Modular Distance Learning: A Key in Developing Learners' Autonomy

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you you you you you you you you you you you you you hi good afternoon so there we are live now Thank You Vibol for inviting me to be one of you your resource persons for your series of webinars Thank You Sachi my former student a national university who is with v-ball already and he was the one who invited me to be one of the resource persons in the series of webinars given by everyone so good afternoon I'm so happy to be here - viitala was a room comience a bahai because i know that we are like in a classroom a big classroom and it's sort of a reunion for all my my students I have so many students watching right now suit former students from De La Salle University National University Olivares College and probably some former students of mine so you padilha man so hello good afternoon and welcome to all the teachers also and my first time students que siempre la que o is to John Tacoma yo and so Morganton happens in your lahat and I you know I really hope there are parents watching also this afternoon because much of what I will be sharing are actually targeted to parents and of course teachers also has a partner Simon biue so hello also to the I know there are teachers tuning in this afternoon from sherry Gow hello mom Jade good afternoon and my my students were teachers already Rance who else arch Indian I think Hannah Jethro so if and ami colombina piada anyway thank you very much miss kia will be assisting me miss kia is with v-ball so i'm going to start with my talk let's make this a sharing let's do this like you know discussion a gossip a oh it's just that's a screen do you see me I don't see you you see at the only heat up the part now I don't see you I'll just make my you know imagination soar high and beating upon the land you re an engine failure but Pelican among men's nko it's just that I don't see you hmm teacher Claudette won't use PowerPoint however I have my my visuals with me so if I do that can you can you see it yeah so to my audience MacGuffin lashes up on a teacher Claude you do a screenshot right away okay so this is my my topic and Lolly geek was a screen mode you Larry distance learning a key in developing learners autonomy this was not my original puppy but the topic that I chose Sabina miski somebody chose that already the low anilinium metadata and I chose this I really would like to share on this topic because it says here the distance learning that we're going to do now through modules it's a key in developing learners autonomy when auto as you all know itself so if we are targeting to develop our students the autonomy of our students it means that we envision them to be self propelling to be independent but it doesn't mean the app abaya annalen not insula the the parents were watching right now it doesn't mean that if we want to develop their economy we won't do anything Lonnegan alum not until I saw her up in screen provide them with a gadget provide them with a strong Wi-Fi connection and that's it no now more than ever parents or families are partners of schools parents and families are partners of teachers Oh a lotta young competition Vito hey so I will stress on that later the partnership between school and home between teachers and parents or families mr. Berg and epic families the Cindy liniment parents it's all the people in the household the hominin student s amadito sateen journey non-modular distance learning alright so before that I would like to I would like you to read this so my topic will be talking about developing responsibility knowing about the interests of each learner and developing initiative you in Dina silicate Langan you know it to loperamide era of course in vito overnight alright but these are the three things that we would like to nurture in our learners for them to be self propelling for them to be independent later on but again I would have to say this will this this won't take place overnight there is no magic here a and you know I would always say this during seminars teachers are not magicians so LMU is Sangam in Misco when i give seminars i can see you and i can hear you I bet don't see now because teachers are not magicians see guru Mathai me summon a new node be a magician magician sorry okay we are not we are teachers all right and they are learners and this is Kanagawa napping toy Lemieux ba de escena between D to waiting overnight at all we're now doing modular distance learning some schools are doing distance education or online classes some families opted for homeschooling in partnership with schools that are homeschool providers by an overrun by mignon this is the what is this this is the new normal i underlined the word new well nobody is an expert not because we ball toss me to be one of the resource persons this afternoon LM gonna younger doin know nobody in is an expert here this is the new normal lahat bio bag woody Turner so is this is this challenging what we're doing now here is the trick claude showing you the visual aids I'm facing my I'm facing my phone the screen of my phone not seeing you well I know that miss Kia is there she will be assisting me but I don't even see his ski I just steer picture I need a paw this is new this is something that's that's challenging hey is it hard yes when will school open August our NASA I think that and announced that for public schools it's going to be somewhere middle or last week of August with private schools that are varied dates so I'm not really sure but the thing is coupon that is a battlefield nanga parbat go that's why we are being trained now I'm I'm your speaker this afternoon but I also attend many webinars because I want to learn and as I would always tell my students or future teachers learning never stops poor guy you know we don't sit on our laurels now okay now graduate Naju alum kuhnian who's that was a masters a page in jet era no learning never stops so a telepathy only on delegates a guru is some of us nobility and elegantly Dogma to toe because of this quarantine because of this pandemic we really don't know how long will this last now a long