking for the realistic, not sensationalized answers. Especially since it's her her loved ones who still have to grapple with the case's unanswered questions. What do you think happened to Elisa Lam? Do you still suspect foul play? Was it a tragic accident? Was it the ghosts of the serial killers? It wasn't. Tell us in the comments! And also tell us any other Morbid Mysteries you want us to talk about! This video was made with generous donations from death enthusiasts just like you. (gentle, melodic music) Dark pedigree, yes!
Channel: Caitlin Doughty
Views: 1,569,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elisa Lam, Morbid Mystery, Death, Cecil Hotel, Elevator Footage, Conspiracy, What Happened, Stay on Main, Richard Ramirez, Mental Illness, Water Tank, Ghosts, Rational Explanation, Caitlin Doughty, Mortician
Id: B_if47gEn0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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