MONSANTO: Portugal's Most Stunning Village!

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In this video... Monsanto, Portugal May 8, 2024 - 10:00 am 19 ºC / 66 ºF Hi everyone! Welcome to Monsanto, one of Portugal's most unique and beautiful places, located in the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova. Nestled on the side of a rocky mountain, in a sparsely populated region, Monsanto is unlike any other village, where houses are seamlessly integrated and sandwiched between gigantic granite boulders. We need to keep walking up the mountain. Of the more than 200 videos I've filmed for the channel, I think this was the most physically demanding one, and the video that took me the longest to film. The local National Republican Guard (GNR) station. The GNR has policing responsibilities in the country's rural areas. Monsanto is located 275 km (171 miles) northeast of Lisbon, very close to the Spanish border. Memorial to the men of Monsanto who died in combat, especially in World War I. Portugal - Spain Monsanto - Idanha-a-Nova - Covilhã - Sortelha Avenida (avenue) Fernando Ramos Rocha Last week I showed you a village made of schist, today we have a village made of granite. There's a region in Portugal where the houses are made of basalt, and another one where limestone is the main building material. This YouTube channel is slowly turning into a geology channel! I hope you like rocks, because we're going to have a lot of rocks here. Rua (street) Fernando Namora Monsanto is located on the side of a mountain called Mons Sanctus, which in Latin meant Holy Mountain. Mons Sanctus dominates the surrounding horizon, and has been inhabited for thousands of years. We're going all the way to the top! Spain Capela do Espírito Santo (Chapel of the Holy Spirit), built in the 17th century. Monsanto has about 100 inhabitants, with many residents being elderly. The former home of Fernando Namora (1919 - 1989), a doctor and a renowned writer. He worked as a municipal doctor in Monsanto in the 1940s. Monsanto is renowned for its integration into the natural landscape, where houses and streets are carved out of, and built around, massive granite boulders. Mother Church of Monsanto, also known as Church of São Salvador, probably built in the 15th century. I'll explain what this is. In recent years, Monsanto has gained more international attention... ...because it was here that several scenes for the TV series House of the Dragon were filmed, a prequel to the hugely popular Game of Thrones series. In 2023, a tourist route was inaugurated, consisting of 27 panels placed along the streets of Monsanto and extending up to the castle, combining the heritage of the historic village with the universe of Game of Thrones. The village of Relva. The first panel of the Game of Thrones route. I'll show you the main filming locations at the end of the video. This is a long video, but I use chapters to break up the video into smaller sections, to let you easily watch different parts of the video when you want. All over the internet you'll find information that Monsanto has around 800 inhabitants, which is completely wrong. Those 800 people are the total number of inhabitants of around 20 villages in this region. Igreja da Misericórdia (Church of Mercy), built in the 16th century. Officially, Monsanto is a town, albeit a very small one, but, for all intents and purposes, everyone refers to it as a village, and that's how it's promoted, so I'll do the same. The oldest traces of human presence here date back to the Stone Age. The Romans settled at the base of the mountain, 2000 years ago. Traces of Visigothic occupation between the 6th and 8th centuries... and Arab presence in the following centuries were also found in the area. Torre de Lucano (Lucano Tower), built in 1420. This tower, with its medieval military architecture, was part of Monsanto's defensive line. Rua da Soenga Monsanto Castle The Portuguese king Afonso Henriques conquered Monsanto from the Arabs, and, in the year 1165, granted the village to the Order of the Knights Templar. Once again, the Templars are linked to the history of yet another incredible place in Portugal. The Templars, under the command of Grand Master Gualdim Pais, ordered the construction of Monsanto Castle. I'll take you to the castle later in the video. Monsanto was granted a royal charter in 1174, officially establishing the municipality with the same name. This is the real organic architecture. Capela de Santo António (St. Anthony's Chapel), built in the 16th century. Cemetery Saint Anthony's Gate Now I have to go all the way up! Throughout the Middle Ages, Monsanto was attacked and besieged a few times by the neighboring Kingdom of León, (today part of Spain) but always without success. The County of Portugal had separated from the Kingdom of León in 1139... become an independent kingdom. These boulders and the houses that are sandwiched between them... ...are one of Monsanto's defining features. Wait, this is not where I want to go... Despite its tiny size, Monsanto was the seat of the municipality between 1174 and 1853. "Ferreiro" Fountain In 1853 the municipality was abolished... ...and Monsanto became part of the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova, another picturesque and historical town to visit in this region. Despite being sparsely populated, and somewhat overlooked in terms of tourism in Portugal, there are so many interesting places with so much history... this eastern region of the country. Don't hit your head on the boulder! Monsanto is, by far, this region's main tourist attraction, so if you want to visit it I suggest you don't do it on a weekend, especially in July/August. Rua do Sol Velho Early morning or late afternoon are