Monster Trucks Get a Paint Job

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we are gonna make the coolest customized painted monster trucks oh hey what is up Adventure agents agent tech see ur gonna get your custom agent bag check the link in description down below okay filling Kingdom good jockey five you know how to get your custom agent bag behold we have two we're gonna do what hey bake them but they're already paid don't why we gonna buy them because we want to pay them yeah well one thing because we want to paint them but number two the reason we are going to paint these monster trucks is because we can't release our videos on Amazon because they say that they have the brands on them and Amazon doesn't want that so we want to make videos for all of you who watch on Amazon and YouTube so for that reason we are going to paint these monster tricks so which one are you gonna paint axle yeah so this is a really neat monster truck I've had these monster trucks for about a year and a half now we have an open them they just been in the shed over there funny feelings you know what a funny feeling is being tickled is a funny feeling if it makes you laugh but before we paint these monster trucks every one axle is gonna show you something wow that is pretty cool it's a trident yeah and what is this a shield so we've been doing a lot of working us in this building and I've been making a lot of things with wood and Ajax got the saw out and boy did he make an arsenal of weapons here dude he started out with this thing this really crazy looking sword thing and then he made the daggers he made a curved sword and then let me see you made that I challenge you to a duel pretty fun let's go about this one that's why your hand is protected so when they turn it ah hit your hand tense just a sports block in - that's a pirate sword yard fight okay what's it okay so I have my shield which yield mine you only get the sword he only gets a sword I guess user-agents what's better a cylinder a shield see yarn Wow the shields work better so maybe in a fight you could actually win with two shields ready here we go oh they're gonna comb in one legged Tex oh it's okay I could use magic words one two three zero yes oh all right so we have funny feelings here and the darts charger what are you doing River oh you're scraping the face that's gonna be painful look all right well I guess we got a scratch funny face off mm-hmm there's all kind of faces or throw-up face there's the crazy phrase scared face are two faces surprised face no crazy base no there's a crazy place right there I think that's why it's alright so sand that paint off we want our paint at stake we gotta sand it off we are gonna make the coolest customized painted monster trucks it's gonna be awesome there you go this is taking over mm-hmm you know I think we might have to bring out the big guns this thing right here this wire wheel will grind that right off 300 ramp the shield is high let's have some fun with the moss tricks ready what no no all the way all the way to Oh most to the bathtub hey who's that cowboy right there hey what are you doing my bathtub get out my bathtub cowboy ride em cowboy oh there's my shadow shadow I thought that was cowboy taking over my bathtub all right come on now we're gonna do the ramping for real ready I shall hold the ramp rabbit you it didn't even touch the rim it maybe already know that all right so you want to rant funny feelings look out for Bubba don't hey Bubba all right funny feeling what's it oh girl you hiding behind my shield you got it okay well yet safety glasses just in case okay and I have the super duper goggles here see nothing can get in on the sides anywhere okay super protection goggles because I'm about to use this super duper our Yugi [Music] yep this is called a grinder and that is a wire wheel and that wire wheel is gonna grind the paint right off of these monster trucks are you ready all right you two they say stay back okay all right check it out I don't even know that we have to paint this right it just looks super cool so this is aluminum underneath here see that it's yeah we already granted you don't even need to sand it down agents this is so cool I love this color but do you want to paint it still yeah yeah we have all of our paints over here and brushes why can't we paint over it well do you feel how smooth that is paint will just come right off of there that's called high gloss yeah high gloss the paint will just come right off just peel it right off be too easy but this is rough we're gonna do tests okay pull your finger across here does that feel more slippery than this pull your finger across here does it feel like this is gripping your hand a little more the paint will stick to this rough surface better then it'll stick to here because it gave a bond on my grind Bubba's down and you can both paint them at the same time all right let's grind this Dodge Charger down you ready let's go [Music] Wow this is all done look at that oh man it's so cool how the silver and the yellow blend like that so awesome had to grind the hot wheels off of their teeth okay everyone in I am going to clean up this old gravedigger that we have see that the paint is already just scraping off there I'm gonna clean this up and I'm gonna paint this one for me Wow check that out would you even know that this was a grave digger that is so neat here we are we have the monster trucks to paint here are the paint choices many many colors to choose from what is this lime-green oh no it says leaf right there a leaf green I guess purple you call it passion that's the color yeah what is that it's a it's called coral but it's like a peachy color candy yeah Oh candy apple that sounds so good I'm gonna paint yep here's the thing though before you dip into a new paint you have to clean your brush in the water okay bright yellow right yellow okay oh you're gonna match some of the yellow that was here before what color would you paint your monster truck if you we're gonna be painting one of these huh and maybe you have a monster truck who's a pain is flaking off it's really old maybe it needs a new paint job you could do this too huh I just absolutely squared of time would think ooh hey those look like really delicious colors electric blue electric blue now that sounds cool I know a plug-in alright okay so we have decided all of our colors here oh wow River you got it going on girl that's candy apple red I think and Walker you don't need to paint the windshield then they can't see [Music] let's see that blue oh look at that girl I mean a little bit like yeah paint that the frame back there that's a good idea yeah okay axle so what are you starting with a must be electrically oh it's making kind of work I missed out on mine really liking this 14-karat gold look it was like a gold and silver blend [Music] can I see oh my goodness has Lucas feel better if I'm making the territory things of all the Greek gods like Zeus it's the god of thunder protections they got of does she go guys [Music] I painted the buccaneers blue here and that's sighs I guess there's only one door on this gravedigger so I'm just gonna paint everything else red oh ho ho Axl I love all the blue and the red flash there is that black Wow oh I think I have a really neat way to dry these because I want to play with these monster trucks I want to go on a little adventure with them but wanting to dry them off really quickly that the Sun is almost gone though look the