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Hey, Erin. Welcome. Can you hear me? Oh, good. Hey, welcome. Feel free to activate your mic or use the chat, whatever works for you. I think I'm going to wait another minute or two for other participants, and then we're going to start. From which account are you joining, Erin? Nice. Nice. Do you already have the Kaltura events implemented on your end, or you are completely new to the platform? How advanced are you with this? Okay. Perfect. Today I will also share new options, new features, and new releases that we have in the platform. Perfect. Perfect. This session is also recorded. Feel free after the session to also forward the recording to the other team members. Perfect. Okay. It looks like two minutes went by so we can start. It looks like a private session today, so feel free to ask any questions that you might have. Again, you can also unmute yourself if you want, but the chat is also perfect. I'm going to go ahead and start. Maybe some other participants will join later. Let me know if you have any questions. My name is Adiem. I'm part of the Kaltura training team. Today we are going to do the first session of the Kaltura events series, the Kaltura events overview. Let's go ahead and talk about the next one. For the timeline of the other webinars today, we are doing the overview one, as I mentioned. Later on, we have the Chat and Collaboration Webinar, where we focus on all the different interactive tools that you have to engage and interact with the audience. Then later on we have also the Interactive Room Webinar where we focus on all the interactive virtual classroom capabilities similar to what we are using now for this webinar. We have three different webinars besides the one that you attended today, so I recommend you also register for the other two. The agenda for today, we're going to go through the Agenda of each event. Then we're going to see the Branded Look & Feel options and User Management. We have some new user options. I'm going to discuss it today. We also have Media Management, Engagement, and Analytics. I see that we have another participant. Welcome Anite. Feel free to write me if you have any other questions. We're just getting started, so you're right on time. Okay. Moving on. This is a nice system diagram to understand the platform. First, we have the Kaltura Events Management Platform where only admin users or event managers, as we are going to learn today, can access, create, and manage existing or new events. Then the next level will be the Events site itself, where participants can register and access and view the different sessions. Within each event, you can create just one session, or we can create many sessions of different types, both cast-based or real-time communication, similar to what we are doing now. In some use cases, we also have the ability if it's part of your package to import the video very easily to the video portal. Welcome, Anite. Let me know if you have any questions. -Hey, Adi. Hello. Welcome. From which account are you joining us? I'm from Kaltura. -Nice. Yes. I'm a new hire here in Kaltura. -Nice. It's nice to meet you. Yes. -Perfect. Thank you. I'm moving on to the next one, and I'm going to share my screen now, and we're going to move on to the live demo. Okay. I just want to make sure that you can see my screen now. Let me know. I just initiated the poll. Perfect. Okay, so this is my management event platform environment. As we can see here, we have all the events and we even have the recently viewed events. It's going to be a personal view for every event management team. You can see here a different view for every user depending on your personal view history. Then here we have a list of current events, meaning events that are happening now like this one or in the future, and also a tab with past events, so events that already occurred in the past. What else do we have here? Of course, we can create new events. We're going to do it together very soon, but first I wanted to show you the events showcase. If I click here, I have a very cool showcase that I can present to my potential participants or potential registers. I can either just copy a URL to this standalone page, or even take an embed code and paste this showcase in my external or internal site. From here, they can very easily register or share the details of this event with colleagues or with friends. We can change the theming from light to dark and so on. You can copy the embed code or use the standalone link and to this page. You can change the page title, description, and logo, and monitor and control the specific events that will be presented here. If you want to highlight specific events, we can also click on specific events here and then change Showcase Settings. Then you can either change the status to unpublished, published, or highlight or not within the showcase. That's a really useful feature that you can utilize using the showcase. Erin, at the moment are you already using the Showcase option on your end, or it's something that you haven't utilized yet? Perfect. In that case, I hope that this info will be useful. You can either embed it on your environment or just use the page created here. As you can see, it's just a generated URL for this showcase or embedded. Of course, you can do both and choose the relevant events and highlight them or unpublished them, whatever works for you. Okay, so that's regarding the showcase. I like that you will utilize that in the future. Now let's move on to the other tabs that we have here. Here we have the theme. This is only admin superusers that have access to all the events. This is the admin user and I can even add new team members. I just need to enter their email, first name, and last name, and we have a few new roles within the Kaltura event. Admin can do everything, can open, create new events, and manage and control all the events. In the platform, the event manager can create new events and manage them, but to have the