Mock Technology Consulting Case Interview: Tech Transformation | CAREER COACHING WITH CHRISTINE

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hello everyone so we're going to be doing a mock case interview and specifically diego here wants to do something a little bit more related to cloud or ai and i was thinking about like okay let's do something a little bit similar to what would be interesting for that particular field in which case would be more of like an implementation style more technical which is the kind of role he wants so i'm going to be sending over this case interview or this case study in the chat here you can just tell me when you're done reading it through there is a part where it says stop here so just don't continue reading from that point all right so what did you think of the case can you tell me about like what you gathered from it yeah so from what i've gathered i know your company's name big bucks and the biggest pain that you guys have right now is your help desk service um there and there's also that increased pressure from competition as well i know that caller delayed typically by 40 minutes there's no way that to keep kind of tracking on the customer or notes on the call i know if you guys want to include a customer relations manager a crm to help manage current and future customers and also track and prioritize those customers as well um your right now your it department has kind of unprepared and then experienced but you have a warm-up window to get a crm up and running and to make a buy a build and buy decision i was wondering what is a what do you mean by building my decision yes so whenever it comes to new system you can either customize it from scratch like okay we're going to be very nitpicky about every single thing out there and we would build it typically or you buy software out of the box and that's what you do you configure it so a lot of companies they either go customize and they do it in-house or they hire people to do that it's a lot more money it's a lot more energy and takes a long time too but if you do buy it doesn't fit all your requirements but mostly it would fit like all your requirements within time money and even the people that are involved you don't typically need to buy or or not you don't typically need to hire that many people for that concert interesting and since your i.t department's more on the effort and experience side i can assume you guys want no custom built system kind of a software that you guys kind of want to implement in my i guess it depends on what it can do because like we said uh we would like have everything that we want and if we were to get a solution that doesn't even cover what we want then what's the point of investing in it in the first place so looking at your two options i know you guys are looking at hero crm and zero action i know here hero is more expensive but has a fuller kind of 360 degree kind of view of the customer on their background and kind of more details and crm action is cheaper with just enough just to track a customer right yep and you need help choosing between the two and then implementing them into the into the business yeah cool i think i think i got the situation okay all right so i'm gonna move on to the follow-up question so which groups of stakeholders should we meet up before recommending a crm system yeah i know from looking at the situation i think there are two main groups to look at will be the people actually using the the crm and the customers as well once we look at the people who are looking at the who are actually using the crm we really want to know how they want it to be implemented how what they want to see in the crm and kind of what helps them on their day-to-day while they're contacting customers what kind of details they need who are these users um the customers of big bus don't have any information on who exactly those customers are that's who we're asking um based off of the case do you know who we would be going to in the first place like big bucks is a big company but where who in big bucks should we go to uh particularly people that help this service okay yep and um probably the i.t department as well although they're not going to be very much in kind of building the crm they're going to want to kind of help implement this into our system yep i would definitely have them um a part of this as well okay yep so is that your final answer uh yes okay so i would say a little bit feedback on that was first off you dived right in and you said the people that would be using it which was a good one but you need to be a little bit more specific when you said big bucks i'm like well that's like the question i'm asking is when you start doing this you need to talk to stakeholders about what's your issue like let's walk you through how you would even use a system like this in the first place but who would be using it would it be hr would it be finance would it be it and you hit the nail on the head over there where you said it was more about the it help desk that's what i was looking for and i t team as well what i did kind of like was like what when you said customers so i'm kind of curious here do you know what a customer relationship management system is is it where kind of where the hrt kind of takes tickets and kind of get information on the customer and do their kind of contact with the customer or then i'm totally at the mark yeah you're half off the mark um so you are right that this is something where you use to kind of see like okay this person has contacted us before about this this and that they had issues with this maybe the last time we were on a call like this person worked with them that's what the system is but it's not a customer facing system it's typically internal so think about like if you were to go call your bank and you wanted to maybe get issued another card or something like that you don't have access to that it's mostly just them internally and they'll know like oh yeah so your phone number that's your phone number and we can link it to your account that kind of thing that's all on their own system that's what a crm system would be but if you're being involved that's more of like actually like some i don't know like a chatbot like i've never seen that before i think like there are probably ones out there but for this specifically it's just to see everything on track so like in the case itself they said that they have nothing to track or prioritize customer issues so some things like you may want to escalate if one is more important than the other maybe someone just wants to change your password and someone just actually like their account just got hacked like of course the account got hacked is more important so that one is like more of an internal system that they need to do so it is not client-facing i mean it is client-facing yeah but it's not customer facing where the person actually sees everything some systems could be like that where you can see the tickets but usually that's internal and not actually customer facing so i would say that for the answer specifically you gave a good answer minus that little hiccup there with the customer but i think like if you learned a little bit more about like let's say what an erp system is or crm or all the types of systems out there and what role they play in businesses and with clients it could be a lot easier so