Monstrous Specimens of Existing Animals

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monsters may be fictional but as it turns out some creatures that are frightening enough to appear in our nightmares may not be so imaginary there are some truly amazing cases of animals that have become so abnormally large and frightening that they've been given names and had you encountered them you'd have probably mistaken them for a monster amazing keeping to some sort of criteria let's define a monstrous animal as one which is abnormally large and of course somewhat frightening number 10 alligator gar of CHO Todd Lake like across alligator and fish this prehistoric animal is one of the largest freshwater fish in America and with a long snout of sharp teeth this predatory fish is also terrifying anecdotal scientific reports suggest that alligator gars can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh as much as a hundred and fifty nine kilograms but in 2011 the largest alligator gar ever caught and officially recorded was 2.6 meters long and weighed a hundred and forty eight kilos the fish got caught in a net set by commercial fishermen Kennedy Williams in late show Todd Mississippi and was beyond recovery when he hauled it in fisheries biologists estimated the big Gator gar was between 50 and 70 years old it has since been reincarnated by a renowned taxidermist into this behemoth work of art number nine southern elephant seal of possession Bay not only are they the largest seal in the Antarctic southern elephant seals are the largest pinniped and largest carnivore alive these sumo wrestlers of the marine world aren't the most attractive animals and with a nose like that it's obvious where they got their name from so to amp up the sex appeal males resort to combat which ends up being brutal given their power and size males are the monstrous ones weighing on average about three times the size of females male seals typically weigh between 2,200 to 4,000 kilos and can be between four point two to five point eight meters long according to animal rec towards the largest recorded specimen was shot in possession Bay South Georgia in 1913 and measured six point eight five meters long it was too large to weigh back then but it's estimated to have tipped the scales at around five thousand kilos number eight Medusa the reticulated python this snake is so frightening ly large that it is primarily kept in a haunted house attraction called the edge of hell in Kansas City Missouri Medusa has been recognized by the Guinness World Records as the world's longest living snake ever in captivity at an unbelievable 7.67 meters in length in order to obtain her full measurements in 2013 15 men had to hold this 159 kilo giant each grasping about ten kilos of the snake in their hands during the measurement at the time she was still only eight years old meaning that she has many years left because reticulated pythons can live to be 25 to 30 years old in order to sustain her size sheets deer hogs or rabbits every two weeks number seven giant freshwater stingray of the Mekong River found in large rivers and estuaries in Indochina and Borneo it has the largest spine of any stingray species and is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world the record for the largest freshwater fish may be held by the Mekong giant catfish and the blue goo sturgeon may also be larger but I think you'll agree this stingray looks a lot more monstrous some unverified accounts do claim that individuals can weigh up to 600 kilos and reach up to 5 meters in length but in reality it's hard to tell because they're nearly impossible to weigh in some cases multiple anglers have spent six hours reeling a single monster in because their surface area and ability to bury themselves in the sand makes them almost impossible to lift out of the water one of the largest documented Giants weighing nearly 350 kilograms was caught by TV nature star Jeff Corwin and several others it's measured four point three meters long and two point four meters wide and was caught in the Mekong River Thailand number six giant jellyfish of Massachusetts Bay at up to two and a half meters wide the lion's mane jellyfish is the world's largest jellyfish it's huge size may be slightly daunting to us humans but its sting is unlikely to kill you unless you're a small fish or smaller jellyfish then you'll be snared by its tentacles yet one single specimen could cause a mass incident as in 2010 about 150 people were reportedly stung by the remains of a fragment specimen the largest recorded specimen is considered one of the longest known animals in the world making it longer than a blue whale it washed up on to Massachusetts Bay in 1870 and one of its tentacles measured 73 meters number five no long the saltwater crocodile this crocodile gave us a glimpse into the prehistoric past a time when truly massive reptiles lurked in the water it was captured after a three-week hunt in 2011 in the Philippines and is believed to be the largest croc ever caught the long measured approximately six point three meters long from snout to tail and weighed close to 1,100 kilograms that would make him almost longer than four grown men and heavier than 