[Monster Hunter World] ~ Best & Most Efficient Ways to Farm Decorations in 2024

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[Music] welcome fellow Hunters to another guide video in this one we'll be having a look at the best ways to farm decorations in Monster Hunter world this video is up to date for 2024 as pretty much all event quests are available so we know exactly what to farm without further Ado let's jump right into it if you are still battling your way through the base game AKA low rank or high rank there are two specific quests I can recommend for decoration Farm Number One the greatest jagas and number two the names lava SEO the issue is that you need to be Hunter Rank 50 to be able to do them which you probably will only reach by the time you are already in iceborn where we obviously have different and better ways to farm decorations so let's talk iceborn first you should focus on finishing the story and getting to the guiding lens usually most armor will be sufficient to let you finish the story without any big problems in case you still want to farm some decorations before finishing it we got one specific very simple event Quest Flora frostbite it requires mastering three and you simply just need to gather stuff it's super quick and efficient my advice is to do this Quest if you want to take a break from hunting and still improve your gear passively from there on I really suggest finishing the story because any other very good and meaningful way to form deos will be locked behind master rank 24 which you reach shortly after finishing the iceborn story once you reach master rank 24 there's two ways to form decorations first one which can be a bit tough is the quest called the wrath of Thunder descends which involves hunting a tempered zogre in the Ancient Forest the reason it's so good is because you get a guaranteed sealed face Stones which are the only way to obtain the big boy attack 4 and expert 4 decorations still I personally believe this grind can be really hard so I have a different and simpler way to get you some good base decorations usually if you're speeding through game you like all decorations from the base game which you can get super easily via the an iceborn introduced Steamworks the Steamworks runs on Dragon vein which you can obtain in different ways either you gather it in The Guiding lens which is chill and easy or you form the farewell to Z NOA quest which you can complete in a decent time and Nets you really good amounts of dragon vein the Steamworks will then in return give you a lot of items that are very useful especially the celestial w prints which allow you to meld nearly every single mantle in the game but of course also the meling tickets melding tickets can come in form of Steel silver and gold and net you an absolutely insane amount of old decorations this is in my opinion the best way to get you baseball decorations that you might be missing now keep in mind these decorations aren't all great but they still have a use you can remal them at the elero with the first weran ritual using guiding L materials to turn them into face stones of higher Rarity as you need to farm the guiding L anyway this is a good way to turn old useless decorations into a chance at better ones so let's get to the juice now you're at endgame and you're still missing that really juicy attack 4 or Challenger 4 decoration fear not we have some good quests to gamble for those the most common way to farm the R's decorations are the three Elder Dragon event Quest quest for kushala it's called in tempest's Wake for teostra it's day of Ruin and for lunastra the cold never bothered me those three quests only become available at master rank 100 so keep that in mind at the level they are the most common and most accessible way to farm decorations you will still find people doing these quests online in case you don't want to solo form them one slightly better alternative to these quests are investigations in case case you have an investigation that is tempered with a threat level three and has five rewards they have a slightly higher chance of giving you more sealed face Stones than the earlier mentioned event Quest but only with five box rewards if it's four boxes your odds are against slightly lower the downside is that no one else is running them but maybe if you shoot an SOS flare people will still help you at the end of the day the decision is of course up to you lastly if you enjoy pain and want to make your life extremely difficult I got one more quest for you that you can run me are number one all you need to do is kill a tempered Furious rejang easy right the issue with the rewards on this Quest is that they are not guaranteed you can get the astral melding ticket and the sealed face Zone from this Quest but in much lower quantity one additional word regarding the astral melting ticket it cannot net you a teack 4 and exper four decorations those are only available from the sealed face stones and not the astral melting ticket personally I don't suggest farming these quests but if you're feeling fancy you can of course do so so yeah these are basically the best ways to get all decorations in my opinion I personally only use the Steamworks smelling tickets and then ran teostra and lunastra combined 400 times by now I'm pretty sure I got every single decoration in the game I never bother with high rank quests or the Flora Force spite quests I have also used decorations from the Steamworks tickets to remel them at the Elder with guiding lens material so yeah that was my journey to getting all the deos that's it for the video I hope it was helpful and got to the point I didn't feel like bloating this video with too much information but simply giving you any necessary info for your decoration form I of course hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to leave a like And subscribe for more Monster Hunter content in the future I also stream very regularly on Twitch if you feel like passing by and watching me play Monster Hunter world or Monster Hunter rise anyway I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hi im Fox
Views: 17,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter, monster hunter world, MonsterhunterWorld, returntoworld, fun, gameplay, World, MHW, MHWI, Iceborne, Blade, SAED, Help, Moves, Lunastra, Monster Hunter World Iceborne, How to farm decorations, Best ways to get decorations in mhw, Efficient Decoration Farm 2024, Attack +4, Expert +4, Challenger +4, Agitator +4, Handicraft +4, How to get attack +4, Best quests for decoration farm mhw, Kushala, Teostra, Steamworks, Decoration melding, how to farm decorations mhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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