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[Music] there's a lot I want to mention and I ask Allah subhana tala that he makes it easy but I ask for your undivided attention please please for your undivided [Music] attention you know many of us we come to a talk please Brothers no pictures please Brothers no pictures no recording many of us we come to the talk or you come to a Friday or you come to a lesson and there's this sickness where you come to see how will the she or the speaker or the Imam how will he entertain me or how will he inform me of something and therefore you find a lot of times today people go shopping for speakers that they like this is very very dangerous because this will limit your benefit the reality is whenever a Muslim goes to any Gathering we should sit in that Gathering asking Allah subhana wa ta'ala to open our hearts and you benefit only according to how much you want [Music] that's why depending on where you are with Allah subhah wa ta'ala you will take something from the message you know sometimes you learn something from the speaker that the speaker himself had no intention on teaching [Music] you sometimes you learn something from a speaker the speaker himself had no intention on teaching you that particular lesson but that was based on your relationship with Allah subhana wa tala that was based on your hunger your sincerity so Allah will teach you things you know sometimes Allah will teach you from means that you that you never thought POS W sometimes Allah will teach you by watching an animal sometimes just by watching two animals Allah might teach you a lesson that you could never find in a book based on what you want so tonight based on what you want Allah subhana wa tala will give you see my brothers and sisters every single Manel in Arabic every man is a may but not every male is a man every man every Ral is a m but not every B is a man and there's a very big difference between the [Music] two you see most of us we like to think we're menel speak to anyone and tell him brother are you a man or a male and instantly you will see a reaction in him almost as if brother are you questioning my abilities are you questioning my honor and my dignity every man is a male but not every male is a man you see being a male my brothers doesn't make you special being a m doesn't make you special because you were born that way Allah subhana wa tala made you m and in fact even that you know yesterday you didn't even have to be born a m yesterday you didn't even have to be born a male you could go and get a surgery and become a male today you don't even need the surgery today you just have to think you just have to feel that you're a male and legally the law will accept you and protect you and give you the rights as a male regardless of what you are based on a thought Based On A Feeling So being M doesn't make you special but to be a man to be AEL there's not no surgery for that my brothers there's no hormones for that to be AEL that's not a feeling that you can claim in your heart and then all of a sudden you become a regel that's not how it works to be a man that's not something you can get tattooed on your arm see many of us we like to we like to look like we're tough we like to present ourselves that we to be AEL that's not something you can get tattooed to be a to be a man you see look even in the Quran whenever something is of importance whenever something is of high regards Allah subhana wa tala addresses men whatever it's something general it's something that is not overly important Allah says males distinguish that there's a big gap between the two and tonight my brothers I want to ask you and I how will you stand in front of Allah as a or as a as a or as a which one you see who determines who is the Reel who what is the criteria of being a [Music] man unfortunately now our our society is pushed by social media it's pushed by media movies entertainment industry is now shaping societies and unfortunately even Muslims practicing Muslims have taken the traits of jilah and Tred to make it Dean so if I was to ask anyone here brother what makes a reel what makes a man If we're honest tonight if we're really honest tonight in our society today where we live there's a lot of honor and respect and glamour given to the one that knows how to fight have you noticed this anyone who knows how to physically handle himself huh anyone who knows how to throw a few punches in our society this is admired this is loved this is considered an attribute of AEL that if you know how to fight this is why now MMA is such a big thing in our community boxing is such a big thing in our community wrestling and all of these physical contact sports sports that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam clearly made Haram because of the because of the Striking of the face but really deep down we don't care about what the prophet really thinks we care about what the society think and now if you don't know how to fight then brother you're not considered as a man so we have this epidemic now and trust me this is not new Muslims understand whatever sickness we're going through it's not new the Habib the teacher the master he came to teach he came to cure the Society of all of its sicknesses but unfortunately we're made to believe that the Sunnah is400 years old brother we're living in a different time in a different place La it's the exact same [Music] diseases so the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam please please I want you to leave this with me the prophet walks into the Masjid one day sallallahu alaihi wasallam yes walks into the