markup examine so yeah it's it's challenging it's hard and lemme know my arrabiata hurry up honey some phone I mean dick okay you Nike Thomas began to tell Agana ahead of pre my students school I wonder with the teachers now the teachers who will be because there are different approaches right now those who will be doing modules for their students wow that's really challenging I remember so many years ago saguru mana 22 years ago when I was still teaching and you padilha man I was part of a team who was a team was trained for distance education you want to stifle and on an Open University when you pee and we were not even talking about Anila making a modules PowerPoint etc it was really like a correspondence type nothing to ruin khmer how to write down our thoughts how to write down it's as if we we are talking or conversing with our students or student one-on-one tapas pair own a cameo in written form pc correspondence shy you know male through snail mail back and forth back and forth in your 22 23 years ago you Nana and so now we are here on line with in Milan like an essential need the not only on you a Wi-Fi connection if not we we won't be doing this online thing this afternoon so here we are Papa's lap Ascona path this is going to be a long journey you know I'm really happy to to find out madam is acting among former students and mecha registered because our series of webinars pardon me if I am from time to time finding myself ah it's really warm here I can't make the fan face me because you will hear it okay it's going to be noisy Sabina a comedy will also hear you finding yourself it's okay from time to time lambda Monday my do now is a teach a class that just kidding okay so the way you have to prepare yourself it's going to be a long journey so sinabi gonna to to our corner even before I saw the poster of Ebola some of my students already tagged me a banila teacher Claud you will be the speaker tomorrow gossip Allah they have been attending the series of webinars of Bible a lantern and start NASA guru Miguel nano and they have been attending this guy una Neil and Nikita young young poster pardon me I'm wiping my face okay so so as part of your journey this afternoon a on or let young journey all right let's do this how are we going to help our learners both Anitha teachers you are listening right now and there are also parents listening right now how are we going to help them how are we going to ride with them in this journey at oh my goose happen at them they only have one game first of all I would like to remind everyone hey while I'm wiping my face take a screenshot of this what does it say it says homeschool partnership let me pause for a while and I would like you to absorb that homeschool partnership know will help a young pandemic Nam Hualapai you quarantine I would give a parenting seminar it's usually beginning of the school year I still do it now many schools since a month and a half ago many schools have been asking me to do webinars for them to to you know to educate the parents with what is going on right now they cannot be in school their children cannot be in school physically so kailani or again it's uh it's like re-educating it's educating the parents and parents should not you know take this personally but actually that part thanks will die oh dear parents hi-de-ho as a parent because for the sake of our children for the best interest of our kids just do nothing MA to tow right so again going back to this homeschool partnership we are partners I'm now talking to both teachers and parents well I'm gonna detour well this is not a contest in the other competition why do I have to share this with you because even before the quarantine or the pandemic the only logically share is a seminar there are some teachers Saburo I'll include myself especially when I was younger now nothing ether focus a is when I teach young children by the way I'm an early childhood educator sobrang any DeLuna lankan along maha guru that everything we say everything we do not give a guy a meal a senior salute Diller Marin Pinnock oh isn't classic rock went to janaina the hills he knew salute bang Banga bata and seen as a benign teacher one times have been on isn't that deep on path of miss classroom binnu pneumonia course a being a teacher Claude where the Hmong Serbia Nakamura and I'm a beggar Beecher so India seen a big mud bog appear and seen a people under the student go I'm sure it be not vanish on a on our because become a potato for Khalid Ansari cooling zhehan Jana Alamo and gentlemen bottom oh and on foggy foggy borough in the kunafa kita kc own bangs youngin batana ulong Willa was in having a burger pizza that afternoon no dismissal time sir VDS opinion Papa by Dan wound upon banwen a time barbero bah go away hey you see madam barbershop dance anyway AUP shopping center in Winona Union you P shopping center so and are we going back to the partnership loggy nothing the really make teachers are the second parents so I'm addressing it's addressing this to the teachers teachers we should know our place we are the second parents not first nano man's appearance of Han parents you are the first teachers dear Anna Keeton Gandiva the the teachers are actually the second parents little pug getting dementia bhai the parents are the first teachers why am i sharing this with you because as a teacher of many many years now already cake but I'm in tirana I'm lugging seen as a banana bag oolong teacher Claude Jenny on a knocko Hana enroll quinesha la luna new bata Pahang teacher on Bhagu Bhagu villain conan bajalia canyon also on expectation go a teacher by march a new nana na but boggling nian magma son but Magelang may answer some math you know add subtract everything divided by the fraction Papa gave me to d'Artagnan undone in dapper and only action a teacher clone you know being a young teacher back then and knew and Mesaba : I guess that'd be a yes mommy and then when I enter the faculty room asabi go grab a pot to get going now how will I make this possible Casey degan on your name now I want to say something that I would always say so parents this is not to know to hurt you but this is true considering you