Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - Fatalis Hunt

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get over here [Music] [Music] i'm going to take safeguard all righty then only one of them [Music] oh well well we're not getting this attempt does anyone have insurance well no insur i don't think insurance popped up for anyone either yeah no right okay uh yeah thank you scarlett check by condos oh so same thing as last time right we're gonna let geno and z hop down first prep the cannons and then uh mek and i come down afterwards right yeah i posted the quest by the way yep got it all right guys focus i am not opposed to doodling goofy hats on samus okay ready yep you don't see all right hold up oh wait a minute we're going to put the on the mantle i don't want i don't want a an eight that's a ten eight from last time again yeah you know no there's the boy no he's more like oh like you you can see him right there he do be he'd be vibing yeah all right guys uh give us give us the cue don't forget we can go in early and then wait around just on the wing drinks yeah we don't have to like wait until they ready the cannon so like give us a give us a call yep [ __ ] stop getting nervous alex come on we got this we got this i don't think we're gonna get this on our first attempt but oh hell no no it would be very funny if you did oh it would be hilarious if tell you what if uh if we beat this on our first try i will i i will i will play i will spend the rest of the stream dressing my 2b costume [ __ ] do it we need okay come on guys we need this all right guys come down all right [ __ ] now i need to go out now i need to um i need to guarantee this one okay also we're gonna come down all right let's do this because they're yeah all right guys whenever you're ready two one go uh uh thank you for the gifts prince doubler all right focus all right all right demon powder hardshell that's tender i'll look at it here momentarily all right guys good luck i recommend putting up your temporal mantle immediately because it's just going to beat the two of us oscar i don't have a park after the one idiot never mind and front legs are tenderized ah he's in the wall i'm going to spend most of this encounter staying above him as best i can that is the point of the insect wave okay as far as uh look out ah come on [ __ ] okay look out okay oh geez i'm healed like hold on good good good work okay hind leg get away from him good oh jesus [Music] okay turning this way fireball fireball again temporal mantle's out all right hit his wings that's not what i wanted fire oh [ __ ] oh so [ __ ] okay uh i'd get him away from the corner if i were you guys i don't really like a rocksteady is almost out god damn it i'm getting an easy dust of life right now thanks i have five i have three remember not to use them too much early on yeah i'm not going to i know just sing i just remember the last time i did that oh geez that hurt yeah we need some healing oh jesus oh geez i'm stunned can anyone get him i got it i think i'm good i think i'm good i think i'm good thanks oh what the hell i could have made it just don't stand in the fire now i forgot to record this but i doubt we're going to get this almost right um i'll say that i'm not trying to be oh fire cone we need to try and tenderize this oh did we stun him there i got him uh lazy writer thank you for subscribing dude trying to get his front legs but oh jesus sharpening up careful oh he's looking at you all right okay that wasn't too bad oh thank you all right i'm sorry no it's okay that's okay that's fine god that's actually kind of funny whenever it happens i wasn't preparing anything big either so it's not like you caused a huge hindrance but yeah okay oh my god okay wow all right let's go let's go let's go let's go behind the iron curtain everybody sharpen all right uh when this comes down i'm gonna refresh demon powder we have to hide behind this iron slap just to avoid that and that's insta kill if it uh if you stay in it too long i would imagine yeah in certain hard shells if any of you guys want to use a uh roman ballista go ahead but i do not have uh heavy artillery so i do but it's on my uh it's on my um yeah i went for fire resistance on all my mantles instead of heavy artillery because it's not just it's so situational all right guys i'll leave it up to you i'm gonna try and reach it with my insect glaive all right look out see did you get the head there i did tail what okay i was uh i was grounded for a bit oh no that's not gonna oh yeah uh when the when the string goes silent it's like it's usually because they're super super focused which it's why i can read out chess in the meantime yes thank you for that chica yes thank you my temporal mantle's up i'm gonna try and use that to uh oh jesus gino oh my god yeah now i'm gonna tender his front arms it's very intense to watch imagine playing it chica nice okay good hit i'm gonna re-tenderize the head again just to refresh it i know you already did see but i'm doing [ __ ] anyway all right there my temporal mantle's up god this music is so good good spread again ah that hit me it's okay shake it off shake it off yeah yep uh don't worry sheikah it's kind of my routine since i always watch my brother play that's you know that's totally fair um i've always been more of a watcher when it comes to video games anyway because i'm the youngest of three siblings and uh i rarely got to play the playstation 2 growing up so oh hang on i need to heal again assuming that he lets me oh yeah she's really good at diablo 3. i don't know why interesting or is it a single player dungeon crawler uh single player no i do i do pvp oh god indianapolis if it was co-op then i'd gladly play through the game uh with a friend i think is there a co-op option in the diablo three there is there is