Mohammed Hijab: Why Successful Men Are Converting To Islam

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in the Muslim Community people are getting into business and stuff like that Muhammad hijab most influential Muslim in the UK who's here to shed light on why more and more entrepreneurs are turning to Islam he's a believer in creating strong Warrior men and feels strongly about fighting back against woke culture whenever there's war feminism becomes irrelevant almost instantly because we need to get things done now how was it debate in Jordan Peterson he's not the same man that he used to be nobody can tell you what that Market's gonna do no one if you press something very low people will say there's something wrong with it there's no value to it one thing in Islam which is not allowed clearly is interest it's not allowed to give it or receive it people like Andrew Tay I mean he's recently become Muslim on the day I don't want to see him they froze my car [Music] the podcast pleasure to have you thank you so much for having me no I like this I like this entrance I think I'm going to tell my wife and kids that this is notes on how to do this every time you come home exactly yeah dinner's ready and you're the first guest we've had on that's actually taller than my dad oh really yeah it's a surprise I'm not having it so we've um interviewed a lot of people in this podcast and we've noticed a shift towards Islam especially among the entrepreneurial-minded people yeah and what do you think attracts them to the values of Islam I think nowadays we're kind of like in a very specific time in history like you know there's the culture wars and then that's within that there's the gender Wars I think that's what's going on and um Islam has a very strict stance on certain traditional issues right and I think a lot of people want the blunt truth on issues to do with gender and sexuality and all these kind of things the family unit and these kind of things and since Islam is a proselytizing religion unlike for example Orthodox Judaism which is a very similar religion in terms of what you'll find in laws and so on look it kind of appeals to that kind of peop that segment subsection of society so I do think um that's part of the reason and people like Andrew Tate I mean he's recently become Muslim I've done a a podcast with him the reasons he cites are because of the very strong stances a very clear moral guidelines that Islam has to offer a lot of other people just talk about the fact that Islam talks about one God worthy of worship you know and the central Tenant of Islam is referred to as talhaid or monotheism to believe in one God worthy of worship and then all these other things of for example a lot of the biblical prophets Abraham Moses uh Jesus even they are in the Quran he says it's not not from this familiar it's not unfamiliar for people that come from due to Christian backgrounds to to embrace Islam uh and to believe in it so I think that's probably the reason why but we'd have to maybe do a study on it and ask them but Andrew take these are the reasons he gave I mean we had healthy best on on one of our podcasts and he's what I would typically describe as a London Giza sort of lad you know Ducker and diver and probably the last person you would expect to take on Islam as a as a religion but he spoke very well of it and I don't know if you've spoken to him but what do you think would be the reason it would attract him I don't know much about him to be completely honest with you but um Nietzsche a very interesting philosopher he was a postmodern like the father of post-modernism and he was an atheist in his own right like and he actually had something to say about Islam which I think is relevant to this discussion um and he was talking about Islam comparative to Christianity okay and he was saying that he referred to Islam as a masculine religion okay it's a very interesting kind of terminology and he talked about the fact that Islam was a religion that kind of gave people a sense of masculinity and um and he had some derogatory things to say about Christianity in fact one one thing you've talked about vis-a-vis Christianity is that he referred to as a slavish religion if you think about Jesus Christ in in Christianity for example he was crucified you know he was resurrected these are the central tenets of Christianity and so from from the perspective of nature that's a losing battle like if this was a story he would have been a loser yeah this is a losing narrative you see in Islam The Narrative is not the same we do have Jesus Christ but he wasn't killed or crucified so he was ascended there is the obviously the doctrine of Ascension and Christianity as well but if you look at the central figure of Islam which is Muhammad right he went through a war or a variety of Wars a series of wars and at the end of it he was Victorious and that's historically attested to I mean there's there's no controversy on that issue and that's why Islam spread and so on so Islam is a warrior religion in many ways and it's unapologetically so it's it's about expansions about um conquest and so on and I think high testosterone men who want to win in life they look at that and they say well what do I want to be do I want to be a winner do I so what what kind of Virtues do I need bravery do I need uh you know I don't like to use the word patriarchy because it has these connotations of exploitation right but we want to have a household where you know there's a managerial hierarchy and the man is at the top of it for example uh polygamy is obviously a big thing nowadays with the kind of red pill movement and so on and things like that as well so I think these things combined have made Islam a very attractive proposition to a certain group of people but I I think if you look at the stats anyway Islam was a religion people were converting to in the United Kingdom and I think it was the number one religion people were converted to ironically the data that we have says that women were actually converting to it more than men which is kind of interesting now because a lot of men are coming to Islam um the reason why we don't know exactly what the reasons are but because there is an exact reasoning I've looked at some of like the British Accu surveys and stuff like that but I think the theological tenants like for example if you look at the Trinity the idea of the father son the holy spirit in Christianity that the fact that Jesus is God is a man um compared to the fact that you know you've got one God worthy of virtue is not a man he's not a child it's not all of those things you know that Jesus is the messiah in Islam but he's not a God that we don't believe that anyone with a date of birth can ever be a god is Jesus a God or is he the Son of God so we we don't so Muslims don't believe he was the son of God oh God okay we say that he was the Messiah right so he was the chosen person from God he was a mighty messenger sent from God that he was actually this um he was born from the Virgin Mary but that he wasn't God himself incarnate and so a lot of people that leave Christianity can't make sense of the Trinity they say why is it that you have the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and they are three co-equal co-eternal how could it be that you have the father is God the son is God and the Holy Spirit is God but there's not three Gods but one God how does it how does it compute you know and so because people have become disillusioned with some of the key um theological tenets of Christianity and Islam is a natural Next Step from Christianity in fact it doesn't negate it like the Quran doesn't negate biblical prophets as we mentioned doesn't negate Jesus doesn't negate Mary a lot of people just say okay well in that case uh let's take a look at the Quran let's see what it's talking about let's see what kind of uh messages is putting forward and a lot of them become Muslim you mentioned um atheism atheism there's a word in it yeah people that are atheists um as I understand it and I could be wrong here obviously but um do you have uh more respect for say someone who's a Christian than you or than you do someone who's an atheist from a religious standpoint of course from religious now okay you can have a Christian you can have a Muslim guy who's a you know mass murderer you know I mean like yeah we don't have respect for them from that angle but from the theological angle then yeah Islam is a religion which actually demarcates um theologically you've got Christians and Jews they're in the the the the right next door neighbor if you like to the Muslims is they are they have a separate category called elecatab so for example Muslim man can marry a Christian woman and my father actually married a Irish Christian uh woman do they have to convert they don't have to convert but the the opposite is not a woman a Muslim woman cannot marry a Christian man because the idea is that women are more likely to assimilate to the religion of the man so why would we put ourselves in a disadvantage from that perspective you know what I mean so a Muslim man can marry a Christian a Jewish woman we can eat the Jewish and Christian meat so for example and that's a very big deal in Islam as is in Judaism for example we have halal meat I'm not sure if you're aware the Jews have kosher meat we can eat kosher meat if a Christian person had slaughtered meat we can eat that as well um so yeah I mean in terms of the placement of Christian people in the Islamic imagination I think is certainly uh higher than obviously atheism or politicism or something like that so why is it that you again it's only as I understand it because I've been doing a bit of research yeah sure uh as Islam seems to have a thing against atheists um when really they just don't believe in God they don't believe there isn't one or there is one they just don't believe in it or it is atheism the belief that certainly isn't a God or is it that because there's agnostic right as well that you're not sure if there is or there isn't there's different compartmentalization so there's individuals that like some people some Scholars and philosophers like they break down atheism into negative and positive so a negative atheist or someone says well I don't have enough evidence to believe in God therefore I don't know if he exists and it's a very similar definition to agnosticism where an agnostic would say I don't know if there's a God or not a positive atheist is someone who tries to make an active argument against the existence of God so they say well because of and it's usually the problem of evil that's the most cited ones because there's even in the world God can't exist because how can for example David Attenborough is something similar he said how could it be that God exists and you've got like worms coming out of the face of children in Africa or something like that they think it's a negator of course some are atheists reject that like um William hasker he's a philosopher he's an atheist and he said that this is an intellectually bankrupt case but the point is is that atheism is divided into a positive and negative kind of atheism Islam stance on it is as follows I mean there's a verse in the Quran that says well they created from nothing or were they themselves the creators of themselves so in other words the verse is trying to get you to under to look at the possibilities what are the possibilities you're either the universe came from nothing but we know that from nothing nothing comes because nothing is the absence of something so as the universe came from nothing and that's impossible well the universe created itself and that's also impossible because you can't be there and not be there at the same time you can't create yourself it's like a mother giving birth to herself it's logically impossible so what's the what's the alternative the alternative is so obvious painstakingly obvious that the Quran doesn't even spell it out it says what what are the alternatives to believing in and all-knowing and all-powerful God that everything depends upon in creation the alternative is about saying that something came from nothing is that something you're willing to take to the Grave or the fact that the universe created itself like you created yourself and so these are the if you feel like it's a logical dysfunction with exhaustive possibilities if you look at all of the possibilities uh that can logically be ascertained you will come to the conclusion that actually there must be something that gives power or that is everything else depends upon and it depends upon nothing the independent on we would call God so it's not necessarily that we have anything against atheists per se it's just the fact that we think that their position has no explanatory scope like the atheistic position cannot explain existence or purpose and these are the two main things that for a human being to be happy and functional in the world they need to be able to explain why am I here okay why is their existence rather than non-existence why is there something rather than nothing and then what is the purpose of life