the best times to explore Monsanto. A manor house. During the day, on weekends, you may find hundreds of tourists walking through these narrow streets. It's the downside of being such a picturesque and unique place. There are only a few small hotels in Monsanto, and most of the accommodation is in the form of houses for rent. These houses are always in high demand. This small cave, formerly a pigpen, is the result of free space at the base of several boulders. Monsanto's most popular viewpoint. The tourists have arrived. I think they're all Spanish. Accommodation in Monsanto is usually sold out from May to October, and you need to book several months in advance. Look at this house! In 1938, Monsanto won the title of "Portugal's most Portuguese village", becoming a symbol of the authentic way of life in rural Portugal. This is a Flintstones house in real life! To this day Monsanto is still known as Portugal's most Portuguese village. To me, Monsanto is much more than that. At the moment, Monsanto is probably my favorite place to visit in the whole country! These are ancient "furdas", the local word for "pigpen". Less than a week after visiting Monsanto, I went to a village that some people may consider the most stunning village in Portugal, it's all about personal taste. Stay tuned for that video! Another cave? These days I'm starting to get tired of city life, and I much prefer the small villages up in the mountains, where my family roots are from. It's in the mountains that I really feel at home! Here's the magical Monsanto Castle. In 1991, the Historic Villages of Portugal program was established. It is an initiative aimed at preserving and promoting... ...a group of ancient villages with significant historical and architectural heritage. 10 villages were included in the program, and, obviously, Monsanto was among them. On the north-east side of the castle stands the Chapel of Saint Miguel. Unfortunately, the rumors are not true, this chapel is not dedicated to me. The chapel was built in the late 12th century, and it was around it that the medieval settlement of Monsanto initially developed. These are the ruins of the original village. The chapel is surrounded by an ancient necropolis that predates its construction, with tombs excavated in the rock. These are not the only tombs. In 2003, an additional two villages/towns were added to the Historic Villages program, one of them I've already showcased on the channel: Trancoso. My goal is to publish videos about all the Historic Villages as soon as possible. This is amazing! Not much is known about it, not even when it was built, but these are the ruins of Saint John's Chapel. This view is incredible... This is why I love mountains! The ancient necropolis. Finally, it's time to visit Monsanto Castle! In order to build a defensive line and strengthen his presence in the region, king Afonso Henriques granted Monsanto to the Knights Templar, in the year 1165. The castle was built by the Templars shortly afterwards. It originally had the traditional architecture of the Knights Templar, seen in other castles of the same period, such as Almourol, and Tomar, the headquarters of the Knights Templar. The links to all these videos are in the description below. Cistern of the castle. The castle was rebuilt in the late 13th century. If you're a fan of the House of the Dragon TV series you probably recognize this... In 1496, the citadel of the castle had 309 inhabitants. Chapel of Saint Mary, built in the 18th century. By 1527, during the "Numeramento" (medieval census), this citadel had 494 inhabitants. In the early 19th century, the castle underwent renovation works to strengthen its defenses. A military garrison was installed in 1813, and the keep began to be used as an armory, where a large number of powder kegs were stored. However, in 1815, during a severe lightning storm, the powder kegs exploded, which led to the complete destruction of the keep, and a large part of the rest of the castle. This tragic event was made worse by the collapse of a granite cliff, which took part of the defensive wall with it. With the end of the municipality of Monsanto, in 1853, the castle lost its importance and was abandoned by the military. In the Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon universe, Dragonstone is an island that has a heavily fortified castle of the same name. In 2021, Monsanto was chosen to be the setting for Dragonstone. Remember the Chapel of Saint Miguel? The first season of House of the Dragon premiered in 2022, consisting of ten episodes. The second season of House of the Dragon is set to premiere on June 16, 2024, consisting of 8 episodes. The high elevation of Monsanto provides breathtaking panoramic views... ...of the surrounding landscape. If you'd like to support the channel visit: I hope you've enjoyed today's video! If you liked this video hit the LIKE button and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE More videos - Support the channel
Channel: POV Tours - Portugal in 4K
Views: 267,670
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Keywords: walking tours, pov walk, virtual walk, point of view, 4K video, Portugal, Portugal tours, subtitles, captions, 4k resolution, resolução 4k, legendas, historia de Portugal, Portugal history, caminhadas, passeio a pé, relaxing, immersive, relaxante, imersivo, pvo tours, pvo walks, pro tours, zen walks, zenwalks, walk xplore, monsantus, mon santo, monssanto, monsantu, idanha nova, idanha velha, game of thrones, house of dragon, dragon stone, hbo, stone house, stone town
Id: ZqjwRx6j3is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 56sec (4976 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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