Moog Matriarch: 50 Patches for Arps/Seqs & Generative-Style
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Anton Anru
Views: 20,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moog, moog matriarch, matriarch, patches, presets, synthesizer, analog, poly, polyphonic, paraphonic, moog matriarch demo, moog matriarch dark, analog synth, moog matriarch tutorial, moog matriarch ambient, moog synthesizer, synth, modular synth, moog synth, analog synthesizer, moog music, review, tutorial, no talking, pads, strings, keys, pluck, drone, arp, seq, sequencer, demo, duo, duophonic, chords, delay, bbd, bbd delay, fx, modular, semi modular, ambient, techno, house, noise, experimental, industrial, idm
Id: ZsiX1p_xIwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 21sec (4521 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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