Modern Warfare 3 Best SnD Class Setups & Settings! (MWIII Search and Destroy Class Guide)

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Squad welcome back to the channel I have read your comments I've seen them all and it's here today we are doing Modern Warfare 3 Search and Destroy classes and settings I'm going to start this video off with the same thing I say in every single one of my classes videos what works for me may not work for you I a PC keyboard and mouse player I play on 800 DPI for those keyboard and mouse players that want to know and I make my classes around my aggressive play style if your play style is different or you're on controller you might not love these as much as I love them so feel free to change them up just use my glasses as a base to kind of give you an idea of what to use then you can go from there and make them work exactly how you want them to work don't be afraid to change them up it's basically what I'm trying to say you don't have to use exactly what I'm running hopping into the classes starting things off with the perks one of the things I'm really excited for is that this is the first time in years that I actually have multiple perk combos to show you usually I'm just like hey here's the three perks I run on every class 24/7 use these I actually have multiple combos that I use this game because the customization this game is so much better than Modern Warfare 2 so starting things off we're going to go with the best we got the Infantry vest now the Infantry vest this one I pretty much run on every single class infantry vest is is the absolute move okay it gives you your double time this this is your rushing setup you want that double tax Sprint infantry vest for the win without it it's really annoying so infantry vest is one thing you're going to see on all the setups now as far as the actual pieces of gear go this is where things get a a little bit different so right here we got a rifle class if I'm rocking an assault rifle this is typically the setup I'm going to run I usually run Marksman gloves covert sneakers ghost and then I run a portable radar all right let me break it down first off the portable radar is great especially on an assault rifle class because if you get bomb down on an enemy's death or or you're posted up in an area you going to throw that portal radar down to try to cover your basis because since people have covert sneakers you're not going to hear them if they come up behind you or at least you're not going to hear them till it's too late so having that portable radar down to help you out in a few scenarios is usually pretty helpful you could also Rock a trophy system as well for the same purpose if you're trying to hold down a bombsite or something a trophy system work great as well personally I prefer the portable radar but the trophy system can be very helpful especially since currently EOD does not work properly in public matches Sledgehammer Games please fix this it's really really annoying now covert sneakers for the boots I do not have to explain why I run this if you're not running this in Search and Destroy you're doing Search and Destroy wrong it's very simple all the boot options are relevant run covert sneakers if you're playing Search and Destroy I mean like I cannot explain it any further than that eliminates footstep audio Dead Silence use it 24/7 the field upgrades great and all but you don't want the field upgrade Dead Silence while everybody else has the perk Dead Silence on because then you're going to be the only person on the planet that they're sound whoring so run covert sneakers I cannot stress this enough moving on to the gloves this is where things get a little bit different I run Marksman gloves on pretty much any setup that isn't meant for rushing if I'm running an assault rifle class I am using Marksman gloves I'm running a sniper I'm using Marksman gloves lmg battle rifle Marksman rifle Etc anything that isn't an SMG or shotgun or pistol I'm probably running the Marksman gloves for a big reason what being Flinch well ads reduced that's the huge thing of marksman gloves back in the had older Call of Duties we had this perk called toughness we used to run out on every single class because it reduced your Flinch B ads now in this game in particular and especially for myself being a keyboard and mouse player having reduced Flinch while in a gunfight is extremely extremely helpful especially if you're going rifle versus rifle so Marksman gloves for the win finally the gear the gear is pretty much your best perk slot in this game and a lot of this comes down to personal preference for me personally I play a lot of solo Search and Destroy which means enemies are able to call uavs in because my teammates suck so I'm usually running ghost but there's a few other good options in this game you have EOD you have have Tac mask both are good for all reasons we know what they do only problem is right now EOD is broken personally if they fix