Modeling a full Bar scene in Maya 2020

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everybody welcome back to a new modeling video in the Maya well it's gonna be a subscriber request today we're gonna be doing a full of bar scene and it's gonna be a pretty long tutorial so I suggest you just hit the pause button get some snacks coffee tea or whatnot and then jump it there we go you okay guys well here we go so a bar scene I am NOT gonna follow one specific reference problem is with the bar that you don't have photos from all angles typically if you're looking for references online so I'm gonna take just a whole bunch from Google and kind of go from there right so it's gonna be kind of made-up if you'll alright let's go with the base of the bar to begin with we're going to start with the polygon cube we're gonna scale it out plan length and yeah that would be a good base now we obviously don't need the top and the bomb the bomb yeah there you go we want some dick race donor from there for that we will do is we'll take another polygon cube and I'll just pull it up something keeps going on if the frame or the skill and push that almost flat like so and then we're gonna do is we're gonna right click go to face like that face control key to extrude I have to tweak the offset to let's do serpent zero five that would be fine then we're gonna pull that down just a little bit bring the G to repeat and W to pull down a bit more yeah and then we're going to go in here and we're gonna stick the back face and delete that so that's the plate that we want we're gonna have that in front of the bar so we're gonna eat a rotate hold on Jay and flip it up like that you know bring an imposition I have to frame that we want to repeat this couple times obviously and we might want to reshape it a little bit as well so I'm gonna snap it to the grid there you go then I'm gonna make a bit longer and what you don't want to do is hit R and scale it because you will change the proportions like that right so we do instead so we're gonna right click at a vertex drag select bring their W and all down X and snap that up and they do the same here snap that down there you go then we're gonna go and move it to the left so we'll keep on holding X to snap it there you go we'll hit ctrl D to duplicate W to move and we'll hit hold on XS we do so so that's the first one that's fine shifty shifty and shift D there you go now we want to make sure that their contact in contact so let's just see if that's the case and you can see it's not all right so it's fine so we're gonna jump to the top we're gonna F to frame fourth warfare mode where the drugs like these guys and then we're gonna bring that in that's fine then for the top of the bar I want that to be an oval right so and I think I'm gonna bevel these corners a bit before we do that so I'm gonna take these corners I'm gonna bevel them let's do a smaller fraction let's do 0.2 maybe yeah well add some segments three should be good for wireframe mode yeah all right okay now we will clean this up a little bit so it'll do is a good object mode I'll insert some edge loops will do multiple and four and yeah that's much better and then ya go away and then we'll do to look two there and two there and we'll do four I will do four there and not there for there okay cool all right so object mode we're gonna go and fix that top right there all right so for that we're gonna take an oval shape and let's see how oval we can go I think the best way to approach this is for the cylinder hit W move that up we're gonna probe the attribute editor let's go in here and set that to a subdivision level of eight and then we're gonna do is jump to the top after frame we're gonna right click at a face we're gonna drag select delete those then we're gonna jump in here after frame right click the go to edge there you go take this guy extra bit to pop there I would say they're not gonna go in here and we can eight are and we're gonna make it flat and then we're gonna scale it out let's rotate it let's get it down top here you have to frame there you go I'm gonna scale that out and this will be smooth all right so let's do a quick preview okay so we've got that we're gonna do is you're gonna insert some edge loops we're gonna do multiple and - that's add them in there hit R and push them a little bit more towards the edges there there you go or then I'm gonna go to object mode we're gonna add three to preview smooth looks a lot better still a bit rough though but we'll bump that up in the SiC it want to go back we need to make sure that we're half way so we're gonna do is you're gonna go in here and we're gonna right click go to for text Drex like these guys W to move and hold on X right now we're gonna take the whole objects and we're gonna move the pivot point hit the insert key hold down a V and snap it up there the insert key again controlled either duplicate eat a rotate hold on Jay flip it around like this and then we're gonna select and shift selects from the go-to Misha and combined and then we gonna right click it off vertex drag select and go to edit mesh and merge sure one should be fine so now we can go in and smooth this guy mesh and smooth let's do two now let's see if that's coming in too much I think that's fine that's a bit thin though so it are and we'll bump that up quite a bit now the subdivision level is not very low but it's okay let's see any end guns here don't think so nope so relate to W and we're gonna push that down okay so we'll do sold racks like the whole thing I'll just a group it control G W to move it up and put it on a grid like so so we can see what's going on yeah so we've got that section now what we need to do is create a couple seats for people to sit on so let's do that we'll take you to polygon cylinder and I'll pull this out here we'll hit R will push that down a little bit after frame