Montana Goose Hunting w/ Ryan Callaghan and Miles Nolte | S1E06 | MeatEater Hunts

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[Music] I'm Ryan Callahan an infrequent waterfowl hunter and director of conservation at meat-eater joining me on this hunt is miles mole field miles is the director of fishing at meat-eater a darn good friend who just so happens to have access to a trailer full of goose decoys oh good there's geese in here we'll be hunting on my family's small farm just outside of Billings Montana --zz largest city the city's human population can at times seemed warped by its Canada goose populations particularly if you're in a freshly cut cornfield above the Yellowstone River will be using layout lines and full-body goose decoys to blend in and stand out only to be able to see do I this field is not in the middle of nowhere we're in the urban interface a patchwork of smaller farms and easy commute from the big city all right so this is the place right so drove past a lot of geese to get through this spot but this is the spot we know we're gonna hunt right so you know we we drove a fair amount of country to get over to here and we didn't really start seeing a lot of birds until we got kind of just a few miles down the road yeah so what's why are there so many birds congregated just right in this zone as we know these metropolitan areas have become kind of like impromptu game preserves for waterfowl so Canada geese get super comfortable setting up in city parks and open spaces and this area just started growing a lot more Canada geese and I mean my thought is like we saw some really big birds that there's a lot of northern birds in town right now too so and those are the ones we want because the local birds live long and they're smart so we want want the fresh eyeballs so it's gonna be you know pretty pretty easy living right we got got the house here we're gonna eat good food and get up real early make as convincing a decoy spread as we can and I will freely admit that I'm a rank amateur when it comes to goose hunting in recent history on the resident expert out here because I'm the only person that's ever hunted up so basically hunting with the master the master upper T the master of this 40 acres wheat where we go out and that headlamp is on the overall arc of this thing is going to be basically a J and the denser part of the geese are gonna be in the hook of the J so like be a fish hook like this and then we'll have ducks and geese mixed in down here in the hook of the J and then those blinds are gonna be kind of in where the hook meets the leg of the J right here and that J is going to be on the upwind side let's go though [Music] just pile our corn right here [Music] he's gonna burst in pretty nice I like them space pretty good just like bunched up animals aren't happy animals isn't theory with this wind it may just be a matter of getting everything set up see which way they want to fly and adjusting to them making adjustments yeah kick your feet out yeah are you definitely in there yeah I don't need to be able to see do i okay so obviously we're gonna try to let him work yeah but yell at ya that flags on your right-hand side yep I got it right here still in there on there coming up in the Sun down with flag yeah it's gonna be some work yeah thanks swung hard the wrong way well they gave us a look somebody will sit in here [Music] [Music] come on swim back I didn't go well I'd say the biggest change we can make is dropping these blinds into the ditch Jack so that profile is just not so high yeah I agree with you a few geese in the air that gave us no attention convinced us to get up and make a change we move our blinds into the adjacent irrigation ditch to reduce shadows and adjust the decoys for the slight change in wind direction birds like to land into the wind you want a good strong wind because they have to pick a direction and it seems like once they commit they're like all right we want to be on the ground because they really start fighting the wind and I think just burning a lot of energy when you're making a Jay or a hook you can use that leg to kind of bump Birds towards the shotguns all right so they'll come in on the leg and then if you have a bump on the leg they'll try to swing around it a little bit and you can kind of put them more into your pocket when they're like way out that's when you're giving it give it the heavy heavy like group calling yeah you want like big honks because I think that's what carries the furthest anyway then it's like lots of like those sharp clucks like Clark look look look look when they turn it's just like a little bit of noise kind of in my mind it's because I've been making so much noise why would everybody just all of a sudden shut up when you call them all the way over yeah okay give us a look be good to us now come on the wind picks up more geese fill the air and they actually start to lock on to our spread things are looking good in fact I am feeling like an actual goose