these two questions atheism doesn't have an answer to it and so we would say if you are an atheist then you have to start thinking what are the possibilities what are the possibilities how is it that I came here how has the universe came to be why is there something rather than nothing and what's the purpose of life if you ask yourself these two questions we believe it will lead you to theism basically because I mean ultimately there's a question beyond that isn't there it's like wedded God or the power come from yes to even create so it's a never-ending non-answerable question yeah but then that's a that's a common um objection right so someone said well if you're saying I'm only playing someone someone will say well where did God come from right and so we Define God as the Eternal pre-eternal post-eternal uh being the independent one which nothing depends up it depends upon nothing and everything else depends on and you need something like that in creation to it to explain creation or existence in the first place so that's what science would call Dark Matter potentially not really because dark matter has to exist within a framework a cosmological framework like black holes or not all of that stuff has to exist within a closed circuit of the universe or something like that right but we're talking about something which everything depends upon and it depends upon nothing it's pre-eternal it's without beginning okay the fact that we're saying is without beginning and we say where did where did it come from it's it's time to mount to asking the question where did the thing without how did the thing with that no beginning begin so we would say in the in the presupposition of the questioning is either a non-understanding of what we're talking about the first place something with no beginning or a contradiction which is even worse which is that how there's something with no beginning have a beginning well we're saying it had no beginning do you see what I mean and in fact we say that it having no beginning is logically um as a logically necessary step so for example there are lots of um arguments that theists have made Muslims and Christians and Jews in fact a full time to prove this and it's usually a discussion about Infinity that you can't have an infinite regress of things so for example if I were to say I'm going to drink this coffee now but before I do so I'm going to ask him for permission and well before he's going to ask you for permission and let's consider the fact that there's an infinite amount of people in the world would I ever drink this so they would say no you wouldn't drink this is the infinite regress they cannot be an infinite regress of causes therefore people say it cannot be an infinite redresses of course is because if we talk about imagine this is the universe for it to have a beginning you know if there's an infinite regressive causes before me drinking this cup of coffee then I'll never drink the cup of coffee the same thing applies so you have to have something which is has no beginning that starts everything up that's a logically inferred uh thing if you don't have that then the the alternative is an infinite regress of causes and if you have an infinite regress of causes then it will be impossible to it's the proposition that you can the inexhaustible has been exhausted so why wouldn't you stop that chain at like the big bang why can't that be the first thing that starts everything that came from nothing because if something has to come from nothing yeah then why can't it be that so I'm saying like for example if we assume that something created something which creates something which creates something that went on infinitely and the definition of an infinite thing is Unbound it's Limitless it doesn't have a beginning or end it's infinite if we keep going like that and we say well now there's a universe well now there's a big bang or now there's whatever then we're essentially saying the inexhaustible has been exhausted so in other words because Infinity is inexhaustible so if it had a beginning now then the infinite regress of causes have has been exhausted at the point of the Big Bang we will say that's a illogical proposition so the point is is that um we would say to avoid all contradiction you have to come to a conclusion that there is a being or a thing that has no beginning and no end which is independent which everything depends upon and it is depend upon it is dependent upon nothing and that thing instantiates everything in the universe and that thing we would call God if this God was so powerful and so all-knowing yeah then why would it care about us because we must seem so small compared to that yeah I mean so the thing is is you've got to ask yourself the question what is ascertainable about the universe we know for a fact that the Universe for instance has life that's something the universe exists We Exist I mean these are things we can all agree on the universe exists We Exist within the universe and life exists within the universe these are there these are things which no one can this do you believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe I don't know I think so yes I I think it's very possible is that a thing of the Quran or Islam thing so is that your personal some Scholars within Islam explicitly believe that but it's kind of like it almost seems like impossible that it yeah couldn't exist somewhere yeah I see what you mean yeah but let's go back to the point which is that look you've got the universe everyone agrees atheist theist Christian Jew Muslim everyone agrees this universe fine inside the universe you have life okay and life is the difference between biology and chemistry chemistry is non-life biology is life biology is a study of living things so okay you have living things within the universe the universe is proportioned in a manner that allows life to exist that is a fact it's an indubitable fact it is an indubitable incontrovertible fact the fact that you have life of the universe and that the Universe has put the parameters of the universe the laws of the universe where everyone the laws of physics whatever you want to call it whatever the label you want to put to it has allowed life to exist now the question is what's the best explanation for this now you've got one or two explanations you could say that it came from Randomness literally like a lottery ticket or whatever it is and you guys are into Investments and all that so you know you know you know you know the you know the number I'll put a lottery ticket down there's an investment yeah I mean I don't think yeah if it didn't come randomly then we wouldn't be here to discuss the point anyway so yeah I mean this is the anthropic principle but I'm just saying let's look at the exhaustive possibility so you've got Randomness right you can say it came randomly or you can say it came from an intellectual knowledge all right you can say it came necessarily which doesn't really explain much I mean it came necessarily but from whence or from where so okay anyway so you've got two real contenders Randomness and intelligence or knowledge Randomness I would postulate I would claim doesn't even exist there's no such thing as randomness because what is Randomness or chance chance is just our way of not understanding or putting a label the things we don't understand like someone will come to you and say well look you got to where you're at your level and you know your business Acumen Whatever by chance through luck don't use the word luck because they don't know how to do it because they don't know how to do it they don't understand that there was a process that was a very interesting or calculated strategic process that you took and that these each decision that your businesses you need took was actually conscientious and it was strategic it's like a chessboard you are moving pieces but for for the for the ignoramus they'll look at and not see that there's a there's a move that's being made at each level and the same thing same analogy can be applied to almost anything Randomness is just our misunderstanding or non-understanding of something Randomness doesn't exist I mean if I were to say well how can you empirically prove Randomness can you put this whole this abstract noun Randomness under a microscope we can see it's Dimensions or substantive uh features so Randomness doesn't exist so I say what we're left with we're left with proposition one which is that there is a knowledge either there is a knowledge or no knowledge as this universe came about as a result of a knowledge and greater knowledge that put the constituents of the universe and the proportions of the universe such that life can exist within it which is indubitable that everyone agrees or that it didn't happen if it didn't happen then we're talking about Beyond lottery numbers we're talking about something which I would actually postulate would be impossible it's something that wouldn't happen so when you combine the fact that you need something which is independent and has knowledge then that is our definition of God what is God God is the higher power of the independent one which has knowledge that's really what God is it so we say that if you if you have a god like that to go to your question about why would he care about us or whatever then we are explainable through this higher power so the question is we have free will if we believe in Free Will if we believe that we have free will what decisions that we do we have to make which are most appropriate in forming a relationship with this higher power the Islamic answer is you must submit to the will of the higher power just like everything in creation is doing something like for example the universe has laws yeah the there's the electromagnetic you know constant for example you know the gravitational constant these are all constants these things God has forced to do in a certain manner whereas we would say God has given human being the choice because the sentient being with uh cognitive possibilities what's the difference between choice and Randomness and like you have the the choice to do anything you want in a way that could be random so choice is really defined as the ability to choose A over B so there's at least two options and then there is some there is something that weighs A over B so for example I've got water in front of me and coffee I can decide to go to drink this one or I can decide to drink that one so it's it's this is a and this is B whereas Randomness is you have a series of variables A B C D and what's being said is that a b and c and d are being formed in that way by no um decision maker what we always what we would say is that the specification of the universe the proportionment of the universe um actually is indication that there is a sorting agent an external sorting agent that's making decisions just like we're making decisions so the fact that things exist in the universe and there are one way not another is actually evidence of the fact that some thing is making a decision as to what something should be A over B so to answer your question choice is to decide over decide A over B for example whereas Randomness is the proposition that something is being sorted without an external sorter which there is no evidence for that so do you believe that we do have choice to Pick A over B or is that a divine plan that's put upon us and then all of those choices lead to the same conclusion we believe that human being has a choice okay if it wasn't like that then there would be Injustice because then if if God said okay well every human being I'm going to make the decision on their behalf and then put them into the Hellfire or something afterwards then that would be completely unjust right so that human being has a choice but God allows him to make those choices so the Supreme agent is still God but he's allowing human being to exercise his Free Will with the amount of power though we have over like the planet if we automate the wrong choice then surely the whole plan would be knocked off course what would God do then you know everything's not going to plan I think that the power that we think we have over the planet is overstated I mean you saw the whole thing with the Titanic I mean they were mentioning um that we we have that area that they're trying to go underneath to find this less explored than outer space yeah we're talking about this the other day I mean look think of the following if human beings all came together with all their expertise and all their knowledge are full-time and historically and contemporaneously all came together they would still yet be closer to knowing nothing than they would to knowing everything that's the weakness of the human being in fact there's a verse in the Quran that says if the human beings all came together to create a fly they wouldn't be able to basically create a Flywire because if they came together the fly itself I mean if you look at how that's if you look at a fly if you look at documentary they're the most viewed documentaries in the world IMDb Earth and these kind of things because human beings fascinated with