Modern Family Mother's Day

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today today is my day something's happening it's Mother's Day Mitchell so you're bringing me breakfast in bed on Mother's Day no no this is not a Mother's Day breakfast this is a breakfast at house Lily's mother I'm your wife I'm a woman what we should do playgroup on weekends more often it's a nice to have the husband's around to help all right let's get the moms and kids together for a picture let's go let's get out of here leave the stroller no stop no one's going to ask you to I don't know you guys just go ahead okay tighten up tighten up up here ladies beautiful one more gals oh thanks ladies Thanks
Channel: Monash Mina
Views: 577,206
Rating: 4.9515495 out of 5
Keywords: Modern Family, Mother's Day
Id: IG_ait_Bg8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 49sec (49 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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