Masjid and finds the sahabah [Music] wrestling the sahab do something Haram in the Masid no so clearly Halal they were wrestling in the Masid wrestling not uh not striking the face wrestling in the Masjid so he sallallahu alaihi wasallam walks into the Masjid and sees the Gathering you know I I just I just because I have a very strange way of thinking let me think out loud with you and I'm not saying this is of the no these are just my thoughts you know sometimes some sometimes you're doing something with your friend and it's funny between you and him it's funny but then someone walks in and all of a sudden it goes from funny to looking very foolish have you ever had that you know sometimes your someone walks in halfway through the joke and doesn't see the joke and and then you start oh yeah Allah what a what an embarrassment so the sahaba this is this is how I'm thinking you know the sahaba they're wrestling in the Masjid and and then imag imagine walks in Imagine imagine the honor the of the man walks into the Masjid and sahab are wrestling so me personally I can't help but think like you know now not the prophet jealous bro pull up the the you know in high school whenever we were doing something the teacher was coming we had a code word is is is it's in Arabic as in his coming is coming W the principal knew what meant right because everyone says it so imagine now the sahab they're wrestling and now the prophet sallam walks in so you can imagine what happens to the companions so they all wow embarrassing and then he asks he says what are you doing please please didn't the prophet know what they're doing [Music] honestly honestly tell me something didn't he know what they were doing he knew exactly what they were doing but the Hadith is not just for them it's for every Muslim to the day of judgment and I tell you Islam is ancient Islam is contempt sometimes I will read or hear a Hadith or read a verse and it's like Allah said these words in 2019 March that's how alive the Quran is people tell me it's old so he walks in he sees them wrestling he says what are you [Music] doing let it go you walked in we've stopped wrestling leave it but he because he's the doctor he's the teacher and he's there to cure the sicknesses of societies so they said Allah we are we're wrestling then he asks why are you wrestling look at the salt now now the salt is straight to the [Music] wound imagine the sahab Allah who's got to explain why we're wrestling who's going to explain why we're fooling around so they said we're in to see who of us who amongst us is the ah who's the Reel brother has anything changed in 14400 years anything changed it's exactly the same they're not doing anything Haram Allah knows that that that they went but he was worried about something far deeper so what does he say he said theel the man amongst you is not the one that can physically put down the other any meat head can do that that's not how we determine who the Rael [Music] is imagine how the sahaba felt imagine when the prophet is telling him this is not how we determine men he said the Reel amongst you the man amongst you please my young brothers please don't fall for the FNA of the stream man this deed Will Make A Man Out Of You the street will only make a thug out of you he said theel amongst you the man amongst you is the one who when a m when a Calamity happens he can control his anger and his wrath he can control it he's patient this is the man go to the UFC gym and tell him this brothers are spending hours hours and it's fine tonight I'm not mentioning anything about Halal and Haram so don't come and say look W the brother was saying it's Halal and Haram please my brothers Halal and Haram this is kindergarten language kindergarten language we need to develop we need to move on we need to start having a deeper relationship with Allah deep the prophet is telling him de depth this is not the man the man is when something befalls he's what ah he controls try this try it y i challenge everyone in the try it see how difficult it is understand why when Allah mentions there's honor and behind the word today we say man to anyone anyone that can throw some punches yeah he's a man so we have another epidemic you might tell me now no no no brother you don't have to physically fight what's the other epidemic we have in our community in our society how do we determine who's theel how big is he brother we have a steroids epidemic now Muslims Muslims Muslims Ya Allah steroid don't ask me Halal and Haram but the sickness the sickness have you ever heard of the sickness called the small man syndrome have you ever heard of this small man syndrome no you've never heard small man syndrome is the small guy who feels like all the bigger guys never take him seriously so he starts doing things that are out of his character in order to show them that look I'm a man as well they call this what small man syndrome and CM by Allah 99% of Brothers on steroids it's all small man syndrome it's insecurities in the heart that if I don't look intimidating if I don't look physically strong and musly I'm not a man so Brothers will be PCH you know he'll bench press 100 120 allaham what they're bench pressing he'll bench press amazing weight and it's recorded and snapchated but the same brother cannot lift the blanket for fa I was was in the gym the the same brother yet can't lift up a blanket for we have a steroids epidemic steroids now everyone's iak and you know what's funny you know what's funny everyone's on steroids but no one says it and we're supposed to all act like okay you know because you're not saying it and I'm not saying it so