EOD then I'm probably going to be running EOD a lot more than ghost just right now there's no point running EOD since it doesn't work properly in public matches Tac mask obviously get yourself out of stuns and flashes Etc it's helpful but it's not insane I don't get stunned enough to really want to use it over ghost ghost is really the most helpful because of how strong uavs are since there is red off the LI map in this game and whatnot finally a perk that I really love that I think is underrated we have data Jacker if you don't know what data Jacker does basically if you shoot an enemy and you go stand on their body as long as you're standing on your body it'll throw out like a little portable radar UAV ping and so if any enemies are around you it'll ping them with a red dot so you can see where they're at if you're rushing that's helpful because you're going to be running shooting a guy running over their body it'll give you U UAV ping and then you can see where other enemy is push that guy etc etc etc so it could be pretty helpful for rushing ghost is by far your number one perk with how much uavs get calls in Search and Destroy but uh data Jacker very helpful to run if you like to rush and you're confident in your ability to dodge people even if you don't have ghost on moving on to lethals of tactical frag grenade stun grenade I mean the classic combination it's the best combo as far as lethal goes we all know why frag grenades are the best in this game they're very very very good especially with the way EOD is right now there's not really a better one to run except for maybe the seex if you like that but besides that I mean frags are unbelievably goated in this game to tacticals you have a few options obviously smoke grenades I think are but only work for certain scenarios of certain routes for example you guys know how I love using smoke grenades on shoot house and we are going to get shoot house in the normal playlist in this game soon so you know I'll be running smoke grenades on that map but for the most part stuns seem to be the best option because they're just very very very strong and have a very wide range now Sim shots I will say are helpful again in this game you can use them to refresh your tack Sprints you can run faster for longer which is helpful but only on a handful of maps like derail or Wasteland for example um most Maps you have enough back Sprint with a camit knife secondary that you don't really need to use the stem shot for rushing it really only be using it to heal yourself which is great but to be honest I'd rather have a stun than be able to heal myself because the stuns are very very good in this game um I will say though stems do have something kind of cool with them uh you can use a stem to actually counter St stun so that that is helpful I don't know if you guys know that if you get stun and you use the stem the stem will cancel out the stunt it'll cancel out the effects of it so you can get out of it quicker basically like built a attack mask pretty much secondary I mentioned carit knife now I've seen a lot of people running different secondaries and asking me combat knife camit knife gutter knife which one crit knife crit knife's the fastest one and it's the coolest one I mean come on it's the coolest one but it also it is getting one that is the fastest um the game straight up tells you that if you look at the uh the the mobility on it it goes down when you do the gutter knife and it goes down when you click on the combat knife and then all of these we already knew were slower than everything else the crit knife is the is the fastest one by far if you're going to Rush uses the camit moving on to perks for my Rush classes everything is the same as the assault rifle class the only thing that changes is instead of marksman gloves running Quick Grip gloves which gives you the increased weapon swap speed it's fast hands right for rushing fast hands is really helpful for one that stupid glitch where it doesn't give you your gun still happens unless I have Quick Fix on or Quick Grip on I mean and it drives me insane I don't know why that is still a thing if we could fix that that'd be great if you if you have the issue you know what I'm talking about but more importantly is someone who likes to play aggressive I lots of scenarios where I don't have time to reload instead I need to pick up an enemy weapon and kill them with it and I do it all the time and I think it looks cool and I think it's fun and without quick gloves I wouldn't really be able to do that so when I'm rushing I'm running the quick rip gloves over the Marksman gloves I love the Marksman gloves but the flitch resistance isn't as helpful close range with an SMG as it is long range with an assault rifle so uh you don't need him as much I think uh quick rip is definitely the move if you're going to rush in my opinion I also get asked a lot about the assault gloves because you'd think these would be really good for rushing since