Monarch Lathe Putting The Lid On

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welcome to old iron machine works um in this video i will be getting the cover on the monarch lathe if you're new to the channel a few months ago i picked up a 1955 series 61 monarch lathe um that had some issues i got it real cheap at an auction and it ended up having just a broken shifting fork um i've already done a video on repairing a shifting fork and in this video i will be repairing a hole that somebody put in the top cover and uh getting the cover back on the lathe i had to pull the spindle out in order to fix the shifting fork anyway just getting making a little more progress here i'm showing a pump right there that's the concentric that works the pump and i'm just manually working the lever um that actually works the pump the pump's down underneath that gear and what i'm doing i ended up pulling the pump apart to check it out okay it's got a little bit of scuffing but nothing to be concerned about i don't think on one side and the little check ball is seating very nicely the body looks really good nice fit with the piston so i think i'm just going to clean it up get some brake clean kind of clean that out really good but yeah i see nothing wrong with the pump at all i just think that that oil was just way too thick for it to pull in all right i got the pump back in i took it apart just to check it out it was actually in really nice shape but the gaskets were all messed up somebody had blue silicone so anyway cleared it up clean it all off make a couple new gaskets but anyway there's the pump the pump's right here it pumps oil up through this little land line up here this manifold up here and then through this line and then it comes over to the top and then it feeds this manifold when i mentioned oil must have been too thick i had the right type of oil but it was a heavier oil and i really wanted to use a little thicker heavier oil the problem is it was a little too thick and the pump would not suck it through the filter so i did have to get the thinner oil here i got my lathe hooked up to a life support system uh monarch did not do a very good job of designing um the bottom of the headstock um gearbox it's very hard to uh flush and get stuff out so what i got is a little pump here with a filter and once i got sullivan in the gearbox a bunch of particles you know you can get it to float but when you try to drain it everything kind of sticks to gears and stuff so what i ended up doing here with the solvent i'm just kind of rinsing all the loose stuff down into the bottom and then just taking a little stainless suction rod i have and then uh when it starts floating around the bottom you know then i could just suck it right up off the bottom and then it pumps it you know through the pump through the filter and then it just you know pumps the clean solvent right back into it in the headstock here i can take the rod and wherever i see anything floating around i could just uh go in after it and suck it up uh the thing about these that little filter at the end of the pump is the only filter um you know the filters for the pump and the pump just basically lubricates three bearings uh the rest is just flash so any debris in there is just gonna be slung around uh pretty much uh forever okay here i got the correct weight oil and as you can see it's pumping very nice um when i had the heavier oil in it uh it wouldn't it would not pump a stream like that it was just too heavy to pick for the pump to pull through that filter here you can see the kind of buggered up glass so my buddy that bought the donor lathe he cleaned up one off the donor laid for me and then i'll put it in my lab it's pretty common to have metering valves uh get sludged up and not work anymore so here i got all the lines off and just making sure that everything's flowing you know through the metering valves and um getting to where they need the oil okay this line here pumps oil to the sight glass it pumps it over through this line and out right there i had to enlarge the hole that that tube went to and all it does is just pump oil and fills this up and then drains back out it pumps out this hole fills this up drains out that hole here's the cavity that fills up just a simple little sight glass my buddy had the new sight glass all polished up uh ready to go on new gaskets and all thanks mike okay i'm going to manually work the pump this normally the cam lobe in here is what works this pump it just raises it up and down i'm just going to take a screwdriver and simulate it and as you can see it's pumping just fine back when i had to remove the spindle in order to do the fork repair i had to solve it siphon gun out and just blasted and cleaning everything and if i was on my a-game back then i would have ran to tap down through these cover holes and clean them all out but i didn't therefore i had to cover it all with plastic and then i ran a tap in there and it was some brake clean in a vacuum sucking out all the debris and little chips now my lathe came with the 700 rpm high range speed and you could get different speed ranges and the donor lathe that my buddy bought it was a thousand rpm series 60 which was basically the same cover a lot of the parts are the same on a series 60 61. and i called monarch and asked him you know what do i have to change in order to make mine a thousand rpm and i was kind of surprised he says the only difference is you want to change the plate and you want to change the motor pulley that is the only difference between the 700 rpm and