Montana Update-May 2024

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all right welcome back everybody it's been two weeks we kept our promise and got back in our old timeline due to popular demand and even my wife has joined us again so that's always a a trick to get her to join in no not at all so what is going on here nowadays well uh it is definitely Springtime it's getting a lot warmer um the Bears are coming out um the the weather's trying to improve so things are blooming yeah starting to people that have allergies are getting allergies I know on the last one I felt my eyes looked all glassy and I kind of thought what is everybody thinking and I was my eyes were watering and I kept sne sneezing and yeah much better this time yeah it is definitely that time of year so um why don't we talk about the market for a moment if you want to tell us what you've been seeing um you know my office we went over you know what had closed in the last 30 days last Monday and just in Whitefish there had been 26 sales so almost a closing a day um so you know yeah properties are still moving and selling uh I was saying to somebody I need to ask the title companies you know how much how many of those are cash transactions for a while there you know it was uh 30 to 40% of all transactions closed were cash but I don't know if that's still true um so I'll ask and be able to report back next time um but yeah you know if it's priced right uh we're not seeing lots of uh seems kind of slow in the higher yeah dollar range I do think that some of those sellers in the you know probably 1.5 and over you know they probably a little overpriced and that's why they're staying on the market longer um you know I had a a $3.1 million listing earlier this year that they didn't want to show it until after the holidays until after I think we put it on or you know we listed it right before Christmas put it on or allowed showings January 3rd but it was it was priced very very well for the market and it did I did receive an offer within probably about a week but beautiful house and it was it was priced to sell um so I think that maybe that's part of the difference that some you know sellers kind of want to still think it's 2020 and 2021 and it's not well in talking to the gal that we both use uh as a or we recommend as a A lender I was talking to her last week and you know everybody was expecting the interest rates to come down by now and obviously they have not and it sounds like they're not going to um for at least another couple months so that hasn't helped things either um but again you know we get this question all the time or would not question more of a comment that I'm gonna wait till the rates come down and and I get that but here's because our inventory is still low um if the rates went back down to five you know or under now next week then you're going to have 10 times the competition as you would right now so the prices are going to automatically go up because you're going to be getting you know much more demand it's just basic supply and demand again and so that I I figured it out for somebody the other day that you know the difference of paying a little bit more now than you know how much it's going to go up is it's kind of a wash so anyway anyway that's one way to look at it but um yeah another thing we did this past week is Angie had to go down and meet some people in Hamilton so little preview of what my video is going to be about this on Tuesday I went down and filmed the town of Hamilton while she was in her meeting so that was a good little trip um and then what we did learn down there is that uh they are getting ready or they're very close to starting shooting Yellowstone again uh so they are they are doing another season I don't know you know I know that annoys a lot of the locals but um it sounds like they're they're already doing pre-production in fact what you can tell that the guy you were meeting with had a story about that yeah a g in my office in the hamilt in the Hamilton office um they had come to her um because they wanted to use her house and the field out in front of her house and so um yeah kind of interesting to hear you know she was um there was one other person in her neighborhood that uh they were looking at his house as well so um we'll let you know if they end up going with her house and uh what they end up filming it for so kind of fun to yeah hear hear her you know like they went through her house and you know different angles and looking at the field and you know what was behind her house and um so kind of fun to just hear her talking about their their process well yeah and she said that um they picked her house well it's between her and her neighbor as to which one they're going to pick but they picked those two houses because they're they look the most like they would be in the Midwest and the the particular scene that they're fil filming is supposedly going to be set in the midwest but they didn't want to fly out to Illinois or Iowa or wherever and you know film a true Midwestern scene they're doing it they're trying to do everything right in the same area so um and the thing I'm curious about if she if they do pick her house is how much they're going to pay her for rent yeah because I know I had heard that the guy that owns that ranch that they you know film everything on is making a fortune