Modding the Mustang | Aeroplane Heaven P-51D | Warbird over Wanaka | Microsoft Flight Simulator

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[Music] foreign [Music] everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we are going to be heading out in the airplane Heaven North American p51d Mustang once again this isn't just any Mustang though we've modded the aircraft rather considerably we have essentially all new sounds an all-new flight model an all-new engine model really here we are just making use of the beautiful visual model the airplane Heaven provides and modding the aircraft in the areas where the product tends to fall somewhat short so as far as the aircraft sounds go we've swapped out the airplane Heaven P51 sounds with the default Sobo P51 sounds a considerable Improvement as you'll hopefully have noted there during the introduction and as far as the flight model and engine modifications go both of those are free courtesy of echo mic Delta you can find his work freely available over on as usual I'll leave a link down in the video description below for anyone that is familiar with his work or indeed his YouTube channel which goes by the name of flight model review you'll know that he certainly puts the work in and that definitely shows here with the handling characteristics of the updated P51 anyway the aim of our video today is not to review the aircraft necessarily it's really just have some fun with the Mustang enjoy the aircraft for what it is we're currently back on the ground at Wanaka on New Zealand South Island and we're going to be making a short hop Northbound up the shores of Lake Wanaka towards McIver a has a really challenging little airstrip so going to carry out a stop and go there with P51 and then we'll return home towards Wanaka lots of external shots for you in the video today again so that you can enjoy both the beautiful visual model as well as the enhanced sounds as always I do hope you found the flight to be both interesting and of course good fun if you do then please consider giving the video a like and subscribing to the channel so here we are then in the cockpit of our modded Mustang we're on the ground at Wanaka as we discussed and once again no visual differences here between this version of the aircraft and the default airplane Heaven version of the P51 it's the sounds on the flight model we've adjusted here on the aircraft and again this is not intended necessarily to be a technical breakdown of the product we're just going to be having some fun out in the Mustang it's only putting the aircraft through its paces and of course enjoying the beauty of the p51d here as we go so with that in mind running through the pre-start checks heartbreak is selected on lapse are selected up the car brand air control is set through to filtered and the carp hot air control is set through to normal the fuel levels I believe a little bit of a bug we have to select the Battery Master on here first before we can read the fuel gauges so we'll just wait until those are reading correctly we should see about 25 US gallons in each main tank and short enough showing about 25 gallons there on the left same there on the right the auxiliary fuel tank there should be empty we are indicating empty and you may have noticed during the introduction we do have the drop tanks fitted here to the aircraft but those both empty as well so given our current fuel configuration the elevator trim tab can stay neutral for the takeoff the rudder trim tab should go through six degrees out to the right but we're going to leave that neutral again I just find that a little bit easier here for the takeoff Battery Master is selected on the generator Master can go on as well radiator coolant shutter is set through to automatic and same there for the all-cooler shutter the start will crack the throttle one inch mixture should be set through to idle cut off but we're going to go through to pull Rich here for the start lever is separately forwards the fuel selector will come on to the main left hand tank for the start and the fuel shut off is selected on your Boost pump is selected on we'll plant the engine for about three to four seconds [Music] ignition can go through to both I'm elongated starter just checking the prop area no one's around clear prop I'm gonna engage the starter so nice plumes of smoke there as our Packard Merlin Roars into life we can cage up the starter once again mixture will just bring that now to Auto rich now the field Beast pump can go off but glance here as well the oil pressure looking Goods or temperature coming up there as well so for the warm up we can come through to 1300 RPM which is come all the way back on the stick here before we do so power is set all temperature we're looking for at least 40 degrees Celsius before we head off we've got about 50 degrees there currently altimeter the current q h is 2980 [Music] that's giving us 1 200 feet which concurs more or less with the aerodrome elevation artifice Horizon is uncaged and now the engine's nicely warmed up obviously that took quite a bit less time that would probably be realistic but we can come back to 1000 RPM so we do have a good start here on our pack on Merlin things nicely warmed up now we can make our way out towards the runway which is just off the left wing we're going to be taking the grass Runway front departure today and initially will depart out towards the east so we'll head out towards the runway we'll carry out the run up on Route and I'll come back to you again once we're ready for the departure okay so we now have ourselves lined up here on the south eastleigh Runway just quickly run through our before takeoff checks same for the flight controls especially confirming those are full free and in the correct sense [Music] pop lever is set through to high RPM the flaps will take 20 degrees here on the flaps it's a fairly short takeoff run off the grass Runway here at Wanaka particularly for the P51 so we'll just wait for the flaps to run out they are officially confirmed set there on the left and same they're on the right gunsight is selected off we'll take the landing light on same there as well for the fuel boost pump and finally we can close out the canopy here end of the takeoff so canopy is closed and locked part