Modern Inventions No Longer Used

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I saw a cassette tape adapter/audio out at a store the other day and wasn't sure who would need one in 2022.

I explained it to my kid. I don't think he understood what I was talking about.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GreatGreenGobbo 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2022 🗫︎ replies

I think the telegraph and gramophone were a tad before our time! 😆

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Roguefem-76 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2022 🗫︎ replies

I still use a lot of this stuff lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/the_darkener 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2022 🗫︎ replies
there are many inventions that have enhanced our lives but a lot of them are things that we no longer use the smartphone has replaced most of these old technologies in their time they were pioneering devices but now they've resorted to just being pieces of history in today's video we'll take a look at some of these inventions that are now long gone [Music] the stereo eight was the real name of this product although most people know it as a 8-track tape millions of people used this in the 1970s so they could have music on the go in the 1980s the cassette tape took over and made this 8-track obsolete [Music] before there was cable internet and wi-fi people use their analog telephone line to connect to the internet after dialing a number the computer would use the modem to send and receive information to another computer for all you youngsters out there a modem was just short for modulator demodulator if you ever used one of these then patience was certainly something you needed the connection was often slow and it was also broken and interrupted at times not only that but the phone could not be used at the same time to make calls [Music] the wing calculator was revolutionary during its time in the 1960s it made it possible for people to do complicated math which included square roots and raising numbers to powers if you look at them now they just look like antique mini computers which they are [Music] the walkman came out in 1979 and it made it possible for everyone to listen to their own personal music without disturbing anyone else these devices took off in the 1980s and they pioneered that awkward headphone look that we all see today the walkman played cassette tapes which meant there was no instant rewind or fast forward to the next song the walkman sold more than 400 million devices long before the ipod hit the market if you hand this device off to any kid today they would have no clue how to operate it the portable television was never as big of a hit as the walkman was this was mainly due to the fact that they were still somewhat bulky and hard to look around plus there was a limited amount of channels these were used in the 1960s and 1970s and sony was the first company to mass produce them i'm sure it's no surprise that the actual name of this device was a sony watchman [Music] pagers or beepers were used by many people long before cell phones became readily available or affordable in the 1980s it was common for doctors and rappers to have them but everyday people also used them the system would forward incoming calls and messages so that information could be shared the communication was instant and the network never got overloaded however cell phones have sent these to the trash dump [Music] after the sony walkmans became popular sony discman came out it was a portable cd player that was invented in 1984 although it wasn't until the 1990s when it took off in popularity the sound was much better than a cassette tape in the walkman but she couldn't run with them or use them in the car or they would skip while playing music the other downside to them is that cds would easily scratch whether you had the walkman or the discman you had to have cases for all of your music one plus for the disman was that fast forward and rewind was instant with a push of a button everyone felt high tech with these but if you break one out now most people will just stare at you [Music] long before thumb drives and the cloud computer users would need to use a floppy disk in order to save their work or files storage is very limited on these floppy disks when you compare it to today's standards but modern computers have much more storage so it has rendered these floppy disks obsolete the peak usage for these was in the 1980s and 1990s they could hold up to 2.8 megabytes which is great for a simple text file at the time but it's barely enough for a photo or two in today's modern age [Music] gramophones or phonographs were created in 1877 by thomas edison and it was his favorite invention this was the first device that allowed a user to play a recording edison used tinfoil coated cylinders to record the sound years later the gramophone was replaced by the much lighter record player [Music] the video home system or vhs as most people called them revolutionized watching movies at home the first home video recorder came out in 1965. the sony vcr used a reel-to-reel format and it could only record in black and white by the 1980s vcrs were in many households not only could you watch your favorite movies at home but you could also record your favorite shows and watch them later [Music] typewriters were first invented in the second half of the 19th century they were much faster than writing by hand and they were also much neater typewriters evolved over the years into word processors and then computers which basically sent this item to the technology graveyard in the future the need for typing on a computer may disappear as voice to text becomes more widespread [Music] the tape drive is an antique item now but at one time it was a necessary thing to have