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We have come back, we were discussing events. So, we defined events as subsets of omega, which are of interest. So, this is a very loose and informal. May, nobody would think that, this is a mathematical definition. So, it is just some plain English kind of a definition for now. So, we have been trying to formalize this, what is this? That we actually mean by events. So, we have this sample space omega, which contains all the possible elementary outcome of a random experiment. And we are looking at subsets of this sample space. We said that all events are, in fact, subsets of omega. But, not all subsets of omega are necessarily considered events. So, this is not a point, you may fully appreciate this point. But, we are building towards understanding this. So, one structure, we imposed for events yesterday was that, if a was an interesting event, a complement should be interesting. And similarly, if a and b are events, they are interesting, then a union b should be interesting. And so this led to the structure called algebra. So, an algebra is not is nothing but, a collection of subsets of omega, which are closed and complementation and a finite .unions or also under finite intersections, because of the Demorgan’s laws. So, we argued yesterday that, the structure of an algebra, sometimes falls little bit short of being able to describe a events of a day to day interest. So, we gave an example in terms of this, tossing a coin, until you get a head. And we looked at the event; that is even number of tosses. And that was not easy to describe in terms of the algebra axes. So, it turns out, that to do an interesting probability theory, to build a rich theory, you need a little more than the structure of an algebra. So, all of probability theory works with slightly stronger structure known as sigma algebra. So, sigma algebra is nothing but, a collection of subsets again of omega, which are not just closed in a finite unions. But closed under countable infinite unions, not necessarily closed under orbiterly infinite unions, but countable infinite unions. So, that is what, brings us to the concept of a sigma algebra. So, let me write down the definition of a sigma algebra. A collection F of subsets of omega, it is called a sigma algebra is null set is an F. 2, F A is an F. Then, A complement is an F. Finally, so these two are same as in an algebra. The last axiom of sigma algebra is different from axiom of the algebra. . If A 1, A 2, dot, dot, dot is a countable collection of subsets in F, then union A i in F. So, that is the definition of the sigma algebra. So, this is scripted F, as I said, we denote collection of subsets, collections of sets using scripted letters. So, we use scripted F for a sigma algebra and these two are the same. So, if the null set should be in F always. If A .is in F, then A is a complement should be in F. And the only difference with an algebra is that, if you have given any countable collection of sub sets in omega. The union of those subsets, countable union of those subsets, must be in F. So, there is one little point about say in a notational sense. So, this union, so if you look at the right up, I had set theory bit. So, this is really interpreted as union i belongs to n. So, they had a little remark in the right up, we had uploaded on set theory. So, this is simply. So, this is not like, you are not unioning A 1, then A 2, then A 3 and so on. This should be interpreted as a set of all elements contained in at least in one of the A i’s. This should not be interpreted as some limit of some finite union or any such thing. There is no such notion. So, this is better interpreted like this, it is union overall A i’s; i belong to n, which means, this is the collection of all little omegas contained in at least in one of the A i’s. So, that is just an aside. So, these three constitute the axioms of the sigma algebra. So, it turns out that, this structure is enough. You need, as I mentioned that, the structure of an algebra falls a little bit short of what we actually we need to build a very interesting theory of probability. It turns out as soon as you impose closer under the countablely infinite unions. It is enough to develop a very rich theory of probability. So, all of probability theory works with a sample space and the sigma algebra of subsets define on the samples space. So, you can also show by the ways. So, the exercise, you can also show that, if A i. So, this is also are subsets in F. Then, you can show that intersection also an F, using Demorgan’s law again, fine this is clear. So, you apply this and that together, you will get the fact that the sigma algebra is closed under countable intersections as well. Yes. . So, one thing, I want to make very clear here is that, see F naught both the algebra and the sigma algebra, they I am not saying for example, that an algebra should only contain a finitely immediate subsets. That is not, I am saying, it can have any number of sub sets. But, it should be closed under finite unions. Similarly, a