permissions within existing events, they need to be assigned to every event. Hey everyone, welcome. It's good to see you. We're just getting started, so you're right on time. I'm just muting you, but if you have any questions, feel free to unmute yourself, of course. Perfect. Thank you. The first type is the admin user. They can manage and control all the events. The event manager can create new events and manage the assigned events that one of the admin users assigns them. We're going to review how to do it very soon. The content manager is also a new one. They will be able after they are assigned to specific events to create new sessions, to edit the sessions, and so on. They will not have access to analytics and reports, and they will not be able to create new events. You have kind of subtypes of admin users that we call event managers and content managers. Before I move on, do you have any questions about the three different types of users that we have here? Here you create them. To briefly show you, if I go to one of the existing events, under the event team, you will be able to add them. This one is an event manager, for example, and if you have other users like content managers, you will be able to choose them and add them to this specific event to give them the relevant permissions. Any questions about that? Perfect. Thank you. To view videos, I think will be more similar to participants within the event itself. Here in the first type, first part of this session, we are now focusing on the management platform, the ones that create the events and uploads the content. Very soon, when we move to the front-end side, we will see how the participants will view it. Those types of users will be more participants, passive viewers, and part of the event, not from the management side, only from the participation side. That's regarding the team member, as I mentioned. Now I'm going to move on to analytics here. The analytics dashboard will present the entire account, meaning all the events together with analytics. For every event, we will have much more detailed analytics, and even for every session. Here on this dashboard, you will see the analytics of the entire account okay. If it's relevant to you from here, it will be available under integrations. We can add some different integrations. The available ones are HubSpot Salesforce and Marketo integration. Here you will add it to the entire account. Then you can also configure it within every event to make the connection between the apps and the event. Now let's go ahead and create our first event together. I just want to show you how easy it is. I'm going to click on Create Event. Here we have a few different options. The first one is simply a blank template, meaning you can create an event without the first session and just start and enter the design, the brand look and feel, the different details, the time zone, and so on. If you choose one of the other options, it will generate the event with the first session. For example, this one will generate an event with an interactive session as the first one. That will be very similar to what we are doing now. We are all in one room, a real-time communication session. The participants can actively activate their mic and camera and talk with the speaker as well as with one another. This is the interactive session option, and it's dedicated to small or medium audiences. The next one is a live webcast session. This one has an unlimited amount of participants because it's broadcast, so we need to use an encoder. Then we can broadcast to a very high volume of participants. To interact with the participants, we will be able to use the chat and collaboration widget with all the polls, Q&A, reactions, and all the cool interactive tools that we have within the platform. The next option is the pre-recorded live or the semi-live option. That means that you upload a recording of the session in advance, and then just at the relevant time, it will start playing very similar to a TV show that is being broadcast. That's great for hometown or town halls when the CEO wants to present for a very large audience. They want to be assured that everything will run smoothly, so we can record it in advance and then broadcast it to the live audience. Then during the broadcast, we're just giving them the feeling that this is an actual live session, we can interact with them on the chat. The last one is the DIY live broadcast. That takes the room that I'm using now for this webinar. All the speakers will be within the room, a kind of virtual studio. Then the room will be broadcast to an unlimited amount of users because it's a broadcast-based session. All the speakers can be in different physical locations all over the world. They can be here on stage like all of us now, deliver the session, and you don't have to worry about a number of participants because it's being broadcast. The connection will be smooth and all the interactive tools will be available. Now let me choose, for example, the live webcast option. This will generate the event with the live webcast as the first option. I can call it a Test event. We can add a description here and the start time and the end time of the event. This is the start time and end time of the entire event. You can change the time zone and each user will see it with their time zone, but make sure to set it with the relevant time zone at the right time. Then we have two different options. Attendees will log into the event with a login link via email, meaning that once they register, they will get a link to their email, a kind of magic link. Then they can just access the event, or they can set their credentials, email, and password authentication, so you can choose one of those. If you have it in your package, we also have an SSL integration option, but this is not out of the box. These are the two common options that you can access on the platform. Now I'm going to click on Create. This phase will take around a minute because it's now creating a new event