monogimbal harness system

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hey everybody ron bielefeld whistling wings photography uh got a little tip trick for you this morning uh short video my last couple have been really really long i promise this one's gonna be a lot shorter um you know everybody at times it seems with wildlife photography bird photography has used monopods or tripods to stabilize uh the situation that they're in they're extremely useful but there are limitations to tripods and monopods uh one of them is if you're on a on a surface where you can't uh stabilize yourself like on a boat you know that's rocking and stuff like that if you have a tripod or a monopod of course that's resting on the deck of the boat or whatever it's going to move with the boat and you're not going to be able to to compensate for that movement so today i'm going to show you a little trick that uh or a little system that i've been using and i have to give credit to to the person who showed me this this uh system um mr barry levins thanks so much barry uh but anyway i'm gonna tell you a little bit about you know what i've got set up right here and some of the positive things about it uh versus using a tripod or a monopod i already mentioned the isolation from movement right so what i've got is basically a harness right here right double straps over your shoulder that has a little pocket in it and uh got the monopod basically put in uh the the pocket just extended just a little bit so it'll go in there and then on the top i have a gimbal head a really interesting and awesome i think gimbal head that wimberly here in the united states has recently uh developed and brought to market and it's called the mono gimbal head and this is really you know the the main part of this whole system that makes it work so the gimbal head here is just this small portion up here right and it's short it's light and it's in close to the uh center axes of of the of the monopod so it doesn't put a lot of weight out on either side and it's a gimbal head it's not like typical monopod heads where you've got a system that lets you go you know front back or up and down like this it actually has a sidekick type mount on it that allows you to balance your camera and lens combination on the head and that's really the key right and keep it in close to the center line of the monopod and so most you know you could you try to use a regular gimbal head but they tend to be tall out to the side or big and bulky and add a lot of weight this is tiny it doesn't do really anything to add any kind of weight or anything but yet it allows you to balance uh your rig on on the monopod and of course it has a knob that you can lock things down and so if you if you have your your foot ring uh loose so you can pivot and then this loose so you can pivot you've got all axes of movement right just like a regular gimbal uh head situation so you can track birds in flight you can you know do just about anything the reason why i uh love this so much is i'm doing a little more video than i used to and you have to track birds uh if you're doing video flying birds for a lot longer period of time and stay steady right and so this really allows me to do that versus trying to hand hold you know for still shooting high shutter speeds most of the time you know you can you can be a little little jumpy and and stuff and still get sharp images and it's generally not a long long long time that you're having to hold steady whereas with video and this system you can really hold steady for a long time and track really really nicely you know you can do this you can do that however you like to shoot you still have but no weight right no weight on your hands or on your arm out front this is a 600 f4 with a 1.4 times teleconverter i'm shooting the canon r5 and it's even got the adapter so this is this is not a light a light rig and i can sit here all day and do this because all the weights on my shoulders none are on my hands or my arms so it's a great great system for if you're in a situation again where you have to stabilize things because of a boat or if you have to hold steady for a long long time for video or even for stills if you've got let's say an owl that's on a branch and it's sleeping and you're waiting for it to wake up and you know how it goes you know that you're trying to hold it up there hold it up there hold it up there and the second you bring your camera down right because you can't hold it up any longer they do something right they do what you've been waiting for now you can sit here forever i mean literally you could sit here forever uh and i have you know tired hands and arms and stuff like that when the action starts to happen one of the other great benefits of this system with the harness and the monopod in this head is that unlike a tripod or a monopod i'm standing up right now if i was using a tripod or a monopod if i wanted to sit down right i'd have to change the length of my of all my legs on the tripod or the one leg on the monopod before i could sit down and use it uh to steady myself again not with this system you can see i could i can kneel i can squat i could sit down i don't have to change anything heck i could lay down on my belly and shoot if i really wanted to okay so it's really really fast in that respect if i want to move down a bit right down down the way a bit because something's happening if i have a tripod i gotta fold up the legs or carry the legs or or whatever and over my shoulder and get down there here i just start walking i just start walking i can walk prepared to shoot right prepared to shoot so this system right here is really something that that i've fallen in love with especially for video but even for stills for people that can't hold up real heavy rigs like a 600 f4 and have gone to lighter lenses because they can't do that but they wish they could still shoot a 600 f4 or a 500 f4 or something like that this may get you back into that game right you may be able to do that again uh and you know it's it's so flexible for what you can do and again this is how this kind of goes together um you know just extended the the leg just a little bit on the bottom of the monopod and it goes in this pocket now what is this harness right what's the harness this harness is a military surplus it's made for parades military parades right the flagpole holder marching in the parade this is where the flagpole goes so they can hold the flag out in front right so that's what this is this one is a relatively expensive one because it's double harnessed and it's and it's got really thick uh straps on it and it has the fabric pouch which i really really like some of them have a plastic cup or a metal cup it's an option right this one's i think 69 on in military surplus stores if you go online and google it the monopod is just relatively cheap enduro monopod it's not even carbon fiber i love the enduro this enduro monopod for this i don't even think they make the the aluminum one anymore but they have a carbon fiber one that you could do or i'm sure you have a monopod that would work just fine the head right the wimberly head the mono gimbal head you know it's 179 i believe online so if you want to set up a rig like this and you have questions about anything about it you know just leave a comment in the comment section and i will get back to you as soon as i can so i promised a short video and so this is a quick uh quick look at this rig that i've been using and uh hopefully you'll give it a try and if you do and you have comments or suggestions about making it better uh leave those in in the comments as well until next time see you soon you
Channel: Whistling Wings Photography
Views: 3,898
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: yJaRNZI_3Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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