sigma algebra can contain any .number of subsets. It can even be an unaccountability infinity of subsets. But, it should be closed under countable unions. It can have an even uncountable subsets in it. So, this F may have an uncountable infinity of subsets of omega in it. But, it should be closed under countable unions. That is all, we are imposing. I am not saying for example, that the cardinality of the F is countable or any such thing. No, It should be closed under countable unions, is that clear, everybody. So, this is very easy to show, this is a very simple exercise. So, one thing, you can show also is that, a sigma algebra. So, this is 1, exercise number 2, a sigma algebra is also an algebra. So, what we are saying is that, the sigma algebra is strictly stronger structure than a... . We have not said that, strictly stronger structure. I am saying now that, every a sigma algebra is an algebra, which means that, if you have closure under countably infinite unions, you will have closure finite unions, why? So, let say, you can take A i’s beyond A n, you can take the all A i’s as null sets. And you will have the closure under finite unions. Just take after A n plus 1 onwards, you take as null sets. Then, you will get closure under finite unions. So, this is very easy to show, this is very simple exercise, you will show it. What turns out is, it is not very entirely trivial to show that, there are algebras, which are not sigma algebras. So, we will see an example in the first home work. But, the converse is not true. The converse to this is not true, not every algebra necessarily a sigma algebra. Every sigma algebra is necessarily in algebra. So, the converse is not true and so in order to show that not every algebra is sigma algebra; you just need to produce an example. We will see one such example in the home work. Slightly conterminal, but you will see in the home work, you do the home work; you will see is this everybody with me, any questions? So, another terminology subsets in F are called F measurable sets. It is just another terminology. So, omega is a sample space and you are collecting subsets of omega and you make a sigma algebra F. And depending on what that sigma algebra is, elements of that F are .called F measurable sets. This is a another terminology. So, omega is a sample space and your collecting subsets of omega and you make a sigma algebra F. And depending on what that sigma algebra is elements of that F are called F measurable sets. And there are subsets of omega, which may not be in F. Those are not F measurable sets, those are just some subsets of omega. So, there are some examples. So, if you have some trivial examples of sigma algebra, we can give. Some non trivial examples, we will see later. So, the most trivial sigma algebra in some in any sample space omega is that. So, it is a collection of subsets of omega only containing null the set and the sample space itself. This is a sigma algebra. It is a very, very interval example. It is of no use in more situations, but it is a sigma algebra. This is one such example. So, I am just trying to say that, you can build many sigma algebra for a given sample space. And which sigma algebra, you want to work with, again depends on, what you are interested in? So, not only, is it your responsibility to build a sample space, based on the outcomes of the random experiments. It is also your responsibility to decide, what you are interested in and what subsets of omega, you want to include in your F. So, another such example is, for example, just say fee, some event A, some subset A, A complement along omega. This is also sigma algebra; actually, there are also algebras, because they are sigma algebras. So, here, what I was saying, here there is other than fee and omega, which is always there in the sigma algebra. There is one more event, one more subset A, which is of interesting to me. So, I am including A, but which I have to include A, I have to include A complement. So, this is another sigma algebra. This corresponds to only one interesting event other than null set A and it is compliment. At the other end of this spectrum is 2 power omega, what is 2 power omega? . That of all possible sub sets of the sample space, it include all possible sub sets of omega. So, if omega is natural numbers for example, we will include all possible subsets of natural numbers. So, if omega is n, in this case, F will be 2 power n. So, you can see .already, that 2 power n is an uncountable collections of subsets. But, we are only imposing closure under countably infinite unions, not necessarily uncountable unions. So, you are imposing only closing under countably infinite unions. And there is everything in between, so this is completely trivial. This sigma algebra has just one event, if you want two events A and B, you will have A, B, A union B, A intersection B. And all that complements and then omega that is how, you do it. And that the other ends of this spectrum the very end of... So, this is the biggest sigma algebra. That you can define on omega and it consists