Modding Fallout 4 made EASY | Crash Course Mod Guide 2024 | Vortex/Nexusmods

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what's up I'm triple shho welcome back to another video in this one I'll be showing you how to mod Fallout 4 there's been a huge explosion in popularity and of course it's bringing a ton of players to the game and even new updates in this video I'll show you how to get Fallout 4 to a stage that you can just oneclick install any mod from the Nexus mods website which is pretty much all of them I'll show you how to set up a mod manager as well as a couple of important mods such as one that'll get your loading times decreased 10-fold that's part of my optimization guide for Fallout 4 which you'll find linked down below when I publish that probably tomorrow but for now let's go ahead and get Fallout 4 to a stage that we can easily mod it in the description down below you'll find a link to F4 SE this is pretty much the backbone to all Fallout 4 mods head across to it and click manual in the top right then choose slow download and you'll most likely be required to log in with a Nexus mods account as we be using the vortex mod manager later in this video you'll probably need an account anyway so it's a good idea to create one now sign in and then download this mod once it's done down downloading we'll be opening it with any zip Explorer such as WinRAR or in my case szip when it opens up you'll find a folder inside of it which will then open and in here we'll need to extract all of these to the games install folder to find this head across to steam right click Fallout 4 hover of manage and choose browse local files this is where we'll be dragging all of those files so f4s we'll select everything here and drag it out into our game folder if you're prompted about replacing files or merging folders simply click yes or okay once it's done you'll see all of these new files in your game folder and the one that we'll be focusing on is F4 SE looto when you open this it'll open up the game in a modable state so double clicking the game opens up and in here when we get to the main menu we'll be hitting the till key which is right below escape to bring up the in-game console in here we'll be typing in get F4 SE version and we'll hit enter you should see a response something like this where it says f4d version 0.623 in my case I think my face cams covering that anyways if you see any kind of response something similar to this then congratulations F4 SE is installed and we can quit to continue now that we have pretty much the backbone for all mods installed whenever you want to fire up Fallout 4 in the future we'll be opening the F4 SE loader instead of the main game so we'll go ahead and create a shortcut to F4 SE loader so right click create shortcut in my case it's more options and then create shortcut and we'll be renaming this to Fallout 4 moded or something similar I'll move this to my desktop and as it's a pretty ugly default icon we'll go ahead and right click it choose properties and in here change icon at the very bottom center okay and then browse what we'll do is navigate across to our games install folder so in your games install folder right click at the very top and choose copy address then in our open folder we click at the very top paste it in hit enter and now we're in the game's install folder select forid 4 choose open okay okay and and now we have a shortcut on our desktop to launch up Fallout 4 with mods supported sweet in future whenever you want to start up Fallout 4 open Fallout 4 modded which we placed on our desktop otherwise if you open it via steam you'll see the old popup before we get into the actual game and of course when you fire it up Mods may not be working properly if not at all however the one thing that you may want to launch up the game from Steam as usual to get to is the options menu which you can find here and advanced opening up our shortcut here drops us directly into the main menu anyways we'll move that across to the side and we'll continue the next thing I'll be covering is the vortex mod manager this is a powerful piece of software that lets you manage mods installing and removing them and on top of this automatically managing the load order to make sure that your game works properly for 99.9% of mods simply head across to the next Link in the description down below and choose download the latest version now then once again manual and of course download over here then slow download this is a much bigger download of around 150 Megs and it is relatively slow however the one different thing that you may have noticed is this screen over here telling us that there's different things required you'll be seeing this pop up quite a bit when we're installing fall art mods but for this one we'll need to install net 6 if you don't already have it if the installer opens up and it doesn't work properly you may need to come back here choose manual download and then click net 6.0 then click through that installer and finally you'll be able to run the Vortex mod manager installer for which we'll click install here wait for it to finish and with that with just one click it's done installing we'll make sure run Vortex is ticked and choose finish here this will start up the Fallout 4 mod manager or rather just the Nexus mods mod manager there's a ton of different games supported here even though we'll mainly be using this for just Fallout form all right the first thing you should do is on the top right if you see a red icon click it and we'll need to sign in this should automatically open up your browser and for me it did of here make sure you're signed in then choose authorize followed by log into Vortex and you can close out of your browser when it's done the mod manager should automatically reopen Sweet let's go ahead and enable Fallout 4 in the mod manager so on the far left click games and in here we'll be searching for at the very top Fallout simply find Fallout 4 click manage in the very center and once we've done sir we've Now set Fallout 4 as our default game profile you can switch profiles at the very top as you see Fallout 4 is added here and if we choose the dashboard tab over here at the very top left you'll see that we have Fallout 4 script extender installed right over here this is the mod that we installed previously and is pretty much the backbone to all other mods we can either start the game by clicking the three dots and choosing run or preferably using our desktop icon that we created earlier sweet now that we're at this stage we can actually start one click installing most mods consider this a sneak peek to your Fallout 4 optimization the one mod I definitely recommend recommend everyone installs is the long loading times fix for Fallout 4 you'll find this mod linked down below and plenty others in my Fallout for optimization once again linked down below too on any mod page such as this one we'll be clicking Vortex instead of manual ass