it helps your uh improves your accuracy while jumping while ads and it also improves your ads time as well you would think this would be the move I'm going to be honest I don't notice a difference with the mod like straight up I I do not Noti any difference jump shotting with assault gloves versus without assault gloves so I just choose not to run them for that reason they just they don't make enough of a difference for me to really notice so I'm not going to use them quick RI gloves for the win if you're going to rush Marksman gloves if you're playing on playing the assault rifle that's the way I feel about it that's my opinion moving on to the reason guys actually clicked on the video we have the actual class setup starting things off with the MCW which is my personal favorite weapon in the game right now it is by far the most overused weapon in this game right now but for for good reason because it's not insanely powerful it just has no recoil which just makes it very satisfying to use and very enjoyable to use a class setup we've got the Mark III reflector which is the only optic you should run in this game it's so good like this optic is awesome uh then we got the RB claw PSL grip the high grain ammunition the C fastest break and the MCW Cyclone long barrel next up on the list we have the MTZ or as I like to call it the best SMG in Modern Warfare 3 SMGs right now are really under power they don't have any range uh they're only a really good point blank and even then they're not that amazing it it honestly really hoping we see some more SMG Buffs I know they recently buffed the normal Striker which was helpful but the SMGs are still just not on par with some of these assault Rivals and the MTZ has an extremely fast fire rate fairly low recoil and phenomenal Mobility for an assault rifle it's honestly kind of the best Rush weapon in this game if I'm being real next to probably the Rival 9 class setup goes we got the dr6 hand stop we got the Cassis break we got The Drifter heavy barrel the Mark II reflector and then the Bruin tr24 assault grip moving on to the weapon that recently got nerfed we got the dg58 it recently got nerfed but that Nerf did damn near nothing because this weapon is still very good all right it didn't do nothing but it didn't Nerf the weapon enough to where I'm not going to use it and go oh that guy just got destroyed okay it's a great weapon the dg58 is still very high on the list I would say probably the best weapon in the game next to the hoger 556 hoger is probably still a little bit better in my opinion but uh the DG is very good class setup goes we got the dr6 hand stop the ls18 barrel Mark the reflector the extended butt plate yeah that's the name of it and then we have the steady rear grip next on list we have the hoger 556 which I still think in my personal opinion is the best assault rifle in the game I know a lot of people argue DG or MCW are better but I this gun is god tier in my opinion I love it it's very very very strong if I'm in that that match where I'm wored I'm going to lose or I need to get a comeback or something I'm probably putting the hogar on class set up goes we have the Mark 3 reflector the hoger 26 Factory stock the Intruder grip the highgrain ammo and the Cassis break moving on to the SMG starting things off with probably my favorite SMG in the game we have the striker 9 which we have have just max damage ranged out because these SMGs are weak man they're weak but when you max damage them out we got the high grain ammunition the striker long barrel 40 round mag Mark the reflector and the RB assault stock you Max that out and you get yourself quite the Beamer fast fired SMG that has a good enough damage to where you can get a handful of mid-range kills when necessary overall though this SMG is great I think it's highly underrated pretty much nobody uses it in my lobbies everyone's rocking the CX9 and I'm going to be honest I think the striker 9 shits on the C 9 which I know is a hot take but I like this weapon way more than the Rival 9 speaking of the Rival 9 here we are or the CX9 or the Scorpion Evo whatever you want to call it I've got a couple class setups for this gun that I've been using and I'm going to give you guys both of them because to be honest I do not like this SMG I know it's the SMG of choice the CDL Pros love it it's everyone's favorite right now I can't find a setup on this weapon that I just absolutely love I just can't I keep Hing up and doing different so I have a couple set sets that I like on it that I'll share with you guys but uh this weapon for me it just isn't as good as the striker 9 or the uzi I'd much prefer to W those two but everyone's rocking this gun so we'll share it we've got the 40 round mag the Rival Vice assault grip the Commando forward grip the shadow strike suppressor and the Rival 6 clear shot Barrel now the second setup I liked on this gun is dr6 hand stop llar flash hider clear shot Barrel 40 R mag rival Vice assault git I