moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Jul 14th, 2021 [Wrestling Empire]

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foreign hello pre-notification gang probably no granny speed runs we'll see maybe maybe whatever chat decides we'll figure it out makes the resub underdog no no youtube tonight it's the resub dj matata in the prime narwhals and beetle the recep beetle thank you man and gamer god here's the resub nevic's and tier one tease a in the prime ddw yep just showered makes the prime yak core oh yeah yeah the mdk remake came out didn't it that's right that's right that's right hold on it's on steam isn't it let me see i thought it was on steam it is steam okay i was typing the name and wrong there it is yeah we can do that thank you three sub c pod things will be sub thanos gaming and prime deminted goose and black rabbit pokemon speedrun no thanks for the five gift subs lambs gooch have you ever seen the pizza delivery karen i'm not sure i don't think so no this is new to me thank you for the scoots i will definitely be watching that later i'm saving the link it's a tier one zona zone and the five gives tin give subs nino good to see you again jesus christ thank you for the generosity nino it makes the resub chicken little the gift sub asian lambo and the bits oops flash and the gifts of jonathan the five gift subs butter dog in the recep turd and mildly disgruntled disgruntled in the prime tattoo thank you for the generosity thank you butter dog nino i'm downloading the game right now wait loki ends this week god i haven't even [ __ ] started it oh god makes it give some asian lambo and resub turd the tier one mr sniper mask tier one jonas tier one alpha dog and give some cuppa joe and there's some rare big mac and give some tease downloading m dickey's remastered collection that's some classic [ __ ] yeah apparently loki ends this weekend i have to binge it now yeah i'll do this guy remarriage speed run but not tonight the last episode is tomorrow what the [Music] [ __ ] i'm gonna have to watch every episode so quick there's a tier one pup store in the recent static seduction hey again buckeye agreed thanks for the bits creator and jonathan and butterdog i don't know if there's a new one or not butter i haven't been on yet coming along great rip and congrats that's great what kind of socks do you wear whatever walmart sells in bulk have you seen the nickelodeon smash bros so excited i think it's gonna be dog [ __ ] but it's gonna be so fun that's really [ __ ] up oni i'm sorry to hear that i said tier one andrew stacy hopefully it's all sorted out now next the resub fuji and the resub kin the prime deluxey the prime stuffed crust in the resub puparoni in tier one about abby city obesity and tier one milsie marisa i am the gingerbeard man and prime laggy num nuts and rock star the imdiki collection we're doing the m dickey collection let's read some sushi roll in the bits again butter dog he's the recent teacher bun bun and perception whoa wait is that true faze sued coffeezilla fraser k wants to sue me for expose hold on we might have to pivot real quick this is this is big i didn't know that we're not doing a youtube night but this is big is that true is he actually suing clan here i'll wait to start it so like people don't just keep recommending it this sounds like big news probably not gonna watch all of it but i want to know if this is real thanks there you said punished cabbage oof joel and the prime peter yeah just a bit of a drama intro and then we're going to play the mdke collection i'm pretty invested in the story now i have kind of caught up and understand what's going on a bit more it's pretty wild it is wild there's not a whole lot of wiggle room for k to claim innocence after all of the overwhelming evidence i think he's too dumb to realize that anyone can see all of the transactions through his [ __ ] because it's all public so it's pretty inarguable and if he's threatening to sue that's going to be a disaster for him next theory sub my willy rick and leon in the prime jake and nine star i have no idea what that even means baby gravy i just did one like two weeks ago buddy for a snow shovel makes three sub chibi and bubble gum and maybe jaded thanks to the bits orange and the resub zarok yeah i've already watched muda's video that's how i got all caught up talking to muda about it and going through his stuff hear that millie bobby brown got groomed the dude talking about it in tiktok was disturbing was it by drake alright that's the first i've heard of it all i know is drake was [ __ ] weird with her he's the recep weed potato thanks for the bits tj i did speedrun doom 2016 not successfully but i did try i streamed it for a while actually thanks theresa blutes chronic and i know and thank you nina appreciate it it's a recent nightmare no no speedrunning today we're going to start with a little drama and then we're doing the mdke collection i think i think that'll be the plan is the tier one comrade leo theresa mara locks are you done with granny and outlast now i'll probably still revisit those games i still love speedrunning so i always go back and speed run those things the prime hugh jazz and the tier one i hate baseball here's the gifts of alvarado and nino with the tier three of sub thank you man what's your opinion on one ply toilet paper i think it should be considered a crime if any business is found using one ply i think they should automatically have to pay an exorbitant fight like astronomical fine it's inhumane makes it give subwab and i'd absolutely be up to do a meme review of pewdiepie if you'd like here's the prime frag in tier 1 danny malik okay let's give it a whirl let's see what this is about has suspended three members and booted one entirely over their involvement in a shady pump and dump cryptocurrency scheme we've remained in contact with them and we we've asked them some sweaty personally asked them yo where where's the response why have you guys not addressed this yet what is going on do not believe what you're hearing online if you don't know coffee zillow hey welcome then kim there he is right there goes into the trenches the people behind this coin at least from what it appears to be running a statement it's a pretty extreme intro but it actually makes me sick to my [ __ ] stomach why is he listening to the influencers telling him you need to change the thing that's preventing this from being a scam to one minute thereby making it a scam and phase k there are a lot of other people that are guilty that there is like some type of mastermind here who's the name tell me next week miller man well this is awkward i didn't plan on talking to you guys until my next installment on save the kids because this story is not over i don't know if you guys remember how he left it but we still don't know who the true member is there's some witnessing in this new video that i've been working on i've been digging deep i know who the mastermind is i'll save the kids and i think we found most of it i teamed up with some ordinary gamers to look closely over the blockchain to find out who's truly responsible in fact he just uploaded a one-hour video exposing some of what we found but the prime minister and all i want to do is tell you guys that story no i'm not like the darth sidious or anything here it's the [ __ ] manager followers could be their manager is the one that did it save the kids which did anything but and instead scam the fans who invested instead of that though today i got something from our boy phase k sorry x phase k and after some milky way reaching out to him for comment on the new evidence that i had found i got this this is a cease and desist letter from frasier k's lawyers basically they're saying yeah baby let's go hold on let's see here um if you do not immediately by the end of the day tomorrow at the latest publicly retract the defamatory statements and cease and desist from making other such defamatory statements some fresh cuban swag hey man that tomorrow the sea west is actually today which is why i'm making this video to inform the boys at uh frazier's law firm that unfortunately i'm gonna miss the deadline boys because even though of course i don't i love these cease and desist intimidation tactics to try to get me to shut up about exposing one of the biggest crypto scams this year and even though keeping my videos currently i'm getting sued for millions of dollars they tell me my conscience is clean i'll happily fight this in court i'm gonna hide behind lawyers here instead i'm gonna walk you through this absolute toilet paper i'll show you the ridiculous bullying that these guys are trying to do to get me to shut up and not only that that's so [ __ ] cute opinion of mine that this lawsuit is a tactic to silence the new evidence that's coming out about kay he knows the kind of things that i have on him and he knows it because i've been asking him for comment on it and he hasn't been responding apparently he's been prepping his lawyers to come at me instead but that's going to backfire and thanks to the research guys i'll be sharing a taste of that info with you including a brand new phase k wallet that nobody knew that's pretty wild i didn't know that let's deal with this little legal letter here um at the risk of boring you i'll be posting the full letter on my twitter account if you want to see it there but i'll just be going over the most important parts here thank you aka face k we write to you regarding your false and defamatory public statements about mr cadrotti since june 201 and demand that you immediately retract them as there is defame frazier k they also say i've extorted him which was news to me listen to this they say um to whit you wrote k i'm serious man this is our dm's by the way i guess um asking for comment is extortion now i'm serious man you gotta start talking we've found so much more on you and if you i feel like they have the worst [ __ ] lawyers statements it's never gonna work if you guys don't know i'm referencing phase k's um response video where he didn't say sorry and instead tried to play the victim tier one should continue not only that we want to take down but you staying silent isn't helping okay here i'm discussing the fact most people involved in this investigation know pepper's involved and we know that k knows that so we're looking for that evidence i'm just asking him look why doesn't he just beat his ass listen to this they say despite knowing that yeah he should have just beat his ass bad actor here i was thinking not mr kadrati okay so apparently i'm asking for evidence on sam pepper being the bad guy while apparently knowing that sam pepper was the bad guy and this constitutes extortion so let me may break this down for you guys at home asking on new evidence saying hey because we had lost communication you just stopped responding to my messages and i'm saying look we have new evidence you need to respond to it it looks terrible right that apparently is extortion real quick i want to pause it not to blue ball uh this is more than youtube drama if everything that mudahar and coffee has on k is accurate which everything's public you can't really hide it the dude is looking at a federal [ __ ] crime like it's a big [ __ ] deal which is why he's scrambling with this kind of [ __ ] here like it's an actual massive big problem so that's why the situation's pretty wild if you ask me i love this season this is scare tactics i was actually talking to mudahar last night and he thought that was coming and it looks like it absolutely was the dude's really dumb this guy seems really [ __ ] dumb so this is exactly what i would love to see from this kind of drama here this is exciting and according to phase k your malicious intent and willingness to report false facts to comport with i'm sorry about that your best interest again i'm asking phase k for the facts on sam pepper and i'm being told that's extortion but also i knew the facts that k won't provide me like what are you talking about dude here's the thing that pisses me off this whole time they're saying like basically i'm purposely misleading why does he just report the thing doing drama will do nothing they did craziest headline possible