of all possible sub sets of omega, the sample space. So, which one you choose, depends on what you are interested in again. . It is not true; an algebra is not sigma algebra, we will give an example. See, in these cases, there are both algebras and sigma algebras, these very simple cases. But, there you can construct an examples, where the algebra is not the sigma algebra. It is possible, we will see in the home work. These are trivial examples. So, now, that brings us to the question. Say, if I choose F is equal 2 power omega, I can say that, all the subsets are interesting to me. So, in some sense, if I can choose F equal to 2 power omega and include all the subsets of omega as being interesting as being F measurable. Then, I can talk about all possible subsets being interesting and eventually assigned probability to them. That is what, I heading two words. The only issue is this, this is again an issue, you will not appreciate now. When omega when the sample space is finite or countable infinite. Then, you can actually afford to take F is equal to 2 power omega, includes all the subsets of sigma algebra and still assigned probabilities to them. So, for countable sample spaces, both finite and countable infinite samples spaces. You can actually assign probabilities to all the subsets of sample space. It is possible to do that, I we will get to all this and I am just giving you a preview now, but if omega is uncountable like 0, 1 interval or of real line or something like that. Then, the power set of that uncountable set is too larger collection to assign probabilities too. This is again something, you will not appreciate now. It is not possible to always assigned probabilities to all possible subsets of let us say the real .numbers uncountable sets. Therefore, this problem arises; you cannot always take F equal 2 power omega. Especially, when omegas are uncountable, you would have to settle for a sigma algebra, which is smaller. This is something you will appreciate little more later. Otherwise, we can see, if this problem never arose, we will just keep F as all subsets of omega. I want to keep ideally, I do not want to through anything out. But, all this machinery becomes necessary, only, because it is not possible to do a interesting probability, a consistence probability theory for certain uncountable sample spaces. . So, now another definition. So, omega F is called a measureable space, again another terminology. So, in the beginning, we will introduce a bunch of terminologies. So, what is a measurable space, it is a some set omega endowed with a sigma algebra of subsets. The pare omega coma F is called a measureable space. If F can be any sigma algebra, it does not have to be any one of these particular one sets. It does not have to be any particular sigma algebra on omega. As long as you endo omega with some sigma algebra F. This omega F is called a measurable space. So, the one thing, that you should know about probability theory is that, it is actually just a special case of measures theory. And the probabilities are simply special cases of measures, which is where some people talk of probability measure. .Have you heard that terminology, you do not just say probability, but probability measure. It is a special case of mathematical concept called a measure, which we will define very soon. So, let us define a measure definition. So, a measure is a function mu from F to 0 infinity included. Such that, mu of 5 is always 0 and number 2 is A 1, A 2, dot, dot, dot is collection of this joint F measurable sets. Then, they measure of the countable union of A i is equal to. So, that is the definition of a measure. So, it is a mapping from, so you are given some measureable space omega coma F and so this measure is the function from F to 0 infinity; infinity included. So, it can actually take values. So, it can take any real value or it can take the value plus infinity. So, it is not just a real valued function. it is an external real valued function. Say, it takes value from 0 infinity included. So, what does it mean, you are assigning measures to what, subsets, not all subsets of omega want to make this clear, only F measurable of sets. So, measures are assigned not to all sets of omega. But, to those subsets, which you have been decided to include in your sigma algebra, which is a judgments called, you already made, let us say. Depending on what you think is interesting to you, you have created some sigma algebra F and you say omega F is a measurable space. Why, is it called a measurable, I am going to put measures on this space, something you put, what is a measurable space, after all something you put a measure on. That is why; it is called a measurable space. It is actually find a value in simple definition. So, it takes as in put F measurable sets and produce us a real number or plus infinity, positive real number or plus infinity. And does not take negative value, that is all, it takes all values from 0 to plus infinity. We must necessarily have, that the measure of the null set is 0. Now, so remember