that is something that like if you're trying to prepare for a technology consulting case interview you would want to know that like i know like typically you would probably get a technical interview if you're going for a technical role but for technology consulting they want to see how much do you know about the actual like i don't know how you say the world of i.t so maybe like oh what's big data like you may not know how to work with big data but at least know what big data is and in general there's also like a lot more layers than just groups of stakeholders too so for example a great answer would include identifying business partners and try to understand key performance metrics and that the systems will have to meet so for that that would be more about like okay well yeah we have a system like we want to see everything that they're doing which is a good thing a good and a bad thing actually about when you ask a user what do you want but the same time maybe it doesn't align with what the leadership wants maybe leadership cares about your turnaround time and but then the user is just like well i would want this button to be here where i want this to this report to show up that's very small but if all those little things that you talk to the user about doesn't actually apply to the main point of like having the crm system then it's basically useless so you always want to see who's the main key decision makers in here so stakeholders could be like the id team and then also people who's usually like gathering the data and reporting off that so in this case the leadership of the project and also why what do they care about so usually there's like key performance indicators like okay turn around time maybe click through rate or i don't know like all these random things but these are usually the ones that they care about but the thing about whenever it's about stakeholders is like who cares about them what are they doing with this information and that can actually help you really learn about what the requirements are okay i did i did have a question yeah so for do we have more information on like hero crm and i concerned looking yeah so for this case actually whatever was just prevent provided is like all we're going to provide all of this is really just walking through your thought process of the buy and build so you don't really need to know anything about the software other than the fact of what's provided like one's more robust but it does cost more money and the other one is like a little bit more lean but it's not as expensive so those two like just thinking about that in the frame so any of these questions i'm going to ask is really more focused on the process than it is on the solution okay yeah so the next question is you have collected 70 business requirements for the new crm system hero crm meets 50 of the requirements while a crm action would satisfy 35 of them both system fit within big bucks budget which system should we recommend so we can either do hero crm crm action or further analysis if necessary so what is what is your answer and why okay just a mixture of energy so we have 770 business requirements means 50 yep and the other action means 35 yep and both fit within the budget um do we know how long each takes to kind of implement into our system uh let's just assume that time isn't really a matter here because they both fit into the time frame [Music] so after looking at what we have so far 70 business requirements here will be 50 action 35 i think it would need to have further analysis okay because we don't know exactly what these requirements are and so maybe i would say meeting with the ic team or leadership kind of going through these requirements and prioritizing them in terms of what do you want to see right now and what can you become accurate and then after that i would definitely restructure those business requirements and kind of have like a number based system or number one is what's most pressing all the way down to number 70 and then after that kind of put them side by side and seeing what hero or action what what kind of really fits in with our priorities after that i think that will be put in a better perspective better a better place to make a decision on which one would be best regardless of advice or time okay that was a great answer i would say you definitely answered it to the level i was expecting it so number one is yes you got the right answer it's further analysis if necessary and what i liked was that you actually detailed what are the next steps rather than saying yeah like this is why we'd want to find out but then you didn't really just say that but you actually added on to it which is the process of how to actually do it that was really good i think like if you were to do this in a real case interview you would get really good points there and you even went very specific too as to like what you would be doing how you would rank it which also is really good too because that's what we do in reality we're like actually not just like yeah we like these but these are must have these are what likes you ranked it which is what really good because when you get documentation like that it does help guide conversations a lot better so that was a really good answer all right so we do have another question so what information or insights would benefit the business to help improve the call center name types of information or activities such as key performance indicators that this call center should be able to capture that question i'm sorry yep so what information or insight would benefit the business to help improve the call center name types of information or activities such as key performance indicators that the call center should be able to capture just to make sure i have everything on the question are we looking for information and other just activities that will benefit the call center to kind of plan in our crm and we're specifically looking at key performance indicators yep cool may i take a few seconds together go for it so looking at the information that i have i think some of the key information that we want to see is definitely our notes on on the the um the client yep i know i would definitely want to see how it kind of lies on priority after first to see so that the how this really knows what they're getting into and how kind of pressing they issue it and also i think it would be very helpful to see how long how long it would take to actually answer the question or the need to kind of be engage kind of what requirements are will be needed ahead also um the specifically our notes on what is kind of going on and i think it will be better we have it in this in a way that is easy to write down and see definitely have it all kind of in one screen so there's no scrolling needed i think only if you can make it that it's only bullet points and no big paragraphs so it's kind of easier for the opponent that helped us to kind of see these quick points and make these decisions quicker um if position would be funny then it's more time efficient and time is money so that's definitely going to benefit the not only the client but also the business itself and i think those are the big two big kind of priorities and kind of okay so a few things like i think the first two you said are good because those are actual kpis but then the second part that was really more about like priorities