Sun went down almost so I don't think we can use the Sun but that's a good idea I have something else but something that is hotter than the Sun well that's pretty hot [Music] so are you having fun Axl mm-hmm very much fun a lot of fun and you havin fun maybe yeah yeah you guys want to paint more monster trucks yeah we should do another video when we paint other monster trucks one thing we have to name these monster trucks because we can't name them the same name that they were before mine was great deer but now I'm going to call it how do you feel figure of Goldilocks really it's gold on the top gold a lot of us old yeah so what are you gonna name yours the big three the big three okay everyone so this is the thing that is going to dry it off it is literally a giant torch and it is going to shoot really warm air and that warm air is going to guess what yeah that's gonna dry it off it's called evaporation the warm air makes the moisture into paint because this is a water-based paint you evaporate very quickly and that will dry it and boy we need a hurry and dry because the Sun is going down we would have gone into adventure with our monster trucks alright stand back all right we're gonna leave this here you back a little bit and it should be try what is he doing up there what is your monster drip-dry now oh my goodness this monster truck is armed and dangerous wow that is so neat really what a great idea my monster truck is dry too look Pete look even a G is dry man that would take a look so long that a heater really drive it out actually touching the cloud you actually kind of fragile and they're holding up a bunch of insulation Oh are we gonna ramp our monster trucks off of here oh this is Matt you're soft and cushy so you are gonna wrap up your monster trucks off of a loft oh I missed it I've missed it you're wait do it again do it again wait for me - OH Oh when I say go okay Ready Steady Go [Music] did you see how are yours battled axle wheels again what the world let's make a game out of this so your honor if you bounce really high you get a bad point it you get a wheel balance point wheel point I like it let's do it why are you two ready to do somewhere happen yeah all right when I say go three two one ramp I said ramp that's good enough okay you ran out of wheels and axles bounced again so Axl got a bounce point wherever got a wheel point that means you each have two points river has two wheel points actually to balance but I can't believe that rivers keeps landing on her wheels it's awesome great work monster truck okay so I have a really cool idea okay we're gonna make a giant ramp it's gonna be epic ready for the best [Music] oh my goodness look out ready 1 2 look at this ramp this is one of the coolest ramps we've ever made this is like the ramp off of the roof over the box we're in all right axel gold ride let's try it let's see it lets see it it did a full front flip and then check rolling all right send him down okay there we go now we have the crash mat I want to see you again I want to see them again ready what did we get get it to go out the door ok 10 points the person who gets the monster truck to go out on the quad ok River see if you can make it through the doorway ready come on you can do it this thing it just won't stop landing on its wheels that's incredible Wow all right come on X um let's see if you can make it through the door go go I know you're right this is too high we need some sort of like ramp here ok so I made a ramp here and now I'm gonna try I haven't got to try it yet so I really want to see if I can make it happen [Music] ah I couldn't make it work axel is the best he got it twice okay River you gave it a try okay see if you can make it out the door it's gotta make it out the door then I could do it oh my goodness I just whoa ah read its back I just realized how colorful this thing is it looks so cool man I'm really impressed they both land on their wheels did make it out the door but they land on other wheels Oh are you scared gonna rot oh no I'm gonna call it golden axel Oh cuz axel golden excellent I believe we need to do one who's doing okay on each of us I do mine okay are you ready oh this looks so high oh my goodness what if you were inside this monster truck what would you do wait do you do it would you go down what about you would you go down here so wish we had a slide that could go down here don't you it'd never be cool there be cool okay so I got a fun game okay so golden axel is the king of the tower who can dethrone the king yes Oh whoever dethrones them gets to be the king in the next round okay are you ready let's see it I challenge you to dethrone me send out your challengers who is your next Challenger send them out it's okay golden axel it's okay you'll get another chance okay I well now as the new king proclaim well be king three oh look we should make it even bigger tower it gets so high is that out of the frame can you even see that oh it's in the frame just barely oh no oh my goodness oh and it's so perfect I just have to do it look so this is the king this is the subject okay the citizen needs to knock down the towers and come back with a whole army full skeleton signature in the world it was crash them down [Music] did you see that trick it flipped around and layabouts wheels and turned around that was so cool [Music] it okay we're on the temp like 50 now okay so we're going to yell switcheroo here because this one I don't think it can get going fast enough it hit it but it didn't work this one is heavier because it has bigger wheels and the axle works better the King oh you're back can you help us okay we need you to just thrown the King oh I didn't even notice look that top part fell over this monster truck is the supreme king of all the monster figure but we'll try it one more time okay okay when I say go keep throwing the King go ah you missed it by a mile that's it this monster truck has remained the King you want to switch it out okay all right let's take that one out but this citizen okay go I know it's wheels again that is so awesome Wow this monster truck really is the king [Music] River finally got it we try to like 50 times so everyone what do you think about a monster trucks you like um I think they're so cool what do you two think you want to paint some more monster trucks coolest thing ever okay I really enjoy painting very all master tracks in Lake ofin maybe you could do that too whoa careful okay all right everyone well I thought that it'd be really neat to make a video of us painting our new monster truck so that we can make new videos for Amazon with them right uh remember love you we think you're awesome and we are so glad you joined us on today's adventure and remember also to give a page sponsorship to his face to my face oh if you want to get your adventure age at merch or I've entered your badge check the link description down below great remember you don't need an adventure agent shirt or an adventure agents badge do cleaning attachments something that comes from the heart and if you do paint your own monster truck we would love to see a picture of it share it with us on our Facebook page check link description down below you say bye bye Asia I don't know what my agent name is buy it happy about it detects out
Channel: The Axel Show
Views: 11,786,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8uGKwMFYfbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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