Mongolia: The Last Eagle Hunters | 101 East

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[Music] in the depths of winter the north-east of mongolia can be inhospitable until you meet the people while life here is tough they are tougher for centuries surviving against the odds but now it's the modern world threatening to destroy their age-old culture I'm Steve Chow on this episode we discover the world of the Mongolian Eagle hunters and those determined to give it a future [Music] we've come to one of the world's least hospitable places in the depths of winter this is the time to find the practitioners of an ancient disappearing tradition the last Eagle hunters of Mongolia [Music] to get the authentic Eagle hunters we have to endure some extreme conditions -14° and we also have to venture to some of the most isolated places on this planet and we hope this trusty Russian Jeep to do the job there are no roads so we stick to the valley floors it feels like we've landed on another planet there's little water and no vegetation [Music] we hear of one Eagle hunter who's training his son to keep the tradition alive but there are no phones or Internet we just have to go there and hope he'll talk to us [Music] so this is Beckham you got hunter ah thank you so he's the one he's learning to be an eagle Buchan lives with three generations of his family including the newest grandchild in the evening they give us the traditional welcome the best bar Mac [Music] Wow so here it is mm-hmm I am it pushed I'm gonna check it in boom exhale cutter times tolerate awesome Gotham City I mean became destiny didn't a pastor himself one of the greatest if not I'll still get in this hole come on still the ten members on undetected by the mean scale our land Cassidy's cooker ship it back begins Basra hold up yeah - ah Nestle nothing is wasted spine stomach intestines organs it's all here everyone shares and eats with their hands to build stronger bonds that's me yeah we eat meat a lot because climate here in Mongolia is really hard cold dry and for the next 10 days meat is pretty much all we eat [Music] [Music] birkin amok by can identify 10 generations of Eagle hunters in his family the Golden Eagle is at the core of a culture that survived more than a thousand years it's taken as an eaglet from the nest and raised as their own a unique bond built between bird and hunter if I go with it you warm the time I can be really yeah balance the earth B'Elanna Caleta doesn't start a solid eagle eyes are 10 times sharper than the human eye the leather hoods are used to keep them calm when they're released for the Birkin has sourced about 40 Birds for his fellow Eagle hunters over the years but he says this eagle is one of the best hunters he's had he's built total trust with her thanks Cody bellman except keep telling us correspondence [Music] and the cook the same in the cinematography rubric through where I can start with us quotes is come from the dialogues opportunity mother's plea may I don't really definite Eagle hunting was once mostly about getting food and furs for clothing these days it's more about maintaining culture there are probably only about sixty Eagle hunters left some do it just for the tourists the fear is that the real hunters could die out within a generation Burke and prays they can survive whether they do might depend on his youngest son but Bergen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it takes five years of training to earn the title Eagle hunter 17 year old but Bergen is in the final stages other than that it cannot last now last number to be definitely a gym because it Protestant now but Bergen has to land the eagle on his arm a rabbit pelt is used to lure the birds Kong is the agency's name so to call him Dorota Adam convenor just isolated Chuck's will isolate Jacaranda chakrasana chuck sandwich calling the Duke stock are amazing spa her item go son sorry to correct mother whose Giavotella create a meat cleaver to good [Music] the Eagle hunters are Kazakhs the culture survived in this remote corner of Mongolia in neighbouring kazakhstan their traditions were lost when Soviet rule forced them into collective farms here they're still nomads and in spring they'll take their animals and move to new pastures a hundred kilometers away [Music] it's a hard life and daily chores like sourcing water from snow are a constant struggle we can't achieve miss Park lousiest Kumsusan still closet [Music] the kids usually was running game something testers tell tell me divided names Birkin understands life is changing and knows he may lose his son to city life villain Greek has a mental illness a doctor he men or women you know no matter what you are me to get him a picture Palma in DC we must willingly sin sorrow I came in the verge of Alison walk on I mean Kelly Sugarman ooh on flowers in virtue Alison I can get you clean Bala you know syndicate or a king jeongjo vice nip me willingly cheese salami saw like that in general they seem Senior Partner pursue Narayana other words the big each other's connects in the Baha I see [Music] this is what it's all about the hunt is the culmination of all the hunters skills and knowledge they can stay out for weeks and generally work in teams the Eagles are kept hooded and perched on a wooden crutch as they have to be carried for days [Music] we've come in winter the big time for hunting when Fox and rabbit furs are thick and food is scarce [Music] that's Kyrgyz national Sammy powder James became some brutal watch Dakota German for beginners in Thomaston Baraka polijarny Waldo yattaaawan cometh power mom all nibbled Manchus am solely to the question to community Allah's anger wasn't I can avoid develop Muscadet Manish condyloid well mate own our NGO museum to put himself a small random self they get to the top of the hill and the wind is howling they watch and wait scanning the mountains and the valleys around them for hours [Music] Foucault things in our and I tried getting a favorite mortems Lee Adama has loved poetics this is what Eagles are born to do suddenly a fox is spotted [Music] for