Moffat: The Man & The Mountain - The story of Allan Moffat's 1988 Bathurst Challenge

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there he is john farnham the age of reason a huge hit for him taken from the album of the same name trevor young with your through till nine o'clock on stereo 2bs the day of the big race the two is 1000 at mount panorama trevor young with you through until nine o'clock on stereo 2bs it's seven o'clock time now for the macquarie national news good morning i'm marcia vag in this bulletin uncertainty over the result of the victorian state election the royal couple spend their last day in sydney after yesterday's spectacular bicentennial naval salute and police pull out of a search of arnhem land for a man wanted over the questioning or the murder of six aborigines victoria faces a week of uncertainty as postal and absentee votes accounted in yesterday's state election premier john kane has claimed victory but his majority is far from certain and the state faces the prospect of a hung parliament opposition leader jeff kennett is refusing to concede defeat saying the election outcome is far from being decided 80 of the vote counted labour has definitely lost one seat warren died prime minister hawke says labour's strong showing in victoria shows its policies are working federally what i've been concerned to convey to the people of australia is that we had to go through tough times and i went honestly to the people of australia in 86 and 87 and said things aren't tough we've lost a lot of our national income through loss in the terms of trade we had to do things that we'd rather not have done but i've been able to say to the people of australia during this year now that things are better and i think in particular why do you walk allen that's a habit i developed in europe about eight years ago went to le mans to drive a porsche and uh i got such a fright with at the experience of going 250 miles an hour down the multn street that i really did find i needed a little bit more aerobic control of myself and i've never been a mad gymnast or a runner just how hard is the metal strap to do the job and as such we should be pretty good at it after the number of years so we can do it but if something else is preying on your mind if you've had a particularly bad run mechanically if you've got uh staff problems if you've got a financial problem anything that can detract and really start to worry and the job is not going to be good because i can't relate it to uh anything other than any other competitive sport where if you're not 100 in yourself then you're certainly not going to get 100 out of the car and uh the car is only a mechanical machine it doesn't have any sentiment it doesn't have any emotion it just does what it's told to do and in that respect i've always found it very counterproductive if i'm not right in myself then a lot of people have worked 12 months of the year a lot of money has been expanded by our sponsors to do a job that doesn't come out at what stage does the red mist descend when you really of the day but i don't like to have too many people around about at least three quarters of an hour before the race i think a lot of people lose sight of this that when was the last time you walked in on a board meeting at anz and just said oh hi i'm here to have a chat my name's lesbian i'd like to uh i'd like to film you guys in action it doesn't happen and people in the business world they lock themselves away to do their job tell their secretaries no phone calls no visitors we've got to do the same the only thing is our board room is moving around 150 miles an hour and it does require a certain degree of concentration to do it well sunday morning alan moffat waits for his car this is the final test session for the annual bathurst endurance event for modified saloon cars the race will start in two hours the market of these co-drivers in the anz sierra team this is a final opportunity to check that their machine is ready to race it's been a long week for moffett four days of practice four days of unofficial and official time sessions four days of tuning the car to the circuit it hasn't all been smooth sailing there have been politics and tensions and perhaps more annoyingly mechanical malfunction which prevented the car from getting onto the front row of the start grid for the race then again bathurst is always full of drama and moffat and anyone else who accepts its challenges is never surprised by what can happen here [Music] out he goes just a few laps his teammates greg hansford and klaus needsovitz watch and wait their turn for a final few minutes on the circuit hansford and moffatt have been co-drivers for years two weeks ago they won the traditional bathurst lead up the 500 kilometer endurance race on the sandown park circuit in melbourne they know what it takes to win major races moffat helps hansford belt himself in and utters a few words of advice the track's dirty there's oil on one corner take it easy as hansford goes out moffatt talks to his second co-driver klaus needsvitz is a west german with a big driving reputation before this day is out he will have added to it considerably this is a time for a tight rain on emotions this place exerts a strong hold over any driver who races here the 1 000 kilometers of bathurst are totally unpredictable anything can happen the circuit has a powerful character it can lash out with sudden savage striking down anyone who doesn't accord at full respect as well as the complacent and unprepared it'll cut down even the most professional of teams as moffat knows only too well it can wound and it can scar a man's beliefs and [Music] he finished second last year but the cars of his european team were subsequently disqualified for minor bodywork infringements the affair with its long drawn-out legal battle left a nasty taste in many mouths this race will be an opportunity for needs fitz to score a personal point the west german is one of the best saloon car drivers in the world the anz team has been heavily reinforced by the brilliant swiss engineer rudy egenberger who wrote the book on sierra development eggenberger has brought european mechanics with him to bathurst moffatt is proud to have needs within the anz team [Music] without traffic you can go 21 maybe it's good it's lovely i'm glad we you did that mate that was fabulous and you mustn't always listen to what feels nice it's the clock that couch because the first day was nice but it wasn't so fast all too quickly this final test session is finished and muffled allows an expression of required confidence to slip his guard i'm very happy the car is uh very nicely balanced sometimes they develop uh quadruple guidance if you like it's a bit hard to say on a sunday morning and i was delighted with it we don't push it naturally we're just just cruising around but uh we can tell when there's anything wrong and uh just bedded in a new set of breaks and it's ready to go [Music] [Music] and here's christ at speed with alan moffat tucked in behind him and the floor fans on the top of the mountain they're going wild they want to pull out a bus [Music] fans down here in pittsburgh are going to go wild with enthusiasm and upgrade [Music] surviving [Music] 1000 for victory in the 1977 hardy ferodo 1000 the winning pair bathurst is really special to me i've been fighting it since 1669. i know what it's like to face that starter how important it is to be on the front row and get a good start and i've been lucky enough to get the checkered flag four times the agony my mates share in pit lane the passion the anguish the real guts and determination that goes on here from the slowest team to the gung-ho teams the new teams and some of us old guys that have been here for many many years i don't think i would have ever bothered with the place if it hadn't held such a fascination from my very first trip here in 1969. it's a world-class event which anyone that comes to breaks their neck to come back i was fortunate to be living in australia and able to make it really the most significant part of my career the americans have got indianapolis but even the indianapolis drivers that have come here have held mount panorama in a great deal of respect you start okay yeah go to the maximum fuel yeah so if that's more my give them only a flashlight no i know i tried to go on the line for sure on the fuel line okay so we can expect somewhere between 36 and 38 laps klaus take the third stage you take the fourth stage and depending how what position you're in either way [Applause] it's been a long time since we've