there is an active investigation going on he said everybody also makes videos talking about it same with mudahar i did it instead i went through everyone's wallets it has been reported to the authorities and they are investigating that's why k is in such a panic not as bad as phase k right face tico i've publicly exonerated because i had a look at his wallet he talked because he's innocent and it was proven that he hadn't sold his save the kids token so if what they're saying and i'm looking to promote myself and your videos rather than conducting a new affordable and careful review of the truth as any reputable reporter would have done i would have just thrown everyone under the bus instead i pointed out the people who had a habit of pumping and dumping and i pointed out the people who didn't and all the while i asked everyone for comment because of course in a case that is this serious i have to ask you is there more information of the story they also tell me that i made among other attention-grabbing false and defamatory statements about mystery is what i said yeah i would i'd actually say that's true i mean what are you talking about you sold save the kids which you were an ambassador of in 24 hours how is that not malicious selling you're supposed to be an ambassador of a charity token and you sold everything in 24 hours they also say i said he dumped all his kids immediately true but here's a good one they also included a joke i put in my video they said i said stories at all you know that's more than enough man thank you that's a good joke what i mean by that is that he not only sold save the kids instantly he has a history of doing that to every or nearly every project he gets involved in you can check it for yourself on the blockchain boys and it kind of just continues like that um but here's another one that's kind of important to talk about they're apparently upset because i said it's all leading back to phase k which it was because manny and lucas they're talking about face k who himself is insisting oh no i didn't make any money that he's the victim in all this okay there i'm just quoting what he told me again because i asked him for comment which i shouldn't have even done in the first place you're starting phase k i'm sorry i keep calling him face sorry k i'm not trying to dig that in i just just have it they're saying i'm extorting you i asked them for a comment so recently very very seriously they forgot to say in my video that oh no i didn't make any money and that he claimed to be a victim is because of this thing that i did which is asking for a comment so they conclude we demand that you cease and desist if you do not mr khadrati has instructed us to commence litigation against you and all those with whom you act are acting in concert and or have been supplying you with false and defamatory information wow um maybe some ordinary gamers because we researched this thing together so they might be hearing from this guy's lawyers too some demon got a cease and desist and they're saying that anybody who's who's helped work on this might be sued i mean we'll have to take it to court but that also means the discovery phase and that also means whoever is really behind this and the true interest is that what are you talking about and i have a pretty good feeling that it's not going to be good for the party that's suing they say among other damages your false statements have caused phase to terminate mr khadrati's relationship with it and mr khadrati may as a result lose millions of dollars of revenue and that's of course what they're suing me for see here's the thing their lawsuit is saying i cause this i'm the i'm the guy responsible for getting k removed from faze clan because face gland annoying that'd be pretty cool if you were though on the cryptocurrency space but you know who actually already admitted to this not me i didn't say it faze k himself came out prematurely you know before i even had time to make money he said confess to his altcoin thing he said himself it was irresponsible for me to speak publicly about coins without knowing more look so you're admitting what you did you you're tier one remotely out of face clan you know what i mean like you promoting cryptocurrencies and rugging your followers got you kicked out of face clan i had nothing to do with it i'm just the guy who caught you along with my boys some ordinary gamers and barely sociable like honestly it's so insulting that he's implying here that faze clan can't do their own investigation oh i got your blankets it's a consult to your own company that um you were just kicked out of because they suspended other people but they kicked you out meaning they thought what you did was worse and that's their decision i mean i didn't call faze clan telling them you know what what to do right they're making their own decisions based on what they want to do and you're trying to blame me but honestly that's not a surprise because frasier failing to take responsibility for his actions seems to be a recurring theme see have you guys seen this video titled the truth about save the kids this was released by frasier after a long it's a great video wait i thought he did a wonderful job evidence he brought a two-minute video where he never apologized and said once again that he's the victim i know i haven't posted in a while and there is so much that i want to say about what's happened in the past month but because of leaving oh he's tearing up he can't be wrong right legal reasons like suing me i guess now is this please please all of these people making videos think that they know good luck only they know who they know how to work out when they just don't honestly this thing is so embarrassing he's saying he wants the truth out there but he's tangled up in legal stuff while trying to tangle the people who are talking also up in legal stuff so they can't say anything so he refuses to give any information to anyone and he refuses to let anyone else get any information out otherwise he might sue you and i know that yeah but coffee's not crying so i can't believe i found the guy responsible there's one bad guy so we've uncovered significant evidence which confirms that a dishonest person abused his trust with me to scam everybody he's talking about sam pepper but he's afraid to say his name now this is a predictable but ultimately futile decision to try to blame everything on sam pepper one thank you zucchini not because sam pepper's innocent he's definitely not i know he's not i've been asking frasier for information to confirm that by the way for a long time the reason it's stupid thank you so much zucchini i appreciate it frasier have been running around in crypto doing these scams for a very long time and they run in a lot of the same circles in fact i'm about to show you one of these scams right now live and mind you this is 10 of what i have i had to make put this video together in one night because i have to respond to this before harambe you're notorious um so just so you guys know this is ten percent of what we got and this will directly contradict frazier's little goofy theory that sam pepper you know abused his trust and that oh kay didn't know what was going on right like how how has he he been involved in this stuff before no he's just an innocent naive crypto investor so let's start where does kay's apology rank on the liquid ladder i think it'd be like an eight year another scam where the developers had most of the liquidity and people got rugged pretty quick in fact this scam was so bad that even sam pepper himself felt bad about what he did to his fans he said in a tweet yesterday i spent all day hyping up the fact i was going to promote uh like i f'ed up i chose one that was pre-sale thinking people would like that they are getting in early but instead this made it unfair after it went live people saw the devs held huge wallets this was stupid on my part not to check this and left people feeling like the project was a scam so this thing was so sleazy that even sam pepper is like yikes now how does anyone run on moon puck that is something called a shadow people sam pepper promoted these nfts you know who bought one of these nfts take a look phase k new verified shadow people collector and just underneath it to verify it even more phase k response with the devil emoji quite appropriate now you guys should be familiar with the rest of this process using this nft number i just cross check the time of sale and find out uh who owned it at the time that would be this wallet right here now all we have to do is cross check the bsc scan go to the bap 20 token section and boom see he participated in moon pug he got money from the deployer wallet jesus christ before the public could be and what did this guy do when he got loaded up with tons of moon pot well he dumped it as fast as he possibly could in a little over four hours this guy got rid of all his moon puck which means that if we go to the day of launch we can watch as friends dumps his coins the start of the sale he gets in early it pumps really high he sells off hour two hour three hour four and by this hour he's out now remember that as we zoom out this guy got in around here sold all the way here is completely out of the coin and of course everyone gets wiped out and the truth is the amount of money he made wasn't trivial i went trunk by transaction finding how much money he made each time he kept trading for tin wrapped bnb with a total of 20 out transactions that means he made about 200 b b which at a b b price of 523 means he made about a hundred thousand dollars off of selling this moon pug in the first few hours this is why i'm so sick of phrasing jesus christ naive naive people don't know how to rug a coin naive people usually don't have multiple wallets and naive people sure this house don't have a hundred thousand dollars from by saying that in my opinion okay you are a self-serving hypocrite you claim in your response video that you just want to help people and get to the bottom of this and one way i can pay that forward is by making sure that this con man gets the justice that he deserves but that isn't true is it in reality you're trying to sue people who are investigating this whole thing all the while claiming you're gonna do your own investigation one criticism i have for coffee is he hasn't cried yet and he needs to that'll really sell it how could it be you're like one of the main guys yo i know i was accused of this but i'm going to investigate it independently what and how is it aggressive you didn't do anything until we made your videos about it you got in trouble and look i get it you're upset right that's great and now you're trying to use your vast resources to shut up the people who are looking into what you've done and meanwhile you're not responding to comment and if anyone asks for comment you say they're extorting you but in my opinion the people you're really betraying here is not me it's your fans right like at the least you could do it well obviously what do you mean yeah obviously and you haven't done that right like not once during this thing does kay apologize he doesn't say sorry instead he throws sam pepper onto the bus which i'm not saying sam pepper's innocent he even could be the mastermind as i said a week ago we don't know right i'm looking into it i'm asking everybody but let's not pretend that kay and sam by addressing kay i guess um look no puny lawsuit threat is gonna make me stop investigating getting to the truth of this and the reason for that is because i know all you have is money you have piles and piles of money no one's disputing that clearly we just you know but what you don't have is the truth because if you did have that you'd be standing up loudly talking to anyone who would listen instead anyone who asks you questions is apparently extorting you so i don't know that's all i basically have to say good luck throwing your piles of money around and in the meantime i'll just continue my investigation to everyone else who's out there listening quite dramatic i apologize i hope that i can just get back to work keep investigating and i'll be presenting you guys with a new video exposing the truth about save the kids very soon oh that