from them on paying rent and and just the publicity obviously it's a bed and breakfast when they're not filming so he can charge huge money for all the Yellowstone fans that want to go spend the night and at the at the ranch at the Dutton Ranch so kind of added to to the value of that place yeah and it was kind of you know it's always interesting to go from our area area the Flathead Valley down to Missoula and Hamilton and you know I think just 100 miles you know kind of South um they're probably two weeks ahead of us springwise you know there were more trees you know In Bloom and Flowers In Bloom and that type of thing um so that's always I always find that interesting that just 100 miles makes such a difference yeah it's funny and I was just talking to somebody that called the other day about the weather and the climates and you know the the Montana has so many different little microclimates just even in our Valley you know there's you know at the at the nursery when they when you go buy a plant and it says it's it's up to zone three or how does that they have different zones for where it will grow or where it will survive and I think in the northern end of the valley like Columbia Falls white fish is zone three which is much colder and then down in Big Fork right on the lake it's all the way up to you can get plants for Zone eight so that's quite a quite a range like there's some like those we always like though isn't it that Japanese maple or there's a flowering one that we always wanted to get but they said it would not grow up here but it's either that the weather or the deer something will kill it the deer in White Fish they're kind of like verman rodents they just we were looking at our yard yesterday and I was just kind of cleaning everything out now that it's trying to be spring and and we were trying to kind of add up what we've spent in this front little planter bed um on different plants that are supposed to be deer resistant and they're not and it was a considerable amount of money at least in my world yeah you might as well just light that money on fire these deer I've even gone to a I was at a nursery a few years ago I think down in calispell or maybe Big Fork and I said I need something deer resistant and they're like oh yeah we have these plants over here where do you live and I said white fish and they're like oh yeah these nothing works in White Fish nothing is deer resistant except you planted those things from your friend um alium they're basically an onion I think that's what they called alium and they they're kind of cool they actually look like something that should be on you know here's a who on Dr Seuss but you know there's the the green leaves and then there's a stem that comes up and then they get these big purple uh flowers at the top but it's basically an onion so the deer won't eat it so they won't eat that they won't eat lavender and they don't eat my panny but everything else they seem to and that other flower that's kind of taken over the um that has spread into the actual yard Yaro Yaro yeah yeah so there are a few things but it's uh yeah they're they eat every all right and then another thing you were asking for last time that we are bringing back is I pulled up some of the police reports so we can do a few of those um and we were wondering before if you guys want to comment angre actually asked me this before I before we got on the air about um wondering if we're the only area where the paper prints these things because I know the papers here in the valley they've kind of you know are having a lot of fun with these and they make them you know not that they're not funny but the way they write them is I can't believe that that's actually the way the call came in but maybe it is I don't know um anyway so let us know if you guys have these down in wherever you are watching from but the first one is a woman who said she worked for the FBI so she called the police said she worked for the FBI thought someone was blocking her phone to stop stop her from giving her employer updates I kind of find it hard to believe if she's working for the FBI that she would call the local police think she'd have a little more pull than that and then uh someone reported a large Boulder half the size of a small car was blocking a road it's good size Rock uh a woman accused the sheriff's department of freezing her car so her keys wouldn't work not sure how they would do that right was it really the key that wouldn't work uh the Callis Bell woman was concerned that her neighbors weren't picking up their dogs poop in their own backyard so you got to love when your neighbor is checking up on you but I guess you got to hope your neighbor is not the governor of South Dakota right a bad ending for your dogs uh an apartment Resident was annoyed by how loud some neighboring kids were during their Nerf gun war and finally this is the the grand finale a man visited a pharmacy to ask if the pharmacist could test the clear plastic bag of probiotic he'd bought on the street to see what it was there's so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to so yeah I've been collecting these to put in my newsletter if you guys haven't subscribed and want to subscribe I started doing a newsletter and you can find the info for it down in the uh show notes and sign up and it's a weekly thing and I I always