Mongoose Vs. Cobra
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Channel: Smithsonian Channel
Views: 37,783,423
Rating: 4.7024078 out of 5
Keywords: versus, predators, sunday showdown, battle, stream TV, predator, video, squirrel, opponent, TV online, free videos, cobra, smithsonian, Documentary, hunt, desert, mongoose, watch, kills, Prey, free tv, Episodes, channel, Speed, Facts, real fight, snake wins, Animals, mongoose vs cobra, cobras
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 25 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wow, this was actually really interesting!
Their camerawork is just amazing to watch.
Nat Geo, discovery are all dead. With high speed cameras and gopros everywhere, I'd have guessed a this kind of shit would be more popular than ever.
He's the snake to my mongoose. Or the mongoose to my snake. Either way, it's bad. I don't know animals.
What's the bump on the cobra?
Even the Smithsonian is guilty of the silly sensationalist American documentary style, sad.
For those of you that don't watch the video:
First a squirrel is f'n nipping on the tail of a cobra.
The cobra is getting really pissed off because it's trying to find a place to poop. You can see the poop elbow kink in the tail.
The squirrel gets bit by a weed and scampers off.
A friendly mongoose stumbles upon this action and wants a piece.
Squirrel's watching on, thinking he gonna learn something.
Nobody knows that this is a f'n COBRA.
Mongoose tries some matrix style martial arts, and the cobra has nothing of it.
Cobra bites mongoose in the mouth and mongoose NOPES out.
Zangoose vs Seviper
I don't think anyone does documentaries like the BBC. I have been spoilt.
This commentator is hyping things up to much, I much prefer the calmer observation type on the BBC. Also that music man. I think Americans are missing out of British documentaries, this isn't right.