Monthly income report / TPT (April 2023)

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really aiming for about that so we'll see wish me luck hi my name is Brianna I am a seventh year social study teacher at the high school level I teach in Florida and I'm also a seller on TPT so if you're either of those things I've got playlists for you on my channel I have specific ones for TPT sellers or people who are interested in becoming TPT Sellers and then I also have ones that are just for regular teachers too um I have been selling on TPT since I finally looked it up so I'm like I don't know two years three years since August of 2020 so this August will be three years um my first year was a little bit slow which it is for anybody but I teach a new course well it's kind of new I guess pre-ap world history and geography through college board and I think that teachers got a little desperate most teachers that I know were thrown into it kind of last minute so my sources did really well this past year um I'm if you're selling or if you're thinking about selling and you've been watching videos and you might be aware of that TPT put a new personalized search in place in August so it was I don't know eight pluses so six plus months more than that I don't do math Ms social studies teacher and a lot of people have been really upset with it it tanked their sales I still did really well and I don't know if that's because I'm very niched down I have very specific lessons for a very specific course for the most part um because I did all right I was fine I was still growing um or I don't know if that meant like I would have grown a lot more I don't know um they did just do away with the personalized search and I noticed um a change almost instantly and so while I said I'd been doing well April was not good for me April was really bad so I was getting a little nervous and then they did away with the personal research at the end of April so my last week I picked up quite a bit um that kind of Saved Me it still wasn't a great month so I'm gonna go over what I made in April um and then yeah that's it okay so I also like to compare if you haven't watched any of my videos just this month from last year um I follow Becca Davis she's really great and she says I think too and I've said this every time now to average like your best three months and that's what you should be aiming for but for me that doesn't work teaching is in Cycles there are certain Seasons that teachers are going to be buying more things beginning of the year is going to be way better just historically and I've been looking at Trends so I already know what's coming I also meant to mention I was looking at my Trends from last year and like January February March start to slowly maybe go down each month a little bit April and then may will be my worst month so I already know that next month will probably be my worst month I think most teachers their worst month is summer and mine might be this year but last year actually did pretty well in the summer and I know for a fact that's because all of his teachers I mentioned got assigned this new course and we're like probably in a panic because it's a weird course it's not like your normal history course it's not content based so you're not teaching history as much as you're teaching skills which for us is a little bit odd so I think that's why I did really well last summer I don't know if I'm gonna have that same expectation I'm going to keep my hopes high this summer um and I'm also going to be working over the summer a little bit so we'll see wish me luck pretty rough month so we're going to start with sales so for this month in April I ended up selling again bad month for me but 365 94. and so I mean that's still 365 dollars I wouldn't have had but um I'm really aiming for about that um but when I compare it to last year it is still you know better so last year I ended up at let me just of course I like got off the last year I was at 279. so if you do the math I'm 1.32 times what I did last year um and if you want to compare that to like how much I've grown the last couple months I have another video where I cover my February and March income report in one video and you'll see that this is significantly lower when it comes to like a percentage of increase in sales from last year so it was kind of a bummer but like I said I picked up a lot in the last week I am really hopeful for um like us going back to the regular search and seeing what that means for my shop someone teach me how to screen record because I don't know how to so you're literally looking it from my phone onto my computer but this is what I was talking about by the way so beginning of the month was pretty bad I think like I had one good day um everyone makes fun of my mouse because it's so big but I use multiple screens so it's easy to find one day I had like 49 that was pretty good but personally search was over I want to say like around this time probably and then I had a really good day or maybe around here but anyway you can see I picked up towards the end of the month and I think that really is because of personal research so bye I'm not gonna miss you and the other stats are kind of interesting too so for example when I look at conversion rate which to me is pretty important it's you know someone's looking at your product and then are they purchasing it last year my conversion rate was 14 and this year it was only 6.3 so that tells me people are looking at my products this year I'm buying them less often than they did last year and so I think I'm assuming part of that has to be with the search I'm not sure um I had way few reviews last year I had 447 views last year and 854 so I almost doubled My Views and I didn't almost double my sales so it's a bummer um I actually sold fewer units this year but that's because for me I do really well with bundles so my course has units that are a week or two and so I'll make all those individual lessons and then I'll bundle them and sell them as a bundle and the bundles are what do really well for me and then I also bundle the whole quarter so nine weeks worth of lessons and then finally this year just recently I finished the course so I have a little course bundle which I have not sold yet but that's okay um but anyway yeah so I sold 64 units last year in April and then this year in April I sold 55 but I still made more money and I think that's because I'm selling bundles [Music] um yeah so it's been a bummer of a month for me but I'll take it because when everyone else's store was kind of tanking during the rest of this personalized search experiment mine was doing all right um I was still growing each month and I did still grow this month if you compare it to last year but just not as much as I was hoping um so again I recommend checking out January February March or I have like an entire review of how much I made in 2022 if you're a new seller and you're just getting into this um I love I watch a lot of YouTube videos on what other sellers are doing the thing for me that kind of sucks is that they're almost all elementary or middle school teachers I don't have I don't know if I have any teachers on YouTube that teach secondary education and TPT for secondary education teachers is different than it is for elementary school we have more specific standards and it's not as saturated which is nice but it's just different um and I I feel that across the board like on Instagram there's way more teachers who are showing their cute little Elementary School classrooms and that kind of thing but um I'm hoping to just kind of share with you what my experience is like selling secondary education I have finished that course and I've moved on to world history so that's also going to change my stats because it's a very very different course everyone teaches world history everyone has to pass world history to graduate high school so there's it's more saturated than the course I was just talking about the pre-ap course but there's also more buyers so I'm curious to see how that does for me I just finished my first unit for that so I did World War II just because that's like where we were at my calendar I was like I might as well get some sales up um but now I don't know if I'm going to start in the beginning and work beginning to end or just continue from World War II finish the content and then go to the beginning I don't know leave a comment tell me what you think I should do um I'm looking to follow other secondary education teachers I think it would be more helpful for me so if you are a TPT seller and you sell secondary education please let me know so I can follow you um and that's it if you also are just a regular teacher thinking about selling TPT or if you're not thinking about selling TPT and I don't know how you ended up on this video or if you're a TPT author so all these people I have a playlist about like just what I like my normal teaching life and I think sometimes it's inspirational and motivational to see other teachers in action so I have a recent Day in the Life video and I have some kind of like tips and tricks I do so you can check those out on my channel bye
Channel: TeachWithWoolf
Views: 1,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher life, a day in the life, tpt income, monthly tpt income, how much do you make on tpt, how much can you make on tpt, what i make on tpt, selling tpt high school, new tpt seller, how to sell on tpt, tpt for beginners, tpt sales, first year teacher, teaching high school, pre-ap, pre-ap world history and geography
Id: U8MlcM9AWCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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