therefore it's not happening I see a brother today he's a neck he leaves 6 weeks later he's got muscles on his ears and his nose so I'm thinking brother how did you get so musly so he's so now so now he's trying to convince me you know because I'm the fat one and therefore I don't you know clearly I don't understand the gym brother alhamd I've been eating well what are you eating what what are you what are you eating that put muscles on your ears and your nose brother tell me tell me how now you know you you know brother I've been eating tuna and rice so I'm thinking brother W I've been eating tuna and rice too but how come ah so we're all in denial we're in denial small man syndrome to look big to look intimidating this makes me a man in the community ah just before summer comes now everyone hits the gym why so when it's a hot day and I go to the G you know and I go to the beach at Bondi and I tell look how shallow we've become bro W it's embarrassing but this is not new this is not new the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam please please leave this with me bro the prophet is walking in Medina imagine walking in Medina and he sallallah alaihi wasallam he sees the companions they they've gathered around the tree but you know these stories they they don't you wish you were there what a time man so he sees them gathered around the tree so he goes to the tree sallallah alaihi wasallam then when he gets there he notices ABD ever heard of this name [Music] abdah Brothers told me brother I don't know what to name my son W I want to Whip my hair out when people tell me [Music] this so he comes to the Companions and they've gathered around a tree imagine imagine so he comes to the tree and he notices abdah hanging off the tree what happened was there was dates on the tree so the sahab they said who's going to climb the palm tree and get us the dates Abdullah wasn't a very big guy in fact he was the opposite was very skinny and he was very like he was very active he's very fit so Abdullah says look I'll climb the tree and I'll get the dates now you need to live this with me it was very common fashion for the sahaba that they used to wear the Lungi you know the uh the Lungi the what what's what's it called the isar isar is it yeah like that SK right you lot like the one that have this was very common fashion for the sahab very very common in fact many of them this was all that they would and don't think that you it's like today W they had these nice under arour boxer shorts under them you no no no they wore the isari there was nothing under there nothing under there so what they were laughing and giggling so the prophet came sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he said to them what are you laughing at remember remember you know sometimes you're laughing it's funny but when someone asks you brother what are you laughing at it's hard to explain so therefore the laughter is taken away and then it becomes very awkward he said what are you laughing at what are you going to tell the prophet of Allah so he [Music] what a time man so he looks at the tree and he finds Abdullah he said are you laughing at abdullah's legs they said yes oh prophet of Allah look how skinny they are he said I swear by Allah the legs that you're laughing at are heavier than the mountain of in the eyes of Allah [Music] Rael bro a man not determined by steroids men not determined by their ability to bully other people man but qualities so you might tell me n no no brother look this is the new age brother it's not about physically fighting and it's not about being physic Ally big but in our hearts what determines who the Rael is this one girl we're obsessed with this the one that has money brother today if you have money W you can take the spot of the [Music] she but he gave $50,000 at our last fundraising dinner yeah so inshallah he's going to be leading the prayer for the next week we love money we honor money we deem money as a as AEL brother I provide brother I I provide brother I've had grown men come to me and tell me brother my son has brought me great shame my son has brought our family great humiliation so I'm thinking what did he do did he do Zena and he had a baby great shame to the family so I'm thinking uh it's awkward you know but I'm what did he do he say me brother he's 30 years old he still hasn't bought a house this is deep down in our hearts so our ability my ability to make money determines how much of AEL I am [Music] I ask you sincerely don't answer don't answer rhetorical question the prophet of Allah sallallah alaihi wasallam by the standards that we live in today is he a man or not don't answer don't answer by the standards that we live in today is he AEL or not what a dilemma what an awkward position we've just been cornered into tday the sister tells me I wish I was married to the prophet s sister please Allah just sit down inshallah and stay on your Facebook please or he she wishes she was married to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam this is this is this is all wishful thinking you know my ability to make money determines how much of AEL I am the prophet s authentic narration inkari and please don't misunderstand what I'm about to say what I'm about to say doesn't mean that we have to intentionally be poor no that's not what I'm saying no but this idea that being rich will bring me success that being rich will make me a man this is a sickness AA is telling her in the authentic narration she says to him oh the son of my sister she said I swear by Allah we used to see the moon then the full moon then the full moon the sister that