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hello students welcome to PW bang AUD video hell hello hello audio video C good afternoon hello showman sonal Rick all clear all clear okay okay timately complete watching from Trend wow important concept concept basically concept atoms molecules and and chemical arithmetic a actually mole at Moes and conic struct important perod okay for minute minute 1 minute ATS molecules chemical arithmetic chemical arithmetic for 11 and wbj okay okay then only possible actually impossible atomic structure one anything thatone aad number of molecules that is 6.022 into 10^ 23 6.022 into 10^ 232 mole O2 molecu O2 mole molecular mass one molecule one Mo example single just2 Moy at this is my first question B PW wbj course 2.0 2 okay oy one2 a number of o2 molecule a number of o2 molecules one oygen at number of o2 molecules 2 into number of oxygen atoms one2 molecule number [Music] of2 number of 2 into oxygen at one mo one MO one that is at m one mass of atom one Mo that is that is okay okay one mo one MO that is mass molecular mass one Mo GP G un ion by . 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Channel: PW Bangla
Views: 13,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wbjee 2024, wbjee, mole concept, mole concept one shot, mole concept pyqs, mole concept concepts, mole concept wbjee, wbjee chemistry important chapter, wbjee important chapters, most important chapters for wbjee 2024, wbjee 2024 preparation, wbjee 2024 strategy, wbjee 2024 syllabus, how to crack wbjee 2024, physics wallah, pw bangla, bengla, bengali, pw, mole concept class 11, ATOMIC STRUCTURE
Id: aHWMcUhzDI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 55sec (11575 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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