taken the chequered flag that doesn't stop us from trying nor does it stop me from appreciating how hard everybody else along this pit lane is trying from the smallest teams to the biggest there isn't a guy that doesn't put his best foot forward to try and win here a thousand kilometers around [Music] panorama [Music] in his many races at bathurst this is the first time moffett won't drive the initial session the decision has been made that needs bits will face the starters flag a west german is an aggressive charger and the team feels he will revel in the traditional cut and thrust maneuvering that always characterizes the opening sector of the 1000 kilometers needs of its will also drive a second session during the extents of the wheel moffat and hansford will have the vital roles of maintaining the car's position the team doesn't know who will take the car over the finish line this will be decided by the tactical situation which unfolds [Music] race start is now close moffat has time for a few more words with needs bits little more than an expression of good luck [Music] do [Music] we've already had the check presentation to clouds needs vitz the winner of tui's top 10 yesterday maybe that has taken a little of the shine off unfortunately so the man who actually sits on pole position i'm quite sure viewers would uh recall it's always been a tradition here to mount panorama the top 10 fight out on a saturday determines the job moffett walks back to his pit he's done all he can in a little over six hours from now or perhaps devastatingly in less time he'll know whether this week has been a triumph the field moves off on their warm-up lap which will lead to a rolling start it's an electric moment there always is the practice path as participants may show no surface tensions but beneath the veneers they're tight and anxious very impatient for the race to get underway electrical failure badly hurts one team even before the warm-up is complete this car will never fully recover from the setback [Music] moffatt understands the team's despair he lasted a single lap one year the 162 laps of bathurst are an enormous test of vehicle durability 48 cars are starting the race only half will last the [Music] almost a distance formation playoffs needs fits we'll go with them long persons lagging back let's wait for the start and here they come the great race is underway the first two is 1000 and that's johnson away quickly but look at klaus needs bits up here on the inside and he will take john bower very quickly up into fourth place was um tony longhurst [Music] this is one circuit that you never count your chickens until they're hatched and the further you get in the lead the more nervous you can get in 73 i lost concentration going through this corner and this is one place that can give you a real thrill fortunately we didn't have the walls many years ago and i was able to do a 360 in the width of the circuit but had the walls been there and no doubt would have smashed the rear of the car in it still allowed us to recover and pete gagan went on uh to help me win my third bathurst and uh the first thousand kilometer event here held here at bathurst weather of course is super critical if we're blessed with a long weekend of sun and totally dry it's terrific can get your car very nicely set up but in the early 70s when the race was conducted really with practice only on the saturday and then you put your best foot forward on the sunday it rained very heavily in 1972 and coming through here in the gtho with peter brock carrying me in the xu one a big flood of water a pool of water if you like and again the 360. that one certainly wasn't a loss of concentration it was just pure loss of grip and again the circuit got the better of me but for the best one of all time the bite that really hurt took place right here i'll show you what i mean the thing that haunts every driver is smashing the car in practice in 1986 in my holden dealer team commodore with peter brock it came around here flat out dropped the right rear tire in the grass as it was at the time there was no curb it had been raining soft verge the car dug in and instantly ricocheted right over here this is my mark there was a time when we didn't have a wall here the only thing that would have ever stopped us would have been thin air and a nice ride about 800 feet down thank god that didn't happen to their credit the boys worked all night replaced everything from the windscreen forward and on race day we were back out looking extremely good to peter brock's credit he never ever made me feel lousy about that was just one of those things that happened but for the grace of god he may have said himself but i always admired him as a manager as he was my boss at the time to let that go through without making me feel bad and even though we had a cracked wrist but back into the race the next day could have all but won it except for a broken oil cooler the luck of the draw so if it's not the weather it's the topography of the circuit and this is where the men get separated from the boys in a hurry the approach to the deeper skyline initially and coming through here at around 80 miles say at least 100k and uh to be able to finesse the car through there and not hurt it i've always been very conscious in that part of the circuit about hurting the car over 163 laps if you keep thumping and thumping and thumping something eventually it's going to break so the trick for me there has always been one of the most demanding aspects of the race is to save the card to cushion the car and yet maintain speed because if you back off too slowly in an attempt to be conservative then your lap times get shot to pieces and the success around here requires fast consistent laps but taking care of your motor car a big change for me this year was not starting the race and having klaus nativitz take over the first driving stint it's a big thrill to see the car arrive at the end of conrod in shape amongst the leaders going for it you know you've got the race well and truly off to a good start and you're very very happy to see your car in one piece the only thing that's left is to worry about the next 162 laps needs this up mountain straight to the right hand and now at motorcraft back to second gear moffat and his pit crew watch the first laps of the 1000 kilometer journey begin before the day is out 163 laps of this difficult 6.2 kilometer long circuit will have been the backdrop to a full range of extraordinary images the battle continues it started last year round two at silverstone a few weeks ago and this is round three and there's been a few punches below the belt johnson at this stage doing it comfortably opening up a little gap there over needs fits longhurst fairly close to the bumper of the anz car john bower pretty comfortable with his position at the moment just holding off this dice between needs vits and longhurst uh content to know that he's got a good break on the rest of the field even at this early stage and he'll just sit in and let these other two do the dueling at in these early laps so i think we're going to see the front running force here bathurst is a testing mixture of uphill and downhill corners some are fast some are slow above all bathurst is characterized by the appropriately named and breathtakingly fast conrad strait over the years it has exacted a high toll in destroyed engines and drive lines it has reduced many a driver to tears it has claimed lives the sierras will stretch out towards 280 kilometers an hour and in anyone's language that's very fast for a modified saloon and through the chase he made a fair bit of ground under brakes i don't know whether he made much down the straight itself [Music] johnson leading by a second needs bits of longhurst tied together and the rest already struggling to stay in touch sierra's number 17 9 and 25 in a little over six hours from now only one will have survived across the finish line but no one knows that now you wouldn't believe this place on monday afternoon before the race cars in all the garages transporters cheek by joe you can't move i've never been this far up this pit lane i wouldn't venture much more than a couple of yards past my own garage monday tuesday scrutineering settling in wednesday morning 11 o'clock first practice session the endeavors of teams to get out there and find out whether they've got the goods that will do the job no mean feat just getting here is tough enough but when you contemplate it's the culmination of a year's work a year's planning funding financing staff friends supporters suppliers