throw in a a police report for the week that I find humorous so one other thing before we get to the uh questions and now that I'm scrolling through the questions I see somebody brought it up so the N ruling I'm gonna have Andre talk about it a little bit for a second and just kind of give you what is going to change and uh a lot of a lot of the things that you've been reading in the paper has been sensationalized and you know the whole fake news thing or exaggerated news is in order to get people to click on something has been going nuts and a lot of the headlines were complete falsehoods but anyway if you want to start up for a second the question is did you cover the recent Nar ruling decision if not what do you see happening before July well as of right now um until you know that the judges are or the ruling uh goes into full effect which is I've heard July I've also heard or seen that it might be more August instead nothing has changed right now um you know we can when like when I take a listing you know we still talk to the seller about do you want to offer a buyer agent commission um in Montana you know it's always negotiable and I think in all states it's always been negotiable um and so like if you're you know if a seller is offering a total 5% commission then you know you you can split it with the buyer's agent and that's what the the seller is offering the buyer's agent the seller and the broker um so 2.5 and 2.5 but again commission is always always Comm uh um negotiable and and um so if everything goes forward what will change is that um I mean it not much will change but yes in a way so Buyer Agents will have to have a buyer agent compensation Form filled out with a poent a perspective buyer before they even put them in the car which like how we've typically handled it is you come to us and say you know hey help me find a house sure you want to make sure that the relationship you know that you like me and that I'm going to work hard for you and that I'm going to answer all of your questions and so then we we do eventually sign that but that's going to have to be agreed upon right up front um and then they can't list the buyer agent compensation amount on ML less anymore if this goes through that doesn't mean that a buyer's agent won't get paid it can they can still be paid by a seller um and the sellers the selling or the sellers broker's office um but again it's NE it it's negotiable just like it always has been so um it'll be yeah it's been interesting to watch and and um you know if you are I mean if you have a good bu buyers agent that's what you want I mean that's the whole reason that they split you know and had buyer agent compensation is because until the mid 90s at least in Montana it was only sellers um represented representation and so you know as a buyer's agent you want somebody in your corner you want somebody that is going to double check all of the information you know okay is the propane tank leas owned you know Pro is the amount is prated at the end um you know what's in the area what uh what do you know about an area as your buyer's agent um so a buyer's agent can be very very helpful especially in negotiating what's right for you not for the seller so um numerous ways to look at it and uh we'll see where it all goes well my conspiracy theory is that this lawyer that brought the lawsuit you know what I don't know if you told me or I read it but like before all of this what was it like 75% of lawsuits came from Dual agency yep well where do you think lawyers make all their money they make all their money on lawsuits so when well and dual agency is when you know the one agent is representing both sides which is kind of hard to be fair I mean you can do it but it it's very easy to get in trouble and that's why all the lawsuits stem from that so now with this thing that they're trying to you know the the basically the lawyer that did this whole lawsuit came right out and said that he doesn't think you need a buyer's agent and why would you need a buyer's agent when you have Zillow was his direct quote which is dumbest thing I've ever heard but anyway that's his theory is that you don't need a buyer agent well what does that do then that means the listing agent's going to be the Dual agent on every single deal well that's just going to be a ton more lawsuits and ton more money for the lawyer so you know you can think about it how you want you can think that people get paid too much whatever you want to think but Buyer Agents do provide a service and most of my business is working with Buyers so I'm kind of a little irritated with this lawsuit because they're coming directly for 90% of my business and um it's kind of annoying to see all these newspaper articles and where they're you know they the headline like one of the CNN headlines I remember right after the lawsuit was um you know sellers you know nobody has to pay a commission anymore and the price of houses are going to come way down because there won't be any more commissions well that that's total BS but anyway like I said that that's the newspapers trying to get people to click on their articles so right and and um home prices are supply and demand and and that's part of what we're still seeing in our area because we have still a limited Supply of of product in any given price point um there's still you know there's still