Monteverdi: Selva Morale e Spirituale

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Channel: Brilliant Classics
Views: 225,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classical music, classics, classical, classic, Brilliant Classics, monteverdi, Selva Morale e Spirituale, Claudio Monteverdi, Le Nuovo Musiche, Krijn Koetsveld, harpsichord, organ, moral and spiritual forest, claudio monteverdi, monteverdi claudio, monteverdi madrigale, Gloria, Laudate dominum primo, O ciechi ciechi, SV 252, Voi chโ€™ascoltate, SV 253, composer, secular, sacred, renaissance, baroque, sv, italian, E questa vita, SV 254, Beatus vir primo, SV 268, Crucifixus, SV 259, best, top
Id: 8gCEl5IHP4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 29sec (13169 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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