it all the inventions that we're getting we get into we draw inspiration from Mother Nature if you like which we have to personify because we don't we can't we can't explain why it's acting in a certain manner but anyway if you look at a fly I mean we haven't reached a stage where we can create anything from nothing so we are getting to the stage where we can create AI which may then go on to be able to do these things that we can't do we would see the following we would say that anything that human being creates God takes credit for because God creates the human being do you see what I mean I mean in the Quran says he's the one who created you and what you do so all of your your combined success you know in the business world or whatever God takes credit for that do you know what I mean because actually he created you he created this marvelous creature that was able to go into the world of business and do these kind of things so it's in the same way it's like if I created a robot so fantastic that it was able to if I created a car you know and that car was doing you know brilliant records or something I'll take credit for that God created the human being and so therefore God takes credit for all the uh all the things that human being does as a Muslim yeah um do you have to believe in everything the Quran says yes yes so there's no deviation whatsoever and you use Arabic I think there don't you yeah um now when I'm researching and I'm trying to look at Islam one of the things that knocks me off course is when it starts going into Arabic yeah um do you is it upon you to learn Arabic as a as a Muslim not like you don't have to learn Arabic as a Muslim you know I mean all you need to know is basically there's a prayer that we make every day we pray five times as you know Muslims have to pray five times a day and fast there's five pillars of Islam and there's a prayer that we say which is an Arab one prayer and in in essence you really have to just memorize that one it's a very short prayer yeah and it's it's telling you I mean it's a prayer between you and God where you're asking God to guide you and that that's really it but apart from that you don't have to learn the entire language okay because it sort of loses me a little bit Yeah but the way I understand it is it's a bit like sort of Opera where you know I can't I I can't get into Opera because I don't understand the words but the emotion is there yeah and I think with Arabic does it not bring out the emotion of the Quran it does I mean that's what you know if you want if someone wants to get deeper into it they would learn the Arabic language like anything else um once again to give the business analogy if someone wants to get into Investments I'm not into it as much as you guys aren't right they're tuning in to Mark who you have to watch Thomas silver you know you have to understand you get the basics right and then you know what I'm trying to say and it is quite complicated to be honest for someone who is a beginner like okay do I have to really know about the stock exchange do I have to know about the price of gold and do I have to know this and the currencies and all that stuff it can become very overwhelming for someone who's not interested but we would argue that the the benefits that one would get from attaching themselves to the purpose of life is greater than the benefits one would get from monetary yeah you know benefits although both of them are good you know so you say you've got to believe 100 in everything the Quran says um is that potentially a failing of Islam that someone might want to well you know I take 95 and I'm really with it but I just can't go that extra five percent that you lose them or what's the situation a lot of people do that with Christianity don't they they can choose what they want from the book and no one really follows it properly absolutely I mean the thing is this is that Islam doesn't want converts it doesn't you know what I mean like in the sense that it's not trying to sell itself to anybody if someone wants to become Muslim then they can become Muslim and they will benefit from that there was there were some people came to the prophet Muhammad and they said to him we have become Muslim and boasting in it the Quran says uh you know they come to you and boast that they have become Muslim and then it says that actually God is the one who should be you know uh not boasting but he's the one who should be incurring the favor upon you that he brought you to Guidance Do you know what I mean so in other words it's not it's not a sales program where we're getting commission for bringing people to Islam although obviously bringing people to Islam is something which we which we want to do because we believe that it's the right way to live um but it sells itself in that sense and so it's not something where you can pick and choose because we say like look God is the all-knowing one he's the creator of the heavens and the Earth and the Quran says that does he not know what he created and he's the old subtle and all aware God he knows what he created right and so if he knows what he created he knows what laws to break to put down so for example if I'm having an argument with my wife on a marital issue the way I arbitrate it is I say well let's go back to the Constitution that we both believe in so you know let's you bring your case and I'll bring my case and see which one is correct and so there is a rule system and no one is above no one can break the long arm of the law when it comes to Islamic law so uh it's really like that you can't pick and choose in fact this verse is explicit in the Quran saying you cannot if do you believe in parts of the book and just believe in other parts of the book so it's uh it's one of those things come into Islam or the religion wholeheartedly it's one of those things that you have to come into fully you know what I mean let's say you sinned up until like you were 70 years old and on your deathbed maybe let's say 80 or 90 you convert to being a Muslim Islam do you get forgiven for all those sins and go on to the afterlife no matter how bad yeah that's right we actually have a a specific saying of the Prophet to that effect which is narrated Bible which is the most authoritative book of the Quran which says there's going to be someone that's going to be all their life doing sinful actions or the actions of the people of the Hellfire and then right before the person dies he something will change in his life and he'll do the actions of the people of heaven and then they'll go into heaven so in other words but you it's really about how you die you could be a great Muslim all your life but then if you become a disbeliever We Believe at the last minute then you will be judged upon that what's the incentive to follow all these strict um laws and guides in the book if you can get forgiven at the end of it as long as you repent on all of those things the thing is God is all aware of what the motivations and the incentives of human being is so there is no trickery applied you know in fact some people have tried to do this but God actually calls that out says you know they try to deceive God and God is the one who deceives them so in other words you can't play the system in that sense because no one knows when they're going to die I mean we could die at any point you know uh the Quran states that uh your death can come to you even if you're living in a fortified Fortress nowadays like I was looking at the office of national statistics 500 000 people down on a yearly basis in this country and I was looking at cancer research and one out of two people die of cancer in this country apparently and there's a shocking statistic so no matter who you are and where we are we could die at any point it could doesn't matter like death is doesn't discriminate on on the on that guy so we the first thing is that we don't know when we're going to die and as such it's very important to have we would say that spiritual protection so that if you do die religion is like a log in the sea of the afterlife it would keep you afloat so they don't drown um we would say in a very severe manner so what is the afterlife what what happens when you die we believe that what happens when you die is you've got two things effectively you've got the the soul in the body we believe in dualism or at least some kind of dualism we have a soul and a body and death is basically the separation of the soul from the body and we believe this happens every night so consider the following you go to sleep what happens when you go to sleep you go to sleep and you lose your Consciousness we believe that death is just an extended version of that but now when you're instead of dreaming you're in another realm you're in a completely different realm and to be honest with you I think it is the most easy time in human history to believe in this I mean we're in the age of AI as you mentioned where I don't think cool that the Facebook are doing meta when you put literature virtual reality and all that kind of thing you could put something you could literally be somewhere else so we will say if you can I mean if it's so easy to believe from a technological perspective that you can be transported to another Realm through cognitive processes or otherwise I mean the neural link that uh what's his name Elon Musk is talking about literally you can manipulate your brain so it would say isn't it easy for God to do such a thing they're all the powerful one that if you were to die that you were to be resurrected in a manner in a different realm where you will see a different reality you know and that's what we believe in and there's two major realities Heaven and Hell and we believe in those Heaven is a real place and hell is a real place um yes we have something called the day of judgment where everyone is judged for their sins Christians believe in the same thing you know and then after that based on the Judgment of the test then someone goes to have no hell and we believe that the world that we live in is a test it's a it's a testing grounds the the purpose of life is to be tested by God whether you're going to do good or whether you're going to do bad that's really as simple as a test so for these reasons does death scare you to be honest the only thing about death that scares me is that I won't do enough before it do you see what I mean yeah absolutely 100 yeah I just want to make sure that because you know I've got children and all this kind of things I want to leave enough behind for my children for my community for my family that okay when I'm dead that that's all there but that scares me about death in terms of the actual death itself I don't think it scares me as such because every day I think about it like every single day I have to think about death as part of my religion as you get older you're thinking about it even more is it on um on each and every Muslim to spread the word of Islam not every single Muslim at least if some of them are doing it it doesn't have to be everyone okay do you feel that perhaps sometimes it's pushed a little hard yes I think so I think some people can become as like sales it's like I used to work to hear that actually yeah any religion really that people in L.A would screaming about Christ yeah yeah I agree do you know I used to I used to be in sales Financial products and stuff like that back in the days the oversell of any product it doesn't it doesn't look good it doesn't feel good and the person on the other side feels like there's desperation and the moment people feel there's desperation it's like they feel like you're overcompensating for something I think but Islam is a thing that sells like I said it sells itself I mean it's it's not going to benefit me in any way if anyone becomes Muslim except for the spiritual reward but there's no material rules how does it make you feel when someone does I feel good I feel good I feel like this is this person now is going to have a new life and it's going to have a structured life because you're talking about what's the incentive of for example one of the questions you asked was that why what's the incentive of getting involved with something which has a rule system is I think it actually promotes a tranquil state a predictable tranquil state that a human being will have I think it does promote that what would you say to someone that says religion is all about control of the population yeah that's exactly right because why would you want a lack of the uh control if you have a business or I mean for example you have a business how old is employees and say well the laws and stipulations you put in place is to control the employees so yeah that's exactly right that's why would you want not to control them what would you want to have a sale of Anarchy yeah I guess as a business owner you would want to be in control but you most people don't like the feeling of being controlled yeah exactly the Quran states that the human disability right the human disposition is transgressive they don't like Authority that's why we would say don't give your Authority I mean the Islamic message is