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e [Music] shut the door good evening Ed shut the door Mike sit down somewhere I want to ask you a lot of questions about yourself tell us what your name is my name is micheel Blessing no I want to hear the truth no that's it I'm telling you it's a pseudo name how did you get to Nesmith well uh Nesmith is my real name well how'd you get the blessing it's a pseudonym how did you have to pick blessing well uh why are you asking me that that's weird get on something else tell get on something s by yourself okay um tell me the colonel M story no uh because that's a very dumb story however I will tell you about the time that I was in the Air Force and I tumped over General's airplane one time I was in the Air Force I don't believe it no I turned over the generals airplane that's about the time over yeah that's about the time I was in the general That's it man that's all the story notory Mike let me ask you something seriously now why you do this kind of business what's that playing the music well I mean how you get why do they call that a light I don't know that's just where it's at well how didd you get to it how long ago about two years you just came to It 2 years ago what what before then I was a failure yeah but did you work at that yeah I mean yeah I just didn't do anything I was a failure um do you think you're a goof do you no well say it depends on what think you're a goof yeah no well okay see then that's where it's at if you think I'm a goof man I'm a goof you know what I think is what I am right and I don't think I'm a goof I don't think you're a goof right okay I think I'm out of work and I hope I get this serious but a goof no I'm not let me ask you this you have an ego Hang-Ups yeah a lot of ego Hang-Ups I've got a few ego hangers and you got ego Hang-Ups with me right now listen wait a minute I mean really if you're really tight about me sitting in the chair B I'm sorry cuz I really want to see what's in because when I go home I'm going to say hey on the farmer's D you know what's in that drawer that's going to be a guess you may be the only one who's ever been in that drawer Mike oh no because there's stuff in it Mike come back here will you wa a minute oh wow are you ready for this okay go ahead do the butler bed no I'm just going to the I'm telling you Mike let me ask you something you think you can play another part a part of another guy what is that what do you want me to be strong and Silent yeah be strong and Silent hey well wellhe I'll be a girl mik did the same thing well I mean that's your hang up man not I mean I know where it's at were we ever a strong silent girl before you see we are beautiful wa my guitar is in heat hey you guys are too much when you're playing like it's a pretty good it's a pretty good sound for like you know nothing hey let me ask something sit down you feel like rolling now or should we start or what wasn't that on film huh that wasn't on film no man no well I'll let you know I'll call Action we start you know mean you were performing then I love you too but I already have a dog a let me ask you something what are you doing with one I can't make decisions not it's the truth no see these guys have boots on you know and like I didn't know I was told to dress casual so I came in a plaid shirt and my Surfer tennies you know and my blue eyes and then these guys have Beetle stuff on you know personality elephant boy it's funny he's been asking about you too hey how long's it been fell how long's it been what about an hour and a half ago since elephant no I've got girls you made a switch huh I'd rather fight than switch hey no seriously how long is it's a real steady job actually we should have film he's a funny man hey you know you got can since uh stady work well I I was a box boy at Forest Lawn I used to I had a good job standing out in the front of a doctor's office making people sick how was that that was funny how was that that you did that how was I that I did one no that's when we go on for real don't tell that joke do you just don't just Wast 10 of everybody's like making you know the wonderless SC you know ver McGuire was talking about he said uh he said the big thing with the protest thing is he says the reason he liked the song is because he says it'll get people to kind of realize where they are and then take it from there he says he doesn't really do it that you know hang people up or to kind of cut down you know and uh Blood and Guts but he says people might think about where are we and then they'll start working at it yeah something like that does that bug you no I think it's screw e good evening ladies and gentlemen views are spontaneous and unrehearsed Dave let me ask you one thing did you start off like are you a Kentucky Colonel son I mean no my father's a fitter he's an engineer he's a an engineer on the railways you know how did you get into the show business how did that all start out oh I used to act at school and whatnot and uh they said I should be an actor but I wanted to be a jockey how did you get started on that uh well I'll tell you about that just you know I I I I was used to watch it on the TV so I used to ride so many winners each week watching it on the television my father said I ought to be a jockey I see somebody coming around the back there is going to do me in 2 minutes flat um so anyway I um I decided I wanted to be a jockey so I left school when I was 40 and a half went to be a jockey I uh practiced for about a well rehears listen me I uh I practiced to be a jockey for about 6 seven months then I finally got on the horse started to ride and thought this was the life in the rain you know 5:00 in the morning and everything like that so I uh did you make any money uh yeah but not not riding I didn't because you have to serve an apprenticeship for 5 years hey DAV Jackies aren't big guys are they how are you anyway uh five about 53 the girls like that size or what well you know you trouble adjusting 5 in Boots I'm 53 yeah uh no I don't get have trouble adjusting I kind of like tall girls yeah uh it's kind of groovy but I didn't ask you that DAV I asked you whether or not they like you you haven't got any hair on your face no that there funny but I went into hospital had my appendix out you see and I go into the hospital and she says okay shaving time all right the haven't you got any clean thoughts you look like such a clean kid I am a clean you know they may put my hair over my ears and all this I'm really a clean cut kid you know yeah and uh they made me do this take off the hat we all want to see what the hair looks like doesn't look great hey Davey let me