this data storage device stored data on a magnetic tape and the operation took place overnight compared to today's standard of saving data it was super slow finding what you needed on that tape was also time-consuming it's another item from long ago that required a lot of patience the ibm simon was the first smartphone even though that label didn't exist at the time it was invented in 1992 long before an iphone came out 15 years later in 2007. simon became available for sale in 1994 and yes it could send emails this device was the beginning of the super smartphones that we all know today [Music] the boombox or ghetto blaster was a great way to have music on the go but it also meant that everyone else had to listen to it as well this was portable but many of them were big heavy and required an endless supply of batteries if you never had one of these then you were probably born after its peak in the 1980s these devices can still be purchased today but they are much smaller and cheaper modern versions do not need batteries as they are rechargeable [Music] the dvd was invented in 1993 but it took a while for this to catch on because people were still happy with their vcr players in 2002 the dvd finally outsold the vcr dvds ruled the world until modern streaming options became available they are still sold in stores but they are fast becoming obsolete since the main consumer on the market isn't interested in them the audio cassette also known as the tape first came out in 1963. these allowed users to listen to music but it also allowed them to make their own recordings they were durable as well as portable and they became available for usage in the home the car and just about anywhere eventually the cd would put a dent on its popularity but there are still plenty of people from the 80s who have tons of fun listening to these [Music] personal data assistants or pdas were quite popular and they made life a lot easier for many people they held various pieces of information such as names or phone numbers they also helped people set reminders for meetings and manage their time throughout the day these devices had pen based keyboards voice recognitions and could even send the fax they became obsolete in the 2010s as smartphones which were smaller and lighter gained in popularity [Music] crt tv stands for cathode ray tube television in the 1960s almost every american household had one sony stopped making theirs in 2004 and everyone else stopped in 2008. they were basically just huge heavy boxy monitors and it's hard to believe that we have bigger televisions now that are lighter and flatter [Music] arpanet stood for advanced research projects agency network and it was invented in 1969. it was an experimental computer network that some say is the very beginning of the internet the arpanet was funded by the department of defense and the purpose of it was to connect computers at research facilities funded by the pentagon this service has not been used since 1982 betamax and vhs competed for a share of the market in the 1980s it was invented in 1975 by sony and the heavy analog machine could record audio and video for up to an hour in 2016 the company announced it would stop producing these betamax tapes which seems kind of odd since they have not been popular since vhs took over the market in the 1980s [Music] if you were living in the 1980s then you probably remember these calculator watches were relatively popular among tech savvy people even marty mcfly from the back to the future series had one in some ways this little device helped pave the way for pdas and smartphones very few people even wear a simple wrist watch since there is a clock on their smartphone [Music] laser discs were huge and bulky but they were expected to take over the market from vhs tapes however they were quite pricey when they first came out in 1978 plus their 12 inch diameter kept most people from investing in them they remained on the market until consumers latched on to the dvd [Music] reel to reel tapes was a standard until digital recording formats came along sound professionals use these along with other industries that had a need to record conversations the audio was recorded on a magnetic tape held on a reel these are certainly big and bulky when you compare them today to digital devices [Music] the transistor radio was used to listen to music and the radio this beloved device was everywhere in the 1970s for many people it holds a special memory as it introduced them to the world and brought them music [Music] the telegraph changed the world when it was in use this form of communication allowed users to communicate over great distances it worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire stretch between stations this device was the foundation for many other communication inventions such as the telephone fax and the internet [Music] i'm sure that many of these devices are something you're familiar with and perhaps you have some special memories associated with them of course there are many others that could have been mentioned so let us know what those are as always thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Rhetty for History
Views: 560,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern inventions no longer used, obsolete inventions, inventions no longer used, obsolete technology, rhetty for history, remembering the past, recollection, remembering, remember, nostalgia, yesteryear, modern inventions, modern technology, no longer used, obsolete, memories, history, golden age, 1970s, 20th century, trending, viral, forgotten, inventions, products, 8 track, vcr, vhs, walkman, discman, floppy disc, cassette tape, laser disc, 1960s, 1980s, electronics, dvd, records, relics, antiques, old
Id: 9eL5T6SBBKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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