quite a bit of demand which has kept the prices higher than maybe some of the other areas um we have I mean prices have softened maybe a little bit but I would almost say that if it's if you see something that's been on the market for a while it's probably just been priced too high regardless and um yeah so supply and demand and we still have a very limited supply of of inventory in our area right now well the other thing that's coming out of this that people don't think about there's always you know uh what What's the saying there's always unknown consequences and one of the things that this lawyer forgot to mention is you know what this is going to do if if it if it not has changed which I'm sure a lot of this stuff will be changed uh as we move along like for VA buyers for our veterans when they use a VA loan they they're not allowed that you can't do the credit back on VA loans you know for for this and so basically a VA guy would have to pay out of his own pocket if he wanted represent presentation which again like you know the lawyer is like you know oh you have Zillow well Zillow doesn't tell you what the weld UPS in the area are Zilla doesn't ask you you know make you ask about all the different little idiosyncrasies of each neighborhood or each subdivision or the HOAs or you know the things that the seller if he's trying to you know sell his house he may not tell you you know that something happened down the street whatever it may be and if you have a buyer agent that's digging in and trying to you know help you out on these things it's going to could save you a lot of money or you know make you question the the house you're looking at yeah so anyway we'll see um it was supposed to happen in July and now it's already been pushed back until August now I've heard so who knows um when and if any of this stuff will come to fru fruition and it sounds like it will some of it um but again it doesn't mean that you you know Buyer Agents are completely going away um you know and a good buyer agent that's truly a professional and knows their Market is is a benefit in my opinion especially if you're moving somewhere you've never been yeah you know whether it's here or or you know Florida wherever um you know like oh you can use Zilla well sure you can use Zillow but like the video I just did the other day you know may they may not tell you that there's a you know power lines in the backyard or uh you know a gravel pit that borders the property because they're not going to show that in the pictures and then you fly out there or you buy it you know because it look great on Zillow and these are the kind of things that you know you can get in trouble with and especially if you're not from the area or there's you know things in in different areas that only a local person's going to know about and again if it's a bad thing or maybe not the most positive thing the seller sure isn't GNA you know high that you yeah I wouldn't buy my house because of this down the street or because of this rule in our covenants or so anyway um I guess we can quit onto a a another controversial flatted lake is low do you think it will be backed full by Memorial Weekend well I I had heard that well they they claim it's going to be or do they um but I don't I don't know they're you know again because it's an election year all the Congress people are jumping on board Bo and trying to fix it but it's such a cluster there's so many federal agencies involved with all of that that yeah that'll be that'll be interesting to see how that all plays out this year and and we did not you know as far as lake levels we our s pack was very low this year so there's not going to be as much water and I think the biggest issue with this particular Dam on flatted lake is that and this is what I've read and been told is that the um people that run the dam had made you know sold a bunch of the power that they generate out of state so they have to let water out to turn the turbines to make the power that they've sold so they can't you know it's it's a mess is what it is um especially with a the low snow winter um I don't know how you just fix that I don't know either yeah be interesting to watch another good question uh what's your best guess as to win put them up on the put them up on the screen so I can you're putting them up on the screen no put you put sorry little midow production meeting if you run your mouse over the comment it'll say show and then you can click on it and it'll go up on the screen screen no it's not allowing me to do that don't have those that power I don't have that power only you do well then which one is it uh what's your best guess as to when going to the Sun Road will be open this year There It Is Well I just in last week's newsletter they uh I put the news article in the newsletter that I do a article every week and they were a mile from the top so they're making good prog ress and it's the beginning of May um but it's all you know they they get to even when they get to Logan pass they still have that they call it the big drift and that's right around the corner from Logan pass on the other side and it's that 80 foot it's usually 80 feet deep that they got to dig through um so that's always the last thing they have to clear out but if they're already a mile from the top and guessing they'll get pretty close to that by the end of