13 men each weighing 82 kilos he was kept at the buna Wong eco park until his death in 2013 having lived for at least 50 years we are yet to find another crocodile so big number four giant oarfish of San Diego these long ribbon-like mystical creatures are the longest known living species of bony fish until recently we only knew about them because they occasionally washed up on beaches as illness or currents push them to come up into the shallows you can see how they're possibly the source of many sea serpent legends because when in distress they actually swim with their fin rays and head sticking out of the water but fear not because they have zero interest in gobbling humans as they have no teeth and feed on tiny plankton they're rarely seen because they live at consider or depths which is why we don't know much about them although recent efforts to explore the deep with ROV s have obtained extraordinary footage of them in their natural environment reports suggest that longest recorded specimen was 11 meters long and 272 kilos heavy though the longest photograph appears to be the 7 meter giant found off the coast near San Diego California some unconfirmed reports go so far as to claim that they can reach as much as 17 meters which almost sounds too big to be true number 3 deep blue the great white shark megalodons may be extinct but some people still insists they exist you may think they're crazy but it's true that 95% of the ocean remains unexplored so it may just be a matter of time till we know for sure in fact most specimens in this video have been found relatively recently as technology has enabled us to explore more of the world even the biggest great white ever caught on camera named deep blue was only spotted in 2013 Michael Maier encountered this real-life jaws whilst cage diving and it's probably one of the most extraordinary Close Encounters ever seen in the deep the animal was estimated at over seven metres long although published reports suggest that some great whites may be as large as 8 meters long and weigh over 3,300 kilos it's definitely beastly but in some ways also elegant so if you wanted something uglier than the rare goblin or frilled sharks might fascinate you number 2 Hercules the liger ligers are magically are you dry alaya what's a lighter they're the world's biggest cats a hybrid between a male lion and a female tiger hence the name a liger is huge because it exhibits hybrid vigor meaning that it compounds the best genetic qualities of both parents becoming bigger stronger smarter and faster than estimates suggest that less than a hundred of these magnificent creatures exist in the world and they virtually never occur in the wild today because the shrinking habitats of lions and tigers no longer overlap the most amazing liger hercules lives at the Myrtle Beach Safari wildlife preserve in South Carolina and is the size of his father and mother combined Hercules is almost 4 metres tall and weighs over 410 kilograms making him larger than the saber-tooth to prehistoric Smilodon he's definitely not ugly in any way but his size surely makes him monstrous enough number one colossal squid off Antarctica he could mistake them for the cracker not even squiddy they're true monsters of the deep and since only eight have been verified they're just as elusive as they are mind-boggling and go to show that there's still much to discover these Antarctic dwellers have three hearts sharp hooked tentacles and along with being the largest known invertebrates and heavier squid in the world they also possess the largest eyes of any living creature in the world the first one ever discovered in 1925 was found inside the stomach of a dead sperm whale and many others have been found this way the largest ever recorded specimen is on display at New Zealand's National Museum and was captured in 2007 weighing almost 500 kilos and measuring about 10 meters in length however a premature specimen found in 2003 provides evidence to suggest that they could potentially grow up to 750 kilos and 14 meters in length which would make them longer than the giant squid since most of these creatures have been discovered recently it's interesting to think that even these monstrous animals may be dwarfed by other creatures out there so do you think there are even more monstrous creatures out there thanks watching and subscribe to be amazed or don't forget to check out the amazing video by clicking the box on the screen now [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 153,391
Rating: 4.8809524 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing, monstrous, specimens, animals, animal, creature, ever, existing, extant, monster, alligator gar, Southern elephant seal, Reticulated Python, Medusa, Giant Jellyfish, Lolong, Saltwater Crocodile, Giant Oarfish, Great White shark, Deep Blue, jaws, Megalodon, Liger, Hercules, hybrid, Colossal squid, Kraken, world, record, recorded, huge, biggest, beast, prehistoric, frightening, dinosaur, living, captured, caught, scary, unbelievable, incredible, official, giant, stingray, legends, real, mysterious
Id: U91Ram_jU4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2016
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