was good i was expecting a little more from the cease and desist uh but that's okay i i bet k wrote it himself so i mean i couldn't expect too much from it but i am glad to see it's going in that direction that's probably the worst thing he could do like i said i talked to muta about it last night because he was worried that this would happen to him and since he's not in the u.s he doesn't have u.s representation so he was asking me if he could if we could help him with like a legal team like a legal defense since we have that at our company and i was like [ __ ] yeah it'd be great to to fight the phase k over this [ __ ] on behalf of mudahar so maybe that'll even happen i will [ __ ] road trip to vegas with the the legal team here and help mudahar if i have to it would be great there is it's indefensible there's no chance k isn't guilty in case anyone's like wondering oh my god what what if k wins in court if he actually did follow through and try and take this to the highest level it would absolutely lead to his arrest the things that he's done are well beyond illegal even in the realm of crypto it's actually pretty nuts exit tier one justin and the resub gluten llama and sneebies that's very sweet aaron well i'll definitely check them out then thank you and thank you the five gift subs nathan appreciate that man is there no regulation in crypto though yeah there's not but there's a one thing that he did that makes it a crime oh hold on before i start speaking out of my ass let me bring it up again what's it called actually the tier one paradigm where is it no no i can't find it no we're not doing a youtube night we're doing an mdk night it's just this i really wanted to see this you should have asked nintendo for help with the cease and desist true that's the prime skelly and the gifts of gouache did the individuals that won your smash tournaments have to pay attacks on the winnings i don't think so i think the only person that did was well actually no i think you only pay tax on winnings if it goes over 10k and first place was getting 5k so i don't think they had to i could be wrong i don't remember now idubbbz video on logan's crypto oh doink coin doink boink or whatever the [ __ ] it was called i actually haven't seen that video from ian yet but i don't know if i want to go back-to-back crypto videos kind of want to just play m-dicky every play welcome to the game no i didn't oh dink doing that's what it was called thanks there's some huge problem and yeah i'm excited for the nickelodeon smash bros game check out ryan reynolds channel no no no no we're not doing a youtube night don't get it twisted that was an exception because i'm pretty invested in this drama we watched the fall on new vegas speedrun it was cool i probably won't do that one though okay let's fire up him dickie i'm ready to play now put me in the game now i came here is this dmca uh oh my god this is going in so hot already we're coming in wild i just hear one cat in the re-sub-check looking good looking good [Music] how does this work i'm so confused all right let's [ __ ] go thanks there's some grandmaster [Music] [Applause] okay i i thought this was story mode it's clearly not story mode jesus christ oh god it's so loud all hell's breaking loose now holy [ __ ] is this somebody's girlfriend oh my god she's dead it actually looks like how i used to play with my action figures [Applause] i mean i don't know who's gonna win maybe sasquatch over there jesus christ i have no idea it's anybody's ballgame i can really feel the upgrades from the 2005 version here i don't know who to watch this is everything's happening all at once [ __ ] sent one guy to the moon over there someone's grandpa's now going off the the [ __ ] ring ropes here [Applause] lazy recent bell sprouting [ __ ] boy and stone the [ __ ] justin [Applause] does this just go on for eight minutes [Applause] all right i'm just gonna let this right i want to see who wins i'm kind of invested now eight minutes of play time but oh my god is he still alive all things considered this does look and play better than wwe 2k [Applause] 21. [Applause] so how do you even win here by just surviving isn't there supposed to be a ref there is a ref he's just fighting right now jesus christ i thought i picked a storyline of someone threatened somebody else's girlfriend i don't know if that has anything to do with the chaos we're seeing here but i like to imagine it does i'm assuming that's the girlfriend right there that just got suplexed [Applause] they're just bowling pins yeah i mean yeah i love the sound effects it just sounds like a handful of chips constantly being [Applause] crushed what is this it's wrestling can't you [Applause] tell [Applause] it's pretty cool [Applause] how did you make this i didn't make this i just clicked like three buttons then all of a sudden hell broke loose [ __ ] summoned armageddon ragnarok uh oh good teamwork come on kim don't give up oh [ __ ] oh i i don't know who to root for i guess i'll just pull for kim [Applause] oh now everyone's leaving them oh god it's a mass exodus they're taking it to the streets [Applause] kim get back in there oh no jeep oh god [Applause] at least there is some pyro star and sweet ass in the prime ichi bean where's kim oh there she is [Applause] man that one guy's he can't get back in the ring he's got a timeout no yuri he didn't know how to use the stairs [Applause] [ __ ] yuri is still on those stairs just defeated holding his baseball bat meanwhile kim storm just gave that guy a rim job in there this is a wild wild event here wrestlemania gets kind of crazy [Applause] yeah like i said this is definitely better than wwe 2k 20. [Applause] thanks for using iron skirt and yeah that and the 10 year subscriber hey [ __ ] you i think you've got gridiron [Applause] hope you and the team have been well let me see some volcanic fire the camera guy i can't see the action this is this dude's [ __ ] ass cheeks give me a better angle [Applause] kim get back in the ring nice oh god that guy's going in the spectator stands [Applause] oh those two are dangerously close to getting timed out kane no don't give up kane i made it i think there's one more guy yeah there he is nope he's he's good we're going the distance which one's you none for some reason i didn't get to play as one of these guys he did not like that pin i'm pretty sure he was pinning two people at the same [Applause] time [Applause] oh god she died they killed her they [ __ ] slit her throat [Applause] holy [ __ ] only one minute left hang in there kim oh no [Applause] [Applause] right man yuri has to feel like [ __ ] right now he's the only one that got timed out no rio hama is pretty close to dying well everyone's pretty close to dying i think [Applause] there's a recent freezy oh this is the resub lord [Applause] nobody won all of that for a no contest oh kim's not happy about that that was wild do i not get to make a character oh chef vordevask [Music] all right we'll do that thanks there's some legendary eric and the prime tan maybe jd well thanks for that justin um yeah it looks good i want to be strong as [ __ ] what would be a cool prop for him a dumbbell maybe i'll give him an explosive i want him to go into the ring with a literal stick of c4 [Music] i don't mind him being a little old yeah maybe make them kind of like a corpse [Music] yeah that looks pretty good [Music] [ __ ] i can't see his hair oh [ __ ] oh i made him too tall okay that's better we'll just have him be a little boy scout come on there we go i'm fine with that maybe make him a little like like a scene kid kind of perhaps tommy pickles even that looks good so many options here so much customization i hate baseball and recep sonic fuzz i'm sorry to hear that grim we'll find someone better oh it's simply detailed gridiron that's so sweet i'm sure we can find an extra yeah i'll give him little flame tattoos going over his nipples let people know that he's serious i might as well give him a choker too [Music] i'm fine with this there's so many options [Music] that looks good jesus christ okay let's just let's go with the default for now i can see the lights i can feel the moment with the spark from the heart grab it and hold it i can see the lights fire blazing with the spark from the heart i playing oh i'm playing things you said matt yeah matt black is here no i'm supposed to move nope no i'm not uh did he fall asleep with his eyes open oh arrow keys right let's go don't worry i can handle this this isn't even a wrestling match this is me just coming in here to murder this guy with dynamite no not alan my arch nemesis anyone but alan all right didn't quite make it in the ring with the toss but i respect the aggression well i don't need to be babysat i'm a full-grown man yeah this is m dickey made hard time as well i don't know how to play let's go hey what the [ __ ] ref oh god yeah no ouch what are the controls help i'm going home pick it up there we go oh geez oh [ __ ] ah take that no they booby trapped the camera if i could just throw him into the fire i will win how do i break free i'm dying from smoke inhalation please god damn it [ __ ] though for some reason my count isn't going up while his is oh this fire hurt you join me in the bonfire coward i came straight from hell hi up oh [ __ ] no help ref help he's gonna kick my butt i'm on top let's go ah how do i how do i play no yes no i pressed every [ __ ] key on my keyboard the only one that worked oh here we go yeah okay the shin kicks aren't working super well yup combo take this no oh my god it helped robbie [ __ ] busted my teeth out okay here's two attacks i'm getting up on the turnbuckle no yes hi up get him again oh [ __ ] all right now i'm winning yeah i'm still locking him this will teach you to [ __ ] with me alan from the turnbuckle yeah [ __ ] hey [ __ ] you ref yeah stun lock no one's safe high up i'm coming again you son of a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah you like that wing chun you can't escape yeah i'm not done until he stops breathing until i can't feel a [ __ ] pulse thanks larisa i don't care in digital giant the prime penguin in dream now the eagle talon and the reset bakula not bad not bad oh is it a time traveler sixty dollars oh my god yeah i'll go [ __ ] kill myself for 60 bucks i guess el dorado and heckle horn not on my watch dynamite i'll blew this whole [ __ ] place to hell no oh help [ __ ] help oh [Music] thank you i'm like someone's little brother that they bought to that they brought to a larping event hiya oh jesus christ why does the ref have a baseball bat how do i swing this ref help oh sorry help why does it just say out have i been disqualified where am i thank you reserve evan you have to get tagged in charlie it's a tag match what do you mean there's [ __ ] four people in there so how would i get tagged in why would they tag me in it's a 2v2 i'm just a third wheel i think you're just like the manager oh all right uh well where am i seeing the tier one fiddle fiddlist in the resub darth really and snake minimum oh here i am roll the top derper from the top turn buckle again all right it's not letting me jump off the rough found me i'll just perch up here like batman no cheap shot thanks there is some choctaw in tomato soup i think he broke his spine what the [ __ ] i'm gonna sue the ref two christmas three [Applause] we did it i helped let's go yeah any time no worries yeah no you're good yeah yeah all right uh if you could just bury me that'd be nice i guess holy [ __ ] i'm so happy oh are you the 50 gift subs black watch ambush holy [ __ ] it makes me reset thank you so much god damn man thank you for the massive gifts up drop blackwatch let's go thanks for the prime rabbit yeah yeah sebastian slobber surprise oh it didn't blow up hold on i'll wait for the match oh [ __ ] god damn it i forgot to light it hey what the [ __ ] man get that back yeah that's what you get that's what you [ __ ] get oh god oh yeah really whale on his nuts oh god from the tom uh top turnbuckle hold on soon as i there we go why is the ref attacking me yeah huh oh oh boy oh boy i don't know how to break out oh there we go oh oh god son of a [ __ ] donkey kick i know krav maga oh jesus why are the refs pants