Modded GTA 5 Free Roam with a Chaos Mod should be illegal

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welcome back to another gta section this is my batmobile i'mma eat a hot dog [ __ ] how do you really i can't [ __ ] do it batman getting pissed that he doesn't know how to ride a bike watch me what double homicide what happened who would win one emt or thanos it seems pretty close i think i have a way to tip the scales i don't know if i hit him i hate him oh there you go thanos that's it phase four complete damn any game could have i can't even hit you you're like a big [ __ ] that cat came out of nowhere let me check on it do you want to play 18 holes i don't know what i want to be i do yeah here take this one all right let's start hole number one i don't think i've ever actually played golf in gta can you actually play golf in gtx all right all right here we go first swing coming up okay i don't know fly down the fairway fly down the fairway can i use a baseball bat look at this oh you can't even see the bet all right matt i don't know where the golf course is oh no that sucks anyway oh yeah you could just tp to us yeah you can tp tp specifically right now i i have my tv to you oh you didn't where are you i'm in the middle of the report by the hole hey wait a minute y'all i can't get to the driver's seat from here y'all realize that right uh i'm coming down pretty quick boys not gonna everybody hop in no you need bigger boats smitty do you about the witness i am invisible all right hold on i'm gonna get a bigger boat there's not really good-sized boats you know oh maybe this guy's guys sit down thanos yeah an interesting way to get in you know i just sort of like this boat has really called me fat why i just waiting to the right so much because i'm thanos can you just hit f i am pressing f i'm gonna hit f on your life in a minute here is there not space no no shot there's no space there maybe there's another boat you just trying to blow the sailboat should have enough there we go everybody help on the sailboat we're going sailing i think you're the wrong character you're you're meant to be aaron swanson [ __ ] and uh whoa i'm i'm i'm i'm a wifey shut up shut up shut up right now what i'm about guys you're ruining the moment my wife just brought me spaghetti and a braless shirt all right ninja boy [Laughter] okay all right what what am i listening to i'm gonna go jump off and kill myself [Laughter] you know during that whole batman phase you were in kermit i'm surprised you never sang something in my ass something's in my ass no no no no no not in that way i like that version more tick tock rip that song where's my god why did i follow the frog frogs notoriously suicidal oh you guys wanted to see something cool it doesn't work would you want to see it sure this isn't going to work should i just are you going to break the server should i just oh okay this is oh my god oh i'm just taking them all out this is a good way to blow off steam after miss piggy divorced me i didn't go it was three years ago she never even loved you it still hurts to this day oh fire marshall [Music] oh no way we should go to the movie set and film a movie with all these hollywood celebrities everybody hop in my ultimate plan to kill all these hollywood icons is into into effects [Laughter] driven by kermit oh [ __ ] my cover's blown okay later [ __ ] well we're here so everybody wait where did bumper go all right guys we're here let's go film some movies we're going to be stars let's go film some movies and force women to do things they're uncomfortable with that good call that ain't cool dawg dead ain't cool all right i'll be the director all right what the [ __ ] thanos my bad my bad josh brolin i thought you were better than this where's the director's chair anyone see that all right places everybody we're ready to film i'm not feeling too good i had too much to drink last night what the [ __ ] you had to see pasta all right this is our director places parkour braces everybody please my god okay wait matt's the camera man this is perfect photographer come next to me you got to film you got to film ahead of me because i'm the director oh true you're filming directly that's now a video camera and no longer a uh photography camera all right now let's have the murder of donkey kong scene can everyone get ready for the murder of dawn that's improv i encounter impromptu and all right and action very good well that was take two take two things don't do it that was pretty weak one more [Laughter] i can't work with these [ __ ] people anymore i thought i was going to shoot myself all right kermit the frog commit suicide take one there's only one [Laughter] apparently hey fellas this wasn't a flip i did a flip on my screen [ __ ] [ __ ] you where are you at i'll show you you and your little bro what are you wearing under that goddamn frog skin huh i'll show you how to commit suicide let's see the painter is going to run the suicide scene oh there you are oh [ __ ] i didn't mean a little early there man just just f2 up there [Music] this is mine wait a minute hey where's all my cocaine buddy all right everybody in everybody and everybody in all right let's play a game it's called i dropped a grenade in here good luck [ __ ] [Music] wait did you put chaos mod on this kill all vehicles engines what the [ __ ] was the point of that well it this spot this is not fun hey big boy oh that was [ __ ] sick oh oh cars keep landing on me this is chaos there's just cars sinking into the ocean holy [ __ ] come down in the ocean look how many cars there are under the water no no no clip just [Music] are these the new chaos mod things maybe it could be a sneak peek okay because yes we should do that at some point you're just disabling everything no it's part of the chaos mod you goofy [ __ ] oh my god you look goofy just your [ __ ] ass well [ __ ] i said it like six times born goofy she was [ __ ] that's it i'm running grizzy over what is happening what is homecoming oh come to the pier you can [ __ ] hear it oh yeah underwater and come up to the pier oh everything's hot getting yeah upside down truck look at the upside-down truck on the pier bridge look at that thing down here why is it like that the entrance of the pier [Music] this just sounds like a symphony about crescendo that's all it sounds like i'm a wizard oh broomsticks oh they give you proofs i'm a wizard stuck in cinematic mode look up now where i love this this is actually oh crazy is flying his broom died [Music] to the [ __ ] harry potter world man who brought the glock to the quidditch match bro oh [ __ ] gifs no way how'd you get in there um a little thing called no clip oh my my gift shop is overrun please please i just wanted to sell gifts why did you kill me along with them no comment please get the monkeys out of my gift shop all right what do you want i'll take the i love you last cup please yeah hold on i would just i just want some big cheese chips i want some big cheese chips where are the big cheese i don't see them they're over there there you go thank you so much no problem i hope your business goes well uh-oh [Music] so it seems that i can't turn off the chaos mod oh great that's okay we'll live with it someone's phone is ringing the [ __ ] [Applause] there's so much [ __ ] chaos holy jesus a lot of star wars exclusive combat get out i'm gonna punch thanos no get out of here wait no one's in here what happened to everybody everybody's going we're all alone and the phone still rings oh it's done is everybody outside the club yeah okay weird everybody's invisible okay we're on [Music] hit weapons you slow down which means you're in single player but definitely i'm having a great time i got on a bike and music is playing even though i have music now i'm gonna die [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 3,018,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, gta 5 mods, grand theft auto, gta 5 mod, gta 5 online, grand theft auto v, grand theft auto 5, gta, gta v, gta v online, gta race, gta 5 races, gta v races, gta online, gta 5 funny moments, smii7y, smii7yplus, gta 5 sumo, sumo, gta v sumo, gta 5 mods pc, gta 5 chaos mod, gta v chaos mod, gta 5 modded free roam
Id: wF1UBAZL8_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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