Monster Hunter World with a side of salt

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Great Video!

When he talked about the handler, it reminded me of the beginning.

Your handler asks you to hook onto the wyvern, just so you can save her...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ana22895 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] you mr. hunter world is a game about you guessed it hunting monsters or maybe you didn't guess it because some people still seem off set when you tell them that this game is in fact about hunting monsters what are you doing it you hunt monsters okay but do you do anything else No you hunt monsters in Monster Hunter world them dinos are strifing for a knife in - into a passion and doing whatever they can to sport a metaphorical middle finger and dick you over as you try to murder them in their family its limping this is my shot nothing to lose fine what what no no mhw is basically monster under five but with a different name because they wanted to draw in a newer crowd and obviously numbers are scary because five would imply that you had to play the other four and they're G an ultimate versions and the spin offs and [ __ ] but you don't really have to play any of the other games it does a pretty dang good job of easing in newcomers to the series for at least the basics of what you need to head on out and beat up some aunties diehard fans of the series sometimes complain about the casualisation of the game since monster hunter always had a spot of it's hard open wide to its gameplay the main thing I saw rag Don was the fact that you can now move while drinking potions which prior to this entry you had to take a sip Ian flex and everything was healed up and one go in world you can move while wetting your whistle and the help recovers gradually however if you dodge out of it or get hit you stop healing but still lose your pot the entire action takes longer than the sipping flux so I feel it still retains a sense of risk for healing especially considering in this title the areas are all connected so you can't do the hardcore option of ducking out of the area healing and then coming back in there are a lot of other tweaks but 90% of them just save you from having to look up a Wikipedia article about a monster or weapon treat so I'm not sure that can really be counted as anything other than quality of life changes I do kind of hate how some monsters Telegraph things harder than they did in previous series but whatever so I guess I'll touch upon the very obvious the game looks gorgeous like hot dog it is so nice to see a monster hunter that doesn't look like a PlayStation 2 game as mentioned in the past each area had a loading screen transition which would kind of pull you away from the fluidity of battle and this you don't get to choose any monsters through a load zone you're any always the maps are loaded with a variety of things to interact with - whether it's bugs to heal you or give you a free flash bomb the pre-made traps designed to damage or capture your prey there are only five Maps but each map has multiple floors and equates to roughly 1.5 to 2 times the size of previous areas in the game there are however much less monsters in most titles but this is likely due to the fact that they had to create new HD assets from scratch instead of just importing a monster from previous title that share the same graphics they do promise to update the game with free monsters and sometimes to an old people Joe is heading our way so I have some hope in that regard it's neat seeing how different monsters interact with each other and in different environments considering it used to just be if you're in a room with monsters you're solely targeted and they're gonna make your life hell it's fun seeing them pick fights with each other and monsters don't even bother with you because you just don't matter to him until you provoke them plus we got the best monster bro of all the titty kicker this mofo will show up when you're fighting something else blast his high beams on that [ __ ] and then swag out way to be man I'll never hunt you unless I have to you are the complete opposite of Beetlejuice who was always sporting that I heard you were having fun hunting anyone but me mentality and literally dive-bombing in your battles bring dung bombs and high-ranking nerds I keep using all my poo my favorite part about this game is in fact the weapons from the ones I played and from what I've heard every weapon is viable except the hunter orange spill and they were given changes to make them unique effective and fun I myself made the hammer for multiplayer and generally cheese through the single-player slash farm with the charge played each weapon has their own job and unfortunately that's not something the game is gonna teach you it doesn't really teach multiplayer etiquette like when hunting with pals keep in mind your attacks can affect others I can't tell you how many times I've tried unloading the big bang combo with my hammer which to those who don't know needs to hit every mark otherwise it can't do its finisher which obviously does the most only to have it interrupted by a switch axe charge blade or longsword that's aiming for the head because mode oops when the monster has a perfectly healthy tail just they're gonna be sliced off by something like oh I don't know a sword weapons the teal slice damage should always be aiming to cut a tail whenever possible and only when that's done should you be moving to different targets hammers