wants to you know you know the sister that wishes she was married to the prophet I hope you're listening I hope you're listening today the sister complains my husband hasn't taken me out to dinner in two weeks he's a brother he's A's a it's been 2 weeks we haven't gone to dinner but oh my God I would love to be married to the prophet AA is telling her nephew we used to see the moon then the full moon then the full moon two consecutive months 60 days 60 days would go by and there would be no cooking and no boiling no flames no cooking and no boiling in any of the nine houses of alaihi wasallam is he aelle or not don't answer please don't answer don't embarrass yourself nine houses nine wives AA is saying two consecutive months no cooking and no boiling is he a man or not look at the dilemas that we live in when Dean is no longer the the measuring stick when Dean and Allah and his Prophet are no longer the ones who dictate when social media and and and and and and public perception is what drives us look at the [Music] calamities W I've seen people they struggle when they he what brother what are you try it's in theith it's not me but we Pi can choose what we want from Dean we try to make Dean 21st century we try to make Islam that look yeah with all of the Habib the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam said this Dean started strange and it will return to being strange so glad Tiding to The Strangers yet if every single one of us is trying to be exactly like everyone else my dress is like the non-muslim my food is like the non-muslim my schooling is like the non-muslim my appearance is like the non-muslim my house is exactly like the non-muslims my dreams and my ambitions of owning a house and taking my family on a holiday at the end of the year and driving every ounce of my body's ambition is exactly like the non-muslim my name was Muhammad I changed it to Mo my name was Mustafa I changed it to Steve every every ounce of me is dripping non-muslim yeah my brother alhamdulillah I'm a [Music] Muslim the prophet says Glad Tidings Glad Tidings to the stranger honestly who feels like a stranger bro who who bro you walk into any restaurant brother where where where we're deep down in our hearts where where where so couldn't believe his ears he young couldn't believe his ears so he says oh my [Music] auntie my auntie 2 months no cooking no boiling how did you [Music] survive she said to him dates and water is all we had for two consecutive months that's all we [Music] ate where's this Sunnah no that's not Sunnah brother this was Z zoru the prophet went through difficulties s look at look how sick we've not only look you know what it's one thing when the brother says me listen I have an addiction and I'm trying to deal with my addiction wall I will appreciate it look the man knows he has a problem no but I have an addiction and I'm in denial about my addiction and I try to use Dean to justify my actions isn't that interesting so you might tell me look brother you know maybe the Prophet was going through hard times on his deathbed on his death bed s. wasam he was going through sakar conscious unconscious in and out in and out so he lost Consciousness is there then he wakes up then he says TOA authentic narrations he says TOA imaginea was 18 years old when the prophet died how old was she 18 and Allah called her and the others in the Quran Allah called [Music] them the mothers of the Believers meaning they have become Haram on every man and once the prophet dies sallallahu alaihi wasallam no one can remarry her 18 in a world and in a society where the man was everything imagine this 18-year-old is watching her husband di at the eight and she has her whole life that now she knows I'm going to be alone I can never remarry after him so he wakes up from his you know he was unconscious and says to AA how much money do we have this no one talks about please man put these stories behind let's speak about Investments and stocks and let's speak about buying houses brother because in our hearts we believe that honor that money will restore the honor of [Music] Islam so she says to my prophet of Allah all that we have is seven gold coins in imagine a man with nine [Music] wives is he a man or Not by the standards that we live in please don't answer don't embarrass yourself don't be a hypocrite by the standards that we live in is he a man or not today Brothers have paid off their houses paid off and he's working to pay off the second and the third because brother I need to leave something for my children brother exhausting his [Music] life I don't care and but tell me tell me when the prophet was dying and there was seven gold coins between nine wives is he a man Sister Sister you know the one I wish I was married to him what Chanel handbag was he going to buy you with seven gold coins told me man what hair and makeup studio were you going to go to on a fort fortn nightly basis tell me what restaurant were you going to be find dining in tell me tell me so he says TOA take the seven gold coins and give them in charity now [Music] you see the sicknesses my brothers so he loses Consciousness then he wakes up and he says to AAA what did you do with the seven gold coins seven gold leave him man let him Bea 18 years old she's alone har leave her seven gold coins they're not going to make her rich no like it's it's n no but there's something far deeper so she says oh prophet of Allah look at our mother man she said I held on to them I didn't give him away in charity he says TOA do you want me to die and stand in front of Allah while I still ear something from this dun is this