the week and then I don't know ex but I do know that they received quite a bit of snow up there last week because of the rain that we had which pushed it back a little bit yeah I don't know if things keep going right I was looking at the Weather Channel earlier today and it said it's supposed to get nice uh we have like three days of rain right now and then it's supposed to be nice so um I guess if the weather holds I would think it' be open by the beginning of you know beginning mid June pretty easily but the other thing that happens a lot too and it's different every year is they're doing they always do construction on that road every year they're doing something and sometimes they'll even though that you know you can ride your bike all the way to the top and you know all the way up and over if you want um some years it's still not open because they're doing some construction work during the week and they want a little extra time before all the traffic hits so well and I would guess it was also depends on you know all the different lodges and and having the employees to like even Lake McDonald Lodge you know I because that one's so accessible it would seem like they would need to say you know by June 12th will be fully employed or have all the employees here to to work you know I don't know if that plays into their decision at all I I don't know maybe yeah it's a government run entity so you know that it's kind of a cluster you can be confident in that uh what's next are you asking me I was I thought you were going to pull up these questions for me but I guess not well I can you just didn't like me reading them my son is working in Hamilton he has a five-year contract he's looking for a house with property yeah you know Hamilton's a a totally different Market than our market up here um but I believe that they're uh running into the same some of the same issues just low inventory and um so yeah I mean definitely call will call call me if if he needs help and we can certainly put him in touch with somebody that can help him find what he's looking for yep uh what is happening in southwest Montana as far as real estate goes I think we're pretty um and when you say Southwest I guess that's the Dillan area would be my guess um yeah it I think pretty much all around the state we're kind of in the same boat it's definitely slowed down since the covid rush um we're starting to get more and more houses on the market because I think a lot of those people that did move here and we saw this long before the covid thing but it's almost like a a two-year thing where people will come up here they'll visit in July go to the park and the weather is I I've always said the weather here in July is like the best weather you can possibly have anywhere on the planet it's you know upper 70s low 80s no humidity it's sunny every day it's it's perfect and it's usually before any smoke shows up from fires so July is beautiful so all these people visit out here in July they're like oh my God I'm I'm going to move there that place is awesome and they don't think about what it's like in January and so the first winter they make it through you're like God that you know that was it's dark and you know a lot of snow and I don't know I don't know about this and you know and then they stick it out then then the next summer rolls around like oh this is great and we love it here and then the second winter is when you see people tapping out like all right I'm done it's going to be like this every year I'm out and so now we're kind of I I would bet that a lot of the new listings that we're getting right now are are some of those people you know along with the the normal people that have to sell for work or whatever anyway yeah so uh how would a family from the East Coast relocate to Montana I haven't really looked into it because the distance um it's you know it's just like like moving anywhere um the timing thing the the thing that we consult or I consult people all the time is if you're sell in a place back east or wherever you know it the best strategy is to find a rental here and then sell your house because if you're trying to time it where you sell your house and then buy a house here at the same time it's almost it it takes a miracle to get the timing right because there's so many things that go into a real estate deal so many moving parts and if one of them on either of the deals goes wrong or there's a delay then it just throws everything into chaos so if you can put your house on the market back East find a rental out here for three months six months whatever then when your house closes you have all that money there's no pressure like oh my God I got to put in an offer on a place here and then if it disappears you know there's again there's a hundred things that could go wrong so if you have a rental that gives you a little bit of breathing room then you can come up here get your stuff moved the the con of that is obviously you're kind of moving twice um once you find a house but the the the pressure that you won't be feeling I think makes it a good idea would you agree I do yeah I I I mean it you can make it happen without renting but there's some stress involved for sure yeah and Dave says in a for sale by owner situation can we hire you folks to make sure everything is on the up and up paperwork title transfer how would that work