as follows this don't give your authority to human beings give it to God because he's the only one deserving of it he's the all-knowing one he's all-powerful one the prophet said that there is no obedience to the creation in the Disobedience to the Creator so the ultimate legislator is God he's the only one that actually deserves that level of obedience there's no human being that deserves that level of obedience of course in Islam we do believe in obedience we believe the wife should be obedient to the husband which is a very controversial thing to say in England or and that the children should be obedient to the parents obviously within limits within limits we believe in like you know the parents are you know the parents parental rights husbands rights wife rights all that stuff however all is it their choice to be obedient no yes everything's a choice okay so that makes it slightly different they're they're choosing to give the uh the husband control in their best interest yeah it's everything is a choice no one can force anyone to do anything and or manipulate them in a manner which is corrosive and to be honest with you it's just a managerial hierarchy I mean within the household the husband has the final word it's as simple as that because otherwise who's gonna have the final word we're gonna have a consider the following if you have two people 50 50 and there's a decision to say this all the time yeah you have a decision to be made who's I mean how are we going to resolve the issue it's like having two steering wheels to a a car there's going to be chaos and it's going to be problem problematic that's why even in the UK you have first pass to post system in voting and elections to make sure there's a winner but okay you're sacrificing the Democracy by doing that because the most democratic thing is proportional representation but they said we don't care we need stability yeah no decision will get made exactly so north of we need stability in in government we also need to build it in households that's what we'll say where did this journey start for you to share your message online like you do do you have to be honest with you it came quite naturally I went to spooker's Corner which is a place in London yeah I just started speaking with people and then camera started to come out and then you know it Go interesting and then we start doing more and more formal debates but to be honest with you I always had the ideas I'm going to be discussing these things with people on an academic level to be honest with you you know and so yeah I just I just like I enjoy talking about purpose of life because I feel like the thing which will give human being the most grounding and happiness is purpose it's not anything else yeah not to belittle anything else because all these other things are important I believe in money I believe in it I believe that you need to have money even Islam promotes that you know I've been there a whole thing against um like taking out debt borrowing yeah borrowing not borrowing is interest okay so so if you were to buy a buy to let house yeah and and you'd pay interest on that and you have a mortgage yeah what the hell could you go about it yeah not interested yeah what they do they have the the Islamic sector they have this couple of banks here in the United Kingdom like one called Ryan bank and others that offer mortgages which are Islamic which are much higher than the you know uh Banks the normal Banks retail Banks and so on uh but they they've got a very unique structure where they've got it's called in fact where they've got two contracts for one so they give you they say look you're gonna buy the house and then you're gonna rent the house that you're buying but if you add both of these payments together it's more than a traditional mortgage do you see what I mean so what they're trying to do you buy the house outright without a mortgage or yeah so no what it is you're forced to pay rent on it so you've you've got two contracts that you're forced to be in right one of them is a contract of rent and one of them is a contract of purchase and both of them together if you were to get a mortgage from a bank it would be less so isn't that just an unfavorable yes that's right that's what they're trying to do I mean that's what the the criticism of it is but the idea isn't Islam is that your interest is not allowed but surely that means though that the the bank that you're going to get this from yeah they're making more money off it so you can't take interest out but then like your own but you're allowed to make money you're just not like yeah yeah but it's still sort of unethical though to be skimming off the top so much of people that are supposed to be your brothers no yeah just because of a technicality yeah really because yeah yeah yeah that's what they call that's what some I mean Muslim Scholars and others they say that exactly what you've said to say this is nonsense I mean you're just changing so that's one thing that maybe you'd like to change in the Quran if you could that's not the Quran it's uh this is just uh people that are creating Financial products in the name of Islam because what they're trying to avoid is interest because one thing in Islam which is not allowed clearly is interest it's not allowed to give it or receive it so to give interest or receive interest is prohibited it's actually one of the major sins of Islam right um so could you have a credit card and not pay interest at the end of the month because you don't necessarily if you pay it on time you don't pay interest that's a very technical question I'll be honest you'll find different responses by Muslim Scholars some would allow it some wouldn't majority actually wouldn't allow that right okay they say any contract which has an even like a a late payment fee or something like that would be unacceptable because it's the idea is that your interest is the idea of getting something for nothing so they say that this is an exploitative thing in its core therefore we we don't accept it Islam though is a free market religion it is a free market religion so I mean you might have heard of Adam Smith's invisible hand you know Adam Smith is one of if not the biggest you know contributions to the Western economic system and he wrote a book called The Wealth of Nations okay and he talked about the Invisible Hand of the economy he's the one who who really talked about specialization compared with the law of comparative advantage which Ricardo took and made it a bigger deal and demand and Supply which the whole of business is based on demand and Supply I mean how a price goes up and down is based on those two factors the amount of supply and Islam the prophet went into a a Marketplace at one point and he saw people and they were saying can you set the prices because this is unfavorable to us this businessman here is trying to take our money he said no he said because God is the al-musar he's the one who sets the price in other words leave the market to do its thing because the most efficient thing for a market to do is to do its own thing and then there were treatises that were written by Muslim Scholars a full-time like he actually wrote a very detailed um demand and Supply uh economic Treatise so in terms of we believe in free market economics we believe in business in fact there's a verse that we've made some of you above others so that some of you can take others as employee as employees as employees so with this this idea of like for example the Marxist or communist idea that everyone should get the same money or that the government should own the means of production is actually anti-islamic so do they believe that they're born above others or that is something that comes from nurture now we believe that God gives human beings blessings so if possibility to get there yeah he gives the human being the ability to get there he gives he he endows human being with blessings so everyone has that blessing and then it's whoever takes action on it or go against free will though because if they're born with that blessing then they don't have the free will to make their own decisions to become the guy no because God actually created a human being with the advantage or the ability to make those decisions for example everyone has an opportunity to do business okay some are more advantages and privilege than others like we are way more advantage and privilege and say it's for some people in sub-Saharan Africa or some people in other places in the world it's very true right however that disadvantage we would say is something that is part of the test of God that God has put and it's a test it's not just like for example the Quran says that your wealth and your monies is not just a blessing it's also a trial having money is a test because now you have to know how to spend it now you're going to be responsible for that now you are more responsible than someone who doesn't have it because if now you you have a more you have more of a response a social responsibility I'm not saying you should be forced to do anything although Islam has something called zakat which is that 2.5 of the wealth of the individual must be taken as Charity but apart from that it's the impetuses on the human being with wealth to give it out and to be charitable and to save people's lives and to see this kind of thing so that is a test if someone fails that test from the Islam perspective then they are more responsible than a a paw Pat or a poor person or a disenfranchised individual who doesn't have that test to begin with so I've gone to Audi before and I've financed a car yeah from what I perceive to be a Muslim employee is he sinning is it interest of course yeah yeah then yes he is and what's your opinion he's sinning by selling the the contract with interest on it yes yeah majority if not all the scholars so what would his parents think about that what do you think about that and do you ever sin yeah I've said I've seen all the time I mean the thing is he's a Serial sinner there's one for the old man the thing is I mean Islam is the prophet told us in a Hadith right in a Hadith means a prophetic saying something that the prophet said a word of wisdom that he said he says every human being is a sinner and the best of the Sinners are the ones who repent so being a sinner doesn't disqualify you from being a Muslim you can do the most heinous sins you can kill somebody I mean obviously we consider that to be one of the most heinous sins but still be a Muslim we consider homosexuality to be a sin for example but if someone were to practice it they wouldn't disqualify them from being a Muslim for example you could do anything I mean pretty much anything except for one thing which is to declare that there's not one good worthy of worship and Muhammad is the prophet these two things which is to associate partners with God or to reject the religion these are the only two things that can actually take you out of Islam apart from that whatever sins anybody has incurred we believe that it can be can somebody still revert if they say that before so if I was to say right now there is no God absolutely no way I do not believe it and I never will but then next week I wanna yeah of course it's only if I am already a Muslim I can't say that if you're already a Muslim and you and you say that you know there's no God then you leave Islam basically then can I come back you can come back but some Scholars are astonished to say you can't play a game with the religion keep coming in and out came in and out so God will know what you really mean yeah exactly right yeah I mean effectively you can but but as I say if it's a game that you're playing then some Scholars will be staunched by that so I think I think what I've decided that what I believe is I don't really think about a God and I don't really know too much about it but I do believe that everything is too perfect to not be something like the fact that you mentioned the Flies and just the way that everything works in the way it does it's too perfect yeah but I just think we wouldn't be sat here having this conversation if it wasn't so perfect yeah and that's of course Richard Dawkins has this thing called the anthropic principle right and there's two there's one called the weak anthropic principle and the ones are called the strong anthropic principle and he uses a very famous example he says look imagine if somebody came and you know and you were at a wall and someone was shooting you at a wall right and all the bullets like when next to your body no one bullet came to your body and so how'd you explain that and Richard Dawkins says well well you know the weekendthropic principle well he wouldn't be alive to talk about it if that didn't happen but where's the argument is the question so how do you explain the fact that no bullet touched his body that's what we're asking Randomness no that's yeah so then then we revert back to us chance Randomness but the problem with the weak anthropic or the strong anthropic principle both of those is that it doesn't actually have any explanatory scope it doesn't explain anything so I'm asking