local multiplayer too uh yep there you go there is a co-op version uh i usually i never i never played the co-op uh it's a lot of fun um i did uh co-op with my oldest brother because he's also ridiculously good at diablo and oh jesus do you have a thank you scene he's down he's down go good [ __ ] good [ __ ] i'm refreshing the head good blue head is refreshed let me get away from you guys i don't want to interrupt disease damn it get away from me oh okay so there's number one well this gives me time to get rid of my [ __ ] one mantle now red swipe okay oh jeez okay that hurt you're good you're good you're good you're good all right he okay i need to sharpen standby does anyone have the balls to try and grow me against the wall when we are getting closer um i did get the dlc for it though um my my main was uh witch doctor i like barbarian in uh in diablo 3. i don't know i wonder why it was funeral friedrich of gompers was a crusader i'm alive i'm alive i also did local multiplayer with my partners in killing range get away from his face oh good try nice crusader is fun though that might be a fun screen to do because they have the uh the the hardcore mode which is permanent yeah yep we got something nice i did we get this arm no it's a wing wing okay yeah that's the wings things are all torn up now it's almost always the wing verse that we get yeah mainly because i'm the one who's like up there like constantly packing away at it oh no oh damn it i tried man i tried no it's fine i didn't die anyway like i had a [ __ ] i was completely out healing items so i had to i had to die okay we keep baiting his cone of fire again is that actually a good strategy z in pvp yeah without four players what is baiting that cone of fire because you can easily punish demon hunters i it for me it is because i get to get a free oh yeah the the cone of fire is a great way to hit the head you just gotta make sure you get away for the effort let's just stay away from oscar right now yeah yep he's just gonna keep using his tail and everything to get oscar off just be careful because we might need to go into this he's coming down here yeah back up hang on no way are you gonna [ __ ] beat this oh no we're not even close i'm just bringing it down that's all i'm doing yeah yeah god his head is in the worst spot just hack away just hack away yep refreshing refresh we're in the corner oh god oh fargo get away [Music] original me ready to um run to the barrier uh they were a fun class i don't know why i ended up switching the witch doctor but i don't know why he's definitely going to go to the thing soon go go go go go go go we're fine we're finally fine we have plenty of time still though oscar you got it we don't need to time the lever pull do we or do we just need to press it oh yeah just pull it now okay okay all right sharpen everybody yep yep all right moment of truth guys heart shell again i have heard of paratopic i haven't actually played it though is that an organ going for those arms i couldn't get out of that never mind we don't have three oh bro it's chest i think oh get over here on the opposite side thank you for the 17 months dude where his head is oh god run yeah he does have to move just get on the opposite side over his head it's interesting yeah i'm trying i'm just trying to stay just right up against him oh [ __ ] i'm glad i saved the temporal mantle for this phase get away from him get away from oh god oh yeah i know i'm good i'm good yeah my temporal mantle is almost out mine is definitely out moxie gotcha oscar heal up now i'm working on it i'm working on it and get away from superman have that oh [ __ ] i tried that no no do not sharpen alex you [ __ ] idiot got it oh that sucks oh god of fire thank god oh god that hurts oh wow it doesn't matter if you can cut the tail or not tail is the tail i am stunned but you can't i should be flying off i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i just need to heal up i just need to heal up yeah you're also on fire yeah i know i know caught on fire get away nice stuff nice nice oh okay wait which side okay that side that's right go go on the sides go on the sides okay oscar's fine i need to heal i'm [ __ ] fine okay good [ __ ] oscar i see you just like ah roman ballista can be used again you have to throw up on fire back up get away from that i really don't have a choice hold on oh no oh jesus if you do a tail swipe fake alice i swear nice no we can't okay i was gonna say can we do that that second time or no he immediately gets angry about it he's like [ __ ] you what's my dustup there it is [Music] uh no princess i do not think it is dead yet it is very much still moving too late too late oh well i'm sorry that's okay that's okay i did it for the four to five ten minutes left left god damn it [ __ ] this i'm doing my pills game if you caught if alice [ __ ] goes and does another fire spread i'm going to punch my computer please don't punch your computer i'm not going to do that but still not yet oh god damn it all right yeah this is intense dragon eater's operational i mean by me working on it yeah i'm trying to god just thank you for the heel little midair jump that was really cool thank you let's get the [ __ ] over here you piece [ __ ] on oh that's perfect go go go go go [ __ ] yeah yeah oh man that would've been awesome if i got it proof of a hero baby sorry z he's gonna do he's gonna do another spray in a minute yeah we had to get under him all right yep towards the front towards the front i'm out i'm out barely okay i've given you guys one of these thanks all right i have one left just wondering oh nice oh okay don't you dare move your head god damn it you're just gonna go down temporal's up yeah he has 150 one thousand hp wait get away from him ah all right all right i'm coming back i'm coming back can you eat anything