neram the man could be Lance and Goro the school by anumana laguna nothing is heaping on pandemic at home homeschooling required in the school is a school it is not an auto mechanic shop my an opium auto mechanic shop parent ganito uh Ziggy one income anywhere you wanna go young coach iqua and oka see that mean see that telling Kabbalah can go into this okay man Oh Malini stream Gannon Gannon in people bath many times Perrin ganyan well you may you you may not admit it but that's how I feel as a teacher viola an agenda Church Lord and many times I get shocked when cami babble econ teacher but naumann give me to that in a man mission excess have been engaging mana words do you know Caitlyn Chandigarh ammunition Sabina unique IIM words now reminder I'm not I'm not saying that Milan responsabilidad and school but you know doll away and gained a partnership a along auras school belong orizaba hi and now I read it all I really really wish miss Kia but I mean the no no Auden no parents Callicoon a man so mad I mean teachers who are watching right now Muhammad Ghulam dims Ilana but they really hope maraming parents than an annoyed me on you play a very big responsibility now cuz it'll happen orison Jennison a on whether the child whether your child will do a homeschooling program an online class or a modular program when Janice and I own sabaha sew it on a menu aking Sesa begin now a teacher she also you play a very important role whether you will do online classes whether you are whether you are doing modular make it don't be the goose happen at the nyan you play a very important role some modular pop on you and make sure that whatever you put there has your personal touch to see the one thing that we want to continue hindi physically netiquette and happy new mama batta it's the connection that is the one thing that really really breaks my heart as a teacher I am a man Iommi acme teacher Claude okay Annie because IB am Kezia it's so different Neera teachers it's so different now I hope I know one very very affectionate on a teacher now my my students know that my students who are watching right now they know that whether I face a preschooler or a college student or a graduate student connection is so important you connect with your students in deep waiting you just teach you enter your room blah blah blah blah unknown as a lesson plan to row to row implement or top was beginning evaluation test and then that's the end but Greenman Bell assembly in a green Hanuman young believer but Glickman Bell Casey hold on the to Torian a la pasta tomorrow the next day or the next week funny bagging concept money bag on topic say my schedule nahin hai ball no it's not it doesn't work that way we have lost connection we connect with our students those who have been my students and those parents were to Dean right now but you've been hearing teacher Claude speak in seminars you know about you know when I say deal with the whole student you have to deal with the whole person the whole child it means all the domains working together the physical domain okay basha well developed by Malik Sheamus Ziggler will annemun Bank socket the in in DES how about the language domain she understands you yes okay in Amman hearing you know as teachers we're going towards inclusion already we have to be inclusive so okay dementia you canyon level of comprehension in bussiness aviemore okay in amman or baja young teachers a little and inshallah tahini Palacio Noah and Ibaka and because he did not understand what you were saying Malian iguana and the Hilma camel a UNAM next alumni Nathan and next scenario Napa Gallatin have we checked on that guess again onion teacher say we have to be holistic now the important domain how about the social-emotional domain two domains rolled into one so shall you all know that this is just like a review already so shall the student in relation to other people student to teacher student to classmates boost annemun poor you my students not him now Sibella gallo or Casilla nakaka nickname abuti del valle and among gve sigma problema are they okay well acelin problema with their classmates no bullies around I'm not talking about the present situation I'm talking about the young women giggling and happening in a classroom scenario because I'm talking about treating the student holistically Lulla nomination have we checked will a dimension in Egypt now personal challenges or struggles probably back home this cuts across levels hitting a preschool on how walk your grade schooler probably high school it cuts across levels when you deal with a student in a holistic manner rather than Melaka the sonic duo a whole I pushed a young time booster in your pocket or open Bosma Baba's at SC capability is that it no it does not work that way we are teachers so I do nothing to convert them here and when we make the module we have to put our personal touch on the modules this afternoon I'm not here to talk about how to create modules but - these are advices or at least guide they say being an independent learner you acting topic but it has something to do with that we have to put our personal touch when we do modules that put me part Dorner parent conversational who must stay in within young learner and I really don't know how to make this possible because you know families are saying actually kannababu module on and maraming - schools because of a lack of gadgets salmon salmon op Emilia and a salmon are bhai bhai households but for me communication is still important aside from module intelligent communication kamusta Han the teacher getting to know his or her students dilator a journey survey survey tae-yong in Adelita I include myself upon onething ago in a union gravia no I will really really miss I will miss the the times when my little students my preschoolers would come up to me and you know would say a teacher God and vanilla the preschooler is especially the workman can dong they sit on my lap I can't do that now yahwea okay I can't do that now with my students in the big big school the college students you know I talked with him before our before our actual lesson before and after and if they need anything I mean by anything