site. I will show you that in a minute with the first session that we've created. I'm going to wait a minute just to let it upload and if you have any questions, meanwhile, feel free to ask. I do have a question, but it's not necessarily related to the event creation. -Yes, of course, feel free. Can I continue, or we can wait for the question? Yes, of course. Go ahead. Go ahead with the question. It doesn't matter when. Go ahead. -Okay. The question is yes, creating an event, but the event is going to be an event that is going to be on YouTube. It's a live YouTube event that we want to stream internally through Kaltura. Is that a possibility? -Wait. I didn't fully understand the question. When you create an event? -Yes. Essentially, we are going to host a YouTube live event and my company, a YouTube live event. What I want to use is to use Kaltura to stream that live event that is a YouTube event, a stream that event internally using Kaltura. Got it. Are you already working with a professional like a project manager on this one? -No, this is the first time that I'm evaluating this. I know that we have licensing. I know that we have everything. It's just looking at the technical implications of using Kaltura for internally streaming a YouTube live event. Got it. I will show you today all the options related to live webcasting. That might be a possibility for the encoder to just use the same stream and then use this YouTube stream to also broadcast it internally. I'm not one hundred percent sure if it will be the most efficient way. I'm going to show you all the options today. Then later on, I will check for you who will be able to support you in this specific use case of taking the YouTube stream and then broadcasting it internally, if I understand correctly. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. -Perfect. Perfect. Of course. Thank you. Which of the event types is required ECDN? None of them is required mandatory. I will show you very soon all the technical details for every session type because once I've created the event, I can add multiple sessions, so I can mix and match live webcasts. Now I can add another session that will be an interactive room, and the other session will be pre-recorded. It's not just one event type. Within one event, you can create many sessions. I'm going to show you all the options within every session. Thank you for all the great questions. Now you see that I've created a new event. If I click here we will see a small preview of how the event site will look to the participants, not only to us, the admin users. Without any design or branding, this is kind of a generic event that we've just created. If I'm a participant, I will see this session. I can click on Join Now and join the session. Here we can add of course the speaker information. If we have an additional session, we will see here a larger list with all the different sessions. This is the Chat and Collaboration widget, where we have separate training just for this solution. Going back, I want to show you an event with a bit more metadata and information. We created a demo event for us. Let me show you how it looks. This is an event when we edit every type of session available on the platform. Here we have the overview tab. In the overview, we can click on Edit Details, and it leads us to the event details, as you can see. We have the title. We have a Show Description that we can add to the entire event. We have the start time and the end time that we've generated and again the authentication method. Now this one is very nice. We have an early access option. What does that mean? If this one is disabled before the start time of the event, all the participants will see this lobby page. Let me show you the lobby page. It's just the option to register for the event without all the info about the different sessions and the agenda of the event. It's just a very short preview of the time and the name of the event, and pretty much that's it. If you want to give your participants early access, you can enable this option. Of course, we can customize the lobby pages you can see here, and you can design it and make it more into your brand. In the early access, we can set a time before the event, and it can be even in days or weeks that they can access and see the event itself with all the different sessions. Instead of this generic lobby page, as we can see here, if we enable early access from the early access time, they will be able to see all the different sessions. If you upload any VOD media content, they will be able to watch this one as well. If you want them to access the event site beforehand, this is also an option. You can change five minutes, five hours, five days, five weeks, and so on and of course, change it to any number that you want. This is regarding early access to the lobby page. We also have a new option to add labels. What do I mean by labels? With time, you will probably have many events. You will have a very long list of past events, current events, and so on. You can add labels to the events. For example, I've added a Kaltura label and I can see only events that are labeled with this specific Kaltura term. How do I add labels to events? I access the event. From the Event Detail, you can either use existing labels or you can add your own. For example, I can add a test label and just like that, create additional labels and then add this label to additional events to categorize them and find and filter my events much faster. That's regarding the event details. I'm going back to the overview. Here you can see all the speakers and the agenda. I'm going to show you that very soon in More Details. As we saw from here you can very easily access the event site to see how the participants will experience the event. Moving on to branding. Here you can upload the branding, the logo, and the theming to change it between light and dark. That's cool. Here is the logo. Here is the banner. Everything can be changed from here. By the way, we also have an