Moist Meter | Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League

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welcome to the moist meter today we're taking a look at Suicide Squad killed at Justice League I'll go ahead and admit upfront and honest here I had no expectations of this game whatsoever I thought it was going to be pretty bad I'm a huge fan of rock steady and I thought this was going to be their first blemish their first real Miss I love the Arkham verse I even love Arkham Origins even though I think it's the weakest of the bunch I still think it's a great game but everything they showed from Suicide Squad from its marketing material to it being a live service game just didn't look appealing to me but I'm always open-minded and willing to be Pro wrong and pleasantly surprised but unfortunately here the only pleasant surprise I got is that the game is short so you don't have to suffer through the tedious grind for that long now I don't think the game is great by any means but it's not nearly as bad as everyone's saying it is I think it's better than the marvels of iners game which I thought was a [ __ ] dumpster fire I think it's better than Gotham Knights which I thought was abominable but by no means is it a great game at best it's mid and it's extremely frustrating that this game is a live service game by the way I'm so tired of that [ __ ] you can't play it offline I think they're planning on introducing an offline mode but right now you can't just play it without an internet connection so when I started it up last night it crashed twice because of the server even though I'm not playing with anybody I couldn't just enjoy the game without having to be perpetually [ __ ] connected to do so it's just nonsensical but anyway let's go ahead and get into the real meat here narratively I was actually pretty invested off rip I think conceptually it's a really fun idea for the game and the first half of the story actually thought was pretty well done the voice acting I thought crushed it the characters I thought were enjoyable and endearing especially king shark he really felt like the main character of this game he was the one that I played mostly like I kind of mained shark you can switch around between any of the suicide squad members and play as them but I really liked shark the best out of the lineup and in the story he definitely shined brighter than anyone else in the crew the writing is going to be really hit or miss depending on who you are and what really tickles you for me me a lot of the jokes weren't landing and that's probably probably because the characters just never shut the [ __ ] up it's just this Perpetual cacophony of noise as characters scramble to shout a joke every time you move in the game there isn't a single second that passes in Suicide Squad where someone's not trying to make a quip and be quirky and that was just a little grading to me after like the second hour of it but for a lot of other people I'm sure some of the jokes will be landing more often it's not like a huge complaint I didn't hate the writing overall it was just too much all the time but like I said narratively I was invested in the beginning unfortunately it falls off so hard in the second half the second half just goes [ __ ] Hog Wild into the stupidest ideas imaginable I don't want to spoil anything but the second half of this story the tits just get blown wide open it it goes so cattywampus I don't know what happened it feels like there might have been some kind of internal Panic maybe like a crunch time and they just felt they needed to wrap the game up as quickly and unsatisfactory as possible because they had set up something good like I said I spent the first half enjoying the story and the second half is a disaster an absolute disaster and it's made worse by the fact that this game has the most despicable boss battles I've played in a long time the boss battles in this game are laughably pathetic so when you're fighting the Justice League that's not a spoiler the name of the game is [ __ ] kill the Justice League so obviously you're going to be fighting them when you fighting the Justice League the boss battles are so underwhelming I would have rather you not fight them at all and it just gives you quick time events as your fight with them or just give me like a [ __ ] visual novel a pointand click anything besides the boss battles in this game because they are trash so let me give you an example this was in some of the gameplay footage so it won't be a spoiler when you're fighting The Flash he does two moves he has literally two moves that I can recall I don't think he even has a third one and all you do is you dodge his tornado and then you dodge his beam and then you counter it and when you counter it then you can shoot him a little bit and you do that for like three bars of health or whatever and then that's the end and it's just every single time you do one of these boss battles there's no real reward there's no payoff there's nothing cinematic about it they just kind of plop over and go like they just plop over dead because they you found their one weakness enough bullets it's so bad I don't know how the boss battles even exist in this state why no one stood up and said listen Guys these suck why was there no hero at Rocksteady that said guys we got to redo these boss battles because pu with stinky and all of our quality assurance testers are bored out of their minds doing these fights and I guess to give you a little minor spoiler but just to really drive this point home the final boss fight the the boss you've been striving to fight and defeat this entire [ __ ] game is literally just using the exact same move set as your first boss fight he's just it's the flash he uses the flashes two moves and that's it they couldn't even design a unique move set for the final boss that you spend [ __ ] 10 hours grinding to get to it's just pathetic the boss fights are truly horrendous like the bosses just aren't fun to fight or anything at all it's just a headache now let's talk about the game play though so the game play I actually enjoyed quite a bit in the beginning it's flashy it's fast it's fun the movement I enjoyed the entire time I actually think the movement from all the characters is really fun except Harley I didn't really like Harley Quinn's movement all that much but the the rest have really fun ways of traversing the the world and the game play I did enjoy for a time but it becomes so repetitive by like hour four that it becomes a chore to keep doing now and I don't think it's even really the game play's fault I think that's the fault of the lack of enemy variety there's only three enemies in the game I'm pretty sure I think there's just three and the way you fight them doesn't change you do the same thing for every single enemy you don't have to fight them a special way or do anything different to beat them you just keep