mana Anoa advice SD Indian when you need anything you know like bow yeah but when they need anything they know where to reach me the school they know where the consultation room is they go they're not strict Lord can I talk to you well I can't do that now we cannot do that now saguru p.m. p.m. I always tell them I'm a p.m. away I'm a tax away alright so because of that you have to do this okay both our parents and teachers take a screenshot please please you have to be kinder to your student to the parents of your students parents you have to be kind to the teachers making the module you have to be kind to your child your children in the nominally and Makua right away okay we have to be more understanding of each other parents becoming a comely dunes a modul Nagina wah you can you can say it in a nice way you know Wendy can Magritte out my text probably email more violently malli podi taupe Aaron seguro bonito my pipe or main a miss the line we have to be more understanding you know Balilla ha I tell that to myself also because many many many times I lack understanding and we're having best as you grow but i but i turn into a tiger you get on but really we have to be more understanding and this is the time now more than ever we have to be more flexible be flexible nothing is wrong because you're through the years though paramachaitanya making structures I hope I'm making firm now in the I'm not saying mugging lenient though being flexible it means that you can adjust you know it can be more patient so we learn how to be flexible the Milan among ok Sardinia name dear teachers and parents who are listening right now and even myself during this time of the pandemic we are not okay well haha no no but are you almost three months now two and a half months almost three months so when we when we see each other via online is a scream like a smile the one and the mission is at ISA we do a zoom get-togethers but really nobody is okay and that's why we have to do this semana Safari was a La Sapienza teacher Samaha estudiante and you thinking like next line or take a screenshot this is so important we all have to be willing to learn there's the pandemic nobody can go to school pero me mama para Andy Barr me man learning has to go on so I'm not doing that then we cannot because he not in wedding in the hilum nerves you know marami ahuna baba summer ami ahuna Papa knows if can I go a new number on modules for those who don't have gadgets and I mean hearing error modules in some private schools we're doing we have to be willing to learn another thing then I really need corners have been in Mohammed gullet Rahul and in wha-ho I have two kids they're grown now Billy Stella got empanadas I'm trying to imagine look back upon upon many are eaten pandemic when they were younger grab a knock iine mama mama Claudette uh my eldest is twenty years old Diana epic you know one on para an right modules no junior man I mean young well as he know what to do William William time para Maduro trabajo me chambray Ellen and I mean Maga no cometa or Cinnabon in day we we all need to to earn make the no hunting backtracking for normal a perform quarantine at you at home on a distance learning or maja modular approach in diba parents are also supposed to help their children at home homework assignments and in dealing urine Mele bundu one bucket in a house of combinati salah satu Inga Johannes 11 homework assignment me but it'll having meaningful conversations like that but me eraser about what household mother but you in a discussion about assignments and homework but the Lina lon relevant we can relate cuz a a logical you gonna go sub sub bhai they I mean some kind you you know working on their assignments or homeworks Mahela cuz if they like it will happen and goose up no really no I'm not bad Petri Claude is not trying to be my album but I also hear this from parents sure Claude Mira BC will not elegant I'm they even before the pandemic that potala I totally will on you rolling with my own a the only difference is that you will actually be seeing them 24 by 7 Kasim being a seal up open does a school physically okay so I know pioneer in Eco mode you learn in here and sorry belong well I'm in Depot in deep oh please dear parents if you're listening right now if you're tuned into this webinar please for well don't don't give that reason you see in deep wedding mugging had Longin trabajo say auras so we're not different so come back gonna bug Winnetka pandemic after input on acting in the encourage someone her parents to really have time to connect with their kids so department gentle my own support Deena man Hindi selahattin auras motto - who Angela young Sakai alum in your do nomine in baqara' we can ask help that but policy no left Lillian detour there is nothing wrong in asking for help like a corner I'm not I'm not a math person so but Google do one in my kids gone and math they never ask help from me because they know mommy is not a math person and I'm just grateful now Magilla some math no they they do it or sometimes I write the teacher in a please for he helped no monk is it in people imp in the onion problem okay so clear tired Ito ha so partnership and being kind understanding and willing to learn now do you remember this person you see his name on the screen so big okay owner really make better I wish how I wish I came here you know you guys I mean you wow see love or see knows he live Vygotsky singing attribute I or who is Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky Lev is a constructivist Issus a Samana constructivists now known a few wrists and fury Neela you construct on what is already there you build on what is already there so that's how also we nurture young Pegeen eponymous are independent bang Banga Banga Banga learners you have to know first I knew you alhamdulillah so the sea guru it would also help now the teacher is doing the modules it would also help now maiena wound up at an entry-level assessment Parimal Amanda who lb alum non-bang mana but didn't didn't you mama parents I let me know I know alumni among a kids Nuno and if you have more than one let's say you have two or three children you work with