how is it like for example if you were to walk if I was here some people came in some bad people and they started shooting us at this wall and all the bullets came next to our you know body like there was literally a bullet for every inch next to my body and there was no bullet on my body I asked how did that happen they've got a [ __ ] shot yeah but it was a very good one but these explanations yeah these are so now we've gone into explanations that's no longer what was the anthropic principle which is a stormtrooper because they could never hit and I think yeah that's true these are all good explanations they're fine explanations but the anthropic principles is just saying well if he didn't you know if he if he survived this indication that uh it happened so it must be the case but that's not an explanation do you see what I mean yeah so how the anthropic principle is being attacked or has been attacked academically is that it doesn't actually provide an explanation for anything so are you worried about the the next generation of young men I think look I mentioned this guy called in the beginning of the podcast is is a economists or sociologists but he's one of the best of the Islamic world right and he had a theory when he's one of his main theories is that Civilization goes through stages I think they've put that into the kind of business World a little bit as well which is at the first generation is the most eager and the most effective and they've got the most motivation and the most efficient the second generation is still quite good because the father is teaching the sun all the the culture is still there the third generation becomes weak and by the fourth or fifth generation it becomes completely like degenerate or weak and they rely too much on their power and their perceived you know uh sense of stability which is not actually there anymore because there's other competitors that want to take this take these guys out basically because they've had enough so does that cause the world to become weak and then strong men to Rise Again from that I think what it does is destroy civilizations and most people most people who have commented on this like there's been books written the rise and fall of great Empire um toyin B has spoken on Arnold J toyin B others have spoken about this I think Yanni the western civilization has only been 30 years after the Cold War has been around it's degeneration has been exponential like first time span is pretty ridiculous actually and I think considering the fact that it has this much military power and spending and has actually quite good economic strength it shouldn't be pound for pound where it's at right now like if you consider the Roman Empires it was around for like it was a it was around for like thousands of years you know because they had the culture of sorry to say masculinity and Army and Military and these kind of things now I was recently watching an uh an army video of America United States of America and they juxtaposed it with the Russian one and the the way the American one was like you know the woman that she was a lesbian something like that she was like I wanted to always all my life I wanted to be part of the army you know and I don't know she's part of the LGBT and you see the flag in the background and it was like okay and then you and then you saw the Russian one and these guys were jumping up and down and shooting and it was all masculinity and then you think to yourself you you know then you look at the UK that the USA have just said that our Army's a joke so yeah I mean just come out with that oh this is even worse it's the same idea but what what we're doing is I think that the Western Civilization is most likely to be defeated from within by itself these ideologies like China is not a great threat to the military I don't think economic is a great threat but I don't think it's a great threat to the military of the West I think the greatest threat to the power of the West is the West itself and this kind of ideology in itself in a way is eating within the civilizational structure because every civilization needs strong men Warriors in these Warriors this consider how America started through consider the British Empire yeah we wouldn't be where we're at if it wasn't for warriors but you see what's happening in Ukraine right I mean no one's talking about these things there the women are going and the men are fighting and it's like whenever there's war feminism becomes irrelevant almost instantly because we need to get things done now forget about these dreams and myths that we were imaginary friends that we have and all that kind of nonsense sorry to say so does all this stuff start happening because we haven't had a major war in the UK or in the USA for example and they've got nothing else to bicker about I think that the main idea is that when Prosperity becomes when you become prosperous you have free time when you have free time and you're no longer under threat and so and survival survivability is not the key it's not the order of the day then you become weak as an individual nowadays like we don't have the Killer Instinct as we used to because we haven't had to fight as we had to in the past we don't need to do that stuff but have we needed people to thrive in other areas though which has been done such as economic growth and you know people aren't doing War but they're building businesses like Amazon that have somewhat changed the world you know things are pretty easy now I think that's probably where the advantage is at the moment but then you've got some of the tiger economies and like Japan and stuff that are starting to really catch up to be honest with you but that's where the advantages and and China is catching up economically like GDP is catching up because of the sheer population sizes militarily Russia's you know and China together it's it's not looking good for the West actually do you think the West is doomed then or can we recover this you know the West has always had a good uh track record of recovery even ahmedabinas one of the commanders of the Muslim Army that were fighting the Roman Empire he was praising the west and said one of the greatest attributes of Western people or Roman people at the time right was the fact that after they get defeated they're able to get back on their feet pretty quickly and I think there is there is a culture of that and I don't know what's going to happen but I I do think right now what we're seeing in western civilization is a Decay it's kind of like a degeneration I do think so and I think one of the country most clear contributing factors is um this ideology that's being promoted in in recent times and the and the failure of the masculine project in the west we saw that very clearly when we visited Dubai recently the the difference is it's crazy even compared to the USA and here it was so tidy wasn't it everyone was respectful on that note have you ever thought about moving to Dubai yeah everyone's asking me about that I think Dubai is in many ways is it's pretty Western Place you know I think it's a western people talk about what I think is comparable with New York and Los Angeles and these kind of places you know um me personally I wouldn't go and live there why because I'd like to be rough and I like to be in rough places I still live in an area which is considered to be rough you like the fear of knowing that you could get stabbed no not just stabbed I just I I don't want to be too relaxed they say boxes always perform better when they're in the worst gym and when they get all the money and then they're in the nice gyms with all the Comforts they don't perform these firing shots at me for going to a country club yeah why is this that like for all of the Prophet Muhammad he had the economic um kind of the income coming in through War booty and money and all this kind of stuff but he didn't necessarily live a very lavish lifestyle and the reason why is because just keep yourself Rough and Ready keep yourself rough and there's actually a Hadith on this um or saying is that actually leave off the world a little bit and people will love you because the thing is when you start to get more and more money people become much more envious people become leeches you get two kinds of individuals leeches and snakes okay so if you don't know who to trust you know and these kind of things and resentment especially if you've come from a certain background and then you've just made it now it's like why him not me kind of thing you know I mean like so keeping yourself Rough and Ready I think is very important uh and so in terms of Dubai it I think when I go there just for even a couple of days I feel a bit like too relaxed okay I feel too relaxed there it was nice though yeah it's nice for a holiday but it's too relaxing it's too I need to be rough I need to see something I need to you know what I mean yeah one of the things I love about Islam is the sticking to your word part like so you wouldn't lie to someone or if you had a contract with someone that's right yeah you'd stick to that and I think it's a good idea because if you're making a contract with someone that is isn't a Muslim that's right yeah then you're otherwise you're pushing them away aren't you that's right yeah there's a clear uh you know statement of the Prophet Muslim Muslims are upon their conditions so you have if you stick if you you know there's a verse Oh you who believe fulfill your contracts as if you don't have that then you wouldn't have business you couldn't have business you couldn't do business it deals with anyone because no one will trust you right and really the word of a man is the most important thing that he's got you know so have you come across many snakes in oh yeah in that world oh yeah yeah every day every day you're a sinner I see a lot of snakes and I see a lot of leeches and like I say it's you're knowing how to deal with them and I think people like you guys like probably know how to deal with them pretty well because you have to deal with them pretty often as well like people that just want to be your friend so they can get monetary benefits for example uh it reminds me of a film called Coming to America have you seen Yeah Eddie Murphy and he pretended to be like you know working in McDonald's or something like that he's a prince from yeah he's got yeah from Africa from I don't know what country it was but yeah he came down and it's sometimes you just want genuine relationships you know loyalty because for us look the thing that's going to give human being real happiness in according to a study that was done by Harvard actually it was a longitudinal study done from the 1970s to 90 I think 1990s is human relationships it's the number one thing that was the the thing that um that predicted happy people content people was relationships relationship with your family relationship with your friends your relationship with that relationship with God that's the number one thing and so we want authentic relationships we don't want all relationships which are inauthentic and so obviously Islam has this idea of Brotherhood Sisterhood camaraderie uh Unity Family these things are the most important things like you know Faith and family basically so you make me feel quite lucky because I would say that everyone I have in my life was there before I had a pot to piss in apart from people that I meet business-wise but I think obviously that's a little bit different and things are mutually beneficial so I think that I worry less about that than people outside of business so I think that yeah that makes me feel that's good yeah it should because it's that is but look if if put it this way it's going to sound quite cliche right but if someone said to you look you're going to lose your eyesight but you have to give all of your money all of your wealth that even mass or you have to you can give that money to save your eyesight I think we would do we would give it because eyesight is very important same thing with family bring any family member that you're close with and say look this person's going to be terminally ill if you don't give all of your funds to save their life you'd give all your funds and that shows you the extent to which you value those things the things which are literally like you know they actually have a monetary tag attached to them but we value them so much and for family children a wife kids all that stuff is very important and it's not being emphasized and that's what we're seeing with the liberal ideology the left-wing ideology they want to break that down because you don't have mother father son daughter if you can't say these even these words if these words become controversial to say then you've broken down the most important thing that makes a human being happy what is your opinion on divorce because if I understand correctly you your mum was a single parent that's right which is not so common in your religion I guess yeah I mean it's not a good it's not a good thing but it's allowed an hour like in Catholicism you're not allowed to get divorced right in Judaism in Orthodox Judaism a woman has