so bloody well because you just got hit by a stick of dynamite fight me out here coward yeah yeah you like that i don't even know what i'm hitting him with [Music] get back here i'm not i'm not done beating my ass in front of you yeah you like that huh yeah [Music] i've i've got him with the light oh jesus i've got him with the light tube give me those nuts [ __ ] wait let me in the ring wait i don't have much time no you coward let me in the ring oh no i'm in what do you mean i'm in ah that's some dog [ __ ] right there i was in i think there's some corbin and sinister gecko oh he's got a mic is he talking [ __ ] makes the reset basically a ninja oh i'm double fisting let's go dynamite and a mic i'll never run out of weapons gap [ __ ] would you say howard ow okay this guy's good he's good okay this guy's good oh no my flame tattoos ignited it i can't reach his head i'm just mashing all of my attack buttons that i can recognize let me up oh please no my turn take this oh ah help help all right come at me coward no not kylie oh [ __ ] good combo is kylie on my team or slobbers i don't know our history did we date oh she's on my team let's go let's go kylie beat his ass i'll hold him back and you twist on his nipples kylie help can kylie help yes that's my chance no ah god give me oh god damn it i actually just noticed we actually have fans this time what's going on you wouldn't fight me in front of all of these people oh it's conor mcgregor before he broke his leg let me down what are you gonna do [ __ ] that's what i thought now you look real done let me in the ring no kylie hit him let's get this guy involved there's dynamite under here [ __ ] leave kylie alone i'll protect you i'm a lady yeah no just hold him out here for one more second kylie yes we did it [ __ ] don't you ever talk to her that way again yeah i'm ready i'll go back-to-back [ __ ] it thanks theresa willow and dharmik have you heard of the world gangbang championships no i have not this one's for the crowd yeah have fun with that dynamite oh no not alan again i've already killed him once don't make me do it again makes the recent slow rush what the [ __ ] get in the ring alan where am i i can't fight where am i oh here i am which one of you spectators threw me can i actually get these guys involved in the fight doesn't look like it he's upset but he's not upset enough to fight with me wait wait where'd my mic go what what do you mean the ref is corrupt what happened here yeah oh [ __ ] yeah i think you're so brave mr toast well i appreciate that thank you musty i'm sorry to hear that camino wishing you and your family the best will it fit him yeah i'm four foot six that should fit any size [Music] it's elastic thanks a recent panda god damn thank you the 25 gift subs black watch they give you the generosity i'm unleashing my final form i really appreciate the generosity man thank you apparently you sold your tattoo too did i do not have my flames oh my god i even gave him my tattoos i can actually motorboat this guy standing up yeah yeah yeah happy hop yeah oh boy i need my dynamite there we go i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it the belt is mine i'm going home it'll never catch me galloping lariat yeah oh he hit the ref uh i'm too swift here i come oh god you'll never know when i'm gonna strike i'm unpredictable this is it oh god jesus my nose yes outplayed that was my chance for a combo no i missed the turnbuckle all right awfully impressive strength ah leave me alone the ai has so many attacks but i feel like i only have like two yeah true oak this is the remaster i'm overpowering him got him now i'm on top turnbuckle fly up again oh yeah i've got him no i need more attacks grapple no grapple him doing shin kicks hits me in the [ __ ] head i'm so short i'm just hitting everything on my keyboard like how is he doing this i can't do any of this [ __ ] yeah i'm excited for the nickelodeon fighting game what what just happened i'm so good to go you [ __ ] coward god this ref is corrupt there's there's some snack bar in loxy oh i did that by accident i went to look at the controls and i thought by hitting escape it would bring them up it didn't i see i see what's going wrong [Music] [Applause] here [Music] and where's the controls i wanted to turn that up if possible but i guess i can how do i do my big attack [Music] i can do that one pretty often where are the controls i didn't see it here tag control whole teams [Music] labels oh controllers i tried using a controller last time and it didn't do anything but i'll try again x-ray subjimbo and kono yeah using a controller here doesn't do anything ah okay what didn't really help me it's all the controls i knew i guess i wasn't missing anything [ __ ] are we starting so now what all right i've got two ladders here excuse me uh i guess is there like a is it like a money thing on top or something uh no what surely there's a reason for this hey what the [ __ ] what is going on exit tier one gimmon there's nothing up here can't even do anything i'm stuck i can't jump off i can't do anything i think it's glitched hmm now the controller oh my god you're right for some reason the controller was activated why did that happen what is the ref doing yeah i don't know why the controller's activated i can't quit the match either let's uh run it back i guess uh chalk that up just being unlucky oh we have a different rough should be good this time i think thanks to recep awaken in soho gotcha okay you can't make me drop it oh what a counter come on oh yeah turnbuckle yeah oh i [ __ ] got this guy now lay into him grapple yep oh i'm popping off i'm just mashing suplex oh my god this guy's got 400 pounds on me but it doesn't matter i have heart oh he's just getting bullied what are you gonna do about it oh [ __ ] yep the old dick twist coming in hot suplex oh boy oh boy i can't see and my character's not tall enough to actually peek over this over the ring come on come on come on am i okay oh wait my count stopped keep him out here yeah sit in that chair no ah ha while you were beating my ass i was strategically planning my victory a couple fractured vertebrae are nothing in the face of championship belts not bad [Music] maybe probably not danny diesel [Music] charlie they charge money for the tnt you're going broke no but i need the tnt it's fine it's a business expense it's a write-off at the end of the year hey oh what okay i was just that was rude playing dirty huh it's the only way you can beat matt black suplex he's almost dead that dynamite really did a great job god i'm strong how do i pin this guy's probably pretty close to being pinnable that won't save you from me ref get over here get over here and i'll come to you hold on hi up no ah oh yeah there we go all right break i'll show you a break break your [ __ ] dick off yeah yeah now get up here you coward jesus christ holy [ __ ] blackwatch thank you so much for tonight man god damn thank you holy [ __ ] you're going wild man i really appreciate it you're mine what pin him again that was a fluke okay let's try oh my god how is he even still alive i hit him with dynamite and then every wrestling move in the book okay try again one okay you got me with the rey mysterio 619 come here my nose okay now we're good one two three my first pin and i'm not done yeah yeah pin him again get ready to count [Music] all order and flex bean bag uh-oh thanks theory sub hooligan and fan of gta who's my partner crucial kennedy yeah my fans yes hello of course yes yes hello when matt black wrestles there are no survivors take this and then this what the [ __ ] is happening got my dynamite oh thank you for the mic oh sorry ref oh [ __ ] help hey what the [ __ ] oh ah i'm wrestling 60 different dudes here and somehow the ref is the one i've injured the most [ __ ] ref can we thank you finally my partner's coming to help this man squeezing me like a lemon what are you doing oh my god he's wanted a better angle to watch me struggle i can't break out i've been without oxygen for 10 minutes can you hit him please god damn it i'm dying he's [ __ ] murdering me i understand there's some bad blood between us ref but jesus christ just call it ouch why he's smothering me with his tits finally oh jesus christ the ref was pinning me come here tag in tag in no tag in why oh my god all right i'm coming ah oh [ __ ] hey god please let me up big mistake i got my second wind turnbuckle yeah no my only weakness movement turnbuckle yeah finally tagging thank god i'm frozen oh that's because i'm playing as the other guy now there we go nope [Applause] this guy sucks i need matt black back oh my god [ __ ] crucial kennedy sucks let me up oh my jesus oh god all right matt black i hope you're ready for round two oh my god this isn't even a wrestler this is just like the [ __ ] accountant here for the wwe that they put on my team let me up oh no ah [ __ ] matt come here tag in tag in with me all right now i'm good what a hero oh my god this is a slaughter they're too good flex bean bags a killer help i'm trying ref please god help he's dying he's dying yes my comeback grab the camera [ __ ] oh no come on matt we need you all right any minute now i'll get a burst of energy [ __ ] i can't stand up i can just crawl away pathetically no oh just pin me end it ah okay i'm going home i'm taking the mic with me why is the ref the one chasing me i can use weapons out here let's go oh he knew it too oh my god i hit my own team mate [ __ ] yes go for the pin i don't care maybe it'll work oh jesus [Applause] oh yes no god why help kennedy help oh jesus christ my chance oh i don't have enough stamina yes turn buckle no oh luckily there was barbed wire here to catch my fall oh oh god damn it [ __ ] kennedy help kennedy please i need a hero give me the bat yes my chance take this and this some of this oh [ __ ] no i gotta get in the ring i have to get in the ring i have to get in the ring let him go let him go no ah it's over i can't see oh god the ref it's fine at least i get to live at least i get to survive to see another day oh wait i'm playing as the other guy now ultra finishing move matt black's going to straight to the er all right you did great matt i don't know if i'll necessarily be able to avenge you but god damn it i'll try there was just no synergy between kennedy and matt oh [Applause] here we go now i'm popping off turnbuckle play yes i'll take it there's hope there's hope i'm just gonna keep going for these big punches i just hit him with the lariat and run away nice okay actually i might be able to pin here no wait he's too close to the rope oh god thanks there's some zazias and the prime red right all right here we go coming in there we are all right let's go for a grapple oh he threw the oh no oh god it's it's getting bad [Applause] ref hit him with the stick let's go kennedy oh boy oh boy run run oh close i'm doing it the 1v2 playing in dickie wrestling in because it's really loud it was deafening why don't you just turn it down that's not an option in wrestling no it's not plugged it tiana's not plugged into there oh my god the other ref is back you'll play stardom i'm wrestling what if i played you in wrestling and beat you would you please start it with me then [Music] no you can't beat me at wrestling i'm too good i don't even know which player you are sometimes neither do i which one are you uh crucial kennedy the one with the blue pants okay all you had to say was a pant color no oh huge i feel like you're just button mashing yeah that's all there is to do okay yeah i know they don't they don't play by the rules you'll see that enjoy your ice cream yeah it's my turn i don't know how i did it what just okay what the [ __ ] ah come on kennedy one two three oh let's go let's [ __ ] go the dream's still alive immediate pin oh [ __ ] no not like this for matt no not like this i'm by the rope he can't pin me it's fine oh he blew up his kidney i think there though hold on [Applause] oh he might actually might have died nope he's back he's been revived the lord said now is not the time to go to heaven oh wait come on get up all right we're we're good we're good take this flex bean bag oh god damn it ref move oh my god oh my god good counter take this yes my plan is working