parts and equipment coming from all over the world here bathurst new south wales to compete [Music] so when this bathurst actually began for alan moffat and the anz team and everyone else is difficult to say to all intents and purposes it probably commenced with the finnish flag of the previous year in the months since there have been many other races but there have also been many major decisions and expenditures of effort that have directly led the teams back to bathurst the learning curve never evens out cars are constantly being developed in suspensions and power plants tyre technology is never still dunlop which will be supplying most of the leading competitors of this bathurst regards the race as a vital laboratory many important lessons have been learned at bathurst and many of them have found their way onto standard road vehicles it'll always be like this klaus needs its walks to the anz sierra three and a half hours of practice split into two sessions are available to the teams on this first day no one will try too hard today although physical layouts may not change circuits alter from year to year it might be repair work a new stretch of surface a barrier perhaps a tree the drivers use to line up the approach to a corner has been cut down the anz cars run as few laps as possible to check that all the suns are correct that everything is in place this is not the time nor the place to get a rush of blood to the head not here bathurst can bite hard enough as it is without pushing beyond the limits defined by common sense and long experience no one knows that better than moffitt and needs bits time to go time to start the process that will culminate in the race start five days from now these five days will be quite a journey the anz drivers and the rest of the team have already been at the circuit for two days the cars specifications have been checked and engineering support infrastructure established this is an important moment but the next three days as drivers fight to get into the top ten teams will watch each other like hawks yes well we said uh the last few weeks that uh michael's looking pretty good uh you know stroking the car along getting into a nice sort of mode uh without you know hurting the car or uh worrying too much about what dick he's doing and the other guys so uh yeah we've we think that that's a smart move to put a few bucks on al uh with rudy engenberger here and klaus needed fitz and a couple of the guys uh obviously he's got that sort of input of technology that's required as a driver you know he's very careful very meticulous uh he he has to feel comfortable in the car and obviously right now he feels very very comfortable and so therefore we know that uh you know al said he's at his best when he feels like that so right now that's why we're rating him so high um as a person i mean al and i get on extremely well uh we we both share a joke and uh it surprised us both i think over the years that uh to think that we're in opposite camps and all of a sudden we found ourselves really liking each [Music] it's other we fix that tonight get some greasy well he's a very very uh very very tough competitor i remember when i first came to australia back in 1975 um one of the first people that i raced against was ellen and he really wouldn't talk to me he didn't want to know me and um uh very very tough competitor he didn't like to get involved with anyone else he was racing against but in recent years um now uh we have quite a quite a few chats and he's a hell of a nice guy i think he's an exceptionally good driver i think he's the sort of driver that really has to um put a lot of effort into his driving uh and concentrate very hard on what he's doing but he he does get excellent results and uh when whenever i've seen him race against the other top drivers in close competition is always as fierce and as hard as anybody on the track as a man i like the guy you know he's got a lot of style a lot of class as a driver i mean you know his record speaks i mean he's done very well over the years he's a guy that has to work at it but he really does work at it and he produces the results and uh if anyone in a sierra as i said he's going to win i think it's going to be i admire him i uh remember the first time i went to a race was at surfers paradise before i started racing and he was running the rx7s for the final year and just the presentation how well organized he was and i thought if i could ever get into motor racing that's the sort of team i'd like to be involved in you know he's won matters he's won the touring car championships all the guys that run at the front are very very good drivers otherwise i wouldn't be there while the european members of the anz team the serene needs of its and the constantly computing eckenberger appear quite oblivious to any potential tensions moffett knows only too well that as this week develops friends will become fierce opponents all will ruthlessly search for signs of weakness and just as moffatt himself will seek to exploit any vulnerability so will his opponents motor racing is no sport for the faint-hearted at this level of competition the prizes and the prestige are valuable they're fiercely sought first talks they don't like anyone getting close enough to hear what they're saying but apparently the track is surprisingly clean and quite fast for the first day of practice without trying too hard needs vitz has already recorded third fastest time fastest so far is dick johnson who has unofficially smashed the lap record by two seconds with a staggering 218.27 but the anz team have no intentions of trying to match his mark at this early stage there's plenty of time to pick up the gauntlet moffitt is content to take a back seat this first day and he cautions his long-term co-driver and personal friend hansford to adopt the same attitude moffatt will set out to learn as much as possible from needs and eigenberger during the week of bathurst the two europeans are world leaders in the art of extracting maximum performance from a sierra as this first day of practice draws to a close he couldn't be happier the pieces of the carefully laid plan are falling into place the key to any successful race team is is getting what the driver needs related back to team management and then the physical capabilities of changing the car to suit the drivers no one circuit is identical to another so there are little idiosyncrasies and naturally what we're very happy to see rudy doing all the time is plugging into the onboard computer and he is drawing all the information of what the car is doing mechanically like oil pressure like turbo temperature like boost pressure things that the drivers are so busy we can look on the dash but by the time we see it we think oh yes fine but his computer read out at the end of the any time he plugs in says well everything looked fine and then there was a big drop and that's what you just saw take place then there was a leak on the exit of the turbo into the intercooler it might have been small but enough to set you back slowly but surely in a long race when are you going back in the car well when he's totally happy with it our program at the moment is you can't have 13 development drivers he's the most experienced with the vehicle and can relate to vector rudy eggenberger as to you know in in the right language so it's foolhardy for me to do anything in there other than take what they're developing i drove it yesterday after their first fix and it was nicer than anything we'd had all year so i'm happy for them to persevere and get it right today there are two and three-quarter hours of untimed practice and the sure and steady process continues for the anz team there'll be dummy pit stops like this one there'll be tests with full and low level tanks to accurately calculate fuel consumption checks checks and counter checks needs fitz has seen it so many times before moffat works away at his times on thursday afternoon he gets down to a 221.68 a fraction outside the lap record and he's content with that dunlop tyres are playing a big role in the anz sierra's qualifying performance one are the type what's the tyre situation with top and simply going according to plan extremely well we're using a new compound that we didn't have last year d15 and it's proven to be super last year we had to use a harder tyre on the outside of the car to be able to handle the durability but this year we can use the soft the new d15 all around and it's good have you spoken to him yeah he's very happy [Music] as the day wears on needs fit starts to fully explore the