option from the events, a platform here to just copy an event. One of the things that will be copied when you copy an event is the branded look and feel. You can upload a logo and the banner and when you copy that, it will just generate the same design. It will save you some time. That's a very nice capability. I'm moving on to the registration. Registration is one of the options to invite participants to your virtual event. Now I'm going to go back one step backwards for a second and unpublish this one. This is the registration form that you can share later with participants. We can design this one, change the title description, and edit some fields. Some of them are mandatory, for example, first name and email are required to create a user, but let's say you don't need a state. You can click on the pencil icon, change the name of this field to another field that is more relevant to your use case, and even make it optional if you want. Then you can click on Done, so you can customize and even add additional fields to this list, or delete existing ones very easily. This is the place to customize and edit the registration page. Once I've added and saved my changes, I can simply publish this page. Then I can either copy the link and share it on my platform, my site, or just send it via email, just send them the link, and they can register registration form very easily. Of course, we earlier saw that for the showcase, we also have the CTA button on the registration page. That's very useful. You can also click here and register for the showcase as a participant. That will lead to the same registration form that we just customized. This is regarding the registration. I will show you today another option to invite participants to your event. Any other questions so far before I move on? I do have another question. -Of course. Go ahead. Some users, for some events, don't want to showcase the number of attendees at an event. Is it possible to hide the number of attendees that joined an event? -Yes. It will not be like a public number that all participants will view. It will be only visible to you as an admin or as a superuser. You will know how many participants you have, but on all the different session types, the number of participants will be private to the event managers. -All right. Thank you. Yes. Of course. Great question. I'm moving on to the Agenda. Here we can see all the sessions within this event, create additional ones, or edit the existing session so you can see live webcast session, pre-recorded, and interactive session DIY. We have all the different types here. Let's go ahead and edit one of the existing ones. Let's start with the live webcast. I can click on the three dots and click on edit. First of all, from here I can just visit the specific session page similar to the event site. This is how the session will look like before the time of the session arrives. They will see the speakers, and some info about them if you edit that, and then when the time will arrive and the broadcast will start there, it will just be replaced to the player with the live session. We can copy the session link to send a direct link to the relevant participants if needed. Here we have a live caption option, if you have it as part of your package, and we can even take this live webcast session and copy and embed code externally on this specific session. By the way, similar to your previous question Aron, regarding the social media streams and YouTube, this is an option to do the other way around, meaning to take your session and broadcast it to YouTube or other platforms. This is also part of the cool capabilities of the platform. Going back to the main session settings, here we have the title of the session, description, date, and time of this specific session, not the event, just the session, and the length of the session. Here we can add speakers and moderators. What are the differences between the two? Speakers is mainly a metadata field, as we saw, and will be presented here with some info about the speaker. This is more for the participants. It's more informative. Moderators will have the extra permission to use all the chat capabilities, use the moderator chat, launch polls, Q&As, and so on. Sometimes we can even set someone as a speaker and a moderator if you want them to be the speaker in the session and also have full capability to manage the session with the chat and collaboration widget. This is how sometimes we want to add someone to both speakers and moderators. How I'm adding speakers and moderators? I'm going to the people section here. Here I have speakers and moderators. Let's say I want to add a new speaker. I can just click here to invite the speaker and populate the relevant details, email, first name, and last name. If they will be a speaker or even speakers and moderator, you can set them as both. You upload their picture and title, company bio, and so on, and this is how easy it is to invite someone as a speaker, moderator, or both. After I invite the speaker or the moderator, they will be available for me to choose in the session. Clicking here to edit, I need now to edit them on every session that they are relevant to moderate or to be a speaker. First, we added them on the event level here on the speakers, and then we added them to the specific session or sessions they are relevant to. This is the speaker and moderator. By the way, if it's a live kind of interactive session similar to the room that we're using now, the moderators can also control the full capabilities of the room. This is why it's important to add moderators to manage the class and the session. Here we have a link to the moderation app where participants can send questions directly to the moderators, what we call the Q&A chat. Then participants can ask the admins, and the moderator questions about your services, about the platform, and if they want directly to you. If we have a large amount of participants, we have this separate moderation app. As I said earlier, we have a