Monster Arduino Starter Kit Unboxing from Automation and Robotics

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you hey what's happening guys today we have got a giant Arduino kit to take a look at continuing Arduino theme from this week last video video is the Charlie flexing video so I get this Arduino week here at learn electronics anyway this is a really big box that's why the cameras way over here so once we open this up I'll move the camera back and we'll go over the individual things in it but this this is huge and it's from a company called automation and robotics ANR and it's available on Amazon it's a little pricey it's $189 but where do you see what's all in here I think this might be the most complete starter kit I've ever seen of course that's just my opinion and I could be wrong so let's flip this around open it up and start having a look at what's inside it's just too big to sit here so what I'm gonna do is move the box over and then we'll open it up bring things out of it and open it up alright I hope you guys are liking the new lighting I have going on here I bought two of these portable these portable video tripod lights are super bright so I hope it's lightning light let that net lighting things up alright where do we start yeah we can start here with this one right okay so like that's an ESP 30 - Wow next up we've got I think this is one of those line following sensors next up oh yeah this is a real-time clock this is a tiny little one I see that if I bring in some some light VCC ground it's an I squared C device can't quite Oh kaboom I can't quite tell what that is can you guys tell okay I went to the key and I believe this is the gy 68 the barometric pressure sensor that's pretty sweet I'm still in the first compartment and there's still two more things in it all right next up is a Bluetooth module next up is that is a gyro module gyro is it gy 5 to 1 so those items were all in one oh wait there's more there's also a train because you know whenever I make a video a train comes [Music] they're calling this the crash sensor it's basically just a microswitch could be used as a limit switch alright so that is everything in one compartment I will put them back okay next compartment I'm not going to take these all out of here there's a couple hundred resistors there is a rotary encoder led 7-segment for position led joystick male headers and that is it for that compartment okay next compartment we've got a buzzer motor controller shift register seven 4hc five nine five little side switch some light dependent resistors some RGB LEDs and a couple transistors and then in this package we've got some red green LEDs some potentiometers some switches very nice still in the same compartment we have got aa invoice recording and playback device I'm just gonna move on to the next compartment we have a nine gram Tower per server this is a stepper motor controller board and it's in the same compartment with it is a stepper motor here's a little standard DC motor alright and that's it for those two compartments okay next compartment contains a USB drive that has the software manuals all that stuff on it this is an M q3 how do I know that well it says MQ 300 that is an alcohol sensor next up we have the mq-9 which is a gas sensor then we have a really awesome nice relay howaya next up is a motion sensor that looks like it's had better days but hey that's it'll still work you're pretty robust now this is cool USB charge dr. let me see if I've got yeah I got a power bank sitting here plug it in oh here we go upside down no amp 5.14 okay that's sweet you know what that's really really nice to have and some bags that completes that compartment our next compartment we have a 9-volt to a 2.1 millimeter barrel Jack this is I believe tilt switch work it could be a all sensor it is a vibration sensor as soon as I get it out of here I'll be able to tell tell you I believe it is a vibration sensor this is some sort of LED emitter IR oh no that's that is a flame sensor yeah I did a video a while back using one of those to detect flame that's really nice if you want to build your own a fire alarm all right I'm not gonna take most of these out of the bag there's a laser diode there's our I believe that's our Hall sensor yeah that's a Hall effect sensor magnetic sensor will detect the magnet this is a sound sensor these are your standard sensors you get that's a photo interrupter you need a wheel to work with that or something to go in there all right next we have some they call these wireless tx/rx these are the N R or F or olr 401 whatever that is let's work out pretty nicely here's a dht11 temperature and humidity sensor there's a another one of those line following sensors ultrasonic sensor remote lights flickering or my having a stroke okay this is interesting what we got going on here come out come out wherever you are give me a second I had to put on a really big nerdy glasses this is an ESP Oh too nice and this guy I believe that goes with the ESP Oh - I'm trying to see if it's listed on here I don't see it but I do believe they go together nice all right that's the next two compartments okay you want to know why the lights were flickering hold on got to take you out of the holder there for a second I had the light switch sitting underneath the case because I'm not that bright you think I was but you'd be wrong so we're now just halfway into this box that is a moisture sensor and that is a something yeah let's bring in the key and see what it looks like all goes with the moisture sensor probably a some sort of instrumentation amplifier alright there's one of the soil moisture jobs I'm not gonna take it out of the package there's a sixteen by two LCD screen and it has the I squared C functionality built into the back of it to this date I have never ever been able to get one of these to work I'm acting at plenty of sixteen by two LCDs to work but never the I squared C so that'd be nice if that works there's an infrared remote huh and there's the infrared receiver transmitter 16 key matrix breadboard that's like eight hundred and forty PI points hey my man you're looking for some DuPont cables well we got male to male female to female and male to female whatever your preference and the last thing in that big compartment is a power supply and the output is nine volts one amp yeah the Arduino can take up to 20 volts no that's not a good idea what happens to voltage you're not using well in most cases it turns into heat what's the enemy of electronics that's right Timmy heat is the enemy of electronics all right we are on to the last compartment and I think this is where some of the really cool stuff that makes this kit worth it is going to be there we have the Arduino proto shield with a little breadboard on it this is the Arduino Ethernet adapter there's a nano USDA to be us PA to be us v8 a - that's a mini yeah mini there is an 8x8 LED matrix there's the RFID system and I'll leave that one in the bag there is an you know with some header pins that you can solder in there I like these these are nice because they have a lot of the extra power pins over here yep there's that and finally the last thing in the box is omega so you get three separate orde-lees notes here like this is this is the whole family you get to luna the nano and omega now if you're not real familiar with Arduino Uno and the Nano are they're basically the same different form factor programmatically they are the same electrically basically the same this mega is different uses different microcontroller and it offers you a lot more pins so yeah so that's the kit there is a lot of stuff in here they offer free support every piece is warranteed for one year with less than 24 hour response time you even get a nice decal all the guides all the code that you need to get started or on that thumb drive so that's pretty sweet you can see here it even tells you the USB flash drive for module codes link to the a our Dropbox cloud install drivers from here go to Arduino from here and they even have an support again this is from automation and robotics this is a heck of an Arduino kit like I said it's pricey but man you're getting everything you need to get started here you know get yourself a multimeter and I can't think of anything else you would need to get started look learn about Arduino and electronics that's a really nice kit I want to thank ANR for sending that out to us here for your consideration and yeah I'm gonna give that away I've got enough Arduino stuff that I don't need that so this is going to go to a patreon if you're a patron in the US I'll cover the shipping so I think it'll probably fit in a flat rate box if you're outside the US send me your information once we pick and you're gonna have to pay the shipping I'm not paying to ship this overseas so that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did give me a thumbs up feel free to comment share and don't forget to subscribe big thanks to all the patrons I'll announce the giveaway for this over on the patreon page simultaneously with the release of this video that's it I am out peace [Music]
Channel: learnelectronics
Views: 17,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Arduino Starter Kit Unboxing from Automation and Robotics, arduino, arduino starter kit, automation and robotics, best arduino starter kit
Id: z5uI0PD0bgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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