how you want me to stand in front of Allah what's what's going on my brothers who's theel who who's the man so you might think look brother that that's that's brother that's wasallam you know Allah was no in the Dua of Ya Allah make the risk of the family the Hadith is inkari Ya Allah make the risk of the family not just Muhammad Muhammad and his family s make the risk and the provisions of Muhammad and his family the bare Min I challenge you to make this [Music] Dua W if the IM made this Dua you would throw a shoe at him from the back and brother what's this [Music] du because in our hearts in the sicknesses of our society a man is determined by his money the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam sitting one day you know for me I just drives me crazy you know like you know when we say the prophet was sitting with jel you know it's like brothers are sitting there and just hearing it like have you ever thought about that you know sometimes you meet a celebrity you don't know who to show off to you don't know how many photos you can take from what angle so you can share it with the world that I had a moment with fan or fan and this celebrity or that singer or this actor I'm telling you the prophet was kicking back sitting down with jbel is that normal what was that Gathering like what were they talking [Music] about and then an angel came and said to the prophet of Allah do you wish to be a king Prophet or do you wish to be a slave Prophet ah come tell me but uh yeah but brother you know that was the prophet and you know like he went through tough times and and and did he have the choice or not will you sleep did the prophet have the choice on the angel is telling him do you want to be a king Prophet or a slave yeah you're still a prophet the prophethood will not be taken away from you do you wish to be a king Prophet or a slave [Music] Prophet so wasallam looks at J so hinted him take the slave be be the slave good advice or bad advice can you see the dilemas we're in brother yeah the theory says it's good advice but the practice says no very bad advice you know my brothers AEL is not determined by his ability to fight or his physical or this that's not how AEL is T A real man my brothers and wah we can speak for hours and I'm not going to cover what makes a real man there's a lot to cover but For Me Above All Above [Music] All a real reel a real man is realistic and down to earth and understands that you can't have the pie and eat it too have you heard this saying it's an English saying they say you can't have the pie and eat it too yeah you can't have everything brother and we're trying to have everything one of the said that the difference between us and the sahaba you know what the difference between us and the sahaba was he said they only wanted jna that's all they wanted we also want Jenna you see the difference they only wanted jna we we also want jna see what's happening you see a real man is realistic a real man is realistic a real man knows and understands that if I'm going to be a see to be a man like I said it's not a it's not something you get to be AEL these are decisions you have to make there sacrifices you have to take and these are this is a lifestyle it's a lifestyle that you have to live and a real man and a real Rael understands that if I'm going to be a man I can't be anything else with it it's either a man or something else where am I going with this a real man is realistic he understands that when I get married that when I have children that when I take on a job that when I give my word when I make a commitment there are sacrifices that have to be made you see today we're not men we're boys we're little boys that are stuck in big bodies that's what we are my brothers W he forgive me but if we're going to be honest here tonight we are little boys that are stuck in big bodies we like to think we Men We like to think we men but when you go by the criteria of Allah and his Prophet we're very far from it and he's he's exactly what I'm saying about being realistic you see everyone here everyone [Music] here we love women or at least I like to think you like women Shah you all like women yeah we all like women who doesn't like women bro woman makes your heart dance bro me if I see a woman I'm gone for a six gone for a six Hal I know bro I know we love women but no one wants to be married have you noticed we love the idea of being with a woman who doesn't like the idea we love women but no one loves to be married ah the commitments of being married the sacrifices of being married the challenges and the difficulties of being married is something a real man aelle knows and [Music] understands but we don't we're boys we love women but no one wants to be married that's why Zena is widespread that's why Brothers now they're getting married on the in secret you know these you know these secret marriages and the brother comes to tell me brother it's Hal please sit down yeah sit down stop trying to play with the dean stop trying to play with the Dean brothers are getting married to sisters with no M no one there no one no one there to represent her no one there to to to acknowledge no one nothing nothing nothing but a phone call text messages Brothers with beards they're marrying women in Secrets why little boys he thinks he's at a Shell you're a little kid you're a little boy with hormons that's all you are you're not any different to me you're not any different to every man he who has Desir and her Shah but the difference is being a man or being a male being a boy anyone can get married my brothers anyone can sleep with someone but a real man