pumping them full of lead occasionally counter and that's really it you can melee too but the melee's really Bare Bones here unfortunately it also doesn't help that it's the most boring enemies in gaming it's just alien zombies that shoot that's it so while the game play was fun in the beginning it got really tedious by like towards the end the combat is fast it's flashy and there is some fun variety to the builds that you can do because you find these different weapons that change things around tweak things give you modifiers and you can do some pretty interesting stuff but it just really loses its luster when there's nothing to really test it against cuz it's just the same enemies repeated over and over and over again and you don't have to do anything really special to beat them you just shoot them a lot and then occasionally counter when there's a blue indicator another thing that holds the game play back and makes the combat field dull is the missions the missions are tragic absolutely insulting because the missions are the same things over and over and over again it's so repetitive and God please Heaven Heaven's to Betsy save yourself from this game if you hate escort missions because there's so many there's escort missions out the Wazoo I can't believe we're still getting escort missions in 2024 let alone this many there were so many escort missions in this I was nauseated but even when you're not doing the boring ES missions you're doing these [ __ ] boring like Tower blowup missions where all you do is you kill like a group of four enemies that zap in they phase in you kill those four which breaks a shield on the crystal that they're protecting and then that Crystal opens up the incubator so then you go to the incubator and then just press square and it blows that up mission complete and you'll do that like five or six times and if it's not that mission then it's the mission where you need to collect data so you kill some enemies that spawn in and you get little data cards and you bring them back to your truck and then you do that eight times and then 16 times and those are like that's the that's the kind of missions that you get in this and I really think it's because they needed to make that for it to work as a live service game they needed these easy simple repeatable missions in order to make these daily challenges so that we keep logging in for your dailies and whatever and it sucks the missions are so bad they're so boring and it's just after the first hour of the game you have experienced every Mission the game has to offer throughout the entire 9 to 10 hours of the game in fact the final mission leading up to the final boss is just doing the previous two missions it's super sucks you just blow up the incubators and then you go and gather data chips and bring them back to the goober mobile and you rinse and repeat that process all the way up until you get to the final boss which is just a copy and pasted Flash move set it is so lame and underwhelming like the combat like I said was fun for a while but it there's just really no opportunity for it to shine when there's just nothing really new to do with it cuz you're doing the same [ __ ] over and over and over and over again it really is a shame because I do think there was potential with the gameplay formula I was skeptical going in that they'd make that work but they did like I actually think there was real potential with us these mechanics that they introduced for its combat but it was surrounded by like the worst design choices and just nothing to do with it at all it's such a shame and I really think it's because of this live service thing that they were forced to [ __ ] shoehorn into the project now I'm sure the project was always envisioned as a live service game but I know this wasn't their first choice it's very well documented Rocksteady wanted to do other projects but then ended up on this one and then some of the I think pretty much all of like the senior Rock study staff left so it became not the project that they set out to make and it really feels that way so much in here feels like it was some kind of corporate decision to put it in as opposed to like an actual you know game developers like this would be a good idea it just feels like so much of this was here because it felt it needed to be for the live service model it's just so sad rock steady's games meant a lot to me and to see them put this out just makes me upset because I know they can make great games we've seen them make Banger after banger but this one this is a clunker it's not again it's not as bad as everyone is saying it is it's just inexcusably mid insultingly mid and I really get the feeling that they knew that too which is why they didn't send out the review codes or anything prior to launch it like it just feels like they didn't have that much faith in it and it really feels like there's blatant padding in here like I can't think of an explanation for why there's so many escort missions everybody every developer every player in the world knows that escort missions are flops nobody likes escort missions and there are so many in here what a [ __ ] fumble what an absolute fumble there's just no reason for that to be here other than they felt forced to put in these like really generic repeatable standard missions because it's live service it just it's it's just not it's not great anyway plugging Suicide Squad killed a Justice League into the moist meter I'm going to have to be giving this a 45% and I guess mid would be a 50% here just perfectly average in the middle but I'm giving it a little under that because the second half of the story is truly abhorent and the LA the second half of the game is Just spammed with the worst missions the game has to offer so it it gets very very very annoying towards the end of the game here so it's just a shame I also do predict that this game won't be around long it's looking like they're trying to get like 12 Seasons out of the game 12 to 13 Seasons out of the live service experience here so even when you beat the game it's not done I think there is a nonzero chance this game doesn't make it the 12 Seasons I think they might pull the plug on it before then thus it would never actually be completed and if they don't introduce the offline mode in time you'd never be able to play it again because you'd need the online which they I think would probably take off if this game doesn't sell super well so it's just it's just really a game that's not worth the $70 price tag right now it certainly wasn't worth the $100 I paid to play it early for the early access to it but anyway that's really about it see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] a
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,698,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ckky1nEnEvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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