break off initially we'll come fully back on the stick and same full right there on the rudder just for the early stages of the takeoff bidding in the throttle we'll set 55 inches on the manifold pressure while takeoff run save power is set temperatures and pressures looking good and we can just start easing off on that Rudder input now as the SB builds easing off on the back pressure as well on the stick Hotel coming up and just generally increasing that back pressure p51d lifting off the grounds we do have a positive climb we'll tap the brakes we can bring the gear up and we'll just hold the flaps and the power setting here to up through 500 feet there's 500 so we'll start tracking the flaps and for the climb power setting we're looking for 46 inches on the manifold pressure and 2700 RPM hello climb power is set we'll attract that last stage of flap your Boost pump can come off uh long light is selected off it's all turned on to our first heading that's a heading of 286 now towards Waypoint one which is a small island on the Water of Lake Wanaka itself so for now just turning up towards the North West you can see the Airfield there on fire 10 o'clock position and you can see Lake Wanaka albeit fairly hazy day here but the lake itself just off the nose we'll keep the aircraft fairly low level here today so we'll come back to our cruise pass setting now we want 42 inches and 2400 RPM so power looking good temperatures and pressures looking good we'll get the P51 trimmed out if the cruise and a quick launcher as well at all gauges we've got about 25 guns still there on the left down to around 15 guns there now on the right it's all switch over to the left main tank and we can continue here out towards the lake foreign established here now in the cruise on a heading of 286 degrees pretty much got the aircraft trimmed out here straight and level up around three and a half thousand feet as discussed 3.1 is a small island here out in the Water of Lake Wanaka we've got a slightly larger Island here off the nose our Island should be just behind that we could actually cut the corner here slightly head off at our one o'clock you can see we can just follow the water air out towards the northwest [Music] but we'll continue on our flight plan for now I think I'm 286 it's an 11 Mile Lake we're doing 270 miles an hour here currently so around 250 knots about four miles a minute so she takes around three minutes here to get overhead the island we've been flying for about a minute and a half so far and sure enough you can see Waypoint one here just come out off the left of the nose that's our Island there down in the water so we'll start heading for now next heading out towards destination of makarura is going to be a heading of three five three and once heading out towards the North we'll throw the Mustang around a little bit more have some fun The Landing over at mcarur should be good fun as well that's quite a challenge for the aircraft definitely not an airstrip UB looking to land the P51 Dia in reality but I think it's going to make for a really nice challenge here today you'll see what I mean as we approach the field so slightly hazy conditions here today in New Zealand not really allowing us to enjoy the scenery to its fullest but nevertheless still absolutely spectacular here in the SIM and overall whilst I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite aircrafts the airplane Heaven p51d actually really enjoyable with the updated sound set and of course the updated flight modeling the Santa is courtesy of the Sobo P51 so you will need to have that purchased and installed as well to switch the sounds out which of course in effect adds to the cost of the airplane having P51 the flight model update on the other hand is completely free well worth checking out that's available over on and as usual I'll leave links down to that in the video description below let's come up slightly again here on the prop we're slightly low on our RPM building up quite a bit of speed here now as well we're up to around 300 miles an hour and another quick check here about fuel States approaching about 20 us guns now there in the left tank so macaroa is about another 24 miles out towards the North again doing roughly four nearly five miles a minute now so we're looking at around about six minutes here into where we had the fields and currently just coming up about 10 minutes past two it's expecting to drive around 14 15 local let's head off towards the shoreline we'll take the Mustang low level initially again I wasn't planning on this being a technical breakdown of the aircraft but undoubtedly the flight model is significantly better particularly once airborne still a bit of a challenge to get the aircraft Off The Runway in a reasonably ordered fashion which has always been the case with the airplane mp51 but as I say once they're born the aircraft handles I would say much more authentically and certainly as well performs much closer to the numbers than the p51d was previously at around 300 knots then that's full aileron deflection out to the right so you can see the roll rate pretty reasonable there and a bit of a break here in the Hills that leads off to another Lake out towards the East I'm not going to even attempt to pronounce the name of the lake now I know someone has very kindly pointed out the name in the past the best of times though it's not easy to get these names right certainly try my best here for the video today hello New Zealand looking absolutely resplendent even with our rather hazy day once again just a really enjoyable experience here in the SIM so just approaching these Shores here of Lake Wanaka out towards the north we've got about another 10 minutes to run here currently we can just follow the river now out towards our 12 o'clock now takes in towards the makarura airstrip doing a little bit of researcher ahead of the video just trying to get a feel for the pronunciation here of macaron there's actually apparently the town is home to one of the smallest schools on the planet and there's only nine students in the school well that was rather interesting but of course today we're here to check out the airstrip and again that's going to make for a pretty interesting Landing in just a moment's time your short strip is also very