separate training just for this app. Here you can share the link. Site visibility. This session now is published, meaning I can see it here on the list of sessions. However, if the session is not ready yet, or I want to keep it private, I can change it to private or unlisted, and then it will not appear here on the list. If you have the link to this page, you can access this specific page. We have a few options regarding the publishing of every session. The session recording, because it's a live webcast at the end of this session, if participants access the session page, they will just be able to watch the recording of this session. Automatically, after the session ends, they will see the recording of the session. If you prefer to upload your recording or another video that they will watch after the session ends, you can upload it here in advance. Then, when the session ends, this will be the VOD available for them to view under this session. Now, because it's a live webcast, here we have all the live stream details, like the encoder code, the RTMP URL, and the stream name. From here you will find all the relevant details to the encoder for the encoder to broadcast this session. Any questions about the live webcast session? Again, this one, you need an encoder and to broadcast this session we will learn about other types that do not require the encoder use. -It's not a question, but I understood that if we want to stream an event from Kaltura to other platforms, it is the opposite question that I asked at the beginning of the session. Exactly. We do have the ability here, but after all this, I promise I will check also, what is the most efficient way to do the other way around to also broadcast a YouTube event for Kaltura internally. As you mentioned, we can do it the other way around very simply. -Yes. Perfect. Okay, so this is the agenda. I'm going to move on to the next session type. Here we have the pre-recorded session. Click on Edit. Most of it will be similar to the other sessions that we covered, but here we also need to upload the video source. Why? It's a pre-recorded session, meaning we upload the recording in advance. We just click here, choose for media, and upload the video, and then when this date and time arrive simply on that page, you will see the broadcast. It will be kind of a live experience of a broadcast. Of course, the participants will be able to interact with the moderators or with the other participants here for the chatter. Of course, we can send them rating scales, polls, and so on to make the experience much more engaging and similar to a live session. They will see it as a live experience. This is how easy it is to create a pre-recorded session. Again, we can add speakers, mainly for the metadata field and to share with the participants and moderators to moderate the chat and the polls. The other parts are identical to the previous settings. Again, we can add or upload captions if we have them. The next type is the interactive session. That's very similar to the webinar that I'm doing now. You are with me within the class, within the room, so this is dedicated to a small amount of participants. Click on edit. The same things are important here, but the moderators have crucial importance in this case. All the moderators here will be able to start the meeting, open the room, and control the room, meaning mute participants, unmute them, invite them to the stage, remove them from the stage, and share the screen. Moderators will have the full capabilities within this interactive room. The last type of session is the DIY live webcast. This is taking the room capabilities from here and just broadcasting it to the live audience. That means that no limitation on the number of viewers or participants because only the speakers will be within the actual room. This is the launch studio meaning from here, if I'm a moderator or an admin, I can launch the studio and manage the broadcast from the studio or the room. By the way, you will learn more about this room on the interactive session webinar that we have as part of the three webinar series. The other important information is similar to the previous sessions. From here, you can also copy a studio link and then share it with the other moderators. Remember, they have to be moderators to access the room and manage this room. If they will be just speakers, they will be able to access the studio but not manage the studio. Most of the time I prefer to add speakers both as speakers and moderators just to have the ability to control the room. Again, site visibility and recording. If you want to upload a different recording, we can also do that. Before I move on, do you have any questions about this agenda tab and the different session types, anything that you would like to ask before moving on? Okay. In that case, I'm going to move on to the media section, and under media, firstly, remember that we mentioned the interactive session option. The recording will be part of the media tab. Let's say I finish, I'm going to go back to the event, my virtual classroom session and the recording will be here under media. This is identical to what we see here. The other webcast-based session, the recording as I said, will be part of the session. You click Watch, and you will be able to watch the recording. For the interactive session, it will be over here under the VOD content. Besides the recording of the virtual sessions, on the interactive session, you can also upload your own VOD content to let the participants view it before the session starts. Before the session and the event starts if you enable early access or during the event, if you have some relevant VOD content, you can upload it here. For example, you see this one is private. I can change the status and make it instead of private, let's make it published. Click on Save. Okay. Now we will refresh here the event site itself. You can see that I've added now the additional VOD content. In any month you can just unpublish or publish content from