a thousand rpm is basically motor pulley and plate so here i'm knocking my plate out and then i'll clean up the thousand rpm one it was a little bit rougher than mine uh but i'll clean it up and uh rivet it back on and away we go so all right here's a thousand rpm tag and you could see it's got a few more little uh battle scars on it um but i just kind of ran a sander around it and cleaned it up somewhat i'm just trying to make the lathe functional right now and uh down the road once i get it up and running um i would eventually like to clean it up and uh repaint tags and put a paint job on it i kind of had some concerns that the rivet holes would be slightly off but they weren't they were perfect so they clearly had a little jig for setting up and drilling the holes for the rivets okay here's the cover off the donor lathe for paint wise it pretty much matches mine but if you look close the seams are not very good i could only get about half the bolt started and the seams weren't even closed so clearly they took a cover and headstock and ground everything you know for a nice seam since the donor cover didn't fit very well i decided i was just going to repair the lid that came with my leaf um somebody put this big hole in it and i'm not sure exactly what all it did but i'm going to go ahead and keep the hole there and make a slug that'll go on the top to hold the bracket for a dro and here i'm just screwing it up and then i'll machine a little uh shelf there for the uh for the slug will go in it here i went to our old junk uh iron pile and found some old uh material that was for some drill rod uh tooling and um i needed to have something with a little extension that i can use for my ball turner so that this actually worked out perfect [Applause] so i thought i would uh show the uh my ball turner i bought this oh god i'm 60 now i think i was 26 or 27 years old i bought a big old monarch 22 inch swing from a shop my dad worked at and with a lot of tooling and this was one of the things that that came with the lathe but when i got it it just had a beam coming straight down where you put your cutter and i used it for years domin out some natural gas pistons where i would just have the cutter you know do an inside dome probably about 10 years ago i pulled it all out had my dad flame cut this piece and welded it up you know so i could turn it into a ball turn i think i've used it more as a ball turner it is a little bit bulky you know heavy you know you gotta always use some kind of extension or whatever if i didn't have something to get it out away from the chuck as you can see there's just not enough room but but anyway it um it's worked good for many years so so [Applause] [Music] [Music] here when i was trying to chisel that piece out i couldn't even see what the seam was kind of buggered up a little bit i wanted to take it out before i thought it was a nice solid chunk of steel i thought i'd take a second here to talk about the bearings that i use for centering stuff um gosh probably this setup here probably almost 20 years i've been using it and what it is there was a discussion on arw harold's uh group that they do on one o'clock on sundays and dean crawford over there arcade um shop was asking or commenting that he had some water pump style bearings this happens to be a 220 230 water pump and the impeller presses on the long end of the shaft right there this is a cummins water pump same thing you got a pulley on one side and an impeller on the other here's just an idler so they'll they won't have shafts sticking out on both ends just to one but the shaft and everything is all part of the deal and with this setup you can just pick it up flip it over turn it however you want and generally the way i do it you know as you can see a valve in the truck right now once i run it i turn the lathe off and then i just run it in towards running true and then i always back the bearing off before it actually comes to a stop here i'm just machining a little uh area for an o-ring i'll use an o-ring to make the seal here's my box from 20 years as a tractor-filled mechanic it bailed me out many many times and just finding an o-ring it'll fit down in there and make a nice seal to the case or the cover should i say [Applause] so i had lots of ideas on how i wanted to anchor that slug in the cover and i decided that i was just going to angle bore and tap for some 3 8 set screws that was going to be more than adequate holding that slug down in that cover now anytime you're trying to run a tap at an angle where it's coming out the side of the material it's really critical to try to do some directional tapping meaning putting pressure on the tap where it's always wanting to push in towards the material otherwise it will naturally just want to just walk right out and blow out and screw up everything definitely patience goes a long ways with something like this whoa [Music] wow [Music] ah now the key to making this work is you have to have that little pocket in the bottom for the tip of the set screw to go into if you don't it'll just walk right out and uh bend the set screw tear the upper part of the of the material the slug away um but by having that pocket there to where that tip is controlled and can't blow out uh is the keys of success or something like this now just put the o-ring on and the o-ring will make the main seal between the slug and the cover i want to point out i did not put the hole there i just cleaned the existing hole up they could not have picked the worst place to bore it right at the intersection of all the