them get to know them I love you Bannon best assess or I am Magoo lon yes it's not the teachers not the deathbeds the best the best Assessors of children are actually their parents Thomas of course technically Kalon and I've been on too long Lang mana guru hana their pets are the developmental pediatricians to you I see are you but gulong you see if I you know go salmon and mana kids in and then of course while we're doing that while we are observing assessing our children working with them guiding them let us do away with a negative comparison because in a while well not in comparison if we can help but compare our kids we dwell on the positive things because for sure making Yesenia Yanomami strengths okay now let Vygotsky is a constructivist and he is famous for this ok take a screenshot you see here zpd mko and scaffolding some aa teacher son and a kicking agree on you know this or bonatelli important in your so review tired and want a zpd that the parents listen well and i hope you have your pens and notebooks zpd the zone of proximal development this is important ah and I'm so thankfully you q is it back it's okay as I really can you press the I cannot read that the host has asked you to start your video okay okay all right I'm sorry I'm back I don't know if okay I'm sorry in a guru on an incoming call a shocking phone can you steal I am in am I in again miss Kia sorry okay the destructor teacher Claude Donna I anaphase and then generally haha all right sorry I'm a maple magazine a call anyway we declined it zpd is zone of proximal development it's that area of learning where the student can actually do it the student can grasp it a zpd it's the area of learning where the student can do it or the student can comprehend Congrats fit with the hell of an empty Oh Petric not an opium mko more knowledgeable other Keanu say total angle alone would be mejor que se nos on Yoona mko hindi mugdha sama and mko and the student more knowledgeable other the teachers apparent can be an mko more knowledgeable other Sudan the higher level can be an mko more knowledgeable other ninja or a truth or an elder sibling within a pita or a Tito this is important Casey sabina levy got ski young zone of proximal development it's an area of learning where the student can actually grasp it with the hell important there with the help or the aid of an MPO of a more knowledgeable other ibig sabihin kyon yeah Payan I'm gonna guru in apakah importante guru McCool on to tour sama-sama tidy tota young M key O so it means the melding area soon Dan Lang not a matte but gamma Tristano d to the zone of proximal development Vito this is the area and a kyon kyon and beta cap will an MPO master in yen okay you follow you get Peppa and then bee tuna Monza area natto after young area now no need to tell you I sell a busting zone of proximal development na kahit a new tunic panty mko ahead and um - Ronnie MTO Alice on cinnamon gabay hindi mahu han and learner why be so Babu dude this is the zone of proximal development we work on this metal to our corner and a guru - and Lev Vygotsky to explain this to us you know why does he come in day cameraman a scenario tires a statutory al about me I am guilty of that Donna Karan oh c'mon I am no you know me popping in the mononym an alarm Cassini Nutella Katya KCU in the era in your yoga zumba to to nanny at that time is already beyond his zpb so goodand in Kenya Canyon speed yamuna bata okay so thank you left we got ski and the third one is also known for this staff holding scaffold you know when we uh when we see a house or a structure being built in the intervention overnight men in Geneva in una Moneda Mahaska phone and then and then when it's already there you take away the scaffolds so that's how we also deal with a learner baby steps baby steps we use a peony on telegin begin creative and Menaka guru and separa Juanito especially those who will be coming up with modules how will we come up with scaffolds carry on tap on your creativity can see known as a classroom Dayanand marami tying in a gamete the scaffolds right we have our visual aids we have our posters Marron back i am on a puppet puppet Marin patent pop up we asked them to watch my short video clips film clips of all these things might have to be altered or modified we are me to say I think in Agawam and my own new modules are the modular system the modular approach so yeah thank you lev vygotsky's thanks for that and then remember that we are developing economies acting learners satting students at in manana hindi naman JRE and again we also have to we have to deal with their motivation young Canela interest so there are two Allen D - you must mini begin attend and can you see it take a screenshot okay I put there extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation wait why do we have to motivate them course diba andy samberg I focused on gusto gusto telegin attend and in a Callaghan and motivation Casio the fatness Anatomy sandbag a uni mo TV show and debar gang go in Ethel and Ontario Nagano so I've been a teacher for so many years uh sometimes I semicolon Connie Minowa long comparison dhaba pero have on pinnacle and quasi humanist Ajanta go vinegar Alan Colegio you those who are in college and those who are graduate students illness a college Andina malahat elegant interested why because saguru some of them napolitana long second Elan course and really in college the one Puma so but uh I you don't have a like a excited tire in Dean Amanda Babar when you enroll in a graduate program that is your choice and ready because you want to specialize on something that you really like you want to specialize on something that you feel is your passion or Forte so in the cup wedding my Greeson ah merci Madame trabajo or began Ito pea you know that's your you chose that Jenna layer and I'm also trying to I talked to myself by the way I'm in graduate school and grabbing here after Lagaan I'm doing my PhD right now in I major in special education was it my choice yes really really interested para para nós AG Erica B'Elanna it's really difficult because that's not the only thing that you're doing you're also doing you know mothering and