Mono to Super-wide stereo NATs in Adobe Premiere Pro

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hello and welcome to video revealed i'm colin smith if you've got monognats let's turn mono into super wide stereo [Music] all right shout out goes to craig wendler for bringing this to me uh he was challenged with trying to make gnats which are natural tracks that's uh the ambience the natural world that we hear around us trying to make them sound wide and he he was given monoclips and i'll just play these monoclips uh examples of these aren't the ones he used but i just made some mono versions of these clips so if we play them back and and hopefully you're listening on headphones or good speakers and you'll hear that this is right in the middle another one so yes they sound like a natural environment that they don't sound like what we would hear if we were in a natural environment hearing with both ears when we hear something in a natural environment we're hearing the initial sound and the reflection of the sound in the environment which is the trees or the buildings or whatever and that natural spatial sound gives us a certain feeling of space and it does really help uh the scene so it's pretty simple all you have to do is this let's listen to these instead and the next one so now it sounds like a natural reverberation of a original a real environment so all i had to do was this let me just open this up and you'll see that i have two versions of the exact same mono clip so you drag that in twice and these are mono tracks and if you drag these in it it doesn't make a mono track it actually makes a standard track i just prefer maybe it's because i i worked a lot with broadcast folks i like to make these as mono tracks and then pan them so if you right click and choose add tracks make zero video tracks but you make two at the beginning so you make two mono tracks you drag the clip in twice and then grab your audio track mixer and you pan each one of these one left and one right so let's just listen to the left oh actually i have a something there i'll talk about in a second and the other side okay so when you have them both because you've panned these so i'll play i'll pan these while you're listening to them and when they're both in the center it does what mono does it's wrapped in the center but if we drag those out but we have to do one other thing and that shift one of the clips in the timeline so if we zoom in you can see there's the original clip and i've moved it over to there if i put it back it really doesn't add that that spatial sound but if you offset that and how far you offset that is completely up to you if you put them let's do it on the last one here i'll move these away so we've got some room and i'll line them up so right now they're exactly at the same start time and what happens is the sound waves who if we zoom in and look by the way we can turn on show audio time units which means we can zoom all the way down and look at the actual waves themselves and you look at the waves the waves are going up and they're going down when you just copy the same clip then the waves one wave is going that they happen at the same time and there's a problem with call something called phasing and that's because one will cancel the other one out but if you offset one then the wave going up and the wave going up they're not going to be in phase they'll be they'll be offset so let me go back and turn that off just so we've got that okay so i'll select the bottom one hold alt on windows option on mac and i'll hit the right arrow and i'll move it one frame and you see it move so you can audition play this and move it and hear it remember we're panned left and right see one frame and it sounds different let's go back and i think if you move it too far it sounds more artificial because the space from that bird going cheap cheap cheap cheap it's too far away now it seems to blend in but because we're panned it's wrapping itself around now i want to show you one other thing that i did here if you click in the top of the track mixer not the clip mixer if you've got the clip mixer open it won't work in the track mixer twirl this down click here and you can create a stereo sub mix and what's happening is this the sub mix is i'm turning this but this dial up and i'm sending the signal over to a stereo submix and then i've added a reverb convolution reverb up here and this is 100 percent mix 100 room size and what happens is the two natural sounds that are panned left and right go into the stereo mix and then they start swirling around with this reverb and they sound even more natural but you turn this down so i'll close this up a little bit you don't turn this all the way up because it can sound very unnatural just give it a bit if i push that too far it's almost like it brings the stuff back into the center so i just want to give it some so you don't have to do that i mean just dropping in two mono tracks and panning them left and right and then offsetting one is gonna sound fine it's just i always like to take things up on another level so if you add a little bit of reverb on top of that in a sub mix and then turn it down a little bit and uh now you've turned this very restrictive mono track into what i call super wide stereo hey if you're new to video revealed and you found this informative take a moment and subscribe you want to support us some more you can do that on shop where you can donate once monthly any amount we love our wonderful donors and they help us keep going here on video reveal until next time i'm colin smith and it's my job to listen to the people who reach out to me from the video revealed website there's a contact page there uh it's my job to listen to folks that reach out to me and create solutions for them and turn into tutorials for you [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: VideoRevealed
Views: 2,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Creative Cloud, Colin Smith, AdobeColin, video editing, VideoRevealed, video editor, edit video, mono to stereo, nats, natural sfx, sound effects
Id: T_jSraB5LdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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