this null set it is in F, which is why we impose condition know, remember this. So, the null set is always F measurable. And that is specific F measurable said fee has measured 0 always. It is one of the axioms of measure. This second axiom of measure is known as the countable additively axiom. This says that if I have a bunch of a countable collection of disjoint F measurable sets, then the measure of the countable union is equal to the some of the individual measures. .See, these A i’s are after all F measurable. So, new of A i is well defined, some positive number. And also, since A I’s are F measurable, the countable union is F measurable. So, mu is also defined for the countable union. So, and axiom imposes that, if you take disjoint A i, so if I have some big sample space omega and I have disjoint events, disjoint F measureable set. A disjoint means, they do not have each of these A i’s have null intersection. So, A i intersection A j is null for all I j, that is what disjoint means. So, if I take the measure of the union of A i. So, I am only drawing the finite number of them obviously. But, there are actually a countable infinite number of this A I’s. They all disjoint, pare wise and if I take the measure of all these guys, the union of all the guys is equal to the mission of the measures of the each of them. Actually, very intuitive, come to the think of measure as something that says how much is contained in that or something like that. So, if they are disjoint, I would not be able to add the measures. So, there are these two axioms. . No, I am talking about the genetic measures; a measure is a function from your sets. It is functions the maps F measureable sets to 0 infinity. And you imposed two conditions. One is that, the null set should have 0 measures. The other is that, if I have the disjoint accountable union of disjoint F measurable sets, the measures can be added up. This axiom if you note down, is called the countable additivity axiom. This is the most important one; this is fairly a trivial one. This is most important property of a measure. .. Now, the triple, you just say the triple omega F mu. So, now, we have defined some measure on this measurable space. So, we started with omega and, then you endored with a sigma algebra F. So, this pair, you called a measurable space, in anticipation, that you going to put a measure on this space. Now, that you put a measure on this space, this is called a measures space. Now, it has a measure space. So, what is a measures space, it is a triple consisting of a set, a sigma algebra on that of subsets. And then a measure define on the F measureable sets. So, this property should be satisfied good. So, far, we have actually defined a bunch of things. It is actually a concept eventually fairly simple. Just that the thing is very abstracted this point. You probably do not have the concrete examples. I am deliberately keeping it abstract,, because once we develop a proper theory; we can give number of examples and make several specifications. So, far logically everything is good. So, now, remember that, see this fee is in this algebra always. Therefore, omega is also in the sigma algebra. So, the whole space is always F measurable, omega is always F measurable. So, omega must have a measure associated with it,, because I cannot leave out any F measurable set. So, mu of omega is well defined. So, if mu of omega, so what value can mu of omega possibly can take, no, I mean, I have not said anything about it. So, mu map F measurable sets to 0 infinity, infinity included. So, it could be that, this is finite. So, this .is again something very intuitive. If it so happens that, if your mu assigns only a finite value to the entire space. Then, it is called a finite measure. And similarly, if this is equal to infinity, plus infinity, then mu is called an infinite measure. So, mu of the entire sample space of infinity. Then, you say the measure is the infinite measure. If it something finite, you say it is a, infinite measure. Finally, the case that of most interest to us is mu of omega equal to 1, can take any real value, it can be finite or infinite, if it is a finite, you say is a finite measure. A finite measure in particular, if omega is equal 1, then it is called a probability. So, in that sense a probability measure is very special case of a measure. It is a finite measure in particular with which as signs one as the measure to the entire sample space. It is really all there is do it. In this sense, probably theory is the special case of the measure theory. So, this is not the course of measure theory, this is the course on probability theory. So, we will not go on and on about, what do we generic measures spaces, we will study probability measures in greater detail. So, in particular, when mu is probability measure, when mu of omega is equal to 1, we will no longer call it mu, we call it P and we will say omega F P. And we will not call it a measures space; we will call it a probability space. So, because we are studying probability, I want to write it