ask what bag are you in what what what bag are you in bag I don't get that all right let me ask you something I mean like do you make a folk sound or a rock sound or anything like that I make a terrible sound hey let me see do the song and dancey Do song and dance cartwheel something do something quick a song and you must be joking no I'm not what what do you want me to do dance one of your little quick things hey Dave you want to know something honestly hold up for a second what I really think you should have been a joy [Music] e who are you man you're not going to do that sit down here and talk sensibly now AB CL up Christ Wickes what was that it's the alphabet AB G up Christ wies I don't believe a is saying Peter there's not much to believe that's true what's the most bread you ever made in your life I once got scale playing in a yeah playing for a joint yeah yeah and you never got you never got like you know like overscale in your life before uh no I've never got overscale now truly why why do you want to be a monkey well it's my natural inheritance I mean that's life being a TV star does that ever occur to you man like we fished you out of nowhere that's true I'm eternally grateful too I I'll do anything hey Peter uh where you from originally Washington how'd you get out here um it wasn't easy no tell me the truth it was a 47 Chevy most of the way anything frantic happened on the way out uh well it blew where about just outside of Las Vegas it took all of Las Vegas with it you may have heard about it it was the major cestry of the of the century something matter with your mouth yeah is that interesting cost me $500 for the nose do guys look at you and say hey what are you doing with the long hair and all that no but they often say hey I'm ashamed of my fellow man to tell you what my fellow man actually says to me on the street do you know that what do they say to you Joe Beetle Joe Beetle just cuz that do they realize that since history our founding fathers wore their hair long Columbus wore his hair long and did chicks take it I love it love to run their fingers through my soft silky hair [Music] the surf starting to rise want to go maybe later whatever you say what's bugging you 150 bucks we could have used that job job's a job there'll be others now what's really bugging you well she's a groovy kid you know yeah I know so nothing it's just that now she failed her exams and all look you didn't hang her up she got hung up what's the difference she's in trouble so what do you want to do I want to help her sure you want to help her I'd like to help SJ too but I can't he's feeble-minded hey knock it off fellas hey W's right we should help Vanessa [Music] hey surf starting to rise hey you want to go maybe later whatever you say what's bugging you 150 bucks we could have used that job hey a job is a job there'll be others now what's really bugging you well she's a groovy kid you know yeah I know so nothing is but just that now she blows her exams and all well look it's not your problem she got herself hung up what's the difference she's in trouble so what do you want to do I want to help her sure you want to help her I want to help s CH but I can't he's feebleminded knock it off Wendell's right right we should help Vanessa hey surf starting to rise want to go maybe later hey come on man let's go to the beach no man I don't want to go what's bugging you 150 bucks man we could have use that job oh wow yeah well a job's a job we'll get another one hey come on really what's bugging you well she's she's a groovy kid you know oh yeah I know so nothing it's just now she blows her exams and all oh hey look she got hung up man you didn't hang her up what's the difference she's in trouble okay so what do you want to do I want to help her sure you want to help her I want to help SJ too but I can't he's feeble-minded hey knock it off Wendell's right we should help [Music] Vanessa the surf's starting to rise hey do you want to go maybe later or whatever you say what's bugging you 100 50 bucks we could have used that job hey look a job is a job we'll find another one Hey Now what's really bugging you well she's a groovy kid you know yeah I know so so nothing it's just that now she blew her exams and all look you didn't hang her up she got hung up what's the difference she's in trouble so what do you want to do I want to help her sure you want to help her I want to help SJ too but I can't he's feebleminded come on knock it off fellas Wendell's right we should help [Music] Vanessa in P it our album that's embarrassing we only sold two of them all last year and I bought one of them I can't understand it what do the Beatles have that we don't have $13 million a good afternoon may I be of assistance sir yes I I want to buy something for my 15-year-old niece I guess she'd go for one of these headache records yes don't these teenag just have a tro just taste uh pardon me sir if you don't mind sir I couldn't help overhearing sir I happen to be one of your typical teenagers sir maybe I can be your some assistance sir yes I'm I'm looking for an appropriate gift for a teenage girl how about a teenage boy sir I can may you recommend this record by the monkeys I guarantee a migrating the monkeys mhm I never heard of the monkeys you never heard of the monkeys you never heard of the monkeys you never heard of the monkeys he's never heard of the monkeys what do the monkeys sound like I'll take it he took it he took it took itest happy in Hawai happy in Hawaii Hey look unha album it's embarrassing we sold only two albums last year yeah and to think I bought one of them what is it that the Beatles have that we don't [Music] have million good evening may I be of service sir I'd like to get something for my 15-year-old niece I guess she'd go for one of these headache records yes don't these teenagers ever atrocious taste uh pardon me sir uh I couldn't help overhearing sir if you don't mind sir I'm a typical teenager and I'd like to be of some assistance sir well i' I'd like to get an appropriate gift for a teenage girl oh well um how about a teenage boy uh may I suggest sir this album here by the monkeys I guarantee a migraine the monkeys I never heard of the monkeys you've never heard of the monkeys you've never heard of the monkeys you never heard of the monkeys he's never heard of the monkey monkeys what do the monkeys sound like I'll take it he'll take it give me never
Channel: loomyaire
Views: 1,524,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro, classic, pop, test, audition, oldies
Id: 63nhSFFFfJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2010
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