turnbuckle turnbuckle now no very good very good turnbuckle get over here i dare you i [ __ ] dare you beanbag i dare you to get in the couple inches from this turnbuckle do it bean bag it'll be the last mistake you ever make come on beanbag get over here beanbag actually tier one verdantu in the bits ramone i don't think he's coming okay gently lower myself down fake out nope didn't get him okay try again different turnbuckle oh my god oh my god my [ __ ] knee uh yeah yeah my secret strat yeah come here come here come here what yes for matt black let's go no [Applause] yes what uh did i win that or did he i can't tell that hurt both of us nope oh yes what a [ __ ] match let's get it no stay down no not like this oh no come on ow oh jesus christ nope i'm dead oh wait he's styling on me i might have a chance let me up let me up ah did i do that nope i'm sorry wait come back up here and count this pin ouch i'll take you on down here i guess yes okay never mind this is too dangerous i'm going in especially with that ref over there he's a real wild card i need him in the center of the ring so he can't rope break all right i'm getting a moment to catch my breath thanks three sub elbow and six no do it you idiot pin pin stop teabagging pin no oh why why why [Music] no very unlucky very unlucky only threesome tidleon and blue's planet that is sad that is sad i cannot believe it all right actually i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick give me one second i'll be right back who's my teammate all right who am i working with it better not be kennedy again i swear oh all right that's the dream team sneak attack then i got your camera now what what are you gonna do about it yeah goddamn right matt god damn right yep tricked him all right i'm gonna go to the bathroom right back all right i'm back thanks the resub white cheddar and thanks to risa kokai dukings oh my god i'm already popping off pin pin pin one two three the dynamite gets them every time the dynamite gets him every [ __ ] time i'm a genius let's go coward people were saying i was wasting my money they didn't believe in the dynamite that's the resub rambo reticent and tier one noah [Applause] is this the real m dicky is this a self-insert hey is the resub orgasmo sea breeze i've always known about the game donkler but this is the remaster that's why i'm playing it tonight but yeah i've been very familiar with it for a while i think there's some xander is my manager choking me out right now or hugging me i can't tell oh i see thanks to resub ooble and jukebox enough talking oh ow what the [ __ ] ah hit him with the the cardboard oh boy dynamite sea breeze i'm here to help oh no ah see breeze help hit him scare him threaten his family oh god i'm bleeding oh i'm leaking what the [ __ ] oh my god he's too okay alan is really upgraded there we go yeah really [ __ ] pound on him [Applause] not doing too bad so far let's go outside let's go let's go outside let's get serious where's that ladder there it is oh i can't see oh how did that not hurt his ankle there we go i'm going for my ultimate aerial move you're not ready what is he doing he's using my own technique against me are you ready for this alan an odst shock drop no this couldn't be worse oh god oh he's hitting me with the dumbbell while he's counting me get over here i'm going for the moon slam oh at least the ref died so i can't be counted out oh boy see breeze help i can't be disqualified so let's get nasty hot [ __ ] see breeze hit him before the ref gets oh he's coming back no stop at there we go thank you this 45 pound dumbbell weighs about as much as i do oh [ __ ] oh boy god damn it alan is really he's improved allen's gotten significantly better no what the [ __ ] ref jesus god damn it yes yes what is the point in having sea breeze on my team if he doesn't help what hit him hit him breeze breeze breeze no my leg he's ripping it off hit him thank you okay yes finally thank god this is where i come back whoa get out of here get out it's my ring get out of here yeah get out of here yeah now what no oh oh not the chair oh wait no not that get down get down meant to grab like this light tube yes i got him ref stop taking blows for him oh no close count reset let's go oh boy breeze get him breeze ah [ __ ] oh am i winning oh my god breeze breeze no close this is the worst manager of all time who kicked that chair ouch damn it i'm getting out of the ring i can't be in here right now he owns it oh i came into his home let me out come on no just throw me out of the ring have mercy oh [ __ ] yes let me out no let me out for some reason i can't get out what a ghost threw me oh why i just wanted to peacefully leave [Music] [ __ ] get embraced you wrestle him i'm going to stay out here for a minute good work i'll just catch my breath hey what the [ __ ] all right and i'm armed i'll grab a gun from under the stage come on coward why won't you come out here alan there's sharks in the water this [ __ ] coward oh no idiot no breeze i need you now this is our only shot we can we can get him on a ring out breeze oh god oh boy if he i'm fine with this if he just wants to spend the next four seconds just trying to snap my head off that's fine i'll take the win he can go for the kill no breeze breeze keep him out here yes okay lock him down lock him down yes oh hey hey don't be a bad sport about it all right okay don't be a [ __ ] sore loser ah jesus christ wait why is it still counting why is it i already won i already won i already won wait penalize it's not over no no does it have to be a pen maybe ah ow all right running back there's the gift sub i cup and the risa boozy how the [ __ ] did that hit but mine didn't just go for the pin right oh you got to be [ __ ] kidding me how do they always do that hit him ref now throw it at him he's lost his goddamn mind idiot pin god [ __ ] pin oh you're mine nope all right oh all right all right breeze [ __ ] help okay this gives me a moment all right brief respite you just catch your breath re re-gather yourself here and then when elise expects it dodge dodge dodge yes right oh you gotta be kidding me turn buckle please turn buckle no oh not good breeze breeze oh wow pin one crazy some dark scar ah how is he hitting me i was so far away [Music] son of a [ __ ] breeze just do something come out here coward idiot you blew it no he stole my dog oh he's killing us both no i want a new manager yes oh god breeze help wait i i went to i flew too close to the sun breeze help i can't see it doesn't sound good whatever's happening breeze am i winning let him let him go let him go yes all right now we can do it again let his foot go stop how am i doing submissions all of a sudden oh you got to be kidding me come on down alan i'm not done with you he caught it how is breeze turning himself oh he's so worthless thanks for some honey jams and the prime read and thank you mason for the dollar let me out why are you targeting the ref hit him yes pin right break oh pin right break turn buckle turn buckle now need turnbuckle oh god oh boy oh boy oh god this is my chance oh oh not my leg god damn it i can't see breeze this will work he just needs to spend more time hurting me thanks there's king god and nick in the recent slop i'm still alive i'm still alive yes ah penalized this match will never end [Music] let me in the ring get up matt please man get up get up please no yes oh oh okay breeze keep going yes yes breeze this is it no don't bring them closer to the [ __ ] ring yeah i'm coming to help no okay i couldn't have him keep submitting because then this count doesn't go up nice breeze i can't see i'm just looking at the [ __ ] taint of the ref here i can't see i can't i can't see ah breeze hit him freeze hit him now breeze stop trying to submit that doesn't get his count up reset mine oh you gotta be kidding me jesus christ he's got the same plan i do all right reset turnbuckle let's go not bad get over here breeze now come on breeze i just need to look at his legs so i know when he's trying to get out breeze [Music] he's so upset satan thank you what the [ __ ] that was like 15 seconds for the last second oh my god a 20 minute match holy [ __ ] [Applause] oh i'm not paying that money [ __ ] that i pay 200 a match for my dynamite [Applause] hey wait go let's what let's go oh my stamina is not good enough huh right there hold on give me one second i need real world stamina i'm gonna go fill up my water real quick i'll be right back when can i pause okay we are back actually get a bit dan and swiggy i'm [ __ ] back baby he's a tier one sleepy chicken in the prime nomad and the gift sub yogurt sucks and there he said tundras wolf and gift sub orphan the resub verde oh jesus are you the 25 gift subs hernandez thank you for that thanks for the prime sermon is he trying to steal my dynamite i don't know makes the recent darn thanks a lot hernandez i really appreciate that i've got a plan no oh it instant blew up oh god oh boy okay that's all right hold on am i up yet am i even alive oh there i am hey what the [ __ ] yeah okay jesus christ i'll make you regret that your bad sport sportsmanship join me out here i dare you okay this guy's good this guy's real good he's doing everything right idiot pin come on damn it yep jesus christ i don't know what buttons i'm supposed to be hitting but i'm hitting them all how there's no way that he's mashing harder than i am thanks to the prime hello soupy and the tens omega thank you for that in the prime fast kitty ah ah jesus [ __ ] thank you breeze finally do something stop flirting with the ref hit him breeze help i'm getting hurt he's [ __ ] hurting me him i appreciate that thanks curtis and thanks for the bit sleepy and huffler yeah idiot i dare you to come back out here again i can do this all day dummy should have stayed in the ring where it was safe no my chair mom took it oh what a touch my turn let me show you how it's done yeah ah [ __ ] breeze hit him stop just looking at me breeze oh help how does this guy counter everything my [ __ ] guy looks like dr zalos then he is really feeling the sadness right now my turn yeah ah breeze least keep my corpse warm back no he's too good ah jesus oh [ __ ] all right come out here that'll be an even fight yes finally i'll just keep hitting him with a chair and [ __ ] you breeze there's one for you too absolutely useless manager so [ __ ] [ __ ] oh all right fine i'm coming no i wish i didn't i take it back all right jesus you're gonna have the ring there we go finally stacking some damage oh god my [ __ ] balls oh he busted my scrotum got him finally charge it yes charge it yes oh boy oh god all right good good break good break he's praying for us ah fool no ouch oh oh oh ow owie oh god breeze please thanks to recent terry and wienermaster and watts hey happy birthday marina hope you have a great great birthday breeze stop looking at the refs ass hit him hit him breeze what the [ __ ] thank you no [ __ ] ouch my [ __ ] wiener is on full display oh he counters everything all right oh my god i can't do anything against him help protect me ref he's gonna kill me ah that's my chance oh my god even when he's not looking at me he's still alert i can't believe i broke out okay there's only one chance breeze i'm coming to you i'm gonna use you as a meat shield if you want to get me you'll have to go through a breeze oh my god stop running away ouch oh yes there's hope breeze let's go ouch i slipped no ah only just begun good move all right damn it oh my god he actually counters everything holy [ __ ] this guy's nuts i wonder who's gonna win by judge's decision it'll be a close one i think okay did i win oh it's a tie all right yeah that's what i thought you got lucky this time no stop stop let me out there's the prime bagel in the resub hamster dance hey well i'm wishing the absolute best of what the best of luck saku godspeed i hope it goes well oh no please not this guy again even the ref is afraid of him okay i have one chance i just need good dynamite placement here and i might be able to get him okay i just need to wait for the right moment for dynamite and that moment is now stop shaking my hand no oh god oh got him no it didn't blow up oh [ __ ] but the fuse is lit uh oh i'm going for it no