a real relle my young Brothers he gets married and understands that in marriage it's not all rainbows and lollipops it's difficulties yeah there's good times no doubt but there's hardship and that's why it's half your Dean it's half your faith ah little boys we love women but we don't like to be married we love kids have you noticed I love kids yeah [Music] We love kids but no one wants to be a father do you mean be a father what do you mean be a father you know why because in the sick Society yeah the same society that says this Isel the same society that says this is the man the same society that says brother this is the man that's the same society that doesn't praise fatherhood We love kids everyone loves kids but no one likes to be a father [Music] man that's why most of our so-called men you know the little boys that are stuck in big bodies he's married married with kids and W C by Allah three four sometimes five days a week he's hanging out with his mating cafes until 9 9 10:00 at night bro while his wife and his kids are at home waiting is it haram I'm not saying it's Haram remember what I said in the beginning Halal andam this is kindergarten language but your wife is at home waiting your kids are at home and we where is he 2 three 4 five days a week he's hanging out in cafes grown men W I see Brothers with beards hanging out at CAF on the corner sitting outside looking at women as they go and come but because he has a T and there's two three of them huh that he's a man we love kids but no one wants to be a father don't you ever think my brother that you having a child makes you a father don't you think that having a child makes you a man W he forgive me with all respect and all honor and all ranks you know the dog the CP the CP the dog the animal the dog sometimes has eight pups eight puppies in one L does that make him a man does it make him a man no it doesn't make him a man your ability to have children doesn't make you a man your ability to raise those children your ability to Father those children that's what makes you a man [Music] bro we love [Music] money but no one wants to no one wants to work bro we love money but no one wants to how much time do I have is it done now huh 12 minutes for theama oh 12 minutes for Adan we love we love what please my young brothers please tonight's talk is very important for you and I man we love money but no one wants to no one wants to work bro that's why drug dealing and being a runner is so appealing to the young boy why because he's 16 years old he's going to earn2 200 maybe $250 a day as a runner yeah he starts off on $250 a day straight away he's earning more money than his father is so he's 160 his father's 40 something and he's earning more money so now it doesn't matter that it's Haram income doesn't matter that this is money doesn't matter that this is going to earn the wrath of Allah subhana wa tala because all he sees is what in front of him is money and the Very society in which he lives in is driven by money and wherever he goes it's all designer labels and designer names and brand names so this poor kid he's thinking he's doing the maths he's thinking brother why should uh so we all love money but no one wants to work today the brother he's 20 25 I know brothers that are 30 he's telling me brother I want to retire by the time I'm 35 retired and I'm kicking back and I wish w I wish he wants to retire at 35 so he can dedicate his life with de no no no no he wants to retire so he can indulge in dun to the day he dies bro because work is taking him away from his love his real love dunia cafes and restaurants fishing troops fishing troops holidays vacations weekends see a real man understands Abu Bakr when he was the Amir when he was the khif he went outside and went to the market to earn his dollar even in old age the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam died with death so so so so so what's happening here we all love Allah have you noticed wah he go to the junkie go to a prostitute go to a brother who's a murderer tell him brother do you love Allah everyone one loves Allah but no one wants [Music] Dean no one wants [Music] Dean brother how can you love Allah but not have de no no so now there's this sick culture have you noticed this culture brother you don't know what's in my heart my Iman is in my heart brother my relationship with Allah is in my so now this idea of the heart heart it's very poisonous why because it comes through brother do you know what's in the hearts no I don't know what's in the but really he's hiding his he's hiding his hypocrisy with this so yes everyone loves Allah but no one wants de everyone loves wasam brother please brother please when you say his name brother everyone claims that I love the prophet but no one wants his Sunnah what do you mean what do you mean is Sunnah eat on the floor eat with your fingers grow a bead live simple lives h brother uh what's that what's that [Music] brother we love Ras we sing his songs and we'll parade and we'll have big protests when something happens ah we show but no one wants his son we love Jenna we love Jenna but no one wants to die have you heard when someone gets [Music] cancer did you think you going to live forever what's what what what do you we love J but no one wants to ah no one wants to playy tell me my brothers is this the quality of a man thank you this is not the quality of a it's not the quality of a man a man is realistic a man is realistic a man is Honorable you know what this um is suffering from my brothers trust me it's not knowledge is ocean books books apps W he jump on YouTube hours and hours and