Moments of Instant Regret Caught On Camera

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- [Narrator] Okay, let's be real, we've all done things we regret. I revealed my face once, and I regretted that so much, I destroyed all the evidence of the footage. But some people haven't been so lucky. From the dumb and accidental, to the outright insane, it's time to strap in for some hilarious moments of instant regret caught on camera. (upbeat music) (character yelling) Have you ever broken something in someone else's house? Mortifying, isn't it? But it's made all the worse, by say, playing around on an exercise pole and breaking something expensive like this. (smooth music) (items breaking) If you thought that was an odd thing to do for fun, how about sitting inside a trash bag like this girl, while somebody sucks all the air out of it with a vacuum? (smooth music) You know, sometimes I can sympathize with people that make idiotic decisions, but I'm sorry, this is not one of those times. And I've got zero sympathy for this girl, who really loves her pet rats, either. (kissing noises) (woman stammering) - Let go! - [Narrator] What's the matter, cat got your tongue? I mean, rat got your lip piercing? Well that my friends, is the true face of regret. Admit it, you've teased a cat before, maybe with a toy or some food. This cat doesn't take any nonsense though. (foreign language) - [Narrator] I think we all know who runs this house. Have you ever been to a restaurant where your food arrives flaming? It's a nice touch, usually achieved by splashing in a little highly flammable alcohol or fat that easily catches fire and cooks off really quickly. It looks super impressive, but playing with fire rarely ends well and these servers are about to find out. (people gasp) - [Male Speaker] Stop the video, all right stop the video! (people laughing) [Narrator] Yeah, probably wasn't the best idea to hold that fire right up to the heat-sensitive sprinkler system. And I'm not sure if they found their mistake as funny as this guy did. (laughing) You know when you're casually sending a wine selfie, trying out a super weird, what-cheese-would-you-be filter, and then... Oh, that was just too good. Aw man, how am I ever gonna know which cheese she is now? If you're a dude and you've ever had a beard, you know what a massive difference it makes to your face. A big bushy beard makes your jawline seem bigger. Like here we have a Viking, and here after a shave, we have baby-faced regret. It's like two totally different people. One a grizzled man, and the other, a fresh-faced junior; big regret. Wanna know something nobody's ever regretted? Hitting those like and subscribe buttons, because then you'll be the first to know whenever I post any new, amazing content, and I'm always posting. All done? Alrighty then. Top tip, if you're diving in the sea in an area known to contain sharks, like here, just off the Channel Islands, you should check the water first, you know, for sharks. - [Male Speaker] All right, we're in neutral. We're in reverse. - [Ryder] That was a bad idea. - [Male Speaker] Get on the boat, Ryder! - [Ryder] Oh, I touched it! - [Narrator] It turns out this was just a harmless, basking shark, not a great white, but would you have taken your chances? Elsewhere, these boaters were blasting loud, annoying electronic music across the river. So a jet skier came over to tell them to stop. (overlapping chatter) (loud music) Spoiler alert, you don't wanna mess with this second guy. (overlapping chatter) He'd better be a good shot with that bottle. (music thumps loudly) Ooh, that's embarrassing. (woman screams) (woman speaks foreign language) - [Narrator] Well, I don't think those water-logged speakers are gonna be causing trouble again any time soon. Ah, to be young, squeezing yourself into a shopping cart and spinning around a parking lot for fun. So quirky, such whimsy. Oh, it's all fun and games until you get stuck in the cart and need the fire service to cut you out of it. Guess you could say these two girls were so close, sparks were flying between them. Whether you love or hate sand, a day out on the beach is usually good family fun, but this guy might be rethinking his life choices right about now though. It's only a matter of time before that poop creeps its way into his eye. And while we're on the lovely topic of poop if you've got a Roomba, be careful where you leave it. One girl went out and left hers in the same room as her dog. And oh boy, Roombas are basically just tiny automated vacuums, they're not equipped to scoop up poop. And so instead it just spread the poop around. (gags) Well, you can't say it didn't try to help. Now, if anyone deserves some instant karma, it's criminals that prey on the innocent. One Californian couple had been having issues with thieves sneaking onto their property. So they decided to take things into their own hands by hiding a motion-activated sprinkler on their driveway. If a good squirt of water can deter animals, then it should work on thieves too, right? Well in