-I'm so happy you're here.
Congrats on the film. But congrats on something
even bigger. -Thank you. What?
-You got a pool. -Yes, I got a -- We got a pool. [ Laughter ] -Was it great? -Congrats to you
because I can't believe you're the father of two boys.
-I am. -That's amazing.
So I just have to say that. -Thank you.
[ Cheers and applause ] But not a single pool. So, yeah. -But not a single pool. -Yeah.
-Okay. So, yes. So, we put a pool
in our backyard and a Jacuzzi. And I have to say
it's best thing ever. -Wow. Did you think you would take to
pool life right away? -I did, because I'm
the type of person -- whenever I go to hotels
I'll swim for an hour, 'cause it gives me
such a good sleep. -Great. -I just love the pool lifestyle as a mother, like,
swimming with your kids. There's something about it just
really makes me feel like a mom. -That's great.
-So, I love it. And I just really got into
the lifestyle, and I was like,
"I'm gonna get a grill." I've never grilled in my life.
[ Laughter ] And I just went and bought,
like, the best Viking grill, and I was like,
"I'm gonna learn." And I made burger patties,
and I had like seven kids over, and I was just determined.
I had to light it. And I was really proud of
myself. So, I grilled up, like,
10 burgers and chicken breasts. -Wow!
Burgers and chicken breasts? [ Laughter ] You jumped in with both feet. -I did. I really did.
But I love it. So, I love my, like,
California lifestyle. -And that must be
very exciting for your kids. Your kids are teenagers now.
-Yes. So, them having a pool, that's
a game changer for them as well. -It's a game changer. All their friends come over, and they're always sitting in
the Jacuzzi. So it's really nice. I like having all the kids
at our house. -Yes. Keep an eye on them.
-I like that. Yeah. -I know that one thing you do
with your kids is you come up with expressions
that you guys don't like. Can you give me
an example of a few? -Well, yes. We have a long drive to school
in the morning, and so we just do little things
like -- like, games like that. And I say, expressions -- I ask the kids
to think of expressions they don't like that people say. So my personal ones
that I don't like are -- I don't like when people say,
"Ya think?" [ Laughter ] I just think it's --
I don't know. I don't like that. -Okay, gotcha. -And then I don't --
like, this is so negative. I don't like when people
are like, "Holla." That's something
you will never -- [ Laughter ] -Gotcha.
-What is -- I don't like that. -It's not even come close to
being something you would do? -Never.
-Yeah. -Only as a joke.
-Yeah, gotcha. -"Holla."
[ Laughter ] And I don't like
"She's the most amazing human." -Oh, yeah. -It just sounds so --
-That's a little gross. -It's just sounds kind of, like,
pretentious or something. And then my sister Mary doesn't
like it when people say like, "Oh, I just want to veg out.
I'm such a couch potato." She doesn't like that. -Okay, gotcha. -And then I went on a date once
with a guy who said -- he was, like,
instead of saying kindergarten, he was like, "What were you like
in kinney garden?" And I was like, "Ooh."
[ Laughter ] -Ooh. Kinney garden's real bad. -I was like, "Ooh, are you
a baby? And this date is ovah." -Yeah. Holla.
-Holla. [ Cheers and applause ] -I don't like -- -Kinney garden. -Kinney garden's bad.
-Yeah, yeah. It was bad. -Your kids, obviously --
You grew up in Ohio. I grew up in New Hampshire. Your kids -- You know, my kids
are growing up in New York. Your kids are growing up in L.A. Are they -- Do they like growing
up in L.A.? Do you guys ever see,
like, celebrities? Are they excited
to have grown up in a place where you see famous people? -What's so great about growing
up in L.A. is my daughter and I were
at the Vaughn's in Burbank. This is when she was
really little. And we saw one of
the original members of the cast of "The Wizard of Oz," one of
the original Lollipop kids. And he was about 102 years old. [ Laughter ] And he was in our line
to check out, and he happened to have
a sparkly "Wizard of Oz" jacket. And he was like, "I was one of
the original Lollipop kids." And I was like,
"This is legendary." And he had cards. And my daughter was kind of
weirded out because he looked, you know. And then she said,
she was like, "Mommy." She, like, whispered
to the side of me. She was like four at the time. She was like, "Can we stop
talking to this old kid?" [ Laughter ] She called him an old kid
'cause she didn't -- -Why would -- Yeah. She couldn't put it together.
Sure. -Yeah. But anyhow.