hours of talks and bayans andas and classes and knowledge is there it's abundant what is this umah suffering from more than anything the biggest disease the biggest sickness of the Muslims the the biggest it in the do you know what it really is there's no men and you know who suffers the most when there's no men you know who suffers the most women and children when there's no regel who suffers you know in English they say in English they say when the cats away guess who come to play who say it say it out loud so others hear it ah when the cats away there's no cat when there's no when there's no men when the cat's away who comes to play ah the rats and the mice no men rats and mice look at our societies when there's no regel W when there's no men you know know an Imam once an IM true story I heard this with my own ears an Imam once who was narrating his story please W I will wrap it up but just stay with me these are the last very important moments Imam said once he was preparing for Friday he said I'm sitting in my office and I'm trying to prepare my he said that my son he was four five years old you he's driving me crazy man every time I put pent paper he jumps on me and he wants to play he's a little boy so the she is thinking he's thinking you know look Ya Allah his kid driving me crazy uh remember but to be a man is to be a father also so for us we would do what give him an iPad get him off your back yeah this is the father now this is the 21st century father yeah give him an iPad get him off your back so the shh is saying man look I need this kid off my back I need to prepare my how do I engage the kid give him something constructive so the sheh was saying the IM says he says I had a magazine I'm flicking through the magazine and I found a picture of the of the world a globe was a picture of the globe so the she said look let me rip this page out and I'll cut it into a little puzzle yeah I'll cut the countries into pieces and I'll give it to the boy and I'll tell him to put it together he's thinking this will keep yeah this will keep him busy at least for an hour get him off my back he said I cut the picture I gave it to my son I said to my son listen put the world put the world together so the Imam said the boy took her I'm thinking finally now I can gather my thoughts and put theba together he said within a few minutes a few minutes the boy was back and the world was put together so the she's thinking my son a genius what he's a little boy so the she says he says my son how did you know where Europe is and the Americas and the africas and yeah yeah the kid doesn't go to school how did you know he said to him well father and I don't know he said so how did you put the world together he said dad on the other side of the picture there's a picture of a man so put the arms together and the legs together and the head together so the Imam said what he said Subhan Allah you gave me my topic when man comes together the world comes together but CM by Allah as long as man is destroyed this world will always be destroyed reel who suffers the most when the cats away the mice will play Brothers come to me all the time and I'm going to wrap up with this and I'll try to Brothers come to me all the time and they told me brother our women Allah our sisters brother what's this what's this our women have become ruthless there's there's no more there's no more you know our women are wearing whatever they want and they carrying on and and you know what w w I genuinely I agree genuinely I agree I what I'm saying outside this is ridiculous but then I'm thinking to myself but okay so now who do you address who do you address have women lost their ways absolutely you know the other not the other day but a while back I was driving this is a true story I was driving yeah and I was in greenre what's that street called man you know the one that's in front of Mr shaa that this SAU Road and then there's this bankia and watero yeah so so I'm on banksia and I'm coming to watero and it's a left turn uh sorry uh there's a no right turn you can only turn left and there's a sign as big as your head right there in front of you no right turn so I come and I want to turn left but there was a sister in front of me what a sister [Music] broi so there's a sister there she's in front of me yeah she's wearing her nice scarf and her makeup and her claw nails and and and the music's on and she's got the window down I'm thinking look at this honor anyway so now I'm standing there and guess what she's doing she's got her blinker to turn right Allah what upce you bro no right turn is there a sign like this no right turn so I'm thinking man you know and I'm looking like this what do you do be patient bro let you'll turn right you know but in my heart I'm burning I'm burning I'm waiting waiting waiting bro it's a couple of minutes now you can't turn right like it's a very busy right that's why there's a no right turn so I'm thinking you know you know I'm Hess looking like this you if I beat the horn yeah it's very difficult man anyway after a few minutes remember what the rajel is he can control himself well obviously I couldn't control myself so I was very very sensitive W I'm thinking you know the boys see me so I went like like I touched the horn left as soon as she heard the horn she looked at the review mirror like this Allah she put her window down and said what [Music] what sister take your time brother she wants to punch on [Music] what this is our women this our women so the brothers are complaining brother look at our women look at our women they've lost their way they lost their way and I say well it's