right click got an edge double click bevel that increase the segments to about six I'll be about right and then we're gonna do is we're gonna add a little bit of detail here so we are going to loops we got multiple one two so we'll add them right there and I don't like you on a keyboard right you're the face click and shift double click ctrl e to extrude and then R to push them in a little bit like that alright and then we're gonna insert edgeloop one more time this time manual and we'll put it down here to hold down the shape and that's that so now if we go in here and we three to preview smooth I'll get something like this now if you want this to be a hard edge right here we'll do is we'll enjoy edge loop again we'll put one here and we'll put one here that should be sufficient if not you can put one in here and input one in there right okay let's go in here select it trigger preview smooth and there you go alright so that's the top of the seat we're gonna lift that up we're gonna create a base right and yeah there are a couple of ways you can do that typically they're just it's just a pipe going down so we'll take a new cylinder we'll hit W we'll move that out and what we'll do is we'll go to the attribute editor caps at the zero because we don't need those going delete that delete that and let's take this right here move it for a sec we'll take our seat and we'll move it to the center Toby to move it hold down X it'll take this guy over the same I have to frame that hard to scale that so we can bring that away in alright after frame again we're gonna bring this up and we're gonna make it a bit thinner just check the proportions here for a minute that's a bit too thin that would be about right okay all right so now that we have that we're gonna add a little detail W to move down we're gonna right click at an edge double click ctrl you to extrude hard to scale out G to repeat until P to push it up geez repeat are to scale out again and cheat repeat until you push up there have it then we're gonna go in here we're gonna get it edge we're gonna bevel that let's do two and then bring the fraction down a bit that's about right um let's see we're gonna go down to the base so we're gonna click on this guy W to move down and at this point I kind of want to have an idea of you know how it's gonna sit from the bar and so forth so um yeah we're gonna bring that back in this have a look here size-wise dimension wise I would say that's fine then from here if this were the whole thing it'd probably go up to I would say about here nothing further than that after frame let's bring this down a little bit there you go so we need to create a good base for this so we're gonna go to edge we're gonna bring that up see about here we're gonna extrude that hard to scale out ng-repeat double you push down Jeter Pete let's kill out ng-repeat until we push down alrighty now we're gonna have to frame I know we can do here is smooth this guy out so we'll bevel this first going here double click and shift double click and then the bevel and I think this time we're gonna leave it like that and then we're gonna insert edgeloop manually to hold these shapes right so we'll do one here one at the base one up here one there one there one at the top one at the base then we'll go up here we'll do one there we'll do one there and I think that should I was covered and I want a couple on the the pipe there as well so let's do four and put them in no looked up any just four or yep four there you go all right so yeah that's all right so we're gonna need to duplicate this guy we're gonna go in here you know what's going on what's going on yeah there you go right so when a group that and then we're gonna go from there we're gonna duplicate it W to move hold on X I think that would be good yeah might need to tweak that a little bit although it's not bad just in here all right I think that works now we're gonna take these we're gonna bring it in too bad there let's see what that looks off tentacle yeah I think that's good yep okay yeah okay so what's next so behind the bar obviously now this is the braking surface so we need a backdrop for a rack and bottles and stuff so let's start with the polygon cube and I'll just scale it up and we'll kind of make that our room and I don't know if you ever noticed but usually in bars if you're old enough to be in a bar you'll see that the ceiling is quite low just you know to make it more cozy I guess I know what the exact reason is but all right so we're gonna go in here we're gonna we might adjust this in a minute but I would say something like that okay so when you do next is we're gonna go in here and we're gonna take the faces that we don't want there you go and we'll take the edges here so that one and that one and we'll bring that in to about there the sky needs to come in as well to about there and then we need to invert this so let's like the faces and we're gonna go to miss display and reverse yeah and there you go so that's good but we don't need this guy just yet but it's a good thing that we have it all right so let's bring that in a little bit so we're gonna hit H to hide this and look at this cut back in a minute right okay so next we're gonna do is a him take a polygon cube and that's gonna be our cabinet or bar in the back or whatever you want to call it now okay we're gonna do this slightly differently I'm going to go in here and take these faces so actually I'll just start with one face why not okay so I got this now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in here and take it as an object and scale it out yep and then we're gonna go into this view and we're gonna go to modify and set our pivot then hit the insert key and move it down so hold down a V and move it down like this hit the enter key again then hit W to move it up and hold down X tonight so if we hit four how can we see this yeah so