anz cars performance envelope to stay with the fast men he'll make his big push tomorrow but wants them to know he's potentially just as quick needs on 21802 is only a few hundredths of a second behind fastest thursday qualifier tony longhurst johnson while nearly a second slower still has pole nailed down with his wednesday time [Music] moffat and his team feel under no pressure it's a comfortable stance to be occupying on a bathurst thursday change your style a little bit you're using fourth over the crest fifth top over the top there yeah well thank you thank you yeah it felt good you have a white white point on the road you see it's something always bright just before i go over the hill just a tap here no up at the top there the fast left-hander the three anz drivers the internationally ranked west german the canadian-born australian veteran and the former champion motorcycle rider have established a good rapport moffat is now quietly confident that they'll do well in the race as thursday qualifying ends he allows himself a smile well he always liked to have paul and to lose it by 4 100 of a second shows how competitive everybody's getting but we still have tomorrow to do the final grid position and i think now forewarned that other people can do that time which i must say is absolutely phenomenal a 1796 around here anything under 20 is sort of in the in the lapse of the gods you're certainly not fooling around but uh the car is in one shape that's the first big plus we haven't put a scratch on it got a few flies on the front that's about it and tonight we should really only just do a little bit of servicing nothing major at all and we can go to bed hoping that it's got a nice clear day tomorrow and get to get that four one hundreds back down the stretch he reckons he's topping 295k bathurst can be a desperately hard race within a few laps of the start cars are starting to fall out it's always been this way and it always will be it's the inherent nature of the long distance events a year's preparation for nothing the hurt is immense [Music] well a disaster in the pits it's uh it's a turbocharger problem by the looks of things and this is one of the teams that i certainly thought would be right up there all race long sofa and medecki both very evenly matched drivers both very quick and as you can see disaster there's hands all over the place and there's no boost with the car that's the problem uh so it isn't sympathize he's seen bathurst from both perspectives as a winner and a loser but he can't allow himself to visibly acknowledge his own vulnerability moffatt masks his feelings it couldn't happen to his car surely after 10 years of failing to make the winner's circle surely today he will escape the mechanical coming into the pits at carnage very moment in car number 20. shoestring team or big budget team it doesn't matter when the blow falls it can descend with savagery behalf of the massively funded holden special vehicles team is humiliatingly cast to one side the race is less than 10 laps old behind the mask moffat feels no joy at the holden team's predicament he knows many of the personnel he knows the disbelief they're feeling at this moment this is a brand new car oh they've dropped the car the nuts not on goodness me this is the car they air freighted from the uk some frantic work there one thing tom walkenshaw hates it's sloppy pit work he's gone out in 43.3 seconds [Music] and a quick start to the race for tomorrow oh the right-hand rear still foul that's happened when they've dropped the car not going anywhere dramas for tom walking shore we saw it all during our motorcraft pit report and what on earth has happened there so it goes as the field races on walkenshaw struggles up the hill in his crippled car the rear tyres are being ripped apart by the collapsed body the attempt to make it back to the pits was doomed the failure is totally horrifying the holden crew are shocked the walk back to the pits will be a long one for here's the scrap for second as tony longhurst makes a dive on the inside to the humping mountains as needsvets gives way to a hard-pressing longhurst in the benson and hedges car a sierra falls by the wayside on the climb up the mountain the cloud of smoke can only mean serious mechanical failure in the pits next door to the anz complex the highly rated nissan team is being cut down george fury is retiring with an overheating motor the other team car destroyed its gearbox on the start line this team finished second and third last year as rudy eggenberger dispassionately observes the aftermath of the nissan collapse a far greater thunderbolt is about to reverberate through the bathurst pits longhurst needs of it snapping at his heels goes past in the lead the johnson team's lead car is quitting the race in extraordinary circumstances halfway down conrad it's the number 17 carrots johnson at the wheel and john bow goes through looks over his shoulder can't imagine what's happened there must be a huge problem with the rear end of the car he's had a loser 260 kilometers an hour his pit was ready for him johnson has come close to oblivion had the car not stayed upright awesome forces generated by the tremendous speeds reached on the straight would have engulfed and utterly destroyed it if there's such a thing as luck in motor racing johnson has just used up his share his crew are devastated richard hey is our man in the sense listen to the changes johnson now you can see the rear tyre here he's flat he let go going down the straight and neil knew about the puncher he didn't know until we told him about the car going off down the straight the damage looks fairly light johnson though obviously not a happy man at the moment the face of a man who's teetered on the edge of utter disaster after dominating qualifying starting from the number one position and staying clear of the pressurizing needs of it at longhurst johnson has had the race torn from his grasp a personal bathurst jinx which has haunted him for years are struck again the midst of his fury prevents johnson from understanding that car 17 is mortally wounded it'll take a single desperately meaningless lap for the awful realization to assert itself it's back up off the jacks again the other thing is you can't have an engine running in a pit stop like that [Music] johnson wins the award i think for the fastest man out of the pits today it's a serious problem a few minutes later the anz crew watched the final death throws of the johnson car the mad wild geration down the strait has fatally damaged his driveline no quick repair can save it all that's left now is for johnson to accept the inevitable climb from the car and allow it to be slowly driven to the team garage at the back of the pits bathurst was only the bright red machine's second race certainly very bad it doesn't seem right dick johnson the desperately unhappy johnson is close to breaking point his frustration boils to the surface as he seeks the sanctuary of his pit we also have alan a few pits away another front runner the grice percy holden falls and as the battle for the lead rages between needsvitz and longhurst johnson explains what happened to his car not knowing that he will soon sustain another major setback and he clipped the corner going up under the hill there and threw a couple of stones out in the road and it's got a flat tyre and i was past the pit entry before i realized that it was actually flat and so i had to do a whole lap and it's with the vibration everything it's shaking everything face exhibits the strain of knowing that his car will play no further major role in this motor race as he ponders the consequences of an obscure electrical fault the third running number two johnson car gives up chasing the leaders and is retired by john bower on lap 26. two shell sierras hanging on the wall one to go three johnson sierra started the race it's less than a quarter distance and two have collapsed despite the simple fact that the team's apparent disintegration strengthens their own position the anz crew display no joy if anything they feel desperately sorry for a strong but fair opponent on lap 27 the dramatic struggle between the anz and benson and hedges sierras ends as needs of its forges into the lead longhurst has also had a brush with potential disaster the car's throttle jammed open twice making defense of a narrow lead dangerous and difficult it'll take two pit stops to fix the problem and the benson and hedges entry will be a lap adrift of needs of its and the leading sierra the gap seems unbridgeable but as practiced observers of this event