down. So, that, there is no further confusion. . .So, probability measure, so I already defined what probability measure is, but I want to do it again, because it is so unfortunate. A probability measure, it is denoted by P with standard two lines, standard notation. P on omega as is a function key mapping, F measurable sets to, what does say map to 0, 1. Now, that is function satisfies P of null is equal to 0. P of omega is to 1 and, then if A 1, A 2, dot, dot, dot are disjoint F measurable sets. Then, probability of union i equals to 1 to infinity, A i is equal to sum over i equals 1 to infinity, probability of A i. So, this is just a repeat, what you have seen. So, probability measure is nothing but a special case of a measure with this additional property. So, the only the difference between a measure and a probability measure is that a probability has this property. An ordinary measure need not have this property. It is measure can be anything positive, it can have a positive real number or plus infinity this. One thing, I like to point out again. This is an important matter, it could cause confusion. So, this I said, so if you have this union, i equal to 1 infinity or a better notation opinion is union i belong to n, A i. So, this is the set of all omegas containing at least one of the A i’s. So, this union is not defined in terms of some finite union going bigger and bigger or anything like that. However, this summation, this is an infinite summation, infinite summation is actually the limit of a finite summation. So, this is like limit n 10 into infinity summation i equal to 1 to n, probability of A i. Now, if you write down an infinite summation, the question that comes to your mind is, a converge, I have happily written down, this summation, this summation, etcetera. These are infinite summations. You have to mean to make in order for just to make sense, you have to argue that, this is in fact, well defined. Why is this well defined, see, when you write the summation like this, the one thing, you do not want is, see, you do not mind, if it goes off to infinity. Then, you call whole summation equal to infinity. So, you do not want this summation to be something undefined. If you write down I equal 1 to infinity minus 1 power i or something like that, for example. It is something that keeps jumping; the summation is not defined at all. But, such a situation is not arise here, why not? .. Yes, so mu of A i is always non negative. So, if you really interpret this summation is nothing but, limit n going to infinity, summation i equals 1 to n, mu of A i. This is the definition of the infinite sum. So, what I am saying is that, if you look at that sequence at n, call it X n or something, it is a monotonically increase, monotonically non decrease sequence in n. So, monotonically non decreasing sequence has to either converge or go off to infinity, which also in some sense converge. What it does not do is, oscillate to do any such things. So, when mu is not positive, we cannot have this being well defined. Similarly, for probability measures, again, this is a well defined summation. Except, what you are constrained here is that, after all what is there on the left should also be at best one. You can not the map value can never exceed one. So, you have to how the situational the summation is not only well defined, it has to be at most 1, it cannot be bigger than one. And finally, omega F P is called a probability space. So, we have to the three steps. So, what is a probability space, you start off with a random experiment and collect all it is possible elementary outcome and make your sample space. And, then you collect the subsets of the sample space, which you think are interesting, which you are interested in assigning probabilities too. And you endow omega with a sigma algebra of subsets of omega. And finally, so then omega F be a measurable space, then you finally, assign probability measures, which satisfies these rules is axioms. So, these are called axioms of probability and these two are called as axioms of measure. These three are axioms of probability. So, you end up with a probability measure and this triple omega F P is called a probability space. This is where everything begins with. So, this is the beginning of, what we are going to build up on. So, this one thing I want to make clear. So, none of this, what we have developed here, tells you, how to generate these F or how to assign probabilities. It does tell you, how to do this, it is up to you. But, if you were to do it, just tells you the rules, you have to satisfy. Within these rules, you can do whatever you want, you can create any F you want, satisfying those rules. .You can create any P you want, satisfying these rules. But, how you do this, how exactly you do this is up to you, depends upon your intension or depends on what you want to model what you want to capture. So, it is just gives a frame work, it does not answers immediately. If you supply some numbers to the theory, it will give you some other answers, that is all. It is your responsibility