it's on the bottom there you just need to trust me on that right so we are going to snap that like so and then I'm going to right-click and go to vertex now I want to work with that actually I want to work with the edge go to edge select it there you go okay so that's basically our base board right so we're going to ctrl e to extrude let W will push that in too bad there then let G to repeat they'll be the push up dad would go to about here that's where the bar is gonna start G to repeat W push it out not too far do you repeat W push up again or proximately be the same height as this bar right here Jeter Pete then we're gonna push it way back yeah they need to be able to reach it somewhere like that yeah I mean it Jeter Pete we need W to push up and usually there's some kind of mirror or something going on here in the back so we'll do that then we'll head g'd repeat and W to move forward this typically sticks out a bit more to the front she'd repeat and W go up and then either go up to the ceiling or you know go back from here so let's just have a look and see what we have so far yeah okay all right then we're gonna insert edgeloop we're gonna go in here and set that to multiple and two and we'll put that in here yeah q on a keyboard we're gonna go that's like the face we're gonna hit extrude W to pull that out just a little don't forget to get rid of those faces right there and one the other end as well all right so that's a pretty straightforward backdrop let's go in here and what we'll do here is we'll insert some more edge loops here let's do a bit more let's do five Q on a keyboard no we're gonna do is we're gonna go in here to face and we'll pull this out and then pull this out as well but not that far it'll do the same here let's see what's looking like alright now again we're gonna delete those faces so we're gonna drag select and drag select and drag select and then delete so that should get rid of them both ends they did yeah so that's a good backdrop then we need to do is put something in place for bottles or whatnot so some shelves so we'll do is we'll take a polygon cube W to move that in I have to frame hard to scale down push it in like this again we don't need this face or that one or that one and I do want to bevel this so one and two and maybe yeah all right now we're gonna have vertical shelves and we're gonna have horizontal ones right so let me just start by creating this and this whole thing is a bit far back I mean if there are bottles on this this far back and you know the barman has to reach all the way back there to get it it'll be a bit much right so let me just sort that a little bit we're gonna go and take this guy we're gonna go to vertex and I'm gonna direct like all of these vertices and kind of bring that forward like so and then we'll take this and we'll push that in here all right after frame yeah that's about right now we want a couple of these so let's do one here control dw2 move up and then one more yeah it's fine okay so that's good um I would probably repeat this whole thing so ctrl + D to duplicate move it over and let's actually snap it while we do that because then I can do the same thing here all right so now that we have that we need to have a couple of verticals as well and we might want to make those a little bit more detailed right so we're gonna take a polygon cube I'm gonna bring that in let me move that up after frame let's get rid of the faces we don't want that one and that one and then we're gonna get it into the right position and dimension and so forth let's have a look from this you okay we're gonna bring that in spot right okay then we're gonna have a look at the height new okay and then of course we want to have detail on this quite a bit actually so we'll go in here and we'll first start by beveling these and yeah we'll do 0.02 no it's your point - yeah let's better it's your point - then we'll take this face right here but control e to extrude it hard to scale in then I'm going to cheat repeat w to push in like so not just so but also hit R and just feel it yeah much much better then we're gonna add G to repeat we're gonna hit our to skill in push it down did you repeat don't you push out and then R to kind of push it in like this maybe push it back a little all right um yeah not bad yeah they could work right so we can use this over here but on the corners we need to adjust it a little bit right so we're gonna to controlled you the duplicate we're gonna W to move that over let's get that into place that's fine and then we're gonna do is we're gonna to control D again we're gonna move it to the corner and there we probably need to adjust that and I would say so yeah a couple of ways you can do this but I'm gonna go with this I'm gonna go to vertex we're gonna directs like this and we're gonna move that up until it's aligned like so and then we'll do the same movie here we'll take this guy this guy yeah we're gonna duplicate it we're gonna move it over after frame that lets align it from this end we're gonna get a vertex truck select there you go let's see how that looks [Music] no it's pinching that in too much so let's not do it that way let's delete the last one and go in here and what I'm gonna do is take these faces on delete them okay so now that we have that let's create some bottles yeah well do that I'll take a polygon cylinder let's pull that out we're gonna control eight open up the attribute editor subdivision level set to eight and then we're gonna go in here and we're gonna right-click a go to face drag select and delete and we're gonna start with the base here got an edge double click ctrl e to extrude hard to scale out and as we do so push down Jeter Pete hard to scale out and cheese repeat tell you to push it up and I'll just kill out then AGID repeat and W pull up all right and then let's see we'll go to their G repeat and W pull up in order