a moment it looks like it's going to get away but the Fox is wounded and the third Eagle gets her prey [Music] the dead Fox's legs are fed to the Eagles as a reward later they will be given the heart and lungs as well the owner of the Eagle that brought down the prey will get the pelts it will be proudly worn as a symbol of success in a valley nearby one of the oldest and most respected hunters is contemplating the future 75 year-old Coble Chuck hunted every winter for 50 years his team was legendary they would spend entire winters on the hunt [Music] in this rare archive they're tracking a wolf which had been killing livestock it took a week to bring it down [Music] [Music] Coble Chuck says today's young men lack the passion of their fathers Thomas Johnson so-called wait but some young people are interested and they're challenging thousand year old traditions women are joining the hunt a young girl called I saw pan is winning fame as the star of a hit documentary the Eagle Huntress the film has had an international release but it's the first time car ballcock has seen it he says it's not acceptable did you mm beer or a hotel Cosmopolis been beautifully clearly shifted towards all night yeah sorry miss gotcha widow's layer them Tories alone in their cellar but across these mountains I sure pan has inspired others the town of toll is like others in the region it's conservative and Muslim women are usually married by the time they're 18 or 19 raised the kids and look after the home but it's here we found 14-year old like buttah she's the most unlikely candidate to be an eagle hunter she is small and shy but she is determined to succeed I enjoy son should have a bullet hole that her father Perkin vital carob is a respected Eagle hunter he's backing his daughter every step of the way hanging bottles per nursing notices want G to do what other sambar truth agility R Congress homelessness I work under and where Congress I Paul Masada also tangled ardent calcified stevia tongue core bottles son husband a degenerate one Jenga but kudos to shorten the life he's been teaching her for three years they spent every weekend training she exists number stuff berkutov a year that could children you know her dad how does it go in there Jack monitor beeps all new span young on that school a city with no I killed for natural were killed in there were doctors that just good for Ock butter it means freedom and escape from a future already laid out for most young girls and in no way named McKenna shifted ball on my name also spell if destined little finger data generated annuities new tasks big that's the music and it at first at bata struggled even to carry the Eagle which can weigh up to eight kilograms it took her a year to build up the strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now the bigger test at bata has to call and land the Eagle on her arm [Applause] it shows she's developing a relationship with the bird just lop tears when an eagle is nearly as big as you it's not that easy to control circuit up [Music] aha dr. Jackson just indeterminate salons soraka so vonda popinjay barrett center - diliman Adam - milan serie to--some Oscar en de salmonela Malayalam Gemma has a children so not me to have to super him just a Potter is her father's soul hope to maintain the family's hunting tradition her three older brothers were all sent to university in the city and stayed there for work dr. harvester of Jeopardy on don't wanna there was no tomorrow at 8 a.m. on weekdays at butter goes to the local high school she wants to be a teacher or a journalist and believes she can keep the Eagle hunting as well but bottom may not realize it but she's inspiring her classmates to see women can do anything men can do steel why you kill you do the per day way sniffs mm you killed it take note and what does he think about the girls doing hunty is the good thing or a bad thing really mr. Burnett and I don't follow what's your story what does he do daddy here you did she want a hunter No yeah qulet email russian dev this game I mean for cathedra no dream big and close like a waste time sitting in the Sun one day was just sort our I shall boxer I mean that I kick this comes back in the valley where we met our first hunters they're not bothered by girls hunting Birkin has a much bigger worry loving to pull away meaning Balaji's near cousin Minnie delicious done being baller kiss me tell me hot chocolate good always the arrow dance it you know that having blue short August each other and even change our items are in the Parana Jeff just Scootaloo's idiot it's good there's still time enough Birkin hopes free son but Birkin to master his hunting skills thank you not to us Astrid me wash dry be how the chorus a volatile water enough volume dancer you don't welter get nasty and period class Kilis sick to Indian art master Kimball micro avoid a certain bond Sheena get turbulence alerted pulled off 1219 job he record the one I like the skinny that didn't resolve it they don't always take the eaglets from the nest sometimes they trap young adults and tame them [Music] Jimmy Nana was like it it was like their kid young boy not arresting a horse on a napkin youth this ancient tradition is under pressure but young Cossacks insist it's in good hands as often canvassing industry so then de minimus Dada is giving an antacid or as a matter duster so dedicated Angelou some diverge to answer [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 1,895,580
Rating: 4.6652179 out of 5
Keywords: al jazeera, asia, aljazeera, aljazeera english, al jazeera english, arts and culture, east asia, traditional, 101east, mongolia, hunting, 101 east, Mongolia | The Last Eagle Hunters | 101 East, Eagle Hunters, Hunters, 🇲🇳, golden eagle, golden eagle hunters, kazakhstan, kazakh, kazakhstan news, kazakh culture, kazakhstan girls, mongol girls, mongolian beef, mongolian food, mongolian tradition, mongolian eagle hunting, wildlife, mongolia wildlife, kazakh turk
Id: UlqFdWgXEPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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