continually point out bathurst is never over until the checkered flag falls [Music] no one knows that better than alan moffat he has a far greater number of bathurst kilometers under his belt than longhorst as he prepares for his driving stint he simply won't allow himself to dwell on the possibilities of a victory he retreats within himself thinking about just one thing driving is a lot of laps and driving them well [Music] just sitting in the pits waiting for it to happen requires a zeroing in a funneling a blanking out i already have my earplugs in got my helmet on i'm thinking about my first lap long before i get in the car the rest is somewhat automatic but can't be taken for granted i was very conscious of a good stop getting my belt done up which sometimes doesn't always happen waiting for the car to go down and getting rudy's signal to get on with it it seems an eternity when you're sitting there waiting for the fuel to go in before you're permitted to hit the starter motor what am i thinking about i've already got the view of the pit lane i'm really only thinking about not starting the car before i'm told to do so and given the okay by the pit manager [Music] and the race leader is in playoffs needs fits we take our motorcraft pit report hit by number one alan moffatt steps into the car oh it's busy down there now perkins in a driver change there as well robbie francidic in the 45 car is out back on the track look at this look at the front end of moffett's car we're getting a lot of smoke out of that front brake region there's larry perkins ready to come back the 45 car has already gone back out on the racetrack gee that was a a pretty busy uh motorcraft pit report in alan moffatt now in the number nine car 45 will rejoin the race second position the decision to put needs of it's in the car first has paid handsome dividends well he couldn't wish for a better entree to uh pit stop number one his boy has done very well klaus needs it the considerable mental strain of battle is etched on west german's face he's tired hot dehydrated and has shed considerable body weight yet he would do nothing else like moffat and hansford he lives for his racing a little bit down because it is very it is a very very hard work and it was very hard to follow dick johnson and the car of playing gardner but i had to be a little bit careful with the tires and in the end i was a little better than tony so i was in late and i hope we can lead the race until the end tony's in trouble i don't know he i passed him and immediately after me if i passed him when i passed him uh he had trouble something i don't know he came he made a pit stop maybe he was out of fuel [Music] something wrong in the engine we think he had a long stop the car is going well i have no problem at all everything works very good adding needs of its to moffett's attack on bathurst has been inspired tactical planning apart from being one of the world's top touring car drivers the west german is illustrating an ability to infiltrate the heart and soul of the anz team this man he did a very good job this week and he helped me to find the right setup to help to find computer management that's all together it's very important to be fast here and better well alan muffet said since rudy's arrival the car is just growing extra legs yeah it's like my body i feel it it's a part of my body one of the keys to winning here is compatibility of drivers and co-drivers no use having someone that can go like a cut cat who's hard on the car someone else who's super conservative and therefore never really gets the potential out of the car two good drivers with sympathy for their vehicle and respect for each other is one of the real factors necessary to pull off a victory here at bathurst during friday practice alan moffat and klaus needsvitz are given opportunities to demonstrate in quite different ways the enormous iron control possessed by professional racing car drivers as pressures mount drivers begin to probe the thin line that separates a very quick lap from utter disaster some step over it andrew mcdecki is unscathed time to post good qualifying times is now running out accelerator pedals are thrust to the floor and medecki is not the only driver to overstep the line if anyone was taking it easy on wednesday and thursday they're forced into the open today and some are caught out badly as the general tempo of practice increases alan moffat's long experience steers him past this carnage it's a heart stopping moment a half second the outcome might have been far different moffatt quickly heads for the pits he said nothing over the radio link there's no point in alarming the team potential disaster has been avoided the car is safe that's all that counts he gives a handling report to needsvitz who'll soon be setting out to try to take pole position from johnson maybe it's the way i'm not getting on the power soon enough but to me it's plowing a little bit and forest elbow other than that [Music] [Music] elbow as hansford prepares to get a few more laps under his belt moffat unwinds after his scare up on the mountain he makes a joke of the potentially disastrous incident now maybe that is faster than the average [Music] at the time of the back straight went straight ahead into the wall the other nissan car and a commodore they bloody smashed so i don't know how many are going to be left on sunday well you'll have to put it on here the back one's okay we got a hell of a fight i went around the corner and there they were two of them looking at each other no track yeah it was a nissan and some commodore they both did a 180 into each other and ricocheted and i just got over close to the wall and around you knew that i saw all my christmases coming at once i wasn't sure whether the impact of hitting them would have been worse than the kick in the bum i would have got from rudy how's it going great get a few extra left it's like getting a bit more useful then about 16 left so far the others you look pretty laid back all the time pretty confident yeah the car's great and just feels so much better to drive and it just [Music] take it easy watch out for the accident scenes up on the mountain enjoy yourself [Music] yes well we're getting to the point where that's now the race set up and we want to drive it as well as we can and see the time that comes out and i was pleased with that 21 7 popping up like that in in traffic that that augers well for sunday you feel good within yourself about the way it's going oh yes i'm just you know happy that now everything's running smoothly logistically the team's working extremely well and with rudy taking the responsibility the preparation my mind's now just drifting towards the race and i'll be a happier driver what about the car car is fine one one little aspect which is a facet we'll just have to put up with it's a compromise we can't just quite get it right on one corner but it's so good on the others that we're not we're not prepared to change it and how do you feel about these other guys along pit row have you divorced them from your mind at this stage or are you still aware that they're out there well we know that every time sunday they don't run the race just for us to run around we do have competition but i try not to think about them what we try to achieve is our 100 of our capabilities there's no use worrying about what 100 of somebody else's is hansford comes back in needs vitz now ready to take on johnson seeks a report on the condition of the track he's determined to stamp his authority on the time trials and grab the coveted pole position needs which is certain the anz car has the potential for a 216 dead johnson stopped the clocks at 216.46 earlier in the session needsvitz whose fastest time so far is the two 18.02 from thursday is psyching himself up to lop two seconds off that time two seconds doesn't sound much just an eye blink but at this level of competition it's a considerable obstacle and if he does it he'll have hurled a vital psychological blow at the johnson camp needs vitz is confident he can do it [Music] out he goes the timing looks just right the weather remains mild there aren't too many other cars on the track and with a bit of luck you'll get a clear run at the clock if he can pull it off the reverberations along pit row will be profound moffat confesses great admiration for needs bits to have him by reputation and after a half an hour with him on tuesday uh i was more than delighted he's a real gentleman very likable which is kind of nice to have when you're working with a stranger and tried extremely hard to