here, and you can even see that we have the option to make it unlisted. It means it will not be visible in this section, but if you have the link to this page, you can access it. We also have all the options for specific VOD content. Of course, we have analytics about the viewers of this content. I'm going to review it very soon. I'm going to move on to the people section that we briefly covered a few minutes ago. Under all users, you will see all the users within this event, meaning even admin users or just standard participants or speakers and so on. You can invite them one by one. Of course, from here I can set them as a moderator or the speaker just by populating the email, first name, and last name. Then they will get a registration to their email, or I can bulk invite using a CSV file, and then I can invite many participants at once. This is also another option. As we mentioned earlier, you can just use the registration page, and share the link wherever you want or even from the showcase, just share the showcase and here they will have the register button. Another way to do it, as we just saw, is to simply invite them one by one or in bulk using the CSV file that you upload. Now, I'm going to move on. Here we have a separate one for speakers and moderators, just to see who are the moderators and who are the speakers. If it's needed, we can add a bio, especially important for the speakers because it's presented on the event site with their picture. Under the Event team, at the beginning, I mentioned we have an event manager. We have a content manager and we have the admin user. I don't need to add admin users because they are kind of superusers, but if you want a user that will manage this specific event, you can add them here. If you want someone to just create sessions and edit sessions within this event, but without any access to the analytics, we can also add someone as what we call a content manager and not an event manager. To remind you, event managers can even create new events and manage them. Content managers need to be added to the events to manage them. If it's an existing event, the admin user will need to add the event manager to let them manage this event, unless the event manager creates it. We have a lot of permissions and flexibility with the users who manage and help us with the creation process. That was regarding the people. I'm going to move on to interactions. Most of the interaction sections will be covered in the other webinar when we talk about chat and collaboration capabilities. I just want to show you that under emails, we have some templates that they will get when they are invited after the registration is completed and the login email. We can even see here some custom templates that you can either use as is or click here and edit this template and very easily send it to all the participants or specific groups or create new templates. You have a lot of cool options with the automated or custom template email that you can share with all the participants of your event. Here we even have an outbox that presents all the emails that were already sent. When you copy an event, as we saw here, click here and copy the event, the email templates will also be copied to the next event. That's also super useful. Regarding the notification, it will be covered more on the chat and collaboration webinars, but here you can create a crowd reaction with some smiley faces. It will look something like that within the event site and then schedule it or post it now. That will be covered very thoroughly in the other webinar. I'm going to skip this part. Under analytics, I want to show you all the different analytics that we have for the event. Let's start with the registration dashboard. Here we will have all the info about the registration status. We have the overall turnout of attendance rate and registration percentage in this nice funnel, and how many of them attended. Then we have invitations, admin users, register users, and so on. We have these nice metrics of trends over time. If our event is more than one day, it will be more interesting to view. We have devices that log in via desktop or mobile and geolocation all over the world. This is regarding registration, and you can even download a PDF report of this info. Engagement. This is the dashboard that will show us how the participants interact and engage with our content and also the VOD content. Here we see this media section. Many analytics will also be relevant to the VOD content, and player impressions, for example, the number of times that the player was loaded, or the page was loaded. Plays mean how many times they click on the play button and view the content. Sometimes the plays will be a lower number compared to the player impression, unique viewers, minutes viewed, and so on. By the way, here it's only for the last 30 days. If the event was, four months ago, make sure to change this time frame, and you can see here now much more information. We can filter by specific countries and types of playback, for example, only VOD or only live. We can export CSV of parts of this report or everything, or even download the PDF report of this dashboard. We have the top videos. Again, it's mainly focused on the VOD content, not the live session, some insights and metrics of trends over time, this time with the VOD content. Again, the top videos, how many plays, how many unique viewers, the average completion rate of this video, and the player impression funnel meaning how many player impressions we have, and then how many of them translated to plays. Here the situation is very good and then what was the play full time of the content. We see that fifty percent watch almost thirty percent of the video. If we change it, for example, to one hundred percent, only sixteen percent of the viewers view the entire VOD content, the whole thing. You can play around and see how much of the content they watched. That's regarding engagement. Now I'm going to move on to the reports here. We have a lot