time as we've got the mod manager installed you'll see a very similar popup about required files or required mods we'll get back here in just a moment for now I'll click a download and slow download here to open up the Nexus mods manager where the mod should then be downloaded and installed you'll find it on the downloads tab over here as it's busy downloading and as soon as it's done on the mods tab over here you'll find all of your different mods installed for now it's just the long loading times fix over here where we can of course remove mods or choose to update them reinstall Etc it's that simple for most mods however you'll see that they require different mods to be installed first so for example of this one required other things when we click Vortex you'll see them all pop up in the list here for now it's just F4 SE and that's the first mod we installed in this video as pretty much all of them require this if the mod that you're trying to install has more than just F4 SE you'll need to control click each of them or right click and open a new tab where we can then go ahead and install these as well using Vortex install Etc as I've already got F4 SE installed there's nothing I need to worry about here but often times character model mods and things like that require other things so for example if we sort by downloads and choose I don't know this one over here armor Smith extended we'll choose Vortex and poof you can see this thing requires quite a few different mods or things to be installed in this case these aren't linked anywhere but if we head across to this one here for example we'll need to install this using Vex and download now when it comes to these grade at ones these are usually Fallout 4 DLCs for example if I search automatron Fallout 4 you'll find that it's an add-on and on Steam you'll see that it's listed here as its separate own game if if we go ahead and look at Fallout 4 Game of the Year you'll see it includes automatron Wasteland Workshop far Harbor Contraptions Workshop voltech workshop and N world so if you find that any mod requires any combination of these you'll more than likely need to either upgrade your game or get these DLCs if you haven't already got the Game of the Year Edition now is probably the best time to get it as there's a weekend deal going on and of course there'll probably be a few more sales as the months go by anyways this mod of him only required this one and as we've already clicked across to it click Vortex and download here followed by slow download we're now downloading and installing the required mod for this one to work this will take quite a long while and of course as we've covered all of the requirements for this we can install the main mod as well so download and slow download there we go it's as easy as that we're Now setting up mods and we have a bunch of them queued up to download however I'll be skipping over these as I won't be installing these quite just yet for now I'll stick with just my long loading times fix and we'll start up the game to see how things work so I'll run the shortcut on my desktop and as soon as we load in the first load is probably going to take some time the rest of the loads between different areas should be greatly improved by this mod there was a small Improvement there but it mainly comes moving between different areas but of course if you installed some other kind of mod that uses the Pip Boy as an interface or anything like that then everything should be set up and working as you hope but anyways from here the only thing you really need to do is head across to the Nexus mods Fallout 4 Page and sort by let's see popular all time where you can find some good mods to go ahead and install from here it's your modding Journey as we've already got the vortex manager installed everything should work pretty much flawlessly but sometimes there'll be certain weird issues and most of the time they'll be included in the vortex mod manager with simple ways of fixing them for example this little bell icon in the top right is incredibly important to check whenever things pop up here previously there was some warning here about mods in compatibility or something like that in whatever popup you're getting you'll usually get a fix button that'll automatically fix things for you or it's telling you about an incompatibility where we need to remove a different mod or even sometimes when you're installing mods the mod Creator may have added some kind of configuration that you need to click through first such as downloading added textures HD textures or things like that certain mods with extra configuration May pop up while you're installing them on the downloads tab over here and you'll need to click through them to get everything to work properly and of course if in the future mods complain about load order once again you'll get a popup in the top right in the notification section telling you that you need to change things around and that should usually be easy enough to eyeball especially if it's like a mod to do with a person's skin is giving issues with another mod that's trying to change a bunch of people's skins you'll add one of them before the other or something like that it's usually self-explanatory if not probably already addressed on The Mod creators page that's the next thing that I'll get into is that some of these mods here actually have information on the description tab over here about what specific things they're incompatible with I don't think I'll be able to find anything that's incompatible with mods off the top of my head but usually it'll be like this mod is incompatible with that mod it's pretty much as simple as avoiding one mod or choosing one over another but just giving the description page of whatever you're trying to download a quick squiz is usually going to save you quite a bit of headache anyways you now know how to install mods manage them update them and sort out any incompatibilities or issues like that if you run into them it's super simple and of course you'll find the main mod list linked down below so you can get ahead in changing how the game plays performance Etc speaking of performance when my next video is out on optimizing Fallout 4 you'll find that linked down below as well but for now thank you all for watching my name is been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time ciao
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 27,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 4, fallout 4 mods, fallout 4 best mods, fallout 4 mods weekly, fallout 4 xbox one mods, fallout, fallout mods, best fallout 4 mods, top 10 fallout 4 mods, best fallout 4 mods 2024, best fallout 4 mods to download now, top 10 fallout 4 mods 2024, fallout 4 mod, fallout 4 best modlist, fallout 4 modding, fallout 4 best new mods, fallout 4 best mod pack, fallout 4 modded, fallout 4 mods 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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