[mokpoMBC] Michael kenna Photography, Shinan and me full version,korea, 마이클케나

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I am a photographer taking photos traveling all around the world displaying my work to people these are all my jobs people say when they look at my pictures they make them think deeply it's really satisfying I feel that all the beauty I put into the photo goes down in people's minds in this exhibition people are especially attracted to one conspicuous photo I was thinking maybe China but it's maybe northern Japan was cool you okay looks like there's a snow bank maybe right in front of me you know he the photographer this angle with his and that's that's what I appreciate some other island that's off in the distance that's very faint but makes me wonder what it is where it is it seems like a photo of a snow field but actually this was a sand hill this is a photo of a nearby island taken from an island called Edo in South Korea yes I've been falling in love with Sheena in Korea I felt my heart fluttering with a new and warm landscape all day apart from the people that live here has anyone been to this distant in small island I like discovering and finding hidden beauties I capture a moment of breathtaking views and the stories of the people there and I passed the people's stories on to the other people who have not been there this is the way I communicate with the world you this is multiple the central city of the southwest coast people need to pass through here to go to the islands of Sheena I have traveled around Asia for over 10 years but I still don't know the differences among the countries it's because there is no border for nature in the inclement weather the ferry barely left the wharf people are worried about my photographing but I am actually thinking the opposite yeah I don't like it to be sunny all the time life is like that life isn't sunny all the time so it's nice to see it and change conditions today we have some rain some clouds and little mist fascinating to see what we find see what's around the corner see what's on the next island good after two and a half hours sailing to Hangzhou the minute I arrived I found a heavy rain waiting for me it was a typhoon nice weather they come to the Korean Peninsula early every summer a typhoon comes without fail this year and Hong dal absorbs it with every fiber of its body I wonder what images there will be after the typhoon has passed in Hangzhou they do say the world is your oyster and I am still delightfully exploring as to what is next I really have no idea I'm looking forward to finding out though when you don't have preconceptions about what you're going to photograph you don't really see anything and then something magical and mysterious the miraculous appears around the corner it's very very simple it's just trees and metal it's so beautiful and then just when I was photographing a bird flew through the trees towards realist and then just went up with a nose it was as if he was saying hello nice to meet you and it's just it was a lovely meeting so made me smile oh there was a lovely gift so yes I was very happy to to find this little little place here okay whenever people see my pictures they ask me how I could find such wonderful places and I always say I was just lucky I have to do to run a marathon in three weeks perfect training we really should be running up but I actually know this kind of legwork we'll bring luck to me whenever I go deeper and higher nature shows its hidden beauty to me more here in Hangzhou nature rewards my belief as well and it almost looks like some sort of kind of Asian antique painting kind of calligraphic shades or the islands not she beautiful kind of flow almost negative space and kind of a wash and a wash over the rest of it so after an hour of climbing the view from the top of Hangzhou was just breathtaking honto is composed of about 20 islands the seashore is bordered by towering sea cliffs with diverse shapes of rocks with the blue sea and green forest it remains the most spectacular site in the southern sea Hangzhou is one of over 1,000 islands in China and it's made me flutter for the last two years she nun is an archipelago of a thousand and four exquisite and unspoiled islands situated in the southwest of Korea chignon is a place where time seems to slow and almost to stop however ironically for a landscape photographer she nun is a cornucopia days and nights come and go the Sun rises and sets on endless expansive horizons of water various creatures and types of food grow in the sea and the people who live here eat those to live creatures nature and people depend on each other like they cannot live without each other she nun encourages us to slow down and appreciate our world one cannot help but fall in love with this wondrous place as I have Luke Sandow is the central island here in chignon that shows how people should be in harmony with nature once it was the center of the Korean fishing industry but the glory is gone now and only some traces are left the mountain and ocean around this place are such a deep blue they are almost black it has been given the name the black Highland this has a sad story in sensories before people on the mainland through political opponents out and sent them into exile here but for me here was a place where I could find unique beauties rather than historic incidents put through it while driving down a coastal road I found a big watercolour painting by coincidence someone may draw it on the sea it was a fish farm that occupied the biggest part of the Korean fishing industry no people appear in my photography I try to capture the atmosphere left behind as I describe it rather than specific images whenever I see things like this that are quite geometric that have been formed by ourselves they fascinate me I'm generally interested in kind of the juxtaposition the relationship between landscape fluid forms the geometric you remove forms that we humans made almost as if for kind of a a watercolor washes moving across the beautiful canvas and somebody's coming in these staccato calligraphic kind of kanji like characters that somebody's drawing on the landscape I want my photos to involve the latent atmosphere of a place such as memories traces and the history of time and humanity they can be strangely surreal atmospheric and mysterious the creation is kind of a competition of history time