and decision making for design so that's not actually what we were looking for we were more looking like oh number of calls duration of call call caller demographics maybe like how many do you do over time uh closing rate that kind of thing those are kpis that we were looking for and one thing that i was also looking for is like why do we need this like what i like i think the part where you talked about the design elements and why those are important that works but what we're asking about here is kpi specifically so for example a number of calls like we want to know maybe like is there a reason why there's like a lot of calls for this today like is there a bug going on in our system or maybe that there's like the holidays and everyone's calling now like that is the kind of reporting that the client would want to know they would want to see exactly like what drives what because if you're capturing data you want to make sure there's a reason why you're capturing it and that you're phrasing it the right way in the software so that's what this question was really asking for did you have any particular questions about how to even answer the question like this yeah i think when i heard the question i don't know why my first part what i wrote down first is actually the design part i think that's where okay of course i guess that's how i kind of saw the question right um were there any like key kind of words in the question that kind of would make me that would guide my thinking in terms of kind of demographic kind of priority yeah so it would be i know like name types of information or activities count kind of seems a little bit weird to phrase but key performance indicators they're kind of universal all throughout in terms of like what are the metrics they're always going to be something with numbers or something about to use it for reporting so if anything anytime you hear anything about key performance indicators think about reporting how like what kind of reports would somewhere like a call center have what kind of information would they want to make a decision in something like maybe someone needs to be fired then like how what kind of information you need to do that so if you think about it more about like on the managerial basis i know like you're looking for more of a technical role but it actually really helps to learn about what businesses care about before you can even do something because if you were to build something that they didn't care about or it was not even hitting what they wanted to do then it's a useless functionality so that's why a lot of times we like to design it based off of what you need your requirements the key performance indicators and you want to kind of work around the software based off of those otherwise it's just a lot of bloated software that they don't care about so the keywords really was key performance indicators if you were to just ignore everything else honestly that would have been fine too that that like keyword basic keywords key phrase is what's really driving the whole thing of like okay what are the metrics that you would want to hit and why and then when you think about actually what i like to do is i think about the y first and then derive the key performance indicators from that like for example performance what would you want to know maybe like closing rate maybe like number of calls and see like maybe this person is just on their call on the phone talking to their mom the whole time instead of talking to actual people and closing it and closing actual tickets so that is something that you can think about next time is like okay if i was in this situation i think a lot of people who do these they're like well of course i've never worked with a call center like how will i know but if you think about it realistically like okay if i was the customer and this is the person who's helping me what would be important to them like of course like let's say chase has this call support center what would be important to them about me yeah they probably want to make sure the customer is satisfied so probably you know like at the end they have like oh do you want to stay along for a survey or whatever that may also be something like a kpi of like oh if you rated five as opposed to rated one from that or maybe if it's like something about are they new customers are they returning customers which would be a little bit more on the caller demographics or the person themselves if i were now in the perspective of hiring or hr of like okay who's like actually closing who is being successful compared to people who's lagging or people who need help and or maybe just taking too long and they're not direct with their calls then probably that would be more about duration of calls and sometimes like maybe like even having short calls could just mean other issues than just closing it so it's really just all these elements so focus more about the why and then derive all of that together and if you're really trying to figure out like all these words are thrown at you really focus on the ones that seem a little bit different like key performance indicators now you know uh so did you know what key performance indicators were before this uh i've heard the term yeah okay yes but i i wasn't thinking about it to the numbers measures okay yeah so typically those are actual numbers or metrics um it doesn't always have to be numbers like for example caller demographics that's not a number but uh something as simple as like new user returning user that is also technically a key performance indicator you could say like how many of them are new how many of the returning and then the percentage and the ratio so really i think this is why i really recommend looking at current events learning about industries learning about business and even if you come from a technical role or you don't even want to look at that it's really important to learn about this to know why would the user care about this why would the management care about this sometimes we're just like oh you know why why would you care about this is stupid but if you really look into why it matters to them then you'll be like oh okay i see why it's important now but then there's also another layer of like how important is it compared to everything else it's always like a moving piece over here gotcha that's the following question to ask i mean i guess it would be fair to ask what a key performance indicator would be but would it would i be able to ask follow-up questions like a business situation kind of case framework where i drill down on what on like what if like car demographics or like to keep asking questions that i learned more about what the business actually wants or what i get more of just what you kind of mentioned like numbers makes reporting kind of like that fast kind of response and i have to kind of take it from there i don't know where yeah so i would depend on what kind of questions you're asking if you're asking it and you know that you need this information to answer your questions then yes ask it but if it's just like i would like to know it but it's not required then you're just wasting time you're not being efficient so they're really trying to see like go as lean as possible only ask the questions where it made sense to ask it and when you do ask it you want to kind of phrase in a way like oh so i really want to know