to scale in do you repeat and so forth and so on you get the drill all right let's smooth this guy let's adjust it a little so we're gonna go in here and we're gonna take these vertices that's probably a bit better yeah I'm gonna go in and we're gonna insert some edge loops we'll do that manually so I'll have one down here one there and one there do one in here and then we'll do one there and one there one there and then one here let's hit three to preview smooth okay we need one more we're gonna go in here and we're gonna put on in right there yep cool yeah yeah okay so we didn't want to go back let's go to mesh and Domitian smooth they have it and let's put that on the shelf so we're gonna push that up there after frame artists filled down quite a bit and if you're gonna do this scene you're not gonna repeat all the same bottles obviously you know you don't have some round ones and tall ones and small ones but for the sake of the tutorial I'm gonna do the same ones right now that said well rat it I received a comment um I don't know I think it was maybe the couch or I don't know which video it was something like hey you know why didn't you spend a couple more hours to make it look better and so forth and so on and what I replied basically is listen these tutorials are for you guys it's not about me showing off my skills or anything like that the whole idea of the video is to explain the process to you guys so you can make it your own learn something have fun with it right the too many look at me videos out there to begin with and so that's not the point of my videos I'm happy when you guys understand the process that's all right okay so we're gonna hit ctrl D to duplicate let's move that over and let's do shift a D couple of times you know how they have a lineup of bottles in bars you know something looking like this apparently they think it looks cool so yeah let's do that right we might need to move that shelf up a little when we can do that not a problem and then we'll take this duplicate that up as well and there you go think that looks fine and then we'll duplicate that over so I'll group that we're gonna duplicate it at W we're gonna hold down X as we do so and then write the G to repeat that didn't work we got two bottles sitting here yeah they go so we'll just do it again hold on x-ray guys all right so the only thing we need to do now is to move those bottles back all right yeah I think the idea so we have that and then what we can do is go to display and show all to get that wall back yet and then what we can do is put in a couple of lights if you want right yeah let's do that just to finish that up [Music] okay we're gonna do is we're going to take a polygon cylinder let's hit control a open up the add with editor let's do subdivision level twelve zero on the caps have to frame let's pull this out here pull this up and we're gonna do is you're gonna take this we're gonna extrude it pull it up and scale it in sheet repeat scale it in one more time and this is gonna be our cable basically pull it in a bit more either Pete and W pull up so it's gonna be their cable yeah all right so let's tweak this a little bit delete that bottom face take that bottom edge move that up after frame it's a flair that out something like this well it's extrude W pull it down a bit Jeter Pete hardest skill in because let me just hide that floor for a sec okay do you repeat or skill in and you can go all the way up depending on whether you are looking inside the light or not yeah so we're gonna insert some edge loops and let's set them to manual for now yeah I'll put one here we'll put one here we'll do one here and one here and kind of want to have this shape held so we'll do that there too let's do one here one here and we want to have one on the top here now for a cable that's way too thick so we might need to fix that and needs to be shorter as well but we'll get it sorted so we're gonna go to vertex we're gonna drag select don't be buggy please yeah there we go we're gonna scale that in make it nice and thin and then we're gonna stretch out again that's better okay no let's move this out to see what it looks like yeah looks fine so we have that we're gonna go to Mission smooth to actually smooth it then we're gonna get it in top of the bar after frame w hold on x center of the bar control D to duplicate W to move hold on X again and G to repeat and hold down X again like that working come on there you go and there you go then we're gonna go to display and show all and get our ceiling back so we know where our lights are going how high they will go I would say that's cool yeah and then we're gonna do is you're gonna go to mesh and combine a right click at a vertex trikes like these guys and they I have it all right so yeah I would say that this is our bar all I do a quick render so you guys can see I turned out as always take your time and add some nice details you know coasters and glasses and all that kind of stuff but hopefully this will help you to get started on the project and yeah if you enjoyed the video please hit that like button and if you haven't subscribed yet please do so right thank you so much for watching see you guys next time bye you you
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 8,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, maya, blender, zbrush, keyshot, tutorial, 3d, virtual, augmented, channel, youtube, asmr, maya for beginners, how to, video tutorial, how to draw, mike hermes tutorial, mh tutorials, how to model a bar, 3d prop modeling, maya 2020 tutorial, 3d modeling, autodesk maya, maya tutorial, maya 2020, autodesk maya 2020, hard surface modeling, maya modeling tutorial, mike hermes, autodesk maya modeling, autodesk maya 2020 tutorial, maya tutorial modeling
Id: Ne48n5-RxZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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