to go and get something called a get and the man has to Grant it for her but in Islam a man or woman can get divorced because at the end of the day if you're not happy with who you're with you cannot be forced to be in a relationship like this you know what I mean obviously you try and make it work your best if you have children because you don't want to put them in a disadvantageous position and there's a very good book written recently called the boy crisis by War of Aaron where he talks about the disadvantage of being in a single parent household and there are so many disadvantages you're more prone to delinquency to criminality to educational deficiencies and so on there's there's literally like a ton of data on that on that point however I mean why I think of it is something which is negative but allowable and if human beings find themselves in a position where they cannot live you have to weigh up I mean my mom as you say she was a single mother and I was still able to kind of get through life and stuff like that go to university and do all the stuff that people want to do in society but not everyone is that lucky and not everyone is that blessed do you think divorce has become too common though because it seems like people get married and it lasts like eight years and then they're out and they don't value because maybe they're not Christian and they just get married anyway and they don't value that relationship with God or anything like that I think so I think the reason why is because first and foremost there's so much disincentive to get married in the first place now like this idea that for example if you're married to somebody then they can get a 50 of your whatever it is in in America certainly in the UK can be like that sometimes you can get 50 of your assets if if you get this is something unislamic like you would never accept this for example like how could it be that for example 50 of my earnings go into a person who has not contributed to the business in that way so if you got divorced uh as a Muslim yes would you retain your wealth then right yes of course 100 yeah there's no such thing as I'll give my wife or my husband half of this is nonsense well I mean think about it I mean what is what is the logic this makes no sense economically otherwise you know I mean how could it be so is it not a legal marriage then is it uh marriage within your religion or do you sign all the legal paperwork because what if um the ex-wife was to take you to court and then use the legal system to get hard yeah yeah I mean for me personally right I've I got married by the law right uh however I'll say this is that as Robert Greene says in his you know famous book is that the one who's willing to commit suicide has the initiative for me personally I don't care if like my wife is me and my wife have children together so if she takes mama I don't care in a sense I'll say like whatever you know take it because I don't care like in a sense I'm willing to forgo the money but also she's probably helped you make it yeah supported you while you make it yeah from that perspective I don't care like you know what I mean but I'm saying from the Islam perspective you don't even need to sign the legal paperwork it's a very very it's a three-minute process to get married you can get married very very quickly all you need to do is have two witnesses to give a dowry or a small gift to the lady and then she agrees consent and probably this is a good thing to and obviously her father knows what's going on and so on this is a good thing to happen in the day and age we live in now how does that what is a stupid question but you know like if you go and get car insurance or something it says are you single married this or that so if you are like are you saying that you can deem yourself married through religion but technically you're not legally married so what are you ticking that box when you get in your car insurance well I think they're talking about legalities there so we do whatever would get you the best of their rates so did most Muslims get legally married or not in the UK I I don't know that's a very good question I think it's a close one a lot of them do a lot of them don't it's probably and if they were legally married right and the ex-wife took the the man to court and took half of what he or tried to take half of what he had would that be allowed by the religion or would the religion step in the religion doesn't allow this and but the woman would not care some woman would not care about what the religion has to say that especially if her husbands are high in that guy you know what I'm trying to say so the point is is obviously the best way to safeguard oneself is not to get married legally if someone's really you know has achieved a lot and they don't want to or they can put their like Hakimi than the Moroccan football player right who plays for PSG he put everything in his mom's name yeah he finessed it big time that was crazy he killed it yeah or you can get like tangible assets and stuff like that gold bars or something and then uh if anything you know you'll put them somewhere you know and there's what a little ways to get out of the system you guys probably know more than I do I mean everybody else could you go we're just avoiding getting married aren't we at the moment dad's already done it I'm there would you allow your children to go to school to learn about other religions yeah they they do I mean I teach them about Christianity myself about Judaism I try to be fair I I honestly I try and be fast this is what they believe I think that's great because that's what I believe I I actually believe religious education should be promoted more within schools um not like a Christian School you're going to learn Christian that's what you're going to do today I think you should learn about all religions and become tolerant but why is it so boring at school because this is because they make it but at school God it's like I've got re today oh no yeah because generally re was about well certainly for me if I talk about what I learned was about the Bible and I'd already probably studied a fair bit of it or or spoken about a bit of it and it was pretty boring but if I was taught about other you know cultures and other religions I would actually have found that interesting I don't know if that's done now or not I should look into it I think we've learned I learned about different religions I see I don't even remember well what what if your kids did you go to school sorry briefly I went for a bit what if your kids did turn out like they said look I want to be a Christian and this is what I believe in but you know according to what you believe they will be going to hell what would you do I can't do anything I mean if that what if they are of age yeah like now they're they're pubescent and they are I've looked at all Legends I agree with Christianity I'd debate them keep debating them yeah yeah not every day I mean I'll debate them from time to time that's what I'll do well I can't force somebody because the Quran is very clear about this you know you cannot force somebody to be you know you cannot force somebody I mean I'm going to hold their neck and say you know you have to be a Muslim oh it's not like that I would effectively I'd debate them I feel like like them supporting a different football team isn't it yeah yeah I know that's that's what it would be though I would make it my last mission too yeah so you keep saying come on come up yeah exactly yeah what if um someone grew up in a different culture and they they were a Christian they never heard about um Islam and they just went to hell because they never never knew about the Alternatives yeah so we don't believe that could happen in the sense that if someone dies a Christian and they didn't heard the alternative the alternative we wouldn't say it would be in fact it's a verse in the Quran that says that these people were not going to punish people until they heard the message or they got a messenger Okay so until that someone becomes accountable at the point where they've heard okay there's another religion here which talks about one God and this is the purpose of life that's when they become accountable before that if they died not knowing that stuff they can die an atheist it wouldn't say they would go to Hellfire for that okay because that would be unfair and we talked about um life somewhere else Us in the universe earlier on do you think that Islam would be present in those civilizations in the same way it is here would it have been I don't know if it is the one true religion then surely and the one Creator yeah absolutely is that Islam has always taken a different form right so that we believe the final messenger is Prophet Muhammad right he's the final messenger but before Muhammad Muhammad we believe that there were other Messengers like what Jesus was the messenger or Abraham was the messenger if it's in another place or another time maybe some other human being or another life form would be the messenger you know what I mean but so it's it wouldn't take the exact same form maybe they're not praying the way we're praying maybe they're praying alien praying by jumping up and down or something like that so why could Christianity not be just another form of Islam we believe that it's remember if Christianity came before Islam so in a sense we believe that what happened with Christianity is effectively it was distorted that's the view that the the Bible was changed it was changed and then the the gospel or say they got sorry the doctrines of the Trinity was inserted and there was a clear historical development of the Trinity for example if you look at the Council of nicaea 325 and then the Council of Constantinople 381 you see that the the Holy Spirit wasn't a co-equal co-eternal god until 381 so how could it be that he was Lord in 325 and God called Center 3A so what happened you know in that time there was a development of the doctrine and Trinity for example we'll say that that was because a lot of historians would agree the reason that that happened is because they had to placate the people in the Roman Empire because remember these guys were pagans they believed in Zeus and Hercules and that's what we'll talk about right and there's actually one guy he's a Church Father called Justin Mata he said just like you guys believe in Jupiter in his book he said you believe in Jupiter is a sign and we also have a son father-son godhead you know the Father the Son the Holy Spirit because if you consider mythology mithraism Horus and Isis not that not the terrorist group The Gods it's always father-son relationship in that godhead the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit so it's no coincidence you would say that the Trinity took the form the Pagan form that was there in the Roman Empire already it took the same form and it was that's what they were familiar with it and it took that form yeah because attract them so what happened is that in in about 313 Constantine became uh Christian and he constituted Christianity as the religion of the Roman Empire now he's spreading a new religion in the Roman Empire that's how Christianity is spread in the first instance okay fine so when he became Christian he started seeing that these guys are pagans these guys are politics these guys believe in Hercules and Zeus this guy believe the Mithra this guy's whatever so how are we going to get them all to agree on the same religion so we'll do a bit of give and take we'll do a business deal you know what I'm trying to say we'll have some of your rituals and then Christianity developed that way that's why you'll find that the Bible doesn't actually speak about the trinity in the same way as that people do the Christians do so there was a development of Christianity which made Jesus God the fully Divine the Holy Spirit fully Divine co-equal co-eternal that thing was developed so we say that since there was corruption effectively of Christianity Islam came to purify that and bring it back to what you originally was when Jesus was there because when Jesus came we believe Jesus told people to worship God it's in the it's in the Bible even I buy the Finger of God cast out Devils I buy uh the spirit of God cast I by my own self can do nothing Jesus says I by my own self can do nothing the father is greater than I he says in the Bible right so we say that when Jesus was there he was telling people to worship one God he wasn't he wasn't calling people to himself we don't believe that in fact in the Gospel of John I think it's in chapter 10 verse 30 right some people came and they some Jews said that you know you Jesus you're committing blasphemy again you're committing blasphemy so he said I'm not committing blasphemy and he exonerated himself he said we call yourself God he says did it not was it not mentioned in your gospels that uh they are gods in other words whenever we use this term God it's used figuratively metaphorically I'm not calling myself God in that ultimate sense the Jews at that time didn't kill him if he was really claiming to be a God as Christianity claims