you have socks left and right and but then I have to reach handle my mind okay cool teacher Claud you are now student Claud chatter I chatter so talk about motivation he lemon do mapping tired it was intrinsic extrinsic motivation would be alumna neon we give them prices we give them you know there are Awards honors achievement is that wrong Nina man welcome the young K on a motivation demas they they feel happy they have achieved something but eventually we should change the motivation eventually we should try to diminish extrinsic motivation why of course the students are also maturing parent in Italy and dear parents and teachers a parent sabaha when you have little kids when you have Butler's Luna infants that was mugging burglars we're trying to teach them the concept of right and wrong vinegar wasallam Palma I don't want you not goanna then we we smile we clap yay very good very good baby what are those those are motivations those are rewards you remember you remember the person but Pina goo is happening reward system see no I cannot hear you but I think you're saying Skinner ok very good no one do mommy Kassian forms of rewired stuff like clap Maya hey Maya doing some on a street no blowout LaRue and god GEB a guy in cetera now as they grow older they now learn they now have a grasp of what's right and wrong maybe not in full pair okay Papa no Marin so that but auntie auntie rhenium interval a noona in Dina Sidhu model ass why because we don't like to develop students or learners who will forever be dependent on extrinsic motivation piracy leg iguana is an bagga or para man era what we want to develop is intrinsic motivation what is that teacher Claude intrinsic less alone young separates on Miss monsell learner Young's as a being Anna I really want to learn this parent we are a wanna perfect go and set up and feeling I learned something I learned a lot now I want to apply what I have learned it doesn't matter regardless communication points a wider whatever importante magna to to nancha and the student feels good about himself or herself a para Alethea sabaha when we trying to discipline do you want the child to do something yeah hey Ganesha goose to ban at enemy Gago in sha because actually we want about the man on whom are goanna the way pattern see get mama got go angry and anyone who have about go go in Yin why the Salinas extrinsic motivation we want to develop in the child intrinsic motivation she or he will do something because he knows it's good because he knows that it's god-glorifying not because my mahouka wash on candy or chocolate or premium Amaya that's part of the learning process that the student will feel good in answer opment arrambam mainittu to nancha and and that feeling will motivate him more to yearn for learning more not because God we going go perfect Papa remain Medallia all at home wherein we should not be after the medals we should be after the learning we can have many medals but when learning is 0 so C guru internal new teacher poppin ornament mugging 0k young ma orj big sabina and damning imperfect points yes ask him again now more so the hot Makita marina Playa that's the best assessment for learning it did that end on paper Taruna Chiquita Monica wanna you know TuneIn you and then I need your help please press ok all right thank you thank you sorry again as an interruption maple muscle it Nicole's a phony teacher Claud all right and then you have to okay take a screenshot please all right teachers parents screenshot you have to take note of those learners interest the speed the dominant intelligence all right you took a picture of it already okay what's magical on an element interest para el MV knotted what to expect market the Elan and illuminant dominant intelligence you remember you remember Howard Gardner's a my verbal linguistic mathematical logical intelligence musical rhythmic intelligence naturalistic intelligence visual spatial intelligence intrapersonal interpersonal and then inter intro let's not forget bodily kinesthetic intelligence and in Pina Kabongo my own is the existential intelligence I'm not saying that in coming up with a module or a teaching learning material all 9 the purple um nerd wanna know Andina man they're overlapping actually support in my room two or three they're burrowing deep wedding like focused on POC isang intelligence and that's why before Howard Gardner's theory [Music] she knows he knew long Barna Bob Brandes McCauley know deep Oba eun-jung but the lasso maquettes a stage eun-young but the last my medal at my honor and award what about the rest that's why I'm so grateful I'd like to say wow Howard got dr. Gardner thank you cuz they going to - same will Apple and listen well listen no child is lacking well on if you will excuse my terminal no one is a low IQ or Hindi marunong I hope sabi ko excuse my time better in the Cooper in Messiah be on therm Casey me Mulligan yummy even until now I know it's still happening both teachers and parents do muscle get teachers and parents labeling children labeling their own children I was a teacher and really it's a new Mahina it didn't wanna be taught excuse me don't say that on a guy let's say you see Gardner really make a total and I buy you Canyon intelligence so also make sure that in the teaching learning material the the multiple intelligences I'll press M not all at the same time pero Kalyan and luma Basha and then give the students choices make sure it and and dumper in your critical thinking skills the happen to observe modules they in younger go in this is really really important not because we gave away modules an tendency and parent mugging robots Allah you know answering answering the the worksheets or the modules that you sent no please create more of the if you can add more of the open-ended open-ended questions that will really grind there are critical thinking skills if you can minimize those questions answerable by yes or no and if you can make away and no teachers are creative and also the parents of course if you can make away hindi one way on learning there should be there should still be meaningful conversation ki toh a partner responsibilities in Manama Ghulam this