true but tell me something who do you blame who do you hold responsible because in one token yes our women unfortunately have lost their way but then look at the men look at the men the same brother that's telling me brother look you know our women are out of control this is the same brother who takes a photo with his wife while his wife is in hijab with her red lipstick and her eyelashes he'll take a picture with her she's smiling and he's smiling and then he puts her on his WhatsApp profile that's his uh this is his profile picture so now every guy that has his phone number when he's sitting in the toilet flicking through his phone he has exclusive access to his [Music] wife and he's smiling where's the honor where's the so yeah you know what it's very easy to look at the women and say brother but remember when the cats away guess who come to play there's no men where are the men in the society I had a brother once I had a brother he came to me with his wife a brother came with his wife gave me Salam and I'm thinking oh this is awkward bro this is again it's not Halal Haram I'm not speaking about Halal andam so he comes up to me he gave me Salam I'm thinking oh my godum I'm thinking this is awkward and then he gu me brother this is my wife I'm thinking Salam alikum so she puts her hand there and sheam Alum brother so I'm thinking W do I headbutt you first or do I headbutt your husband or do I just do a cloth line and just knock out the both of you what do you mean brother and he's standing there look w w it's not because he's bad wah it's not because he's an evil person but because there's no men in our society the very concept of and honor has been lost have our women lost their way absolutely bro absolutely but who do you blame who do you blame who do you blame this sister that's leaving the house looking the way she looks where's her father where's her brother where's her nephew where's her where are they they're busy fishing bro they're busy at cafes they're busy chasing other women like little boys so yeah bro our women lose their ways stop laughing stop laughing so what and women they lose their ways honor honor just just honor it's not there so now Brothers come brother what are you trying to say you know and brother what's this you know is this again again brother is this is this it's notal and forget just where's your heart bro where's your heart you as a man as an honorable person where's your dignity the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was sitting with two of his wives wives was sitting with two of his wives today today when we have barbecues my wife and your wife and his wife and Y and we're all together and W he brothers are sitting having dinner having dinner him and his wife and me and my wife and I'm talking to his wife and he's talking to my wife and he's laughing and we're laughing and we're giggling and this is this is considered as what this advancement Brother come on man what's Su while of the girls upstairs what this is backwards this is backwards in our hearts no no no it's not that it's backwards if there was a single reel just oneel you w he would never ask is this or he would never ask brother is this appropriate or not as AEL the prophet sallahu alaihi wasallam is he AEL or not don't please don't answer don't embarrass yourself the prophet is he AEL or not I see shaking hands with women and again not Hal and M burns the prophet sitting with two of his wives two of his wives is sitting there sallallahu alaihi wasallam someone locks the [Music] door y where's this now so the prophet goes to check it was abdah you know who the man is he was blind you know the blind man that came to us abdah he was the of he's knocking on the door he's blind the man's [Music] blind so he gets up and he sees Abdullah and he says to his wives Abdullah is on the door stand up the both of you and go behind the Sutra go behind the [Music] veil so they said prophet of Allah Abdullah is blind he can't see us he said yes but you're not blind you can see him so get up and go behind the [Music] veil tell your father this W he will slap you he'll slap your she who sleap the Masjid that you go to brother what's this backwards thinking please please the prophet of Allah this ABD W with all adab and respect to Abdullah you know I I I I really don't imagine Abdullah being anywhere near as handsome as the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so really there's no threat and when you're married to the prophet of Allah you're not going to look at anyone in any way but what it's honor bro honor a real man has higher a real man has bashfulness today our women don't possess ha forget forget the men of the the men of Allah had you know just to understand the English language the whole English language please sit down please sit down the whole English language doesn't have a single word not challenge not a single word to translate the [Music] word that speaks volumes about its [Music] societies comes from the word life say whoever doesn't have he might as well be dead I hope the sisters are listening tday it's all about the platform the platform a came to me a came to me and said to me brother how come you don't have sisters in your videos how come how come you don't have sisters in your videos are you really asking me this he said yes brother yes we have a problem what's the problem you want me to put a sister in the video you said me yes brother
Channel: LinguisticsofDawah
Views: 8,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LJQY_by-eLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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