Model in Cinema 4D, Texture in Substance Painter. Easy Workflow

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hello this is mahesh ravi and in this video we'll be looking at an easy workflow to work with substance painter and cinema 4d we'll be taking a look at how to create a model in cinema 4d how to uv unwrap it how to take it to substance painter how to texture it paint it export those textures back into cinema 4d and then uh do the final render in cinema 4d not using or not depending on any other plugins or third-party renderers here we are in cinema 4d and we are going to start modeling the character i assume that most of you will be already familiar with the modeling techniques in cinema 4d uh so i'm going to go here and take a sphere we have a sphere right here just go to display and i'm going to turn on the gorad shading so that we can see the segments here i'm going to increase this to 50. i think this is more than enough for our model and i'm going to create a box scale it down let's move it to the center of the scene okay yeah i think this is good enough we have this right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a boulet i'm going to add the cube and the sphere into the boulet to get this basic shape so this is where we will be you know this is our basic geometry where we will be building our pokeball so we have this let's make a cylinder and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the coordinates of the cylinder and rotate it in 90 degrees so we'll get it like this this is good and let's go to the objects reduce the radius a bit so i think this is good enough so um i think this is enough for the radius we have um a cylinder right here we basically want to use this cylinder to create another bullet another cut out or you know a dent in in this sphere so what we're going to do is we're going to create another boule we already have one we're going to create one more so we're going to go here and create a boolean we are going to add the cylinder and the pulley back in here so we will create this 10 in here so i think we have beer sort of reaching there and but there is there are a couple of things that we need to do so i'm going to create another sphere we need an inner sphere for this and scale it down and we are going to arrange the sphere sort of in the right position now what we're going to do is we're going to create one more um you know two more cylinders to create a button in here so let's go to the object panel and create a cylinder let's do the same thing rotate the coordinates in 90 degrees and we can reduce the radius of this and move it okay i think this is good we can create a fillet as well so let's go to caps let's turn on the filling we have it reduce the radius to maybe two we need a another cylinder so there are two buttons in here so i'm going to create and hold alt and then drag it in the direction that we want to copy i'm just going to go into the object and then reduce the radius a bit more here so i think 15 is going to work pretty well so what we're going to do is we can take all these uh materials all the things we can it's it's a good idea to name all of this so this is the first sphere we're going to call it the outer sphere everything in the name so if any of this has a material tag make sure that you delete that and once everything is done we can actually go to the layout here and change it to bp uv edit select that so we can see a window where how our uv is going to look like we can actually go to the paint setup wizard make sure that every model every object is selected click on next uncheck single material mode we don't want everything to be wrapped into one single material so we're going to just uncheck this and click next these are the channels which are there but right now there is only color information which is fine we can select these elements what we want so i'm going to select a reflectance channel i'm going to select a bump and i'm also going to select the normal channel these might be the channels that we might have to create in a substance painter so i'm just going to check that i'm going to click finish and close this unwrapping is done now what we are going to do is we are going to export so we can switch back to the initial layout we can go back to startup layout we are going to select all these materials uh all the objects select everything we will go to file click export and select fbx we are going to export this as an fbx file so we have this set we can choose it as desktop i'm going to name it pokeball and click save click ok and saved now what we are going to do is we are going to open substance painter and work on the model so let's go into substance painter right now so um here we are in substance painter we can see the the shelf right here with a lot of materials brushes and things like that we have a tool bar and we have the layer palette and the properties tab right here and this is your workspace we need to first import our model that we created in cinema 4d for that we're going to go to file and click on new and in new you can choose a format which actually suits to it i'm going to go with um adobe dimension just you know good enough and we are going to select the model so we have the pokeball fbx open that we have you know the document resolution you can scale it up to 2k if you want so let me just make it 2k and click ok and it's going to bring the model into the scene so we have it right here so the interface actually works the navigation works the same you can click on alt on your keyboard and you can use your mouse to um you know play around with the view uh panning and zooming in and zooming out of the model right so we have the model here there is no data here right now we can see that there is no color data or paint on this so on your right um you know side of the interface you can see all the objects that we had we have this sphere we have the inner sphere we have the cylinders and we have the cube that we use to cut this boolean so all of those elements are here and everything when you select a particular layer or an object the layer of that particular object is highlighted and you can work on this particular layer right so um by default there is an empty layer here you can start painting right away or you can create additional layers from here so to to create a base right we we are going to build a base um you know texture on it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to um the materials i'm going to go down and we have um a steel rough texture i'm just going to add it here so i'm just going to drag and drop it right here so you can immediately see the steel rough appearing here and also that material is applied to our outer sphere just on the outer sphere that exit is already applied which is pretty good so now we have that layer right here you can build that's that's a pretty decent uh you know starting point so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a new fill layer so click on this fill layer and it creates a fill layer right here and in this fill there you can add colors so basic colors and all that you can you can play around with it and you can add it so um i'm going to add a base color which is let's say work with the red so we wanted a red color as the base of it and we have this now what we want to add is we want to add an additional layer in here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a new material onto this so let's go to perhaps smart materials and let's take a look at so damage texture let's take a damaged texas maybe a steel scratch layer also on top of it we can see uh there is a scratch layer which is created right now and you can again add the fill layer on top of it so as we add more and more layers you can see that