is a journey that we are embarking this is going to be a long journey Keppel entire sass and Bide is a Sakai aeroplane no burka pass title anti-nmda hey hey we are all learning including your resource person this afternoon you normally I never expected this to happen Deena tena top was in school year I wasn't able to say a you know a formal goodbye to my students for this semester so don't forget we have to connect connection it's important regardless whether we're doing home school online classes or modular activity all right so at this point I think miss miss Kia if you are there I am ready for their questions do you have do you have thoughts you have questions I think miss Kia will forward the questions to me I do Paula all right I'm going to okay all right from Stephanie my Astra how can this be effective and efficient for our students with special needs how can we be sure that our learners cook up by modular distance learning now wait a minute staff teachers Stephanie I'm not sure if um the LaJuan questions man Carol don't know but for the first question how can this be effective and efficient for our students with special needs that's why teacher Stephanie I emphasized a while ago there has to be close partnership with parents and teachers don't suck last room that they the Mellon tae-young inclusion and we na alum non-teacher yon and Babbitt in DeLand teacher named agiza make us on my end is it if it's inclusive you have to also consider the needs of your regular children your regular students but how are we going to do it now no modular a big Sabine's in okusama the student with special needs in okusama is a by the parent so this is important teachers Stephanie communication clear communication the willingness to learn from both parties teacher and parent okay the willingness to learn Papa no nothing to gagawin Marin Cilic guru separate the one-on-one before the before the class will start before the modular classes will start honestly I may not have a specific answer to the question teacher Stephanie I have my own existing malapa lon so it's a this is savvy gonna annoy you I think Onaga why experimental not I'm not saying that pairen guinea pigs no Cassie definitely my plan no taiyou but then as we go along the way of this modular journey or distance ed we take down notes say it openly on that but they are going at them Hayden says in a beanie teacher Stephanie America is in question now how can we be sure that our learners scooped up by modular distance learning I think this is not connected your question don't say number one how can we be sure there's an assessment right there's going to be an evaluation a test can be cool uncle Megumi Rinna cuz he says among a topics young and anyone who you a new topic neon indica pineal a because I Marin tell again guru now unum for it Anila and I think maybe siletti tricky has chosen a resource person already nice and topic and rebelled again on on assessment Malala Manhattan and assessment should not be limited if you ask me it should not be limited to paper and pen that's a good long Solano I mean she guru paper and pen but different modalities create a story write a poem compose a song create a collage murder me Parimal a Manhattan and a tutu time again bata and then from rain Dante labarda what is main key in developing what is the main key in developing learners economy don't say dynamic dominance in ability to applaud ah connect with the student support SABIC una a serene and they're accessible a polenta UA and proxy not be nothing developing learners autonomy how do you envision it they were Auto self we will not reach there in one click lahat them sing Ibiza in unity church Lord our ingredients in eventually molding that learner to be independent to be self propelling alright so yeah own indie chef wedding he's allowed a on a keyword soon be in your key terms I write from JSON hi Sergio on a hello ma'am I have 50 plus learners how can I manage this modular distance learning what is chronological whether the chronological process to do sleep or Mohammed Amin are three questions okay three questions I see wait the Callaghan I'm a Jew to master meet Allah sir JSON you have 50-plus learners how can you manage this mode you Larry distance learning sir JSON to be honest with you I don't know how your I don't know how your system said that by cows or JSON I don't know how will this be done in D column Papa no burrito uh it delivers a Camilla al-anbar bollocks in you can look at the last and back and forth minion a communication I also want to know actually gusto sir Sanna gusto Ghanaian Munna and Milan man before this talk came up no Willa honestly sorry Sergey sana will add in the whole idea um how fast Bubba leaks in your materials in mana bata let's say Nessa Goethe Mila then genuine can along Bona Bona projects or whatever gana Dinka beliefs and feedbacks I cannae laughable a 50 plus I really do not know how are you going to do it how will never do it do you have a staggered scared do you have like pattern 25 more than 25 alanine seen a peacock on inna llaha tie your bongos a system manito Malala MA nothing yet but med start now I also am curious I want to know how deaf ed will do it no really we stored in my lemon um yeah and also with regards to the chronological process misako Serge's on an important day ka la montaña Jamuna may entry level assessment if you know remember we talked about constructing constructivists Annina Milan mentality wouldn't have been a new young alumni but a new yokai Enya because you might be giving lessons bending yeah well honey I become hug done and let me know Mona less unlevel sir you none do one more Mohammed Maya Nandita shut opossum module they be beginner than Etana me ma who look genuine me manga by tunnel ahem t nothing muscle supply so I think that I'm sure I'm sure that that is considering that also you know entry-level assessment and then the miss kiya can I go on with the questions are from JR darkness is this a sir ji okay if rewards would be considered to ensure success of medullary distancing what is your stand with regards to imposing punishment sir junior I hope an in a penal II wanna go nan-oh I see guru