yeah no i threw it too far that was my only chance oh my god there's another dynamite thanks to the prime i try where the camera can't keep up with my speed ah yes exo5 give subs auxiliary cow thank you for that they're not counting me out here for some reason which isn't good because i feel like this is my only chance so if there's no ring outs in this one it's going to be rough for me you missed it [Music] breeze is actually doing something this time i see tier one dark overlord of pandas what where is it there we go that'll be good for the ring what is going on hit him with the dumbbell [ __ ] it's on the left of the ring over here there's another dumbbell oh god no oh i don't see it anywhere it's under the commentator's desk oh actually popping off right now oh i missed i thought that hit not bad not bad secret dynamite stash come on move this where is it i don't see it it's the bottom left of your screen it's not under the commentator's desk um [Music] i don't see oh he just picked it up you son of a [ __ ] what a piece of [ __ ] i hate this rough disputing is untouchable he blocks everything and reverses everything except that too good now i've got him oh my god do something give me some kind of grapple oh why anything oh [ __ ] this is where i win ah come on matt no matt oh actually this will be good no god he actually just oh jesus okay a moment to breathe ah okay god all right oh oh breeze help breeze ah [ __ ] breeze freeze ow ouch oh no ow freeze out breathe ah no [ __ ] he's playing me like drums matt's not even alive anymore all right not bad close match please don't make me fight him again he's too good all right well we recovered i guess yeah you put me in the match with an actual murderer oh no hey i had the longest career though and the most successful career oh i'm just going through the same list i just noticed [Music] oh that was pretty wild let's do another exhibition let's see who wins just let it ride no no go crazy just [ __ ] fight i need to hey matt's still got his dynamite oh [ __ ] me man what a rough career matt had oh and this putin's in here too it's over we already know who wins oh they even have uh armstrong from full metal alchemist there man they got all the celebrities in here darren devil that's about it batman uh i think it looks more like daredevil than batman well i guess more like batman i don't know i couldn't tell you my [ __ ] hands actually hurt from spamming so much feels like i was playing osu there's three sub one how do you even win here whoever stacks the most tables on top of each other is crown the king right now we've got two almost three but one of them blew up oh no you ruined all the hard work actually recent pastel oh and what's this game called wrestling empire from m dickey same guy behind hard time he's a master of uh realistic wrestling simulators thanks for the prime booty play hard time and uh well maybe i'll play hard time again at some point i had a lot of fun with hard time oh god matt hey show some mercy to it him runs on windows 10 hard time matt's stacking up the bodies right now matt's doing really well these are the tier one swing tried the other day and the frame rate is foul that's rough i wonder if you can throw someone through that window over there you can make a character that's used i did he's his name's matt black right there with the uh like prison mode yeah the guy with the camera right now i like the camera angle here we're really in the action right now i could see all the the sweat of their bodies i can even see batman's real identity as bruce wayne we are right up in there how the [ __ ] did they possibly win here there's no ring outs and that was the only way any of the ai could win last time so do they just fight forever like purgatory charlie's character is so small he's a mean four foot six optimal fighting height throw them through the window i'm not playing i'm just letting the ai play i need to cool down after my career ended it it was a [ __ ] sad defeat true tory hey glad you enjoyed secudo and congrats on completing it you're going to do another one another career mode um i haven't decided yet i might try a different game somehow that man just created a trash can very impressive gladio and glory is that a game you're pursuing more of me in dickey's masterpieces apparently hard time doesn't work on windows 10 very well nosferatu thanks for the resub i appreciate it hey ray guigley let me three some big bad tie have you not tried to get the world record on gotchi finder i don't know what that is needs to recep surreal the new testament is from him dickie yeah he's got the you testament he's got hard time he's got wrestling empire which is this and then he's got uh one other that i played the grassroots 23 sub the only part once in pondwich wait what the [ __ ] wait how did that happen she really snuck that one in against all the odds but congratulations kim all right that's probably enough let's do something else makes the [ __ ] boil me up i'm [ __ ] tired all that wrestling's tuckering me out i was going wild though in the career mode i was [ __ ] feeling it thanks to the resub hanzo what is super city look it up super city is a game on the app store oh this is from mdk i don't know this one you go to bed oh yeah i'll come case i'll come second night in a second what yeah this is still only on the app store what happened to the mcdonald's ice cream stream what are you talking about talking about the ice cream machine i never posted anything from that i'm sure one of those re-upload channels has it though speed run granny more speed runs we've done so many speed runs this week might need a little break a little cool down where's the resub daniel slappy ball yeah i probably don't want to play another new game tonight probably just gonna play something i'm familiar with dead by daylight thanks to the resub jojo and daniel thoughts on the new mario golf didn't play it not gonna play it open smash lobby it's a little late for that exit 3 chespin maybe just open guilty gear no need to over complicate it there's always league of legends too of course i don't want to rule that out in case ever in case anyone really wants to see that so i mean that's also an option no i haven't started the skyrim marriage speed runs yet thanks for the bits flexin thanks theresa brother larry okay here i'm gonna pull that it'll be either guilty gear or league oops caps lock is on up the chat thank you there's some cracking here while you do that i'm gonna go say goodnight to tianis i'll be right back appreciate the reset brother larry you you you uh all right i'm back what one what do we got wasn't even close don't know what what else i expected i'll let it ride out for the next minute though just in case league makes a last second rally makes the prime daca hey andy mouse thanks for the resub appreciate it yes i am excited for the nickelodeon all-star brawl game thanks for the prime inchworm never in a million years would i would i see a nickelodeon smash clone get r get roll back before smash those yeah i heard man how utterly embarrassing for smash even a passionless well i'm speaking out of my ass it might be a great game but even just like a throwaway idea nickelodeon smash bros gets real netcode before smash does pathetic nintendo is a laughable dog [ __ ] company oh whoops just realized it's not on screen thanks to recep lobster do you think they'll ever change yeah when i take over if godslap ever becomes a hundred billion dollar franchise i'll buy nintendo and i'll close it [ __ ] them am i gonna watch clifford the big red dog live action nah probably not that's the resub consonant you see the persona 60s no that's the first time i heard of that am i going to watch the karen movie extremely excited for the karen movie makes the resub toasty aren't you the dude with the moby huge well don't sell me short i have three of them and one of them has been turned into a go-kart hey thanks for the huge tier three what's in username i appreciate that thank you for the huge tier three welcome aboard thanks theresa bread not toast makes the prime whooped then he plans on eating the gummy bear not at the moment but we will eventually i was really enjoying playing nago i'll stick with him for now will you ever make a god slap game i mean if it ever like becomes popular enough for that would love to sure wow up nope [ __ ] i'm dead i hate blood mood that [ __ ] [ __ ] sucks what what is my roman cancel on ah there it is forgot i changed it no oh my god what is the [ __ ] command for oh i'm done nope never mind got lucky what is my super command to get rid of that right away i thought it was could be wrong uh nope uh oh god no double blood rage i'll take it wasn't clean but i'll [ __ ] take it thanks to tier one schloppe what i really need to look at the [ __ ] command list again at some point so i can get rid of that when it happens thanks payton and i'm going to keep the english stub on it's goofy is the prime budgie in the bits payton no i didn't mean to burst oh boy thanks theresa mark [ __ ] blood moon why unlucky i mean i was gonna lose that no matter what but i felt like i at least could get a stock there good win streak though i'll take it thanks to the recent kratos and bark so if they don't lose they stay in the lobby yeah if you win you stay in the lobby like you keep fighting then when you lose you leave that's it it's easy exit prime theta uh-oh i will of course be playing the nickelodeon smash game when it comes out makes the prime slurp that went downhill very quick for you dankin you had a good start next resub jacobi oh uh-oh uh-oh that's [ __ ] rough almost i think i'll be a reptile zim main i'll probably be a zim mane zim was my favorite nickelodeon show spongebob things through some kombachi what about jimmy neutron jimmy neutron's cool i don't know if he'll be meta though he probably won't be a top tier but he'll be a zoner for sure i bet bill cosby was on nick a lot can you play as him i hope they do add bill cosby as like their fighter past dlc that would be pretty cool there's a prime matthew duel one is as told by ginger gonna be in the game they should have one character from every single mix show ever i think i think they could absolutely do that you're gonna main thornberry i think thornberry's gonna be good dan schneider dlc we we would be very lucky if we got to see dan schneider dlc i don't think they have the balls to do it though it's a shame do you think drake's prison would be a stage i think it should be if they allow you to do like uh custom maps i'm sure we could at least make one makes the reset wavy i hope they do live action i don't think they'll do any live-action characters i don't know how they would like what the [ __ ] would zoey 101's main attack be like getting pregnant i guess i don't know like it'd be hard to figure out like how to make that work thanks to the resub veneto thanks to the [ __ ] double x good to see you again tonight thank you for that rough what happened in the dueling tournament i didn't make it to the finals that's about it i see that the guy i beat never left we're having one of those nights where people can't follow the literal only rule huh interesting thanks to resublotory yeah many boys slapping x to the prime theta next to tier 1 demon waifu and tier 1 passive pestilence have you played mortal kombat 11 yeah i didn't get into it though not like i did mortal kombat 9 that is embarrassing you refuse to leave and then get perfected rough makes the bits flexing that [ __ ] oh boy oh boy oh what okay that is sad holy [ __ ] ram is rough man holy [ __ ] that corner pressure is nuts oh god no i thought i had that after blocking the first sword in the corner you can jump out immediately with nago are you gonna be a powdered toastman guy isn't that wren and stimpy i never really liked that show and the guy who created it is like an actual [ __ ] pedophile what's his name again we watched that whole documentary on him the [ __ ] was his name i forgot now john k that's what it is yeah yeah yeah that guy's he's [ __ ] worse than dan schneider man that guy is awful oh i also just noticed something yeah the game sounds really low huh i had it low because of the mdk game being super loud arnold's