all those effects are applied into this material all the layers are showing up right here right so this is how you basically work with this is your starting point just giving you an overview of how to get started with this um now this is for one layer we have done that you can you can start brushing also on these layers so i can create a layer and what i want to do is i want to convert the base of this to white i want to just paint the base to white so to do that i'm going to select the brush tool which we already have we have the color set to white i'm going to increase the brush size by using the square brackets and i can paint on that sphere so this is 3d paint so you can just paint only on that piece so once you have done that base paint right there is there a couple of other things that you can do uh with the brush tool for instance so let's say i'm what i want to do is i want to create um you know a not just a paint layer i want to include you know increase the height of this i want to create a dent in here or something like that so what i'm going to do is i can go to brushes and i can choose any brush texture in here so what i'm going to do is in the new layer i'm going to create a new layer on top of this and in here i'm going to go down i'm going to say that i don't need color i don't need a roughness i don't need metallic i just want to affect the height of this texture you can go down to the height you can increase the value and then if i paint on it you can see that the height is getting affected here so that is creating a little bit of texture and also there is a height information there if you reduce the value of height it's going to create a an inversion so it will create a dent in the shape of that uh right so it will be like this like scratches created so you can see the difference here this is sort of an inverted um you know dent and this is a projection it's happening so that is based on the height value that you are giving right so you can turn off the value so this is right now we have turned on the height and normal you can also do this for you know roughness here so if i am choosing a different brush and if i'm only affecting the roughness of this material so it will become less reflective here so if i do this it's going to make the that particular area less reflective right so similarly i can i can select just metallic value of this i can increase the metallic value of this uh thing and if i paint it it is going to be more closer and more metallic in this area so this is how you basically work with brushes right so you can keep adding elements into this you can drag and drop materials into this and just modify it so if i'm going to just quickly create materials here i'm just going to add these to these shapes just drag and drop it and we have a basic uh you know set of materials now the important point that we need to understand is how to how to export this you know element how to export these textures into cinema 4d and render it without having a third-party renderer to process this the workflow is pretty easy what we need to do is once you're happy with your you know the model and the textures what you can do is you can go to file and click on export textures and it's going to show up this window you can choose output template this adobe dimension and you can click export here and all the textures which are used or which we created right now will be exported into your system now once this is done you can click substance painter and you can go to cinema 4d back again so we are back in cinema 4d with the model that we have already created now we need to import the textures that we made in substance painter to this and assign it to these model so um this is how you do it since you know as we already unwrapped the whole model the texture tag for each one of this is actually here we need to actually take this we need to take all these uh material slots and assign it with the materials that we created from substance painter so i'm going to go in to the sphere let's open that up let's turn off the lines so that we can see it a little clearer so we're going to go in here and we're going to turn on the color right and we are going to choose the texture for sphere and we're going to choose the diffuse uh material into the color channel say no and we can see uh the material is already here we can see that it's already working now uh it's not complete we have a lot a lot of other parameters that we need to add so we're going to go to the reflectance and if you have a default specular in the reflectance standards just remove it and we will be adding this from the scratch so i'm going to go in to add and add a ggx um channel right here so it's going to create a highly reflective material here what we're going to do right now is we're going to go to the roughness channel and in the texture of the roughness channel we are going to add a colorizer so we will click on the colorizer and a colorizer is added to the roughness channel we will click on the colorizer map and loading our glossiness map into it so sphere closeness open this up and it's going to load right here it's showing in red because of this gradient right here we can just go ahead and change these gradients into pure white so make sure that you're changing the gradient into white just use black and white so i have a variation like this and this is good enough we're going back to the reflectance we'll go to the layer color here let's load the texture of specular right into this and we have that as well so now you can see uh you know the the material working slightly better in here right we have the reflection happening we have the scratches and everything and it's looking pretty good now it's not done we have a couple of other maps to add we're going to go to the bump we're going to turn on the bump and add the texture of height into the bump channel so bump is added into it we also have the normal map so go to the normal and load the normal map of the sphere into this channel and we can now start to see a little more depth in here so if we just turn around and we look closer we can see there is the height information and also the pump value which is here in the model so our sphere the top of a sphere is textured and we need to now repeat the same process for the rest of the textures uh right here so we're going to do that right so we have the material done right we have all the textures applied from substance painter here so to see if this is working properly we might have to render this out and see it so to do that i'm going to add a floor so let's move the entire model up and align it to the floor so we have that here we can bring in a skylight so i'm going to go in and create a skype i am going to add a new material for the hdri and i'm going to turn off the color and reflectance turn on the luminance value and load an hdri map into this so we have an hdri right here i'm going to open that up and we have that right here just add it to the sky the entire scene is lit by um from the hdri map we have that here i'm also going to use a material for the ground so we have that as well let's play right and we'll go to the render settings and add an ambient occlusion and also a global illumination and we can give it a render to see how it is looking right now it looks pretty good so you know this is a very simple tutorial on how to get started with substance painter and if you already have a model how to texture that in cinema 4d so i hope you have enjoyed this tutorial i will see you soon with another video till then
Channel: Mahesh Ravi
Views: 8,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _S4jVKj4JUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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