the dead of night, their doorbell camera caught this. Who knew a good squirt of water could deter cats and cat burglars. At least this coward looked super cool pedaling away on that Diddy BMX. They say having a pet can be therapeutic, you pick up your cat and give it some love, and then, oh, oh, okay, you regret it immediately. Having a kid, on the other hand, that's notoriously tough. Tired of his son's late night gaming sessions, one dad hid his PlayStation controllers in the oven. He then completely forgot to tell his wife, so when she turned on the oven the next morning, well, this was the result. Mm, I bet the controllers weren't the only thing having a meltdown that morning. When you're a kid, there's very little you won't try. It's how you learn what you like and what you don't like. This little boy from Canada found out pretty swiftly what his opinion on super sour lemon juice was. - [TV Anchor] Family plans to spend a long weekend in Vancouver. - [Narrator] He loves it! Oh, no, wait. (man and woman laugh) - [Female Speaker] That wasn't funny? - [Narrator] That went from zero to "The Omen" scarily fast. At least that kid knows never to try it again, though. It took this couple a whole lot longer to learn the same lesson. They were celebrating reaching 30,000 subscribers on TikTok and decided to treat their fans to a super-sour challenge. (smooth music) That's an extreme reaction, I hope she's not feeling too bitter. I remember one time I finished eating a yogurt and accidentally threw this spoon in the trash instead of the yogurt pot. It was a pretty traumatic experience rifling through all the crap to get it back. But that was nothing compared to what this unfortunate fisherman did. (water splashes) You're supposed to put the fish back in the water, bud. Now, talking about a fish out of water. Oh, I really hope that wasn't his childhood pet. I love cracking open a bottle of bubbly and celebrating as much as the next guy, but there's a right way to do it, and then there's a wrong way to do it. (smooth music) (loud pop) That was the wrong way, if you were somehow unsure. Those bottles are highly pressurized, because the liquid produces carbon dioxide, leading to an internal pressure equivalent to over 11 pounds of weight on every square-centimeter of glass. So the last place you want that cork firing is into your mouth, or almost the last place, anyway. Speaking of wrong ways to do stuff, here's the wrong way to do a handstand against the wall. (woman gasps) - I busted the wall. - [Narrator] That's the most dad reaction of anything I've ever heard. No worries, though, there's a hilariously simple dad-fix for this. (smooth music) Hmm, I get the feeling he was still in a whole lot of trouble, although he probably didn't get fired from his job, unlike this guy. He and his partner were delivering a brand new fridge, but in his hurry, he failed to correctly secure it, and wouldn't wait for his partner to help. And just so you know, that fridge was worth over $4,000; was. - [Male Speaker] God. Why wouldn't you wait, bro? - [Narrator] That's it, pick it up, maybe it's all fine. Maybe not. There it is, the all too familiar walk of shame. On a winter's day in March, 2022, in Louisiana USA, the kitchen staff of a little steakhouse were busy getting some orders prepared, until, that is, something completely unexpected happened. (background chatter) - [Male Speaker] Wait for it, oh, here we go. (woman laughing) Bust the platter! (group of people laugh) - [Narrator] Ah, man, that was definitely the wrong time for a random karate chop. The more logical side of me reckons he was gesturing to his colleagues and went a little too hard. But I prefer to think he just loves pretending to be Bruce Lee. If you thought the woman carrying those drinks was having a bad day though, just check out this shopping cart attendant. (smooth music) Oh dear. In a way, it's kind of impressive that he managed to maneuver two stacks of carts into three separate vehicles, bravo. I wasn't sure I believed in karma until I made this video. Now, though, well, I know it definitely comes for some people, like this woman, who woke up and decided it was the perfect day to try and steal somebody else's post. That's far too satisfying for just one play. Let's watch again for your viewing pleasure. That knock to the head threw her off so much she didn't even keep hold of the packages. Yeah, she didn't get any free parcels that day, but I'm sure she did get a good bruise, and a deep feeling of shame; profit. I had zero sympathy for that woman, but I really can't say the same for the poor guy in this CCTV footage, captured, well, somewhere very gray; just wait. (smooth music) I laughed, then I cried. That truck might well be the guy's livelihood, so his reaction is pretty understandable, if so. Let's just hope it was insured. As for the operator of the crane, I'd say he's more of an ex-operator now. You know those gaps in the floor between an elevator and the building it's in? I dropped $10 down one of those once, and I'm still not