gonna be op why the [ __ ] would arnold be op he's gonna be such a [ __ ] useless character what's he gonna do just lecture other characters he's got crazy mode uh true oh that's so [ __ ] true he'll absolutely have like some kind of crazy mode rage mechanic like the more damage he takes the more damage he does to himself the stronger he gets danny phantom will be day one meta yeah invaders him hopefully john cena is in it too oh yes he could be invader zim was underrated it was very popular when it was on it just didn't have many seasons i think it only had two oh god damn he just cannot get that last hit nope there it is thanks to recep not lead room code it's in the chat uh it's like n-u-e-v-s-t i think i forgot i'm pretty sure that's it i actually got it right nice [Music] hugh neutron i'm sure will be in the game well actually maybe not it might be jimmy neutron and ultra lord i don't think they'll choose carl for another jimmy neutron character i feel like they do sheen because with sheen they have ultra lord but with carl they'd have llamas i don't know man it's hard it's hard to know exactly who they'll put in there but it's exciting even if the game [ __ ] sucks it'll at least be goofy fun please grappler carl and he does butt slam yeah i don't know it's hard hard to say oh here it is okay talking about the nickelodeon smash game that's coming out i don't think this guy plays much of chip this is going to be very fast let's rock there's the bits timmy taco you're gonna be a chip skylark maine my main will be invaders in day one i do hope they have some cat dog in there though any villain characters you want i don't know i can't think of any like good nickelodeon villains i don't see why they put crocker i doubt they'd do crocker plankton yeah ozai is probably the best nickelodeon villain yet he would work what about man ray from spongebob that's way too niche i don't think they'd do that that's too specific but then again they have [ __ ] powdered toastman as if anyone remembers who the [ __ ] that is these days crimson would be cool i just think they should add like a million [ __ ] characters to the game not even worry about balancing just go wild bronze kneecap good work what oh uh what a horrible burst well that'll do it unlucky i will 100 argue nickelodeon had the best programming back in the day i disagree cartoon network i thought was significantly better at the absolute peak of cartoon network it had all of the best shows courage johnny bravo code name kids next door pretty much anything that you can think of samurai jack it had it all i think cartoon network easy yeah see it just goes on and on like there's already like 10 more like billy and mandy like there's just so many edda nettie yeah it's just it's easy cartoon network was the peak of cartoon programming back in the early 2000s dexter's lab yep teen titans foster's home mm-hmm they also had niche ones that not many people watched but we're still good like magus xlr time squad sheep in the big city cow and chicken whatever happened to robot jones that nobody ever seems to remember great show no i don't know blue mist i did um i did like a pure strength for that it wasn't very strong power puff girls yep chowder was after my time chowder was when i was in high school thanks to resub alex berry [ __ ] it's just not even close how good cartoon network was back in the day man they had everything every good animated show ah the eno actually got her wow damn they should make a cartoon network fighting game oh it'd be so good let's just make one for like all nostalgic properties they did no one cared what no you're thinking of uh playstation all-stars what they did make an awful cartoon network smash clone win that was brutal right there but what the [ __ ] was it called punch time explosion came out in 2011 what was their roster i oh it was a 3ds game oh no it's on the 360 and ps3 what the [ __ ] it had been chowder buttercup flapjack captain knuckles number one blossom bubbles mac and blue dexter monkey grim billy mandy samurai jack captain planet father vilgax and mojo jojo they were missing like half of the good character literally had four total shows in here what a missed opportunity they [ __ ] it thanks theresa biggie cheese that's sweet picky thank you oh i totally forgot about code leoco too yeah my gym partners and monkeys kind of over underrated i liked it but it wasn't my favorite show i still sing the theme song sometimes because it was really catchy but i didn't think the show was that great but when i was up really late at night sometimes that show would just be on so i do have fond memories of doing fantasy football in middle school and watching some my gym partner as a monkey basically they give sub dj the bits and architects oh rather high level faust there celestial this is no we've seen another celestial faust claudius played faust thanks the resub being big f big mf dame please you can't blast lows alright yeah disney was a joke disney channel had nothing for cartoons their live actions were good though that's so raven sister sister um i'm blanking on quite a few right now ah [ __ ] what else do they have kim possible was good zach and cody yeah it did for sure numb that was a great outro i'm pretty sure shaolin showdown was not cartoon network i pretty sure that was wb kids mucho lucha was a cartoon network i think though a good faust it was 100 cartoon network they might have got the rights from it after wb kids folded but it definitely didn't start there i'm even gonna look it up because i'm super confident he used to come on after yu-gi-oh shaolin showdown was a show that would air after yu-gi-oh which was on saturdays wb kids yep it aired on kids wb thought so mankind things that prime terminator septics and spuffy things through some cheesy milk another oh that was filthy another underrated show no one talks about is a cat scratch that was cartoon network i enjoyed cat scratch a lot yeah cat scratch was nickelodeon but no one ever talks about that show anymore it's a shame i thought that was one of their better ones cheesy milk i don't remember if i said that i'll put a stop to this let's rock down no oh god why oh [ __ ] blood mode i hate it i [ __ ] hate blood mode like i don't even know how to like control it like i can't even manage it [ __ ] i feel like i'm not throwing out that much for specials i mainly just do well that's not true i do throw out a lot of specials just doesn't feel like i get that many to play with yeah i think the the shadow stepping i might be just doing too many times is that what it is it's four specials shadow stepping doesn't give blood well then i only really use one of the specials well that's not true but i mainly just used one it does give blood okay that makes more sense then there's a prime cecil no i don't know that one rip this command grab reduces the gauge what's this command grab again is it this no which one's his command grab bloodsucking universe okay oh that's the one that you shadow step bloodsuck universe uh rc and you get a nice combo off of that that's right [Music] little laggy match we got here is blitz oh you're right they did play before too what the [ __ ] it is it is literally one rule jesus christ okay i'll have to kick after this what is the point in staying just to get [ __ ] manhandled again holy [ __ ] oh that was honorable there's three sub ceo of the spoon and tier one thick rick oh you like stone temple pilots not really there we play ps1 fighting game called rival school was that did that game have a sega dreamcast release as well because so i did okay then yeah i did play that rival schools was cool they had the guy with the baseball bat then right that's that game i'm pretty sure on dreamcast it didn't have an english name is i've been saying for years capcom should bring back power stone power stone is so [ __ ] good this faust is on connor esports by the way tails lover really i'm gonna look that up actually that's interesting let's see i don't see it i don't see him on the roster i'll just take your word for it exit tier one jack southward duel one uh oh it's a soul bad guy oh pretty clean oh yeah i think faust is such a cool character favorite hunter hunter character i'd have to think about it you'd have to give me some time yeah it's probably cut out pika he was super [ __ ] cool [Music] celestial nago level 1000 oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he's getting rolled right now oh there it is damn this faust is really good oh god damn oh that guy that got nasty very quick down it's a [ __ ] close one man oh the bomb that's it no he has burst okay i didn't i didn't notice well that was it damn this bounced is very good holy [ __ ] and that nago was nutty too [ __ ] so you said this guy is for sure on conor esports connor's got himself a real strong player this connor so i'm curious how does conor esports work do the players that sign with them get like a salary or is it mainly just like a for fun kind of thing because i participated in a connor esports event with the mario kart thing it was really well done but i'm curious what the players experience it's not real it is okay that's that's doing it in this service conor esports is real like they do hold events they do have players i think connor esports is legit i just don't know how it works it's like a player on their roster for fun no salary okay i got you this faust is nuts what's the uh whoops that's not it what is the um downward slash with the sword for this i don't remember is it towards what the [ __ ] is it don't just tell me in the chat for nago talking for nago okay thank you dual one oh axel's kind of he's kind of feeling it he just keeps throwing bananas unfortunately yeah axel's tough man especially for nago i don't know about the faust axle match-up but it does not seem favorable for faust oh tells you something when the va hates playing against him does octo pimp hate playing against axel three i feel like that's his really like only real approaching tool against axel right there is that like scarecrow thing oh it's [ __ ] close he dropped it squeaked it out did you like dubstep back in the day yeah some of it i still like some dubstep let's see if i can put a stop to him thanks to the resub lost acula oh god damn it jesus holy [ __ ] well oh jesus christ what is the range on that i don't know why i can never get the super off with that i think i'm doing the input wrong next week same time same place thanks a prime isp into the bits animal cracker there's a block button the dude mixes up high and low constantly it's extremely hard you'll notice a common trend with everyone he fights you can't block [ __ ] everything against him he's just very solid what do you mean thanks to the bits hernandez appreciate it man slash new not looking too hot yeah potemkin hits very hard he's mainly about grabs which he didn't get any up in that not that i blame him what was the blood suck was it again oh and this [ __ ] guy didn't leave why does this keep happening what the [ __ ] i'm guessing tails had enough the big boys haven't come in to stimulate him somehow there's just always someone that decides not to leave well these are getting absolutely slapped god damn no he didn't lose he just i don't know if he deceived her if he left but yeah he didn't lose jesus christ thank you sub kiku well that was good yep hopefully he leaves but if not i'll just kick massive bazingas nah that i'm pretty sure the milia hasn't played before but a hundred percent the kai did you're totally fine tails you didn't have to back out or anything man we typically have a lot of big boys coming more towards the middle they should give you a challenge make you sweat at least maybe thanks theresa brad all right have a good night gold bomber thanks man look forward to seeing you around more but no one leaves yeah they do every time someone loses they leave unless of course there's some [ __ ] that decides not to and in that case i kick oh wow nope haven't watched loki yet i'm gonna have to binge that entire [ __ ] show today apparently the last episode airs this milia is really good you should pay more attention you're all good cheeseburger man don't worry about it hey thanks for the [ __ ] butter last episode's