to create F, to create P, etcetera, questions . So, as I said it is a map from F to 0, 1. So, it takes input F measurable sets. So, in this specific case of probabilities, so now, after all the story, we are ready to give a précised definition of what an event is. If omega F P, if we are looking at a probability space; F measurable are called events, let us all just do it. So, you go and put a sigma algebra in omega, depending on what is interesting to you. Whatever, you include in your F is an event; whatever you do not include in F is not an event as simple as that. So, let me just write that down as well. . So, if omega F P is a probability space. So, F measurable sets are called events. So, now, we have a very précised and understanding of, what events are. So, far, we have been giving some Wishy Washy definition that over their subsets of sample space, which are have interest to you. Now, this is the correct definition. So, in a general measures space, .you have omega F mu, some measure and the elements of F are called F measureable subsets of omega. And the specific of probability space, you do not say F measurable set, you say, it is an event. So, there is difference between measurable sets and events as far as probabilities spaces are concerned. . This is an omega. . That is not true. So, we have assigned to probabilities those sets, that are in F. F is a sigma algebra on omega, you assigned probabilities to only those subsets of omega, which are in F. So, that F is always contain fee and omega and it may contain other subsets of presume or believe. But, it is not necessarily contain all subsets of omega. Unless, your F itself is 2 power omega, see, F is a collection of sets, it is not a subset of omega, it is a collection of sets of omega. So, unless F itself, F is two power omega, you will not be assigning probabilities to all subsets of omega. What I was saying little earlier was that, when omega is countable, finite countable infinite. You can actually afford to take F as 2 power omega and you can assign, it is actually possible to assign probabilities to all subsets of the sample space. When, omega is countable. But, when omega is uncountable, it turns out, if you take F equal to 2 power omega, assigning probabilities consistently to all subsets of something like, the real line is not always possible. This is not something that, you will understand know, this is an impossible theorem, which is a non trivial theorem. So, if you are working with an uncountable sample space omega, which is excel, which is a real number or which is 0, 1 or something like that. Then, you have to define a sigma algebra on omega, which is smaller than 2 power omega. So, how you do that is interesting part. So, that we will we get later. So, far any questions? .. That is true. If omega is countable, let us say omega is n for example, we know that, 2 power omega is 2 power n. So, F will have uncountable many subsets, but that is alright. I am saying, if omega itself is uncountable, then it is too big 2 power omega is even bigger in some sets. So, if omega is 0, 1 for example, for r, 2 power r is a collection of all subsets of r. That is a very huge collection of subsets and it is too difficult, it is in many case, it is impossible to assign probabilities to interesting measures on it. . Yes, if omega countable infinite is fine, either omega is finite no problem, omega accountably infinite is no problem. It does not matter that F has uncountable many subsets, omega if uncountable, the sample space is uncountable, you get into trouble. You have to be much more careful. So, probability theory is actually very easy, when omega is countable. If it is either finite or countable infinite, the probability is very easy. Because, you can take F as 2 power omega and assign probabilities to all sets of sample space, which is what you are use too. But, omegas uncountable, you get into trouble. That is something you may not studied in elementary courses. So, I just want to make sure that, I done with everything, I want to say here, yes, we have defined probability space, event. So, F measurable is called event, any other questions? . They all are measures theories; measure theory is a very important branch of mathematics and itself. And the only thing that is not included is this, mu of omega can be anything positive or plus infinity. Probability theory is a special case of measure theory, but also very interesting case. So, very important special case, but measure theory in it is own, it is very important part of mathematics. So, even things like length, area, volumes, these are all examples of measures, they just. So, the concept of measure generalizes things like length, area, volume, etcetera into orbiter measure space. It satisfies the things are in property. That is the very important area of mathematics, is there anything else. So, we will stop the lecture here. .
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Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 19 2015
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