at the canteen i'm gonna see if i can i'm gonna see if i can look out body slam oh thank you temporal i see the skull oh isn't there one more fire spray after this no oh [ __ ] oh no god oh yep oh no back potion dude i'm not sure what the timer's at exactly it's not it's not at five minutes yet i think it would give us a notification it would give us another notification at five minutes yeah oh i'm gonna superman dive this yeah oscar oh good good i'm not gonna get it i fell off i fell off just so [ __ ] yeah [Music] [ __ ] okay well we missed we missed the wall bang chance but we're not dead i i ran out of stamina yeah it's okay that's okay caught a fire get away from him oh so that's what that was i was like someone kicked me off come on i'm okay i have one less dust of life demon powder heart shell i have two life powers left use them wisely i have both life powders and dust of life not today get away from him oh i'm so cracked if anyone has a dust of life please use it okay caught a fire gino i'm good get away from him oh jesus [Applause] for less than an hour i don't [ __ ] believe it [ __ ] kidding me everyone oh you better get the tv off for this are you kissing me [Music] i don't [ __ ] believe it thank you for the gift subs man oh my god are you [ __ ] serious oh no it's a large elder dragon gem [ __ ] get over here wait where fight where's my fatalist elder eye what is that oh my god oh i had to break the head twice down all right time to go thanks uh thanks magnus for clipping that that's my goodness i start for the gift subs now we just need the now we just need a donation dudes i felt it in my [ __ ] bones oh my lord we actually did it first [ __ ] try today what time is it it is 1 27. guys that was a half an hour i know i know but jesus christ hang on the commander has something to say i gotta go talk to him huh get over here i don't [ __ ] believe it oscar you had better get that [ __ ] tv outfit out it's happening dudes babe yeah can you do me a favor uh-huh pull out my old 2b out there i'm dressing up as 2b today people but you i'm pretty sure you got rid of them because you said you were gonna remake them oh what what are you guys gonna stream now though um hey we got we got a hundred people 200 what are you [ __ ] silly wait a second what do we got destino get over it gino just donated 200 p.o 50. we made the 200 gold people oh my god oh my god thank you guys so much i don't even forget to pull out my group here i wanted to drink something expecting we were gonna be here until like 10 at night oh my god [ __ ] man okay i found the tv outfit all right guys i'm going to take a break i'll leave it on the screen here i will be back i can't believe i'm [ __ ] doing this oh my god so yeah here's my outfit they can't hang on i can't get up the camera oh there you go there you go [Music] do yeah that's a bet a deal is a deal guys okay under our i used under armor on this thing jesus christ this doesn't look good without the proper preparation like i don't have the chest i don't have a makeup or anything i wonder what kira [ __ ] to say about this i said i was gonna do it and i am yeah i think she's seen a bunch of no actually because of all kinds at this point totally okay to laugh and by the way yeah um actual heels too like i actually practiced walking in these things i'm [ __ ] kidding y'all better donate after me putting myself through this [ __ ] i'm waiting for you to put the headphones on oh man a little but you know what it's fun uh grill said i'd love to see you go full on that cosplay while playing and try to play with the blindfold on i am not playing that no i am not playing with a blindfold i said that although that being said like i'm willing to show this guy i'm willing to show this off to you guys right now right i i am willing to show this off but i'm not playing i'm not wearing this during the actual game because it is hot in this thing okay it's actually really freaking hot in this thing it's like faux leather it's like swinging it's like you know it's very light all that there's the cut above and whatnot no see normally i'd be wearing like um pantyhose under here yeah to like simulate like skin and one of us would do your makeup yeah this is just me just wearing it with no preparation i don't have my boobs joe said [Applause] oh [ __ ] i keep forgetting that he doesn't have the headphones on thank you yep go ahead and slip fast um i'm going to move this over here and yeah i actually have this thing uh which i showed up before so to be sure it could actually use a bit of a clean actually but yeah from here it looks a lot a little i don't have my boobs oscar 20 21. ah so there you go so if anyone want to screenshot or clip this now's the time did someone do it oh my god oh my lord the things i put in the things i do the things you do the things i do the thing is like i said that jokingly thinking that we were not going to beat fatalis on our first try what what do we do we beat fatalities for our first try turn down gave you the gift of prophecy and this is how you used it turns out okay yeah it turns out the best way to beat fatalism to set up some ridiculous scenario that you have to put yourself through if you do manage to accomplish it and there you go yeah did you check your dms oh boy sweetie malicious tablet noises that's every fan are seeing you cross play oh my god i can't wait to look back at the comment section and just see like the absolute ape-shitness that just happened oh you'll be you'll be very infused very enthused [Music] you
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 2,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Green Scorpion, greenscorpion64, video games, countdown, let's play
Id: a8zrYo-0T8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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