of useful reports. One of them is regarding the registration that you can generate and download from here. The other ones are very relevant to the chat and collaboration, the chat activity, and the moderated chat activity on the transcript. Also, how the participants answered the polls will be super relevant for later even if we enable the group chat, and what will be the transcript. Again, I'm not diving too deep into this one because it will be covered in the other webinar, but this is also some analytics or reports that you can generate very easily during or after the event. Now what I want to show you is some more analytics, but this time on the session level. Let's start with the live webcast. You can click here, and I can click View Analytics and this is not on the event level. This is only on this specific session-level. Here we have the real-time dashboard. Let's see if we have something with some more info. Here we have the unique viewers and how many of them view it live compared to the recording. Again we have the average minutes viewed, and live engagement, meaning how many of them sent live reactions like the smiley faces, and what was their live engagement rate. Also, play recording, geolocation from where in the world they watch this, and what device they use to watch the content. Again, we can view the report, but from here you can see the real-time dashboard. This one will be perfect for monitoring the broadcast during the session. During the live session, the broadcast, we have here the number of active users and it's dynamic. It's changed every few seconds. It shows the active users compared to the engaged users, meaning with sound and full screen and so on. We can even see here the average buffer rate and average bitrate to make sure that the connection is smooth and the broadcast running as smoothly as possible. Here we can see a kind of offline or online. This is the place for you to monitor the broadcast of the live session and during the sessions. We can also see here geolocation and do some comparison, for example, how many users we have compared to engaged users, meaning users that actually with the sound and screen on. This can be super useful. Again, it's updated every few seconds. It's very relevant when you want to monitor the broadcast. Now the dashboard becomes pretty heavy because every few seconds it changes and uploads some info, after seven days, this info will be deleted. This is the only dashboard that is not saved for good. After seven days, it will be deleted. This is the only dashboard. The other ones are saved within your account. What we recommend doing if this information is relevant also after the session is that you can simply export some of it or all of it, or even take screenshots, whatever works for you. I just want to emphasize that this live real-time dashboard is something that will be deleted after seven days, but I mainly use it to monitor the broadcast during the broadcast. This dashboard and the other ones that I've shared are all saved in the account. They will not be deleted, ever. That's analytics that is related to the live webcast. For example, from the interactive session, I will have some analytics that relate again to the engagement during the session. I can see a kind of live unique viewers as compared to the engagement rate, how many of them view live compared to the recording, and so on. For every session, you will also see more detailed analytics, as you can see here. This is analytics on the session level, and we reviewed earlier different dashboards that are more relevant to the event level. Any questions about analytics before I move on? Okay. I'm going to move on to the next one. Here we have integration because I have no integration implemented on the account, so I will not see here nothing. If on the management platform, you add here some integration to HubSpot, Marketo, or Salesforce, you will be able to edit it for every event very easily. I'm going to go back to the presentation and summarize. If you have any other questions, we will have a lot of time for questions. In a second, I will stop again for questions. I'm going to go back to the presentation. Let's summarize. The different session types that we mentioned are broadcast-based sessions. That will include the pre-recorded live session, the one that we upload the video in advance and then broadcast it to the live audience, and the live webcast, the one that we use in an encoder. Then we don't have any limitation of viewers or participants because it's been broadcast and the DIY live broadcast. This is when I'm taking this room that we are using now for this webinar and broadcasting it with all the speakers to the participants, giving them the live engagement experience with the other tools like the chat and collaboration polls. The last one is the real-time communication-based session, the interactive session. This is dedicated to a small amount of participants. We can invite participants to the stage to activate the mic and camera. Of course, we can remove them from the stage. As a moderator, you will have full control of the room and as we said, the recording of the real-time communication session will be part of the media section at the bottom of the event site. All the other ones will be just an integration part within the session, and they can watch the recording immediately after the session and of course, you can even replace the recording with something else. Event Look and Feel, we can discuss this one. We can change the banner, the logo, the thumbnail, and the presenter biography. We can add a picture, and we can design the registration page and all the different email templates. End User Management, we have a few options for authentication. The first one was a magic link and the magic link or email and password. However, to invite participants, we can either let them register for the registration form if we share it via email, or just publish the link on our site, or invite either one by one or use the CSV file