hemmed in in terms of the tree line we're gonna have to be very accurate on our aircraft placement here during the landing we've also got some obstacles at the threshold of the runway and once again the airplane having P51 not the easiest aircraft to land at the best of times so trying to get it down on the macaron strips going to be pretty good fun of nothing else well then we've got the strip coming up just off the nose just after the left here of the spinner we'll do a fly path so that you can get a good feel for the strip will come in nice and low then we'll break off to the left back for a left hand back onto the runway so building up some speed here in the dive Max Speed with the drop tanks fitted is 400 miles an hour so here's the runway you can see we've got quite a few obstacles on the approach path foreign as we do so letting that speed reduce we can take the gear below 170 miles now but we'll just hold off on doing that here till we're established on our downwinds so continuing to come back off the throttle or hold the car beep now Runway just off the left wing looking pretty good in terms of our positioning we'll take the gear down and running through our downward checks the brakes I checked it off undercarriage is down mixture set through to fully rich your Boost pump is selected on terms of our fuel quantities [Music] showing slightly more there on the right hand main so we'll come back onto the right hand man for the approaching Landing what instruments are checked we'll take the landing light on harnesses secure we'll roll back in towards the runway and start configuring flaps here as we do so speed looking good for now ordinarily we'd run around 120 miles now down find approach but we're going to come right back towards 100 miles an hour just to make sure we're not carrying any excess speed as we go over the runway unfortunately though we are going to have to carry just a little bit of excess altitude to make sure we clear those obstacles [Music] so looking good down the speed that's Landing flap in terms of our finals checks pitch is set fully fine undercarriages down laps are set Ting current's not required the runway was checked visually clear and the runway just come into view now we'll start set the P51 just to give us a little bit more forward visibility so right Rudder A little bit of left data run to counter almost hanging the aircraft on the pump here but I'll speed right back at 100 miles an hour we'll actually come off the throttle a little bit early here as well just to ensure we don't float too far down the runway they're straightening ourselves up holding the p51o there's touchdown quite a long touch down there so braking quite aggressively back on the stick to keep the tail on the grounds and bring the aircraft to a stop probably the reasonable amount of distance to spare well if not the canopy and again just breaking getting ourselves nice and slow well unlock the tail wheel and we can swing ourselves around foreign okay so we now have the p51d turned around lined up here for a southerly departure just running through the before takeoff checks once again the flight controls have been checked the flaps we have 20 degrees selected bang light is selected on fuel boost pump is selected on we can close up the canopy once again oh very cool and that's before fully back on the stick full right rudder this time we're going to come all the way through to 60 inches on the manifold pressure with it being an incredibly short Runway so power is set temperatures and pressures are checked just starting to feel the rudder coming alive easing off on the back pressure as well on the stick just getting light on the wheels and getting p51d airborne and just about scraping our way there out of makarura so we don't have a positive climb once again without the brakes bringing the gear coming back now towards our climb power setting so 46 inches and 2700 RPM so definitely a bit of a squeeze there getting both in and out of the Airfield but again really good fun nice little challenge in the Mustang certainly not something you'd want to try with such a beautiful vintage aircraft in the real world but that's why we like to sim so we can have some fun a few things that we might not otherwise get to try so speedling good bringing in those flaps and we have the aircraft clean fuel boost pump can go off hang lights off and once again no need to climb here so we'll just come straight back to our please pass hitting they'll go with 42 inches there's 2600 RPM so of course all we need to do here to get ourselves home is fly our reciprocal headings so we're looking for one seven three and towards the first Island that we came across over Lake Wanaka nice established here now the cruise again doing around 260 miles now here over the ground so cracking along quite nicely we'll just make our way over the lake back towards our home Airfield okay so we're just coming overhead our Island once again we'll turn on to a heading of 106 to take us back home and this time we'll just cut in behind the switch line rather than climbing over the top so again very much enjoying the aircraft overall it would be nice if airplane heaven had given the Mustang a few further tweaks as they did with the Spitfire they updated the Spitfires Santa as well as a few other features on the aircraft and I was expecting to see the same with the P51 but it doesn't seem to have received quite as much love but certainly with this one model update and if you do have the Sabo P51 sounds then as you can see for yourself you can make a fairly decent P51 out of the combination overall certainly we're still not looking at anything that's on a par with for example the a2a P51 or of course the dcsp51 but but it's a reasonably nice warbird option now with the Microsoft flight simulator and again good fun to fly overall I've certainly had a fun time thus far now all we've got to do is get ourselves back on the ground in wanakona reasonably safe fashion they've got the town of Wanaka what's our two o'clock the airstrip should be more or less off the nose where the Ridgeline here comes down out from the south Airfield buried away somewhere just buying nuts look at how damage checks done now we can carry out another low pass over the field back in for a traffic pattern