people humans working in the landscape it's almost out of control not in a formulaic artistic visual which turns into something almost more beautiful than armed than any artist can create it's as if we're all artists together creating this amazing masterpiece this year the fish farm will certainly adorn the sea and many creatures will grow here when I returned to Huck Sandow in the winter I could see the remains of the richness of summer the view of the fish farm seen from the sky is recreated in collaboration with nature and me through my small camera on my way back after filming a fish farm I found another piece of work it looks like someone painted the foreshore with creative patterns if a superhuman being made a painting it would be like these after the water goes out from the foreshore a natural painting appears the tidal patterns which look like the roots of trees are a natural collaboration between the sea and the tidal flat and the Sun and the moon the mudflat that hides its existence when the tide comes and shows it when the tide is going out and protects the sea from pollution and the mainland from natural disasters like typhoons extensive mudflats stretch out from the southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula shannon has the largest tracts of tidal flats around there it provides a large and unique ecological environment between the sea and the mainland they are the natural habitats for a variety of marine creatures sea plants water birds and migratory birds of course we are one of them places history Nam very good very salty mmm excellent delicious thank you very much I've traveled all around the world but Shannon was the first place where I actually felt I wanted to jump into the mudflats when you're when you're flying over them you see these absolutely exquisite shapes these you know these kind of floral root like shapes worthy the water is brown during and all these little tributaries that they absolutely exquisite when you get very very close again you have these tributaries we also have cracks which resemble these that these things it's nice to also be a three-quarter view or you can actually see very very interesting shapes when the mudflats you know become denser and it's almost like a little chasms that they create rivers flow through them it's as almost as if you're even if you're just standing you know a few feet above it it feels like you could be you know thousands of feet looking down so you can't really get a sense of scale about it so it's it's quite an incredible place I think you feel extremely humble actually here we realize how how fragile and small we are here you want you to you just get ten feet on you know 15 meters out into the mud flats and you're almost lost you know it feels like you could just sink and disappeared forever I don't know how the Fisher people do it all every day the tidal flats mean a bridge between the sea and the mainland also they are a link between nature and humans for the people who live here mud flats are also a living foundation in a way that has been handed down for generations they catch only what they need to live from the sea the villagers have stuck to their traditional way of life for hundreds of years the most interesting thing in the mudflats was a small octopus it is amazing that even though the small octopuses are hidden in deep places on the flats people can find and catch them with their bare hands and moreover it was my unforgettable memory to see people just cut up octopus roughly and eat it raw fresh ingredients from the mud flats make a table bountiful sometimes I don't even know what I am eating but I am sure that it gives me a better and more precious experience than any fancy restaurant thank ya I've already visited four times in the past two years and I always have no plan where to visit when I come to the islands this is the way I take photos and this is my attitude to my life expectations I wait to see what's around the next corner it's much better that way you don't expect anything you know what's there like life I'm sure they'll be an adventure waiting for us on the next time but I don't know what it is it'll be good sometimes in my dream I become a tree if I had a past life I would have been a tree I think a tree that was just standing in the same place for hundreds of years watching the people who were passing by and enduring the time passing I would have no specific aim in mind but to think that I'm still alive and could just live my life for now my photographic work I try not to have goals I try not to have destinations and endpoints because I always feel the journey is fascinating but much more interesting than the destination and if we have a kind of an endpoint we're almost destined to take a straight line to that endpoint whereas what I love to do is make diversions see what's along the path and you know when I see something I go in a different direction and go around the corner and around the bend and you know the horizon and behind the building and see what's there on its it's all part of the exploration of living which is you know essentially I suppose what life is about is exploring and finding out what it what it is about even though I think when we die nobody really knows cogito is an island located in the farthest southwest of Korea the places I found here including Sheena remind me of my destiny it seems like before I was born and became a photographer my destiny to be here was decided it feels like the landscape somehow opens up and it makes complete sense to me because we're all organisms we're all kind of connected ultimately so to feel that you know it's it's me the photographer announced the subject matter doesn't make that much logical sense to me it makes much more sense that we all connected and that if you if you put out a conscious desire to to contribute beauty to relay the landscapes beauty transport it to some other people you know many people don't have the possibilities that I have to spend hours in the landscape and it's an opportunity to give those people also some of this amazing landscape the two sides of the rocks kind of almost Canyon you have the bank element of the island which is quite misty hmm and you have a lovely wash a very dark mm as I put a red sauce right makes absolutely the water go very dark so me now I'm kind of almost a black fine and you have the tide it comes at the white line then you