at 3am jesus christ okay thanks the resub king it's this map i chat said it last time and i didn't believe them but now i've noticed it is always this map that lags as a spectator 100 it's just this stage makes the reset map into the [ __ ] butter dog guilty gear strive makes a tier one saint pick [Music] potemkin already played i don't think so don't recognize that hey thanks lazy boy thanks to the bits man you can oh me he's the prime radoo makes the prime head shot that's right oh one grab and potemkin wins i didn't get it hopefully we don't have to play on this map again god damn thank you again butter appreciate it man it's not just spectator lag there's actually playing on that map lag as well now it's just that map that for some reason is dog [ __ ] it just constantly lags on it i guess oh god damn it the same map again wait is this the same map no it's not lagging am i going crazy oh she doesn't have her stage set to random oh i just assumed she did there's a tier one semen demon yeah it's fine now maybe it's just random when it's laggy and when it's not well oh i don't think any new ones have come out better but of course always i love slapping here i come i'll show you how it's done at least i have one win tonight let's see if i can make it to what oh god well it's not looking good that's for sure oh god oh god blood rage i wasn't paying attention oh i thought i was in range you really weren't that bad i guess god damn it there's a prime corner hmm no absolutely wouldn't do that butter no [ __ ] chance needed to get the blood sucking yeah i needed that oh i didn't get to spectate this one hmm basically said frozen pork chop i need to use that more too i almost never use it there's a recent broad street or broad street burnout prime particle oh the milia lost and i didn't get to watch for some reason hey another celestial mankind knew that they could last time chip went wild yeah but he's not an easy character to just pick up and play well he has no health so he gets [ __ ] punished hard excellent crony you had a good run yeah there's brian banaris i hope the demon slayer game looks as cool as this yeah that'd be nice another celestial thanks theresa mc yellow swaggy oh this is not looking good oh security i think there's drams really nothing crazy or anything butter just normal [ __ ] it seems like a very hard matchup for nago jesus christ oh my god that seems [ __ ] rough thanks to the bits barnacle another celestial is a tier one jj cold mankind i feel like once you get into a corner against ram you can't do a whole lot holy [ __ ] it's it's [ __ ] rough man there's there's mike's way ram has best corner pressure in the game true jesus christ [Music] she still has the best corner pressure in the game even at a high level man recovery hmm damn that was solid this nago is very good uh-oh oh god no oh oh no oh jesus big blood suck oh that was kind of [ __ ] filled this guy's nuts that was dirty and just like that new champ damn that guy went [ __ ] wild holy [ __ ] see i try and use shadow step like that but i'm just not fast enough on d-pad to have that go for me oh i mean i'm playing too but right now spectating oh oh rough burst oh [ __ ] that's so clean all right let's see who's the better nago me or him i think it'll be a close one thanks theresa blacky average and thank you people don't forget to blood suck it's not like an easy thing to land but yeah i'll try oh boy oh i didn't mean to oh my god oh god oh [ __ ] oh he's just shadow stepped backwards too mmm not good oh god [ __ ] thanks for the 13 people appreciate that man almost i had him oh another celestial faust these are the five gift subs people thank you for the generosity man i appreciate that thank you again people the dogs are doing well appreciate it people thank you this is a [ __ ] close one i believe the faust has got it this man's looking real smart real smooth thank you people oh i might have jinxed him never mind blood mode came in when i needed it most to not look like an idiot really appreciate the generosity tonight for me people and thank you again people what the [ __ ] oh he got him oh whoops damn that was a tight one exit tier one snooze new and another five people man pop it off thank you people pretty high level giovanna mankind thank you the five give some snow they do the tier one gabriel merklin this is what king of fighters should have been like i've never really played a king of fighters game god damn thank you another five people thank you five frozen pork chop i give you the generosity oh i think we might have a new champion here yep that'll be it oh she dropped it right at the end am i excited for the demon hunter game or not yeah i don't know anything about it but sure i'm excited let's rub this is the prime jack holden this kai's going kind of strong is the prime subspace i'm playing i just keep losing so that means i go to the back of the line hey well i appreciate that well thank you gabriel and welcome man anybody check out record of ragnarok it slaps you are quite literally the first person i've ever seen say something positive about that unless you're talking about the manga i tried watching the anime even though everyone said it's one of the worst animes ever made that that was like a kindness calling it the worst because it's not really an animation you're watching a slideshow of art it's rough it's [ __ ] rough the anime is terrible there is almost nothing moving in that entire show it's pretty good like what no way there's no way anyone thinks that like you can like the characters in the story i did but when it comes to a fight which the whole thing is kind of based around it's terrible like take for example the very first fight thor and lubu i think there is maybe three scenes across those three episodes that have any movement at all everything else is still images there's no way you don't notice that and then the fight with adam versus zeus it is a five minute slideshow there isn't actually any movement in any of it you can like everything else about it but there is almost no animation in it yeah i do want to read the manga it seems pretty cool no it's a lot worse than that rip much much worse did your berserk manga come in nope it's been two months the manga has more animation than the anime everyone that's read the manga and watch the record of ragnarok anime says that same thing and i agree like it it's not an exaggeration there's almost no movement in the entire show all right well i appreciate that people you've been super sweet tonight thank you for the generosity hope you're having a great night slap another big ram um i'm not sure rips i haven't seen that one thanks again people appreciate another five gift subs man damn this giovanna really [ __ ] going in oh sweet thank you savage tale yet you did incredible tonight man thanks for joining sleep well jesus christ that ram was celestial as well what's thunderbolt fantasy never heard of it jesus christ i'm doing all right hope you're doing well pooh have you watched boruto nope jesus christ oh my god damn she really [ __ ] went in on that one i'll take her down yeah chip has no health that's why that damage was so wacky makes the reset optimum holy [ __ ] oh my god nope at least i got rid of blood rage before it became a big problem still died for it but it is what it is thank you resub joshua nope nope oh i miss input on my uh blood suck [ __ ] i actually might have got that if i had blood suck off but i [ __ ] up the input i'm lucky next we said bin sir in frozen pork chops not bad though i'll [ __ ] take it yeah of course i'll play the demon slayer game i'm getting [ __ ] tired i might give it like one or two more matches here and then call it a night oh level 2731 holy [ __ ] that has to be close to rank one unfortunately the giovanna d seeds that's unlucky when we get to see the uh soul versus it dcu yeah it's unlucky outsider you did incredible though is it brian brusky i'm not sure yet rip we'll see jesus [ __ ] christ get down [Music] well that was [ __ ] rough oh sweet well thank you millie sleep well what's the next youtube night uh it's i don't plan those out we did one two nights ago though so it'll be a little bit thanks threesome lags too much oh this giovanna is pretty good i don't i don't think it's enough here but she is good true ripe [Music] god damn oh [ __ ] this guy's nutty well that's probably why he's rank one sleep well cool yeah i'm going to bed pretty soon here chase i'll let this guy rampage a bit though i want to see more oh let's do this oh oh wow back to back buster this potemkin kind of going in whoa are you the five gift subs frozen oh no bad burst he's [ __ ] ruff oh that was his [ __ ] chance on that last round he's definitely boned here almost he did almost have that stop wasting mike maybe the five gift subs lags too much in the prime bjs yeah that one was very close you did great man thanks for the resub denkis wow oh oh this is a [ __ ] close one as well oh thanks theresa oh no it's getting it's getting away from him now yeah that's all she wrote i think oh it's on chainsaw man anime shit's not out yet but i'm excited trailer looked good seems very cool no i didn't read the manga i haven't read like any manga from start to finish or anything i wanted to for berserk but it still hasn't come it's been two months well he secured at least one hit so it won't be a perfect um oh these are the 20 gift subs what's the username thank you for the generosity man i appreciate that cheers yeah souls damage is huge but also this is chip so he has no health at all but still soul does do a crazy amount of damage they're gonna nerf his damage did they say that really thanks again what's your username every character has the same amount of health though what yeah i know the creator berserk died that's why i wanted to read berserk made me really want to read it because i wanted i've always heard good things but i just never decided to read it until i heard that news and i felt that i really was doing a disservice not reading it i ordered it off amazon two months ago still hasn't come all right i'll take him are down ready do you order the deluxe volumes uh i ordered whatever was the collection of the first two issues oh my god oh no no god no [ __ ] i accidentally oh well yep oh miss click oh my god whatever i forgot that i forgot that i mapped burst like that that's okay kind of panicked a little bit but no no perfect i'll take it i'm gonna try those popeyes nuggets when they drop first i've heard of that popeyes is having nuggets soon yeah i'll try them wow that's a lot of damage uh oh almost wow wow this is a pretty low level potemkin as well he's flying way above his level right now uh oh oh my gosh oh how many rounds is soul win so far i'm not sure someone's keeping track but it's not me i might call it after this one i'm getting really tired thanks for the five gift subs what's the username thank you man i'm super generous tonight man i appreciate that you're about to go on a 20 easy win streak yeah it's all right though i'll get the win streak next time it's getting late all right thanks everyone for tuning in there's a prime saucy king it's everyone who donated big thank you new subs welcome aboard some means a lot to me so thank you for subbing hope you enjoy the emotes and i hope you all have a wonderful rest of your evening um oh steve's playing guilty gears drive i'll toss you to steve tonight thanks again everyone and have a great night you
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 16,098
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Keywords: big moist, bigmoistcr1tikal, charlie, cr1tical, cr1tikal, cr1tikal livestream, cr1tikal stream, critical, critical livestream, critikal, critikal live stream, critikal livestream, full stream, full streams, game, huggbees, kaya orsan, live stream, livestream, moist meter, moistcr1tikal, penguinz0, speedrun, stream, stream archive, streaming, the official podcast, theofficialpodcast, tiana, twitch, twitch archive, twitch stream, video game, vod, youtube gaming
Id: rWB2o8NcaWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 311min 3sec (18663 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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