just changed these two options it pretty much depends on if you want to stay quiet or if you want to go for Max Mobility Max recoil control that's really the difference I go for with this gun really just depends on how I'm feeling I've kind of gone back and forth on the two that's why I'm sharing both class setups the first time I think I've ever given two class setups for the same gun in a class setup video but I've got really mixed feelings for this SMG I think it's very good I just it just doesn't mesh well with the way I like to play or something I don't know I love this weapon in the beta it was my favorite gun it was my most used gun but since the game came out I don't know what they did to it but I do not like it nearly as much Striker 9 by far preferred but uh these two class setups still work great like the weapon is by no means bad it's more of a personal preference thing as to why I don't like it as much finally it wouldn't be a seat class video without the uzi we got the wsp 9 which is basically the uzi from mw19 as far as class setup goes we're rocking the optac long barrel the 40 round mag The Marauder rear grip the wsp factory stock and the Mark III reflector now I've gotten a lot of questions about whether you run the conversion kit or not personally here's my take on it if you're wanting to rush aggressively and play close to mid-range Rock the normal 40 round mag that's all you need but if you want to play long range if you want to use the uzi on Wasteland for some reason then ditch the mag throw on that conversion kit and rock that instead gives you that long range gives you that three shot to four shot kill Uzi that we love from mw19 without it this weapon like a four to five shot which meshes well with the kill time so it's still a very strong SMG very low recoil high damage it really just depends on how you're planning on using the weapon if you want to use it like an assault rifle run the conversion kit if you want to actually use it like an SMG run the 40 round mag moving on to my settings I'm a believer that there isn't like a correct settings layout I think a lot of it is down to preference uh so I'm just going to go through all my settings and just scroll through I'm turn off the face cam let you guys look at what you want to look at I'll go through my keybinds my controller settings my mouse settings ET ET so you could just take a look at everything and just see what I run versus what you run if you want to try changing stuff up feel free to do so but a lot of it depends on woman's setup and what they like to use and what the preferences so I don't like to say that there's one best setting in the game that's going to give you Aimbot I'm not that kind of Creator but one thing I will point out for my keyboard and mouse people is mouse filtering option this thing changed my life on Modern Warfare 3 um when this game first came out I was struggling to aim like I just this game just felt really weird on keyboard and mouse for me um I saw Twitter I believe it was from metaphor shout out metaphor uh he acknowledged it's flipping your mouse filtering setting to two changes the way it feels and it really really does I highly recommend giving it a try if you're struggling with aim on Mouse and key try Mouse filtering to out I've been running it ever since I changed it and my aim is so much better the game feels so much smoother on keyboard and mouse than it did when I had it off so thought I'd point that out for my keyboard and mouse people but besides that I'm just going to scroll through all of my settings let you guys take a look use what you want to use don't use what you don't want to use just see what I run Etc um yeah oh also I'm not sure if I said this but I'm on 800 DPI for anybody [Applause] wondering [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right Squad that is it for my search destroy classes and settings for Modern Warfare 3 pre-season I'll update this video Once season 1 is out we have new weapons and MEAP tuning Etc so expect that around season 1 reloaded area is but yeah I hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you did if you're new the channel like search to destroy be sure to subscribe and join the squad thanks for watching I'll catch you in the next one see you can destroy it's piger [Music] [Music]
Channel: SeeK
Views: 32,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seek, modern warfare 2, mw2, modern warfare 3 search and destroy, modern warfare 3 snd, mw3 search and destroy, best search and destroy class, modern warfare 3 search and destroy class, modern warfare 3 snd class, best modern warfare 3 settings, best mw3 settings, mw3 snd class, best snd class mw3, mw3 search and destroy class, mw3 snd class setup, snd, search and destroy, modern warfare 3 multiplayer, modern warfare 3 season 1, modern warfare iii, mwiii, mw3 snd, snd mw3
Id: RvLxWfSgpZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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