australianize himself if you like he wasn't a big timer i liked him a lot from the very beginning when he got in the car and started doing the lap times that were so evident from the very first day of practice that light turned to respect in a hurry the plan of needs fits to grab pole position from johnson runs into trouble almost immediately within a few laps the sierra is back in the pits with a serious mechanical problem after a flawless week well it's an annoying setback to the moffat team quite suddenly the situation changes johnson's pole time now looks significantly more secure time is short and as the mechanics work furiously the watching moffett enhancement exude calmness what else can they do after the first hairpin i have to use the first gear i couldn't go out of out of first gear so it is finished now i hope we can repair the the gearbox and so i can try again you haven't got much time yeah we can get it in 20 minutes so i have 10 minutes time to to qualify to kai again how strong are they in the gearbox department has this happened to you before yeah once we have it but we use three times the first key on this track and maybe it is too much so we have to try only second in the race but for qualifying you need three four times the first gear what is your fastest snap so far my fastest app i did yesterday 18-0 and i hope i can go 16-5 or something like this and what's your fastest one so far today i did a 20-point i don't know 20.7 right yeah well we've got enough people we should should be able to do it and that'll just let him get back out there again i hope that's what happens it was very unfortunate it happened on his fast lap well it's unfortunate when it happens anytime if we have enough time to get back out and qualify that's what we really want all of them from moffat down are seething but they won't let their feelings out into the public arena needs vitz particularly appears calm and in control of his feelings but that glance at the watch reveals his anxiousness as the time to the end of qualifying slips by and the car remains marooned in the pits needs vince is aware that the other top runners are still hard at work [Music] johnson now looks very safe longhurst and the leading holden driver perkins are whittling away at their times johnson team member john bower appears to have secured second fastest time just over a second slower than his leader perkins can't match the speed of the sierras and his holden sparring partner alan grise is also off the pace the gearbox has been replaced in 24 minutes there's only a few minutes of qualifying left perhaps time for two laps [Music] out he goes but it's an almost impossible task perhaps a little anxious his rhythm affected needs vitz is unable to put down a scorcher with the two laps available to him [Music] the time is 2 18 3 slower than the day before the 2 second gap to johnson has been unbridgeable after all but needs which thinks he still could have done it [Music] okay it's possible as 16 is possible tomorrow well rather you than me thanks klaus are you happy with the car i'm very happy with this car because it is an uh eggenberger car and i have to say this team works very very good very professional and i hope we can finish that race under the first three everybody looks very relaxed yeah that's important to to relax to to work very very quiet if you have a lot of stress it's not so good that's for me the victims from the friday qualifying session are brought back to the track repair bay each of them will be resurrected in amazing overnight operations but only this car the second caltex entry will survive the one thousand kilometers of the race the medecki sierra and each of the other machines will all be race casualties one won't get a start because of poor qualifying times this is a despairing business for many of the crews months of work and tens of thousands of dollars have been virtually negated in the space of a few brutal seconds the nissan works team has been particularly hurt after solid practice times during the previous two days this is the car moffat nearly ran into coming off the mountain and we come down to the forest elbow and uh the guy on the commodore moved over to let janji through he didn't see me i was right behind now and uh he just turned straight into my door and drove into the passenger side door and forced it in the rock wall hit the right wall and turned around and spun and went into the other fence it didn't really hit that hard it's all it's done made it very inconvenient you should go back together yeah it's not like it's not leaking or it all still starts and does all those things mechanically it's good it's a lot of superficial damage how do you feel the lights burn late on friday night this extraordinary operation is probably unique in international motorsport technical teachers and dozens of their students fall upon the damaged vehicles with an incredible enthusiasm by daylight each of the cars will have been repaired to highly professional standards the paint might still be damp but the mechanical integrity of the machines is totally intact in 1986 the holdenbela team commodore which moffat crashed in practice at the top of the circuit was rebuilt in this facility overnight only to fail in the race moffat will be eternally thankful to these workers but sincerely hopes he never has to call upon their services again but as many team managers have freely admitted it's comforting to know that the repair apparatus exists [Music] at johnson definitely getting back in to the 18 car for the afternoon session yes we're covering uh both of these for you there's dick back at the wheel as neil said uh not too long ago there's still a long way to go and they're quite happy with the way their third car is running so they're still in this with a big chance running fourth at the moment the moffat car is about to come back out of the pits 37 seconds five seconds slower than the first stop but quick all the same moffett immediately reports a slight problem with the car but it's assured all as well when the maximum turbo came on about seven the clutch would start to slip trying to just change it about six five and gently put the gas on it wouldn't it would spin if you gave it the full throttle [Music] johnson fighting with bow to drag their third and sole surviving team car up through the field is stalled by starter failure it hardly seems possible the disbelief and frustration is all too obvious as moffat accompanied by hansford who's not due to take the wheel for another hour and a half heads for the anz team restroom he knows that victory tantalisingly is within their grasp the car is now over a lap clear of the second placed sierra of the benson and hedges team and there's no real sign that it's marshalling itself for an attack in the middle section of the race while this may be so any strong running car within several laps of the leader must be considered a potential threat for puncture fuel shortage electrical failure or crash anything at all can send this race tumbling down around any team moffett and his men hold no mortgage over that impossibly indefinable thing called luck they can be struck down as readily as anyone else along peter [Music] with the halfway point now passed it's been a long time since moffat's been in such a position at bathurst he doesn't believe they have the race by the scruff of the net just yet but they're close and it's crucial the team members keep their [Music] thing is when you go heads for the engine you just you go out slowly and you put her in a second don't river up high when you go out the pit lane i'd say you can almost even be in second gear by the time you get to the end of the pits in second gear and then just up the back straight you don't have to jam it and don't take her up to seven just take her up to six change her into third apparently something about the water when it's sitting there at all bloody quiet so the first lap you just it kind of bubbles itself up again by the time you go up mountain street but definitely first at the cutting still gunned it out of the cutting second third exactly and as soon as we got up to the top of mktillardy i pull her in the fourth there she glides through there nicely and forward just seems to be happy before he's using third gear all the way yeah well that's you know absolutely pointless the car is just sitting there nicely and forth over over the crest and fourth through the red car was like an old lady through there just pulled third over the skyline quickly in the second second through the dip sometimes i went up to third down to