have the pebbles within a kind of a grey line I've taken photographs in colored many times but I find black and white photographs more expressive malleable and mysterious I believe that the subtlety of black and white inspires the imagination of the individual viewer to complete a picture in their minds eye which persists longer in the visual memory I don't want to be fast I don't need high definition I don't want to see the world in color because we see it all the time I want my photographs to be more of a mystery and interpretation catalyst for one's imagination you know there's all the colors of the rainbow you can use at the same time you can produce very beautiful work with the absolute simplest of materials black ink on wife's canvas image we some a painting I like to spend hours and hours in the darkroom kind of molding the photograph almost like clay almost like a sculptor that's it's my processes is what I do my actual work involves travelling around the world and taking photos the rest of the time I hold up in my darkroom in my house in Seattle this is my second creative work the clouds I want a long dark take out some mighty also dodging tool it's got a long way to go many photographers have given up analog methods to develop and print but I still stick to them I know I have to overcome the complicated process and chemicals which stimulate the sense of smell but I love the moment when one picture is created in my darkroom nature provides me with masterpieces of landscapes so I shouldn't worry about a little laborious work for myself this becomes light and I'm trying to dog in the foreground so it has a feeling of going into the image this is too bright still I get much more on me and the sky now just too much too much too black you failed again I failed it's all part of the process it takes me a long time to get there I don't need or desire instant gratification in photography and it is the long slow journey to the final print that captivates me I like to respect what I photograph you know sometimes I feel like I'm a landscape fashion photographer I've tried to make my my model sort of beautiful trees I worked beautiful the islands I worked beautiful the landscape and one beautiful because it is it inherently is it has this just beautiful elegance that I like to try to bring that out you some people say photography is a momentary art but I disagree with this my photos and body all the scenery and time through the lens in a shot yesterday and I photographed this morning I'm sure I could come many times because the life will change each time also you know if you arrive at a place when it's still dark the light is constantly changing and I'd like to make long exposures some time to see the cumulative effect of light on film and to see what happens because it's something we as humans actually cannot see a lot of my photographs are made with long time exposures sometimes just in seconds often in minutes and occasionally hours long exposures have a way of softening the image and making it otherworldly moving clouds and water can simplify backgrounds and reduce unwanted clutter and distraction questions are raised which are usually more interesting than the answers yes I love these scenes which are made by time they are having a long history of nature and humans you this is why I like the salt farm of Sheena most among the places where I've traveled from 3 p.m. till sunset I waited for hours for only one photo it's almost the difference between using a lodge paintbrush with very graphic shapes and a kind of small fine detailed paintbrush mmm the moment I like the big paintbrush strong a line hopefully I'll find one before the sunset the one that I have back there lassi looks good sorry this one looks good too but I think the original one is that still the best patience is very it was a unique scene keeping the time enriched by seawater the Sun and people and then I put myself in with little time and effort my last journey was to man jato it took the longest time to get there transferring between several ships there are no cars and even no accommodation for travelers it looks like a place where time has stopped I seem to be the first foreigner who had come to this island so a middle-aged woman who gave me a bed was so excited I had no idea what she was saying but I felt happy as well nowadays everything is faster more colorful and noisier time is spent in bits and pieces I like to present work that slows people down makes people calm and lets people feel there in solitude rather than being intimidated in a moment I had returned to the scene as it was ten years ago or even hundreds of years ago the beauty of the stop time is captured by my camera in these stopped scenes the people who live there live in the same way as they did a hundred years ago many pieces of life have been piled up for a long time conversations and eye contact between nature and humans create natural landscapes and the air that I breathe beauty was always here in the same place but we just didn't realize it at the time I've always appreciated John Lennon's words life is what happens when you're busy making other plans based on my past itineraries I suspect and hope that the road ahead will be full of interesting twists and turns therefore meeting with chignon was lucky for me I know I'm so fortunate to be a photographer sometimes not so easy you know just take a quick snap of it doesn't really do the scene justice so many centuries and centuries and centuries that have gone into this creation of this amazing place we should somehow pay homage to you know the beauty of the place I have been highly impressed with the Sheena and Archipelago these days it is not so easy to find such places of natural beauty where one can be seduced by pure nature earth water and sky are in such diverse and complex combinations and variations I was able to visit Sheena and four times in the past two years not nearly enough to fully explore it one would need a lifetime for that I'm eagerly looking forward to my next visit Oh you
Channel: 목포MBC
Views: 135,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael kenna, shinan, korea, 전라남도, 마이클케나, 신안, 유네스코, 생물권보전지역, 사진작가, Photography, 비금도, 안좌도, 증도, 지도, 압해도, 홍도, 흑산도, 만재도, 자은도, DOCUMENTARY, islands, island, asia, san francisco
Id: P-KnyfcGW9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2016
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