hunter until the neighbor shows up kind of got things shuffled around and spreads looking good and we kind of got the wind that you really want the geese that are setting up to come into this spread are coming over the neighbor's property and there's some other hunters on the neighbors foot place that are shooting the geese I talked to the dude who's set up over there the agreement that we kind of came to which works just fine gentlemen's agreement if you will is you just don't shoot birds that aren't decoying into your spread so less than ideal but you know that I mean that is kind of what you deal with when you're on a real small chunk of ground it's not not any different than hunting public water someplace see this pear [Music] [Music] kill them I'll kill them [Music] [Music] okay it was the angle not behind me okay like I could not even I thought they were sitting on top of your head I was like what you're completely behind me um we could get it done some sky blasting at the big group I don't think it was a good idea yeah okay well dead birds we got boy these are fatties too man yeah well we didn't exactly kill all of them we had our challenges some foreseen some unforeseen I mean there were a lot of birds around we got saw a lot of birds I think we didn't find but we'll have we got enough for a couple meals oh for sure ma'am yeah we could start the stockpile for the for the lunch meat we got we're working towards our goal yeah I mean it just means we're gonna have to do this again yeah sure a combined limit of eight big honkers would have been great but two Birds is a good start to the season come over here I am NOT gonna fully process these birds now so legally transport them I am leaving them whole - hearts and gizzards for a late breakfast before hitting the road back to Bozeman and the office yeah well just grab gizzards and hearts I kind of like feel for where the cavity starts right up that breastbone yeah just give it a pull pretty funny in November you could very well shoot mule deer whitetail buck with less fat than a goose has right now no doubt the thing's been eating well yes no surprise they're eating corn shocker look at that chunk of meat and often wasted chunk of meat no going for the deep dive get in there these things always impressive yep well no hard shots you want to know where if you did get a hard shot I'm just gonna pull the guts out of this thing and dump them over the fence yeah you let them hang in the wind until we're ready to pull out yes give me this stuff yep I'll go start working on this and you go pester mom's chickens / snakes [Music] so this is the super thick grinding surface that I'm starting my cut with basically just trying to punch through that really hard skin and it is really hard to fillet that grinding surface off this thing is a dense dense chunk of muscle and so I'm breaking it down into smaller pieces and the heart's really not as tough fact quite the opposite so I'm gonna keep the heart meat off to the side for this and then this is gonna get simmered in water for probably at 20 minutes miles we've got celery onion going here so I mean these are your al dente yeah and particularly hot all the veggies in here that you saute it up with just onion and celery and then I'm gonna throw the rest of our meat in here there's our heart chunks preheat the oven biscuits going in and then I'll start thickening the basically the meat water with flour to make a gravy Myles can bust out some famous fried slightly poached eggs so we can have a beautiful biscuit giblet gravy farm-fresh egg on the road biscuit gravy well alright bust this joke open delightful the farm freshness just comes right out colors so good yeah man it's great that's spectacular like really really very good yeah will do pastrami with the brass and then one thing is just like so easy it is will pile all the legs in the pressure cooker and then pick all the meat and then I swear to God it just tastes like dark meat turkey some magical thing happens in the pressure cooker and yeah it's great I'm not sorry that you got me out of the office for this and I'm very glad that we had we're able to use the excuse of we need goose meat as like work motivation yeah the fortunate fortunate souls for sure but no man I mean I I can't thank you enough one for bring out here into for exposing me to the delicious intermedium of the goose [Music] you
Channel: MeatEater
Views: 612,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven rinella, meateater, meat eater, Steve rinella, MeatEaters, Meat Eaters, Steven Rinella, Steve Rinella, hunting, all access, show, filming, hunt, shooting, nature, gear, camera, video, deer, deer hunting, camera crew, teamwork, hunter, forest, woods, desert, survival, cooking, food, outdoors, MeatEater Hunts, Hunts, hunting video, montana, yellowstone river, beavers, season 1 episode 6, season 1, episode 6, ep 6
Id: wP-9EJsH79I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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