forest level but if you want to give yourself any luxury leave it in second there and i never even thought of using first aid forest elbow and then i wasn't using first down here either just second oh yeah at lap 71 the pace car comes out for the second time to allow the recovery of stalled vehicles from around the circuit this gives team managers time to do a few sums and reflect on whether they feel their car will have any part to play in the last minute dramas which always afflict bathurst really could have been we broke a throttle spring over the top of the mountain you've got 500 horsepower shoving you're down into the asses it's probably a good quick way to turn the car into a monument so having survived that one we're reasonably fortunate to be out there in second place well how much time did you lose over that incident we didn't lose that much time but we battled out back onto the circuit just as a course car came out and of course that puts behind the lap because you have to queue up behind that lock you just miss the cut so there you lose one lap so it's we've torched it all [Music] [Music] racing resumes on lap 77 each lap will now pass with agonizing slowness the next goal is to pass the 100 mark then and only then will moffat entertain the thought that the car might make it there is still a long way to go [Music] the time for the patient hansford to go into the car is now close for nearly a hundred laps he has watched the car pass the pits with the regularity of a swiss watch its lap times have hardly varied he's watched the execution of two smooth and efficient pit stops he's listened to moffat explain how well the car is handling the circuit greg hansford is about to have an awesome responsibility thrust upon him he must bring the car home fresh and capable of surviving the final session to the checkered flag in it comes and there we have flowers needs bits stepping out of the number nine anz sierra the word we had was that greg hansford would step in looks like they're doing a pad change those brakes have been problematic on most of the sierras here this afternoon yeah it'll be nice to see greg hansford go around he's gone around here in recent years with moth before that of course uh very fast on motorbikes except yeah seeing him up here in 1974 the easter meeting most exciting motor racing i've ever seen and he's pretty good on four wheels as well it's greg hansford it's klaus he's done everything that was asked of him today rudy eggenberger has done the same had changed one of the eigenberger teamsters in here and ready to put the wheel back on they're already holding a two lap break over tony longhurst in 25 so they can afford the luxury of an extended pit stop to make sure everything is just super smooth for the run to the flag [Music] it's that's if the car starts yes it has so greg hansford finally gets a chance it's been another good stop driver change full load of fuel fresh set of tyres and a scheduled brake pad change all in one minute 15 seconds all the car has to do now is hold together surely with a hundred laps down it'll last out the rest of the distance needs fits is certain the car will bring them home to a victory okay [Music] klaus uh your job is finished no i don't believe that because uh maybe i have to drive to the last end uh but i'm not sure so we have to decide after the stint of uh greg now how was the car that time they say the clutch was slipping a little no the clutch works very good but i had still a little bit problem with the brakes because it needs very much brakes on this circuit here so we changed the front to the pads yeah that's all right the car was going very well everything was good the tires are very very good and the engine is good so we don't have any problems plenty of room now but about two o'clock in the afternoon when that big board says it's your car out there in the lead and you've just passed the hundred lap mark people start to sense where the winner is ten deep more and more of our own staff get closer and closer the pressure starts to really gnaw at you with the fantastic vision we have the monitor showing the car going all the way around the circuit we're able to live every ounce the track a sniff of smoke any unusual line start to worry you choose your co-drivers based on their abilities and the faith you have in them but that doesn't stop the gnawing that starts to work at your stomach knowing that you can possibly pull this off [Music] 221 826 222 876 the seeds of the belief of alan moffat and his sierra team that they could win this race were sewn on saturday morning after the friday gearbox failure which effectively prevented klaus needsvitz from mounting a full-scale attack on pole position the anz car dominates the special top gun runs against the clock 12 drivers spurred on by a rich purse are allowed a single flying lap needs its fully exploits the opportunity to score a psychological advantage over the other drivers the top gun cars are essentially in race trim johnson the fastest qualifier is equally determined to be judge top gun and the runoff between these two super skilled sportsmen is awaited with considerable interest [Music] of other drivers times by radio but none of them especially the west germany is under any doubts that the man they'll have to beat is johnson very quick here on thursday but expect a quick time for the class this is one man who had his heart set on one thing last year and that was winning the top 10 run-off we take race cam from clouds needs of its anz he comes out of bp cutting and heads to the top of the mountain really works the car hard but ever so smooth [Music] as you can see [Music] coming down towards skyline just stay away from those uh ripple strips across the top there they're more like boulders you clip one of those and it can be disastrous as several people have already found out that needs vics is smarter than that [Music] great race cam picks there as he heads down to forest elbow white exit there and is he going quick or what a second faster on the split time at forest alba well i'd say klaus might be lining up here for a fairly sizable chunk of the 40 000 prize money he's looking good check it flag time for clowns needs bits in the anz sierra across the line on a quick time the anz sierra team is delighted with the race trim time of 218.246 both johnson and longo must realize it will take a first-class performance to put down the west german driver [Music] so far the fastest man at 218 was it a good lap for you no it was not a perfect lap i missed one time to gear so i last maybe one second and okay i have to accept does this feel like a race winning car to you yeah it's like it's a real race car and i'm happy to be here in australia and i'm happy to be under the first top 10. as bao leaves the pits moffat is among the first to congratulate needsvitz as he steps from the sierras oh they get good [Music] [Music] i wasn't through the dipper did you find it really bite you in the dipper i thought i saw you grab another gear in the diverter let's go in the first kill oh hell because in qualifying sure why not john cena goes out needs of it settles in front of a monitor to watch his rival's lap he's confident that his time will be hard to beat johnson fails by a full second the belated victory is sweet the prize is welcome but pole position would have been better you must be very happy yeah i'm very happy to be in this car which really eigenberger built and i'm happy to do this time it was a little bit slippery the circuit this morning but i'm the fastest one so i'm happy you were quietly confident ellen well i know the tremendous effort that rudy puts into the technology that's in the car it's just mind-blowing we this car if you put wings on it would be a candidate at cape canaveral and klaus has done just such a super job behind the wheel we're just now waiting to do our preparations this afternoon and prepare the car to win the race what about you rudy you must be happy too yeah very happy what about uh putting johnson that second behind though that must be of psychological value to you uh i thought he was sometimes a little bit over um the reason maybe it's still slippery and so he was a little bit slower than me i'm happy you go along with the psychological barrier situation ellen oh certainly and i think it brings the time that the official time that was recorded on friday after the top gun victory the team concentrates on preparing the car for the race the major task is inserting a new engine there's nothing wrong with a practice engine but after the stresses and strains of