to be you say then they should have killed him because Jews wouldn't accept this Behavior Jews would say there's only one God how could this man have his Blasphemous claim to be God don't kill him the idea is that we believe that Christianity was changed to insert this doctrine of the Divinity of Jesus and the Divinity of the Holy Spirit co-equal Court Eternal this thing was changed in the Roman period where there was a synthesis and a blend of different polytheistic religions and Islam came to bring Christianity to what it originally was That's The Narrative so building on that how was it debating Jordan Peterson I was okay Jordan Peterson I had two engagements with him you know and to be honest with you I feel like he's got a lot to offer in Psychology he's got even got a lot to offer in other fields but I it was good that he came in a way that to to ask questions and do this kind of things I I feel like he's branching out a bit too much now in the sense that he's having strong opinions in areas where it's not his specialism and expertise and that can be a very dangerous thing to do you can you have to kind of be tentative with this kind of thing you have to be cautious and I do think that he's not the same man that he used to be because of whatever reason it was how so how do you think he's changed I think it's changed because I think there's a mental difference like his disposition is different what I found fascinating about that discussion the second one that I had with him in the mosque she's now got like five million views or something on his channel and I think it's the most commented on video on his channel like I think it has so much engagement right um that particular thing was I said to him something quite interesting about what the Quran proposes that if you believe in one God that you'll be tranquil and you'll be content and so on he said yeah this is the case because otherwise anxiety comes because when your focus is multiplicitous I found that very interesting is if you believe in more than one thing is your focus becomes multiplicitous and that creates a sense of anxiety and I think that was a key moment in the discussion I had with him because him from a psychological perspective is almost affirming the fact that having a solid belief in one God worthy of worship can put you in a tranquil and peaceful state and that's what I think is because one video of Jordan Peterson which I found really interesting which is not uh as popular but it's where he talks about happiness and we find that happiness is mentioned in the you know the Declaration of Independence and the founding for the documents of the United States of Arkansas Pursuit of Happiness to the and there's a film that was created called The Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith by Will Smith and happy to say the goal because and he mentions this in the video he says that if you're always in that elevated state if you're always elevated to say it wouldn't actually be a healthy disposition to be in so the question is then what state should we be in uh most often the answer that Islam gives is that we should be in a tranquil state in a Content state in a satisfied State you're always content you're always in peace you can be happy from time to time like you can have a bouts of euphoria and ecstasy and all that kind of from times but if that's always the case then it's actually it's like being manic actually if you're a tranquil and content doesn't that go against the whole Warrior mindset and being in you know living in the area of London that you do and making sure that you're pushing all the time I I think that the best warrior are the one who's learned to relax because effectively the warrior is controlling his sympathetic nervous system the fight or flight response you've got the autonomic nervous system divided into two parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves the sympathetic nervous system is fight or flight is uh is the adrenaline it's you know your pupils dilate your your your palms become sweaty dopamine adrenaline is secreted and so on the best fight is the ones who can relax the best they can they can calm themselves down in situations they can think properly you know what I mean so I think that being calm is the best thing you can be being calm and tranquil in any situation is the best thing that you can never go wrong with that yeah because your brain shuts down doesn't it when you get all of this um you know dopamine adrenaline exactly and you can't think clearly yeah but if you can think clearly and you can calm yourself down in these situations and you're calm in general you're not always anxious thinking about this or thinking about that or because I think that nowadays people become very very we're living in The Age of Anxiety we are living in The Age of Anxiety and I think the reason why is because of lack of meaning effectively lack of meaning lack of purpose that human being doesn't have and so having one purpose which is to worship one God we believe that that's going to bring someone into a state of calmness and peacefulness or peace yeah do you have any questions for us I think I wanted to ask you guys because now before I go obviously a lot of in the Muslim Community people are getting into you know business and stuff like that and I've been watching a lot of Mark's videos actually to be honest with you uh because it's not I've never been I've been quite hippie like I've been like hippie when it comes to money and stuff like that my there's a Hadith there's a prophet he says there's Taliban in there are two people that never come satiated someone who's a pursuer of money and someone who's a pursuer of knowledge right and so I've been quite hippy with money but now recently after I've had some incidents where my bank's been frozen many times I think they wanted to see what's going on with it they keep freezing my accounts and stuff like that issues like that in fact when I went to see Andrew Tate on the day on and to see him they froze my account but anyway so I mean it happened so um I started to think about I need to invest I need to start doing the business but you can't earn interest yeah that's so that's the caveat here what would you do like this a lot of Muslim people I know what's your content actually I'm not sure if you realize that when I mentioned to a couple of my friends that you know I'm going to be seeing this uh individual called Mark Tilbury right and he's got this channel on so I say yeah of course we know who he is and stuff like that and you know we listen to his advice and all that kind of stuff and so obviously with the caveat that we can't we're not allowed to use interest what would you what what are your words of advice call it appreciation well that that's the difficult thing isn't it because would you see um being paid a dividend as being paid interest dividends is different well that's okay yeah in which case you're that that that's a route to investment and obviously if you look at an index fund that purely pays your dividends then that could be the way to to go about it I've not looked into it enough to be able to give you a firm response on that yeah obviously you can invest in other businesses as well because um if you're being paid from a business from their profits that's not interesting that's fine yeah that's good um but then obviously if you invest in that business that business can't invest uh sorry can't borrow to help with expansion and pay interest no no if they do that it's not it's none of our business oh really really yeah what the business does is not our business so long as like for example if I were to invest in a share yeah in a in a top business or in on the ftse 100 or 250 whatever yeah it would be legitimate to do that okay like I wouldn't have a problem even if that business goes and does whatever borrowing it does what kind of return are you looking to get though like an eight percent per year s p five yeah I don't know all right let's because I saw a video of his where I like the breakdown you were you were talking about what kind of risk appetite and if you go for a low risk appetite for example you go for like gold but it's safe and then you work for the middle one and then you went for the high one yeah and the high one was like crypto yeah the problem with gold is it's more a store of value so you know if that's worth a hundred pounds in value this year it's going to be worth 100 pounds in value next year yeah so you're not really going to grow your money that massively it's Ultra safe it's good for it's like as good as a liquid like if you if you're holding blocks of gold and if something happens to your bank account yeah yeah but the watches have gone down like recently Rolex has gone down hasn't it it depends on them on the models okay because you're into watches yeah yeah I'm not as into it as as Kai but I have got a few pieces okay so what would you what do you recommend um well recently I bought this one AP blue face okay and this has actually gone up by 12 Grand since I released it and so yeah so that's been a very good investment even though I bought it technically when the market it was on the downtrend but it has bounced back like Dad said so yeah I just see it as a good way to invest and and wear something and have it out and about obviously in safe areas I wouldn't go around where you live yeah that's right that's right no I do think it's it's definitely a good fun investment and it's something is it just AP that you've invested in I've got a Rolex as well um which one have you gone for I've gone for the Pepsi um with a jubilee GMT yeah yeah so like Kai's there he's got the Batman that's gone down recently hasn't it I've got it in the US though so I got a good price in dollars how much did you pay for it fifteen thousand dollars so that works out at about 12 point four grand what time what year is it do you know uh it's a 2018 or 19. so now that's going for like nine right no is it nine or ten no because you've struggled that's that's way but the thing is we're not looking to sell them for a good ten years I'm probably not gonna sell mine it's just there as a store of um I I uh Nico uh Leonard I follow his guy who works in my opinion yesterday and they had one of these on a Jubilee bracelet and they were selling it for 14.50 yeah really they're not nine yeah you probably couldn't get it from the 80s is probably about seven yeah maybe okay yeah nonetheless they won't serve me so I don't know if you built a relationship with an ad then you can go in and buy loads of things yeah and then you don't necessarily have to sell them but you know that the value's there yeah yeah they're making instances you can get in an ad you are printing money every time really yeah but is it with every model because like for example the date Justin and the day date I think they don't really make that the day day they get you in the door though if you go in and buy day-to-day it will probably cost you about 30. it will be 40 the second you leave definitely are you sure yeah yes not datejust but day days are the most desirable they're if you go in there just as like a very cheap like 8 000 something right a datejust yes yes like something that's the start is it entry level you said that this was actually whatever at the end of the day you've got to enjoy your investment that I think that's important if you like buying watches because that's what you like then that's great I I have a watch it happens to be a road as well you've got a submarine okay but I like that that's the one I like so that's the one I've got but to me it's you know he likes it don't you you like watch investment I'm just well okay I like wearing one but I'm not too bothered I'd rather have it in other areas so I think to summarize just to wrap up what I was saying is I'm not an expert yeah sure I'm just an Enthusiast but I find it hard to believe that you could go in an ad and not print money every time you buy one unless it is a datejust or something two-tone or something like that but that won't make you a return no you'll probably lose money lose money yeah yeah okay and they tried to sell you a two-tone didn't yeah but you could start the relationship with the ad by buying it was 11 and a half thousand pounds for literally the worst two-tone datejust you've ever seen and I'm not making I'm not that rich that I'm gonna start spending 10 grand on watches I don't even like do you know what's going on recently I think I might be wrong about Tudor Tudor's starting to get like I think it's like it's Rolex isn't it really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and I think it's starting to overtake Omega and stuff like that as well the good thing about of Tudor is that someone I'm not getting a commission for this right that's how they sell us to choose you can get um like for people that like don't have that as possible income yeah you can go to a Tudor shop in Westfield and pay like a monthly payment or no interest that's quite interesting because then you know you might not have the you know Rolex do they he was trying to do it to me because when