generally focus the face to rack up the exhaust and ko potential that's it that's their space let them have it you jerks most bows and guns I see generally know what's up and rarely interrupt others Lance's are the true glue I rarely see them online but when I do I know they are there without a care for tear lists and they're just gonna rock with their weapon of choice and have a great time doing it as they tank and spank every beasty gun Lance's might do this but more often than not will trip you non-stop and spam the fire attack as mentioned the long swords charge blades and switch exes aren't bad weapons per se but hot damn just be wary of your fellow hunters when you bring ease in the multiplayer pretty much every single thing you do as a giant sweep and guess what that does it's RIT's stop it dual swords are for the Wii via STUV weebs sure they are gonna deal their deeps but they'll probably have some anime name and card a few times hunting horns are non-existent and that's a shame nobody uses the sword and shield outside of learning the je suis Montes can burn in hell why am i mounting the monster more than you when all you do is spam the mounting attack you do know you can actually deal damage if you do anything else right great swords are a force to fear the shoulder bash is a godsend and if they're smart enough to slice tails in one swing you've got yourself a teammate and obviously being as unbiased as I always am it's just a fact that hammers are the best and everyone who uses them is cool because they see giant asks creatures and say I want to play whack-a-mole with that thing's [ __ ] face and they continue to break parts get them tired super fast and knock them out for their teammates to deal all of their flashy specials not to mention flip a [ __ ] baby if you don't think that's the best move in the game you're just you're just wrong you're wrong Oh charge but you're wrong wrong biggest gripe however is in fact the multiplayer you can't make rooms based around your rank outside of low and high and joining quests can be a pain especially for story quests I went in thinking I was gonna be able to easily press on with my pals and but story missions which are the first half of the game are locked behind cutscenes which the host must view first so instead of just picking a mission and heading out with you and your bud you both have to create separate missions both view at cutscenes and then decide who is gonna duck out and rush in to join the other session I'm perfectly fine doing a mission twice like how you had to do the urgence for everyone in the party in previous games but just let me start it with a bud from the get-go it was super unnecessary and I get that yeah you want everyone to experience the story their own way but I couldn't give a [ __ ] or not whether it's mine or my buddy's armor in the cutscene as long as we're tag-teaming beasts non-stop speaking of story [ __ ] the handler her the damn field team leader are so annoying I get it not everyone knows how to play the game but when they chime in non-stop loudly to go it's like thanks did I really need a message for that if you were hurt you can use washi to recover HP but be careful you don't know chance you may need to swap Plus I really really don't understand what the handler brings to the table other than food to stuff her [ __ ] face with seriously from a story aspect what is she [ __ ] do all she does is go starry-eyed over everything and continuously try to commit suicide I don't need someone to tell me [ __ ] monster a partner do you think we should haunt it she I don't know in this game called Monster Hunter should we hunt the monster we just saw the cat cooks better than her I do all the hunting she doesn't even build anything or help fight Zora the most she actively contributes is pushing a cart at one area of the game and that's only after the hunter motions her to [ __ ] do something plus she's got that weird like uncanny valley resna evil face but a lot of characters have that in this game the only other noteworthy gripe is just the fact that there is not a lot of monster variety and other games you have giant insects monkeys bears all sorts of things but in this it's basically all lizard dragon whiffer and stuff the only ones standing out being the horse and the weird furry fetish bat yeah whatever we had a cute bat that inflated itself and attacked by sitting on people ultimately whether you're a returning player of the series or newbie if you like some type battles and a sense of accomplishment I'd recommend picking this game up I'm normally not a fan of grindy games but in this game it's honestly not terrible it's actually really neat getting stronger and going back to see how fast you can take down a monster you struggled with or how many you can hunt in one sitting at least until you have to grind for something like a rathalos Ruby than its hell it's a fantastic game to play with friends and the only peeps that probably won't like it are the ones who think giant swords should be swung around super fast like their fav anime or the ones that try and create controversy over dragons and [ __ ] attacking villages [Music]
Channel: ScottFalco
Views: 3,126,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Hunter side of salt, Monster hunter world side of salt, Monster hunter the office, scottfalco side of salt, monster hunter animation, scottfalco monster hunter
Id: R5sTW7_yyP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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