the past few days it would be too big a risk to leave it in the car the team will run a few laps during the afternoon to check that all as well moffat is determined that his crew will not have a late night on the eve of the race whilst many other teams will struggle with various problems into the daylight hours the anz sierra will be put to bed early moffat has too many memories of his own days as a struggling young motor racer of low budgets second-rate accommodation windy garages end of being desperately tired by many late nights not anymore by half past nine only the man at his car are left it's a moment that needs few words it's been a long time since alan moffat won bathurst he feels that he will go close tomorrow feels before the 1988 bathurst 1000 has ended this man's pride and belief in himself will have been seriously stretched to breaking point his innermost most private emotions would have been exposed to a massive audience his soul will have been stripped bare but how could he know that now [Music] i haven't had too much enjoyment up here for the last 10 years it has been 10 years since we last won is it yes that's a nice tenth yeah birthday present for you the kick on right yeah that's terrific but the car is going so beautifully love it sounds beautiful it has got a nice thing oh lovely i mean we were up in caltex watching on the corner there and when you came around the corner your driver with the race now in its closing stages the pace car comes out again with the dramatic slowing of the cars and the serious disturbance to their systems perhaps this is where the reasons for the last great shock of this race may lie moffatt and the members of the anz sierra team will probably ponder the question for as long as they ask themselves anything at all about motorsport moffat talks on national television of his hopes and fears about the outcome of the race scheduled pit stops i was very pleased to see the front pads changed in a hurry because i had been giving the brakes plenty when i was out there and there's nothing worse than handing a car over to someone and knowing that a little bit funny i've been around here with no breaks with the last 20 laps to go and i know what the feeling is how nerve-racking is it at this sort of situation like you you've got to watch the car and just it should stay together but there's always that niggling doubt well it's better off being here and i can let greg do the worrying you do tend to start hearing things that you shouldn't be hearing you're not going 99 you're using a bit of cautious caution which is using a bit of common sense and just nursing the car around that gives you a chance to hear a few things that you don't normally have the the ability to pick up on uh but we've got such a fabulously prepared car that i really think uh bar there seems to be so many accidents as long as we stay out of someone else's catastrophe uh we should have a good chance of coming home as the weightful resumption of racing stretches agonizingly the nerve ends start to stand out and the strain so carefully under control for so long shows on faces the tension is unbearable finally the signal comes that the track is clear back to racing getting stuart car number 44 the celtics car there's tony longhurst tucked in behind i think it's greek handsome yeah it's got that sort of break hanson look about it it is hansman in the middle of it and uh then the harvey bartlett commodore number 12 in this diminished field with john harvey at the wheel having repaired their broken rocker stud from a few laps back look at the ground of tony longhurst car as he makes his way up mountain straight and goes comfortably by you going to go the last stint i'm looking forward to it but we just watched the pattern here over about the next 10 laps and decide whether i want to go the whole uh 30 klaus might be wiser for us to put him in there and do sort of 15 or 20 and just make sure that we've well and truly broken the back of the opposition uh with the way the pace cars are allowing the field to bounce up we're only just sitting uh with admittedly a lap but uh any unforeseen problem and then we're we've got perkins difficulties uh lying in weight there behind longhorn so we're not a lay down missouri yet how do you think you'll feel during that last stint well i'll be trying very hard to keep my mind on my job i won't allow myself to have any feelings [Music] the end is now in sight soon the car will have led for 100 laps and it would be extraordinary if it would have failed beyond that point the anz sierra team has not put a foot wrong it's run a careful race a conservative race the win is there it's so close the team members can almost visualize the last lap board and the checkered flag a little over 30 laps an hour and victory at bathurst will belong to them [Music] was there a point where alan moffat actually began to think that he mightn't win this race where he could no longer imagine the crowd beneath the victory podium where he could no longer hear the cheers when he couldn't taste it and smell it when the feel the sense of what it would be like to win at bathurst after so long began to slowly slip away to be replaced by a nagging certainty that something was wrong [Music] [Music] i had a premonition sitting here sunday afternoon waiting for that last session to arrive when i say last session i mean last segment greg was in the car we only had uh just on 30 laps to go i didn't know what it was but i was nervous [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] a year it might life [Music] stupidest he's called one of these boys he's been in there for just over a minute now so this is a problem yeah they got drama so tony longhurst must have must be about coming off the mountain now john brady in the pits what's happening down there yes they're working on the spark plugs at the moment they've got those pools pouring out one side of the uh the pressure you're talking about then pressuring it in just why the car is not starting is a good question at the moment but uh we've heard sneeze which did not look happy at the moment in the second he tried to fire it up you just saw a look of exasperation on his face that looks very much like a cylinder head gasket and long earth has gone [Music] the first time [Music] very easy well imagine al you've just seen a slip away you know he's one of four times he's looking at five [Music] oh [Music] got to be philosophical about these things exactly 2 minutes 45 in the pits and carnival 10 goes to position 2 in the race although i think it's some laps down but unless still good for hold at the moment well the number 9 car has actually led for 99 [Music] laps [Music] anyway here we go try it again [Music] there's plenty of germanic technology there amongst all those guys i think rudy has waved it away so car is kaput yeah the team i'm too happy about it [Music] i love the people that i work with and i was so proud to have rudy and klaus with us this year it wasn't that we had an overkill situation and aha we'll get you this time chapped it was the best possible combination to to fight this mountain with because that's what we're fighting when you operate at our level without sounding snobbish or offhanded we hardly think of the other teams they've got their own problems our fight is with the car to make it as fast as possible and to get it home we didn't do that this year but we'll sure be back again to try again he's the grand marshal for this year's race the champagne is spraying the proud of it it's a great scene tony longhurst and frank gartner have worked so many years for a big race victory and they've pulled it off here this afternoon and what an exciting time for young thomas mizera the former australian formula ford champion who's been to europe to get experience the last couple of seasons to come back here and share in such a tremendous victory we're going to get the drivers in here tony longhurst come on [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] cel communications and entertainment limited
Channel: Cal Brabham
Views: 26,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bathurst, bathurst 1000, supercars, v8 supercars, group a, touring cars, vasc, v8sc, atcc, allan moffat, moffat, peter brock, brock, mark skaife, skaife, Klaus Niedzwiedz, Niedzwiedz, Gregg Hansford, Hansford, 1988, wtcc, australian touring car championship, ford, sierra, Eggenberger
Id: uyFUxwucJyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 28sec (6148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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