I went in there to get the watch obviously I wanted to go on for a couple pieces like this um put myself down for a Day Day and stuff you've got a relationship with the I could have done if I bought this watch that he offered me because I I did go in there funny enough that he was actually a fan of Mark really so I told him that I worked for him and all of that they offered me the one watch but obviously it wasn't one that I was gonna take and then I was like oh yeah I don't really know I sent a picture of it to my mate he just started laughing at me he said it's so bad you don't want that and then I was like oh yeah not really sure if I'm interested and like even if I am I'm gonna need to like liquidate and get some money anyway yeah and he was oh yeah we can just Finance it now and then you can then liquidate and then just clear the finance if you want and then you can just leave with it right now and I was like and I'm also trying to get away yeah I get you I'll get you yeah now it's a bit of an addiction though isn't it yeah yeah well it's like you get the gateway drug and then you start thinking I need to get this one that one and this one and that one but it's not going to make you the most returns any like investment stocks or watches it's just a way to grow it well I suppose watch is a bit faster than stocks but it's still quite slow how about businesses have you got any of those small ones you know what I mean like the language school um online products and stuff like that you know what I mean what about books yeah I've got books for that I get nothing from that okay yeah yeah I guess that's nothing what's the top of the funnel isn't it and gets people into your businesses yeah no it doesn't do anything I'll be honest because yeah the royalties are so so small and uh I actually did that on purpose because I wanted to get the books out for free like almost for free so they're printing out the material and stuff like that so I I'm not trying to make money from books I don't think you can you know what sometimes it's worth writing a book and putting a premium price on it just so you do make it really from it and also people see the value within that book I think you're right do you know this is a good point because I realize that sometimes like if you price something very long people will say there's something wrong with it you know what I'm trying to say like there's no value to it yeah why would I want to read that it was it was a fiver yeah yeah you know oh that's 30 quid that book that's got to be pretty decent and I've bought it I'm now gonna read it and not only that I'm gonna recommend it to everyone because I've paid 30 quid for that and I want everyone to know just just to clarify if you invest in stocks and they go up in value yeah are you allowed to do that yes so just open the stocks and shares I sir but the iso issue is that they have an interest don't they no no just it's just a rapper that you would hold the stocks within yeah okay it's just tax free so you can invest in index funds like the S P 500 long term you can put in a maximum of 20 grand a year which is a substantial amount of money if you Max that out every single year and invest it in the S P 500 you know and you can sell it at any time and bring the money out tax-free there's no retirement hitch or anything like that you can't pull this out now if you've got 60 Grand in there but it only cost you 30 and you want to pull that 60 out you'll have it within three days no tax start filling it back up again whatever you want to do but you can only put 20 grand a year in because it's so powerful really yeah yeah you can't back date that 20 grand either yeah with like what did you guys do Vanguard you mean the the company yeah yeah Vanguard I do have trading two one two but um it's just easier on my phone it's always been profitable historically really yeah I mean yeah over the course of the last 20 years nobody knows no one's never lost nobody can tell you what that Market's gonna do no one and anyone who does they're trying to have you over yeah so but you can look at history like you can with anything which you can help predict your future from yeah and if you look at the historical data it's very good someone who invested in something like the S P 500 if they invested for a long enough period of time of something like 20 years I'm pretty sure if you look at the past data there is not a single person that will have lost money if they invested for 20 years if you invest for a shorter period of time there's a chance because obviously one year it might lose five percent the next year it might do 10 the next year it might do five and historically that will average out at eight to ten percent per year what about individual like stocks much more risky you can lose a lot more money you can make a lot more money I um was a big fan of Tesla stock about a year or so ago and I had I think it was about 20 grand in Tesla stock alone and then I had a tax bill come through for about 20 grand but I think we had some money in Tesla I think it was about 18. so I was like right my stocks haven't been up for ages I've got this 18 grand tax bill if I sell my stock now that's going to make my tax bill a bit cheaper because I made a bit of money on the stock so [ __ ] it I'm going to do it so I've sold the stock yeah pulled the money out paid the tax which I didn't need to do because the tax wasn't due for six months five days later Tesla has gone through the roof we don't rub that to the point where I would have made probably 50 or 60 Grand maybe like yeah like and it just paid my tax didn't even need to pay it and then now I would have this watch probably have a day date as well and a few other things that I don't have if you want to return to Tranquility yeah yeah that's where the index funds work yeah okay that's more less risk because these things don't happen you know like with Tesla that could have gone down that much money uh did you guys all invest in individual stocks a little bit yeah only a little bit just for fun okay but massively how much so I'm not how much what companies you do it with uh yeah I mean I've got some tests I have to put it up to be honest with you yeah oh he's in the broker my uh I haven't got mine most of these are the same as mine apart from I I am in McDonald's quite heavier that's been brilliant because it's a real estate company isn't it brilliant is it I don't even know that yeah so much land because essentially oh I've heard that actually they they buy the land to build the place and then they've now got a tenant that will pay over the odds because you have to rent it from me if you want a McDonald's so they've got all this real estate and everyone's paying a premium so they're just a massive Empire of real estate that also makes a bit of money on Burgers Procter and Gamble okay yeah Amazon not so good at the moment because I was in Disney but then I had to pull all of my money out of there because I saw the way that it was going with marvel at the moment I lost a couple Grand on meta justy um do you guys ever invest in smaller companies like medium like penny stocks and that yeah no not really if I was going to invest in a penny stock I'd rather find it outside the stock market and invest in your startup yeah influence in the business yeah yeah I mean I've got my biggest one is a Tesla Corsair uh meta what's cool Sarah doing now not good um Adobe is doing very well because we use Adobe products all the time with Premiere Pro and everything so I thought yeah why not buy some money you like that's quite a good tip put some money into the stock if I buy the product so that's that's how I choose what else you guys recommend that I'm trying to squeeze everything I can personally if you've got digital products like I put most of my money back into the businesses and into advertising marketing if you put money into some kind of marketing machine or you put it out on Facebook ads or even used it on your personal brand that's going to make you far more money than investing in the S P 500 or stop but I think I think one key takeaway though is that if you can afford to put 20 grand a year in a nicer then do that and it doesn't have to be that b for that okay and at the end of the day the way I look at it is a safety net and I often have the discussion with my wife because she'll say oh when we're going to spend all that money that's stored up I said well no intention to it's a safety net it will be there possibly till the day I die if I need it though it's there and it's a great thing to have ticking away in the background but like you said I don't think you should fill it up if you can use maybe 10 grand of it in the business then that's a much better investment than using it depends on your disposable income that if you can put 50 yeah so then fair enough of course it all depends on your Individual Services when you guys talk about the digital products like for example you got you've got a YouTube channel you guys are all part of it right yeah so how would you do that like effectively what would you mean by like getting advertisements or what we're talking about some kind of so what digital products have you got at the moment did you say you had some we have no we've got two like we've got a language School a small language school and we've got a um one called critical content which is basically we're teaching Arabic we're talking about that right online okay so that's like a membership subscription yeah okay so you could run ads to promote that okay and then obviously there's going to be a return so whatever you put in that marketing box like you put one you get 7 is out why not just keep doing it until it makes sense of course there's going to be a limit to the amount of advertising you can do but that is a far better investment than putting a thousand into the s p 500. so I could get an 80 quid or whatever I think you should do both put into the S P 500 and also do what he says but what I would probably do is also toy with ads because obviously it can work but if you can make these products build into what you already do or if they don't make some new products that do for example let's say you've got a language school and it's how to speak Arabic people look up to you um you know in Islam and they they want to be a Muslim like you or be able to speak like you and understand things in the way that you do so you're awesome great advertisement you hear this yeah your audience if they want to learn how to speak Arabic like you can or they want to understand the Quran like you can then you could have a product for that and then every single video you make that gets hundred thousand views million views 500 000 views you mention it oh yeah by the way guys I've got this thing you can come and join me every week or whatever and you're getting all that free marketing by building that into your existing Empire okay like James Sinclair and I think also what you should take from this is you've got three different views of different things coming together which can be confusing but what a mistake I think a lot of people do is they go right well I'll do what he does and that's it well that doesn't all suit you or or take what I say that doesn't all suit you take the bits that suit you put those together because you're an individual make that work for you and just to clarify and build on that I am the least wealthy person here so just listen to me really I thought to me right Dad I think it's time for your famous question yeah when is enough enough when we're in the grave when we're in a grave because I think yeah that's there is a Hadith and I've been saying that recently that nothing will fill the uh the son of Adam's belly except for the grave like you know one is enough is it when is enough enough when we die I think there's we're always going to have these appetites we're always going to want more there's only going to be one thing that's gonna close the deal which is gonna be death itself the end and on that bombshell thank you very much for coming on the podcast thank you for your advice as well man honestly it was actually very good and it's good advice for the Muslim Community as well you know you know because we need people to become more competent in these things including myself I'm very encompetent with this kind of things you probably have to watch it back because we've just Bamboozled you no honestly that's why we started the channel is purely to to help people you know level up yes that's all it's about it's all it's ever been strike it big exactly yeah to strike it big not level up yeah if you guys have enjoyed the episode make sure to smash that thumbs up button for the YouTube algorithm and we will see you next Wednesday with a brand new episode so it's goodbye for me and it's goodbye from all these guys see you later that was awesome thank you so much was good
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Id: 0_guvO2MWfE
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Length: 96min 29sec (5789 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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