Monkey Man | Official Trailer

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- [Voice] Close your eyes. - [Voice] And you will find yourself. When I was a boy, my mother used to tell me a story of a demon king and his army. They brought fire and terror to the land. Devil! Sister! Until they faced the protector of the people. The White Monkey. - [Voice] There you are. - [Voice] You are a beast. In this city, the rich don't see us as people. Give me the job no one wants to do. I'll do it. Anyone who forgets their place, it doesn't turn out well for them. This is not the place to work if you can't handle that sort of stuff. Every day, I've prayed for a way to protect the weak. I've got an answer to every prayer. I call her Nicki. Minaj! Big bumper, nice headlights. Let's boogie! You need to fight, for your mother, for all of us. Anger will not quiet your soul, my son. Don't call me son. - [Voice] It's time to remember - [Voice] who you are. - [Voice] Just one small ember - [Voice] can burn down everything. Ladies and gentleman, are you ready for a fight? Yeah.
Channel: Universal Pictures
Views: 20,611,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g8zxiB5Qhsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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