Moor (Room for Flutter) #1 – Tables & Queries – Fluent SQLite Database
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Reso Coder
Views: 54,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resocoder, tutorial, programming, code, programming tutorial, flutter tutorial, flutter sqflite tutorial, moor_flutter, flutter moor, flutter sqflite, flutter sqlite crud, flutter sqlite tutorial, flutter database, flutter database tutorial, flutter local storage, flutter local database, flutter local db, flutter sqflite example, flutter sqflite crud, flutter room database, flutter floor
Id: zpWsedYMczM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Sweet. But do you believe it is production ready?
It's a really awesome package.
Gonna try it in my next flutter pet project.
Edit: Is it inspired from Exposed or similar? It looks like it.
Does anyone know how you would link two classes together using Moor?
Say something like a POST class with a list of COMMENT(s) on the Post class.
Cool package!