same thing you know if if we're representing you we would you know usually people um you know the way it's been is these for sale by owners if if we bring them an offer they agree you know to cover our commission um and we would look into that right up front and work out a deal with you or them or however we want to work it out but yeah we we do that all the time so that is not an odd question or an odd situation um here we go the Say Hey Kid weather is starting to get nice how about doing a video showing pickleball courts in Big Four cville Whitefish there you go we could show Angie playing pickle ball and put that on video yeah getting my butt kicked Andre's been giving me crap we went down to the desert this winter and uh I played some pickle ball and I have to say that some of those old ladies down there are pretty damn good and I was thanking thanking the lord L that none of my hockey buddies Were Watching Me Get Smoked by these old ladies in pickle ball but in my defense I'd never played tennis growing up so I think I'm at a big disadvantage where all those people down there they grew up in the warm weather and you can play tennis year round and I know this sounds like I'm making excuses but I'm going with it even Andre who who also played was getting spanked by these women as well and she you know she's never going to tell you this but she was the came in third place in the state of Montana in high school in tennis so she was yeah and I haven't played since and that was a couple of years ago what do you mean thought that was just you know a few years ago right um oh here's our Minnesota friend Mike is back Viking sign of quarterback and go Timberwolves here we go I'm having a hard time I mean it's cool that the Timberwolves are doing so well but they have been so bad like since the day they were born it's kind of crazy that suddenly they're dominant so yeah go wolves um John hey John we were grateful to have will as our agent that was a yeah that was a that was a good deal and you know John can verify that there were things that came up that you know he was from out of town that he would not have known about you know or didn't know about because why would he being from out of town that we were able to help him work through and um it was all good and then Mike I was for the most part my agent yeah unfortunately there are some bad agents out there and um and they give us all a bad name so sorry for that yeah Dave do you know what is going on across street from MLS blah blah blah is that a new subdivision or gravel pet um I don't can you do you have yeah I pulled it up oh um and it's it's that do you remember that red house it's right along like the straet stretch going up to fo Lake and it's on the left as you're going towards fo Lake um I think that that's where this is and what he's talking about I don't know um I don't know that it would be a new Gravel Pit since there's a gravel pit directly across the street you know it's across from that newer sub not newer I mean it's been there oh is it that big red house yeah on the left oh I actually showed that place a few years ago yeah no that well that in fact if you go back to my video Dave that I just did two weeks ago I think um I believe let me check here on my phone real quick um I believe that was what you're talking about was a gravel pit and it was used for when they built the bypass but now they're turning it into a subdivision and I believe that why can't I find your oh here it is um my thumbnail my picture for that video is standing right in that [Music] um yeah yeah the huge properties video yeah that's actually standing up there where they're starting to put in the infrastructure and that's that whole area is right across from where that listing is that you're talking about so thank you for pulling that up I would not have known what that number was let's see can you do a future video on the Sea Falls Community Markets they do on Thursday um possibly we have not been to that one it's they've been having some local politics go on with that particular Farmers Market um they had it at a place called the co-op for a long time and then I don't know I don't know the whole story or the true story you hear both both sides and it had something to do with the lease and what they were paying and somebody else was signing a lease so I don't I don't know and now I just noticed they moved it um if you're familiar with seaf Falls it's over on that I think it's called Veterans Road isn't that that Huts back kind of at an angle by the railroad tracks there and it's in that open space right there they I saw a trailer and a a sign um that they've moved it over there so but yeah I don't I have nothing bad to say about it I just know that they've been the the local politics have been affecting the Columbia Falls Market um Felix nothing but dry and Lewis and Clark hardly any prec precipitation but lots of spraying in the skies constantly all right um see Mike I have a nephew that is homesteading of property in the foothills of the mission mountains it's a ton of work developing the land what advice do you have for folks looking into homesteading you know I always get questions on homesteading and I'm I get various you know there's no specific definition of that is that like living off grid is that just buying a bare piece of land and building a log cabin um um you