to invite participants in bulk. Then we can choose if you want a magic link or email and password. In another way, it's not out of the box to do an integration of your SSO, and then all the participants will simply use the SSO to log in to the event. That's also super useful, but it's something that will need to be implemented by Kaltura. The different users that we have. We have the admin who can do whatever is available within the platform, create new events, delete events, and manage all the sessions. Event managers can create a new event, and view all the existing events, but only manage if they were assigned to the event by one of the admin users, and then they have full permission within this specific event. We also saw a completely new permission today, called Content Manager. That means that they cannot view the analytics and the reports, but they can add a session and edit the session. This is an extra permission that can be assigned to specific events. The moderator can do a chat moderation and can be an interactive room host like I am now. I can mute, and unmute everyone, and share my screen. This will be the moderator and of course moderator chat during the other sessions. Speakers, it's more of a metadata, and they can join the studio room of the DIY broadcast before the session. Besides that, it's mainly a metadata field to share with the participants. A VOD management. Everything will be saved under the media tab, all the different VODs you upload, and the interactive room recordings will also be in that section. On the different sessions, if it's a broadcast-based recording, they will be published on the session itself. The Analytics Dashboards that we covered were the engagement one, the registration one, and the session meaning for every session, you can click and see the analytics on the session level instead of the entire event level. I just covered everything that I wanted to discuss today. We have a lot of time for questions. Please feel free if you have any questions. I would love to answer them. We have a lot of time, so go ahead. Of course, if you don't have any questions, I would love to hear from you about what you find useful from today's training, and which features you are planning to use now after you learned about them in this session. I see we do have some. That's good. How many events can happen at the same time? I'm not aware of any limitations, but I will make sure to check that. I'm not aware of any limitations. Aron, you asked about the recording of the training, right, of this one, of this webinar? Regarding the branding of the event, we do have what we call a custom template that is not out of the box. It can be configured together with the Kaltura events team, to create your custom template with your phones. For branding and customize, we have the ability, to upload, as I said, the banner, and the logo, add your fonts to the events, and change the theming between dark and light. If it's relevant to your use case, you can create your customized template, and then it will be available for you for every event with just one click of a button. Erin, I see. Yes. Erin, I hope that I understand the question correctly, but for example, for webinars, the interactive session is very relevant. Then you can invite participants to the stage, but also any other type of session will be relevant because you can interact with your audience or your participants using the chat and collaboration widget. This is why I recommend to all of you to attend also the chat and collaboration training that we have soon. To show you, this is an example of the event that we've created here. During the session, we will have the ability to send questions directly to the moderators or enable the group chat. We can also send and create polls very easily. That's definitely for live events and live webinars. You have many interactive tools, and you have a lot of options. Here we can see some examples, but we have a dedicated separate training for that. Let me know Erin if that answers the question. Of course. Any other questions? Perfect Erin, yes, I think the other two sessions are great because it will close the circle here. You will see all the different options that we have within the platform and which session will be more suitable for what. I would say as a general comment that the interactive session is where you want the participants to be, or at least optional, that you can invite them to the stage and speak freely. The other ones are more for a larger audience, but you can still interact with the audience through the chat and collaboration capabilities and the pre-recorded live one is when we record it in advance. This one is we have a recording, and then we broadcast it live, and we can interact with the audience for the chat. The other ones are live. Perfect. What I'm going to do now is, if you have any other questions, please feel free to stay with me because we do have more time. I'm here. If you have any other questions, I will stay here. If you don't have any other questions, feel free to drop and enjoy the remaining time. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure to meet you all and have a great day. Of course, I will send you the recording of this session in a follow-up email. Feel free to share it with your colleagues. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the other webinars that we mentioned earlier. Of course. Thank you, Anite. It's nice to meet you. Perfect Erin. I will make sure to send it very soon and to see you in the future webinars. Aron, let me know if you have any other questions.
Channel: imineo Documentaires
Views: 20,012
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Keywords: documentaire, reportage, enquête, investigation, pierre précieuse, bijou, mineur, carrière, insolite, richesse, fortune, mine, prospection, ouvrier, environnement, écologie, économie, business, forage, argent, valeur, Birmanie, jungle, yt:cc=on
Id: 63bwQtvROeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.