gussets if i would have did a hole it would have been right between some of the gussets where it doesn't really affect the strength but the cover's so crazy heavy anyway i can't ever imagine there being a problem watching this video i i don't know why i didn't put some more loctite on it looks like i could have probably used a little more loctite by having those end of the set screws going into a pocket it's it really is amazing how tight you can get them because even though you only got threads on half to the side if you look at the length of the threads it's incredible how much how much force you can put on him here i'm just putting a couple stakes to keep the set screws the loctite is more than sufficient but knowing the damage that could happen if one of those 3 8 set screws did ever come loose and get between a couple gears uh yeah i could ruin your day real quick here i'm going to make a with some tea material i'm going to make a little lift a bracket for uh lifting the cover off um i know i could have just drilled another hole in the cover and put an eye ring in it but i just decided the uh just make a little quick little bracket okay here we're ready to put the original cover back on uh after i pull off the donor cover off the headstock um the cover uses three eighths allen head bolts and the clearance holes where the bolts drop down in were perfect size to just take a 7 16 fine thread tap and tap them out for the lifting bracket and it actually works out really nice it's real common to see people just goop up with some gasket silver via cover and slap it on um i decided i wanted to make a nice gasket and the gasket will be glued down to the cover itself with some adhesive to where if i do want to lift the cover off you know i can take it back off and back on hopefully without messing up the gasket once i tapped around with my little ball peen hammer and i had some nice marking then i just went in with the scissors and you know finished cutting the gasket out with some nice pair of scissors here i'm making sure that i get the bolt screwed into the paper rather than just shoving the bolt down and then pushing the gasket away from the cover just kind of screw it right onto the hole in the paper please here to me it's pretty obvious they had some kind of a bracket that the uh chucky hung on by looking to wear mark here and then right there on the top you know that was just years of something you know dangling around there which i would just assume it was a chucky i had to kind of work over all the shifting levers and get them all lined up properly and you know the pockets for the set screws had to back them out a little bit because they were binding and pinching but anyway i just thought i would talk a little bit about you know the shifting levers all right these have a very unique uh shifting mechanism for changing speeds and i just thought i would kind of go over it real briefly uh first of all i mentioned that the two pins here they want this cover anchored they don't want it moving around anywhere these levers as you could see are doing nothing more than moving the main large levers what they have they have a slight little almost like a detent feel about right there there's a little resistance and then it clicks over and stops same way with this the outside ones rotate towards the outside the inside ones rotate towards the inside towards the inside towards the outside where they turn all they're doing is pushing that this direction or this direction and when they're coming over let me try to make this where you can understand when a cam's over it's pushing up against here the detent you're feeling is nothing more than these rubber snubbers and then it's pushing tight against the rubber snubber until it bottoms out here the rubber snubber kind of locks it you know from vibrating and moving around i will loosen these bolts up and rotate these because where the levers hit they have flat spots all the way around so i'll just loosen turn those a little bit to another new spot and away we go i had all the shift levers already all packed together and it in before i realized i didn't film it but the problem is is the set screw there when you would tighten the set screw up it would want to pull the shaft out and pull the handle in because the position of the countersink for the set screw and it would just pinch and not let the lever work and they would just loosen the set screw up to turn and call it good i wanted the handle tight to the shaft so i just got in there with the die grinder and then just moved the countersink and the shaft out a little bit so the set screw would still lock up tight you know to handle the shaft and but not bind up i appreciate you taking the time to check out the video uh the next video for the lathe will be pulling the 10 horse motor out um i got to pull it out to change the wiring from 440 to 220 and i'll go ahead and change the bearings and then i'll put the correct pulley for the thousand rpm so that should be the next uh video once again i appreciate you taking the time to check out my videos i know this ship is called pretty kill but uh if you got a good look at it it was pretty rusted the paint i was thinking all right they should call this old iron chip company or something once again thanks for watching and if you like uh give me a thumbs up and if you're not a subscriber and you like this kind of content hit the subscribe button
Channel: Old Iron Machine Works
Views: 39,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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