know I have questions but I guess my advice would be is definitely check into the area um the biggest thing you run into with these off-grid properties are whether or not you can get in and out of there in the winter a lot of these things are you know a lot of these properties are really cheap I kind of talked about this in my last video that you see these properties for way under what you think the market is and there there's usually a reason for it and it has to do with you know access and how steep it is and you know hundred different things so my advice I guess would be do your homework and again we're a good buyer's agent would come in to make sure you're thinking about everything you need to think about if you ever are planning on drilling a well up there how deep it's going to be in that area there's numerous things to to look into so I would say one of the biggest things right now is fire Insurance depending on where you are um it's it's kind of becoming a little bit of an issue in our area just um making sure that in your buy sell or when you make an offer that you leave enough time to make sure that you can obtain fire insurance that fits in your budget it's um yeah Insurance all across the us right now is is a thing I think I talked about that in my last video or in our last live video that you know I did a a I what I thought was a great video on insurance with all these experts and we went out and toured properties and talked about all the different things the insurance companies look at and nobody nobody watched it I don't know if you people are bored or whatever but like Andre said if you're going to buy out here and you're going to buy out the ways that is definitely a a huge thing that you want to check into and might I say that isn't on Zillow either um John why do you think or what explains there being so many gravel pits in the valley I've wondered that myself um Angie being a true la do you have any idea I don't know I mean I know that for the longest time they used to during the winter they graveled the roads I don't know if that had anything to do with gravel bits or I think one of the things is that we we have um you know it's the right environment we have gravel so you know your friend that owns the rock company they ship that stuff all over the country yeah and I'm sure some of that gravel gets hauled out of here too yeah I bet right yeah there there's a reason these are called the Rocky Mountains we've learned every time we've tried to dig a hole so um I I would say that's probably most of it and you know like that huge one that we were just talking about across from that listing they need it to build all these new roads that you know all our growth we having so um that's that's my two cents that's all we've [Applause] got uh oh and John's got all kinds of questions what do you know about the housing being built at the old aluminum plant what I know is that um I believe that that's down the road quite a way is they still have to figure out the whole superf fund and cleaning up that site because they're not going to sort of building houses on top of you know all of that stuff that's in the ground so um I think those houses are you know yes that developer bought the land or made an offer on the land but it it's totally dependent on you know what they can do in the future and they're not going to put People's Health and danger by just throwing up houses on top of that land no so do you ever run into Hillary Hillary who's Hillary Hillary who do you know Hillary I that girl that I think she's in real estate yeah we see Hillary all the time talk to her almost daily um Hillary and our daughter have a relationship as well and I we know her family and um so yes we see we see see Hillary a lot she's doing very very well happily married and um yeah she's she wants me to thank all of you whoever voted for her in the thing and they'll announce if she won or not uh in a few weeks but if any of you voted for her she told me to say thank you um Gordon has any group come forward to save theill near cely Lake I don't know I heard that I heard that somebody was talking about it but I don't know if that went through or not have you heard I haven't heard yeah I don't know yeah sorry we should know these things um Dave is is there a town or area in Montana that was about 10 years behind calispel as far as growth prices population any undiscovered towns or areas come to mind this is this is where you know you get in trouble with the locals like Andre if you start giving away all the secrets the crystal ball now there's a actually you know the areas that I've noticed and I've never even been to some of these areas if you look at a map and everyone jokes about or you know not jokes but the east side of the mountains is pretty harsh Winters and very you know out on the Prairie but there are a couple little mountain ranges out in the middle of the state and there's that I forget the I I mentioned one of those areas in one of my videos and I was kind of researching it looking on it at Google Maps and I can't remember the little towns but um it's in Central Montana and I would think little areas like that would be cool but yeah again a lot of people they want the Montana experience they want the big Ranch they want you know all this land but they also want to be able to go to Costco in 10 minutes and the