India kuku mom it my monitors about punishment and rewards it was more of a motivation indeed Enoch or Sergey are indeed in a whole person motherless or Telugu Hindi ikkaku madarame entered the punishment more of mohammed a su teacher clawed mechanically discipline the next agenda i do i do it's a different way it's more of logical consequence we use logic and the consequence has to be related to a new yunnan yari hindi you halimbawa in asia I'm sorry yeah I have to be blunt and frank about this halimbawa like a class a bye in a in a number new in a lumbermen and up in bucket my na Clara basic and Alana new rules a Toba in a discuss several times that when someone is talking we listen so we understand what he is saying hey Orbison Ellen Tigh you Nogales case even in Asia a noble young scenario say baa-baa-baa condiment Amina personally in Algeria and lon Nong Sobran Egan and a Gallup you teacher Minoru Sahana and is the punishment remember I don't use that but based from feedbacks says to John T at salmon I'm a Gulen Lorraine a kite similar features so Nadine I I'm sorry I have to be frank okay peanut I use on Hannah Pina by buying short pants in uniform mr. is it logically connected billions upon Elena and that student will forever remember you can young hehehe Anna he got embarrassed and what is the target there it's the social emotional domain and alumni dancer again and target but he left number take place I'm learning a so I hope you remember what I talked about earlier doing say intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Papa no not in my lemon bucket Munna not in shape upon a I don't know a unicycle a those who are doing online classes no parent in Omaha language job no owner cuz if 20 come in mute till and lahat I will not hear their noise ok and then I will give instructions but really really sobre so blunt importante and partnership Tito can see at the other end if I'm handling young kids doing Samba hi Kelly Lange and Yuma Gulen in a show I know then then don't ensure parity guide the Bahaman mommy I mean UT teacher pero you you will add a paladin you enough well neither did you is to John Turner that's unnecessary and another guy in II wonder you scream all right so our radioactive delineate what is the best way to deal with parents with short temper uh well it's this I don't know if this is part of the the modular approach uh okay a teacher in a get school you Helen Bauer Hindi makuu Han and Canyon an AK L M us a temporary Magoo lon it's beyond our control to the to who every not you teacher leaders a radioactive delayed that's the reason why I I uh I always give seminars meaning appointing seminars neon webinars that well I Omega go a second long temper but we can teach them you know why nobody became parents mana expert stuck again Papa no but I unit the parent usually how we were trained how we were disciplined you know the the child-rearing practices and who are not in Illuminati bio we are unaware in uh little not in Samoa and Agnetha me hey so Union and then Regina billion whoever how should a parent know her child's level of learning teacher burrito umami anyway mommy Regina salmon about a semi-don't I intend upon the developmental milestones you can put on the search bar developmental milestones of and then you put the age of your child let's say five six seven eight and then it will show you a list of it's a checklist of things that you you expect your child to be doing at least none say age range they on cognitive language social emotional physical domain self-help skills I on a so and then do nothing Malala man we will use that as a guide but not very firm and strict only as a guide parabola lamina pennies is my child at par with a level of her age mates in terms of learning or you skill step in hi Tanya yeah I'm from NFA hi ma'am what should we do if the one if one of our students really can't fully grasp the topic being discussed is it okay to continue the lesson which majority has understood except complain debunk it to Louie and class I think waiting it to Louie and class no no ma'am pan on : no Casey some more jewellery but are you going to go blend them cousin back on our called module a module and it's the student and the module with a guidance of the parents unless Marin kiyoung unless you go blended but the reason why many schools are going modular guessing happy by you lack of gadgets now saguru a teacher an affray and the EEC pedido if you think now behind you but that you student more so it's an area or is a son subject maybe you could give I don't put the macaws happen your supervisor or principle you could give supplemental materials area a on you can you can communicate with a pairen-san on para and who care nothing shop wedding mateluna pointing my augments a bhai it's always too lumen it's always fighting airship na hoona Luna poem a on this is not only to answer the question of teacher and a fait pero para Casella Hoffmann teachers and parents know this is not a time for to but about an Ohana means answer is it not an complained a God reclaim oh please please for Andy subpoena delegate for the best interest of the students for the best interest of my child I will work hand in hand with a school young teachers a man I will work hand in hand with the parents okay don't don't sit down press okay all right and thank you sorry after you let me pour my salat now which I declined Thank You Cyril so okay so miss kee I said that's all Nepal if you need to ask me questions I'm not promising okay put on put opal again in Boxey the teacher claude but you can go to my page my you can go to my page teacher kc AKA y c ee teacher KC and you can also like it and then you can message me or questions I can't promise that I will be able to answer it by today but I will try my best I try my best to answer it so thank you so much and praise God for a productive afternoon thank you Paul maraming salamat Bible for this opportunity
Channel: VibalTV
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Id: 2ROSImnLM0c
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Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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