so the brakes are checked enough we'll hold the undercarriage mixture once again is set through to fully Rich fuel boost pump it selected on comes off your quantity is about five year scans now they're on the left so we'll come back onto the right Main watch instruments are looking good we'll have to hold the landing light now and our harness once again is secure take a seat one Canal quite clearly off the right wing and we should come visit with the fields in just a moment's time we'll just come slightly further out towards the South making sure we put the field off the left of the aircraft visual now with the main Runway we'll land on the grass Runway again it's slightly shorter so again a little bit more of a challenge but we'll make a low pass here down the Harden Runway so it's giving 42 inches for now 2700 RPM and same as we did before we'll break off to the left come back in for a left-hand pattern let's go to keep us as well here clear the train up to around 300 miles an hour and we'll make a nice low pass straight down the runway so once again breaking off to the left reducing our power letting that speed fall off there's the airfields you can just about make out the last Runway there out towards the east all the way back off the power that speed's picked up quite a bit now so we'll take some flap give ourselves a little bit more drag and again he'll get that speed below 170 miles an hour before we take the gear slightly wide here for the downwinds obviously that's going to make things a little bit easier in terms of getting ourselves configured so Diamond checks out of the way speed is good we'll take the gear down and we'll try and get a slightly more refined Landing out of the aircraft this time since we've got a few less restrictions in terms of our approach gear is indicating down let's start our turn back in towards the runway once again just continue to take the flaps here as we do so and this time we're looking for around 120 miles an hour damn fun approach so flaps are set pitch is full fine undercarriage is down and once again the runway check clear no need for landing clearance it's coming back up on the throttle to maintain that speeds and it's a little bit tricky here to identify the grass Runway Jazz coming fishing with the markings now speed just to touch high and once again we'll side slip the aircraft tied with that forward visibility although I want to try and get a nice smooth touchdown out of the P51 again we don't have a ton of Runway here so we're going to try and avoid floating the aircraft as much as we can maybe the threshold back off the throttle being ourselves straightened up getting a little bit of afloat let's touch down not the best landing not the worst onto the brakes as I say a reasonable Landing overall could have been a little bit smoother just got a little bit Twitchy after the touchdown but we are safely down back on the ground in the P51 we'll just roll through here let the aircraft slow up and then we'll have to backtrack the runway back towards the Park area [Music] okay so we're just about tracking the north Westerly Runway currently we'll unlock the tail wheel get yourselves back in towards the apron in the meantime we can open up the canopy and we can retract the flaps so we'll just make our way back in towards the parking area look at ourselves here pointed out towards the East and that way we can enjoy the train here as we shut down so for the offline checks the power is set canopy is open the coolant controls both shutters set to automatic trim is set through to neutral prop control is set fully forward for your Boost pump is selected off we'll lock up the Tailwind once again and gently onto the brakes so power break is set leaving the engine idling at 1000 RPM we'll come up to 1500 RPM and again we'll just come fully back on the stick to help keep the tail of the aircraft down there's 1500s mixture can go through to idle cut off uh we do have a good cut there on the engine not all fully open [Music] we'll close the throttle once again ignition can come off electrical switches will take the generator Master off Lang light is selected off electrical switching looking Goods once again the Cobb Ram air control is set to filtered and just working our way around the last of our carpet switches your shut off is selected off take the Battery Master off and that is the shutdown checklist complete so there you go ladies and gents I do hope you enjoyed our outing here in the modded Mustang as we've discussed during the flight certainly the flight model updates available from Echo mic Delta are well worth checking out if you currently own the aircraft and the same is certainly true of the sounds if you currently own both the airplane Heaven P51 as well as the default Sobo P51 it's well worth switching out the sounds they do actually transfer across very nicely it's not too difficult to do there are resources available online that I like the process and to my mind at least the asobe sounds do a much better job of recreating that wonderful Merlin growl overall while still not perfect these modifications certainly go a long way towards improving the aircraft and as I say I really enjoyed our outing in the Mustang once again if you did like the flight then please consider giving the video a like if you want to see more content from the channel then please do consider subscribing as well and if you would like to help support the channel you can do so by becoming a channel member or Patron and on that note a huge thank you to my channel members and patrons for all of your support I do hope that all of you are having a great day wherever you are take really good care and I will see you all again soon
Channel: Into the Blue Simulations
Views: 11,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flight Simulator, FS2020, Flight Simulator, Flight Simulation, Realism, Realistic, Flight Sim, 2020, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, VFR, Real Pilot, Full Flight, Review, First Impressions, Tutorial, Startup, Cold and Dark, Sneak, Preview, New, Aircraft, Addon, Aeroplane, Heaven, Aeroplane Heaven, North American, P51, P-51, P51 D, P-51D, P-51 D, Mustang
Id: 3srDi_UDhI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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