over it, but that was nothing compared to what these two delivery people had to go through. (smooth music) Yeah, dropping an entire door down there is quite a lot worse. The way they just look at each other at the end before the elevator closes, ah, man, they really shafted themselves. If you thought those guys made a bit of a boo-boo at work, you've see nothing yet. You see that worker in the high-vis jacket? Well, he's about to make a decision he'll regret within seconds. - [Male Speaker] Oh, (foreign language). (loud crashing) (overlapping foreign language) (men laughing) - [Narrator] Geez, all that cable work probably took days to put up. Although, having said that, looking at the huge slab of snow overhanging the building, I'm pretty certain our guy just sped up the inevitable. So you could consider the snowball a field test. Just a really, really unfortunate one. Being an international pop star has gotta be one of the hardest jobs of all though. I mean, you sing, you tour, but worst of all, you're expected to hold heavy trophies if you actually win anything. K-pop singer, AleXa, knows this pain all too well. (audience cheers) (audience groans) (audience continues cheering) Man, if I got that reaction every time I dropped something, might have gone through 50 phones by now. Remember all the hairdressers were closed? Well, this led to a lot of people taking things into their own hands with varied results. The pandemic's no excuse for this boy, though, who back in 2018, decided to take his dad's razor, and give YouTube a haircut tutorial. - Let's get it started. (razor whirs) I made a bald spot. Oh my God. - [Narrator] Yeah, I hate to break it to him, but patting it on the back isn't gonna fix it. I bet that kid had the worst next day at school. You know, when you try to do a nice thing for somebody but it just backfires? Well, the dude in this restaurant sure does. After he kindly held the door open for somebody. Ah, man, that sucks. Or as the grammatically questionable Reddit post title suggests, "that's suck." You really should lock your doors at night. If not for insurance purposes, then at least to stop this from happening to you. Yep, even though this guy knew a blizzard was on the way, he didn't think to check if all his doors and windows were locked. The result? His home got an ice-cold makeover. One guy who didn't have any problems with the cold, though, is Melbourne resident, Sean Calver. Here he is, deciding it'd be fun to eat four chili peppers, each ranking in the top-10 spiciest in the world for a laugh. Wait, what? You know what, he's actually handling those monsters pretty well. They're Trinidad Scorpions, which score 1.2 million on the Scoville Heat Scale. In other words, 240 times hotter than a jalapeno. And those are Ghost Chilies, which aren't quite as hot, but still score a seriously scorching million. Beer, by the way, is one of the worst things you can drink if you're all spiced out. You see, the thing in spicy foods that makes them burn is called capsaicin, it bonds with the pain receptors on your tongue and causes a chemical reaction. You might think water would help, but all it really does is spread the capsaicin around and make it even worse. And because beer's mostly water, it has the exact same effect. - Ah, oh, even my ears are hot. - [Narrator] Yeah, the beer didn't work. - Oh my God. - [Narrator] If you wanna avoid being in Sean's situation, well, don't eat four of the world's hottest chilies. But if for some psychopathic reason you decide to, what you really need is something like milk or yogurt. And that's because unlike water, dairy products contain fat, which breaks down the capsaicin and gets rid of the burn. (Sean groans) (woman talking indistinctly) (Sean groans) - [Narrator] Unfortunately for poor Sean, the only yogurt he had in his fridge was a whole 10 days past its expiry date. Geez. (groans) - I wish we had some (quack) dairy that wasn't off. (woman laughs) - Oh, God, this is (quack). - [Narrator] You know who I feel most sorry for? Whoever had to use the toilet after all that came out of Sean's other end, ugh. And on that delightful note, I think that's just about all the regret I can face right now. Have you ever done something you regretted so much it could have been featured in this video? Let me know down in the comments below, and thanks for watching. (upbeat music)
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 6,117,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10, instant regret caught on camera, instant regret compilation, funny tiktok compilation, weird memes compilation, unusual memes compilation, girl gets vacuum sealed, woman spills wine on her face, guy opens champagne with mouth cork hits face, guy eats hottest chillies in the world, handstand breaks dry wall, thief sprayed with water, roomba runs over poop, seagull poops on man, flaming food sets off sprinklers, eyebrow plucking fail, shaving fail
Id: ih14ncNJWvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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