problem you have or you know find an airport or a Home Depot or whatever and the problem you have in some of those areas is that they're so far out you're you're you're driving quite a ways one of those areas is I've had people ask me about Lots and it goes to the what we were talking about earlier about the homesteading and Roads and access there's a little town called helmville that's in between here and Helena and it's beautiful out there but you're you're an hour and a half from Helena you're an hour and a half from Missoula and you're an hour and a half from our Valley so if you ever want anything in the little St that they have in helmville is um you know there's not much milk and white bread yeah yeah you know some of the other areas like that I always think of are kind of Big Timber and um like Le town and some of those areas that uh still very very pretty but yeah you're you're you aren't close to anything it's even Big Timber you know either going Billings or uh Boseman you know it's it's a little bit of a haul you're not just running 15 minutes down to the grocery store I mean they have grocery stores there but if you want a Costco or a big box store type of thing well and this uh Rosie ask how big of a town is pson if you live there do you have to drive into Kalispell or down to Missoula to get Necessities no poon's a good siiz town There's a big hospital there um um they have a there's a big Walmart and they have all the stores they don't have they don't have Costco or Home Depot but you know they have yeah there's plenty of grocery stores and uh all of that but yeah if you want to go to Costco or whatever you'd have to go to up to calispell or down to down to Missoula and I'm not sure that I completely agree with you about pson being a big town I just pulled up the population 5,478 as of 2022 really yeah seems low yeah and maybe that's just because that's well it's a big town compared to polebridge well everything you know put everything into perspective um and that may just be full-time residents would be my guess yeah it seems a lot bigger than 5,000 people but whatever I don't know who knows um Gordon made the comment I he was talking about the uh Insurance video I guess he watched the video and his son just had his 50 acres parked out which is a very good idea then Rocky Mountain guy Lincoln yeah you can go buy the UN bombers old property um let's see has Hollywood contacted you about filming a horror movie in that north of Glasgow they have not but that would yeah that was weird God that and I just kind of like I said I I I'm always looking for things to video and ideas and new ideas and it's been four years now I've been putting out these videos every week and I have yet to miss a week ping myself on the back a little bit but um yeah it's hard to come up you know with ideas all the time and I was headed out to Western would it be yeah Western North Dakota to meet him buddy for the weekend to play golf out there and I was trying to figure out what I could film because there's there's not a lot out on the east side and I don't know how I stumbled upon it but I stumbled upon that town or somebody had written an article or something about it and I was like hey it's only 12 miles north of the highway I'm going to be on it's not that far out of the way I'll go check it out it was you obviously watch the video but the the weather that day was perfect for it because it was real low clouds kind of Misty and just it looked the part of being a creepy town so um it worked out good it'd be weird to go there on a bright sunny summer day and see it see what it was like but yeah it is a weird weird place but very affordable homes there but get a buyer agent so you know what you're getting yourself into yeah I have an exep sister who lives in Big Timber you've been to Big Timber haven't you I have Big Timber is very pretty um Dave are you going to travel to Salt Lake City to watch the's jail or still stick Calgary you know if I had a choice I would definitely pick Calgary I like Calgary is a great town if you've never been there I I've said this ever since I've we go up there quite a bit we have some friends up that live north of there they live in Red Deer so we go through Calgary to get to their place but of all the big cities I've been to in North America I would have to say Calgary is the nicest big city it's clean they don't have much crime um it's a good town and and also it's only four hours from here where Salt Lake is n and a half so I'm sure at some point you know we'll be in Salt Lake and I'll go to a game but Kary is still the much closer option for NHL hockey and with that we have reached the end of the questions as much as I'd like to sit and talk about hockey um Andrew starting to fall asleep about my hockey tournament I played in all weekend so she's hocked out but um thank you for tuning in and uh if you guys have any questions don't forget sign up for our newsletter if you want that it's in the it's in the notes and uh if you haven't subscribed please do so it helps us out a ton and we'll see you in a couple weeks thank you
Channel: Living in Montana
Views: 1,298
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Id: eeammQC7EXU
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Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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