about this because it will help me answer this question and then what's the question like blah blah blah so that that would help them understand the logic behind why you're asking the question so it's not just like oh what's the caller demographic then all of a sudden like well why are you asking i i don't know like it's just out of the question uh so usually if you phrase it the right way in terms of why it's important for you to know to answer a specific question or consider something then that would be really good to do if you were to ask a question cool all right any other questions um in general about the specific question this particular question we have one more uh i think okay all right so how would you go about gathering and prioritizing the requirements of hero crm and crm action gathering and prioritizing the requirements of heroin action i'm gonna take a minute and uh i'll come back to you before okay so the steps i think i would take to gather and prioritize that of heroin action crm is that i would first want to meet with the help desk the i.t team to really know what they need to be an efficient as possible then i would possibly do a deep dive on here on action kind of talk to their development um just their representatives see what um what they offer or go on the website kind of see what they offer and see what boxes are checked and stuff and on each kind of um power on these kind of requirements that they kind of have on their crm i will lay out a priority list for each one so over here in action um kind of compare what what they have and what was really needed for the i.t team and uh and the help desk and kind of rank them both side by side um really taking into consideration what what stephanie needed and what's more about to want then i would definitely go back to it team kind of see if what i have is kind of correct without the priorities i have set forward are kind of matched what they kind of believe is the best maybe get their opinions on it and then go to the leadership team or the those who have the final say with all this information pitch it to them pitch all the findings and so they can have a better understanding of what um what my findings were and what position they are in to kind of make a final decision is that your final answer uh yes okay so i would say that's a good start it's not that full answer i was expecting and one thing that i do want to kind of caution you about is anytime where you go something and stuff you want to avoid the saying something like and stuff it's not really that professional a lot of people end up using placeholders and fillers words like like um uh even things like thing or that or all those things where it's basically just a placeholder you always want to say like maybe all those things would be all those matters it's a little bit fancy looking it's really the same thing as a placeholder too but it just seems a little bit more professional than something like and stuff or like or like like all the time a lot of people end up doing that without realizing and then they just don't seem that professional so moving on to your actual answer it was a good start but it wasn't the full answer like i mentioned so when you mentioned asking the like help desk people what were they looking for i would kind of go into a little bit more about like what specifically are you doing are you doing interviews focus groups are you gonna be like literally watching them do their work and see like how they do things ask them like what and even maybe questions like what are you gonna ask them are you gonna ask them like what are their pain points with what they're doing right now what would you like in the system that it would be really good to start off first before going right into like okay well now we're gonna weigh out everything but first off like yeah ask them but what is really important about consulting specifically is that you want to know what matters and that's usually how you build the requirements too it's not just the overhaul overall like requirements of having the software or having the reporting aspects sometimes it's really the small features that make up the big picture as well so another thing as well was that if you were to do this i think like you would also need to provide i mean if you had that part about being very specific about the types of ways you can ask or gather these requirements typically the benefit and the cost the why factor the impact factor of each of them would be really good like for example if you were to do an interview you can really hone in on the user experience and then maybe we were to go through the technical side like maybe the runtime is too high then yeah you'll know that like okay performance is really important then we may want to cut that down so it does have like a different way of thinking for each different way you're going for and one thing that we were looking for was like actually what's the impact of those kind of questions or those kind of ways you're doing it so another one is separating technical versus non-technical like user experience is nice it's also important but the technical side is also just as important this is a build versus buy so that is very important because if it's a if it's like a buy that's pretty simple like probably is out of the box but then maybe like we need to think about like what if you don't have this feature can we even build in the first place can we do like customization on top of that and if we do have customization that's all of it is customization everything has to be programmed what are the technical like probably there's no technical issues from that but between the two if one is a little bit like here's everything you can't do anything outside of it you have to work with it versus the one where yeah like probably if you have the right time and the right resources and yes you could probably code it but again like this is where the technical requirements come in as well like if for example you need integration with um well this is crm system so maybe you need integration with like a phone i don't know i don't even know how that works but maybe integration with a voip system then that way it will record like the time period that it's actually on right like and then like actually hand coding like oh it's been five minutes then that would be something that is like maybe it's a requirement if it's a requirement can't even support something like that on the technical side so having that really is important to kind of see like what is feasible or not so maybe the user experience requires all these kind of things but what if it's just not feasible with the software so that's just as important another one is actually like how to track it and trace the requirements over time so everything changes once you do testing and once you realize like okay well maybe this feature is not that important and we rather want this feature that is just as important and if we like we have to sacrifice one over the other i'd rather choose that one really having that documentation throughout time is also important and also for consultants it's just as important too because if they say yeah we wanted this but then in the past they said they didn't want this that could be something we use i mean i wouldn't say use against them but it could help us because as time goes on you've reused a lot of resources time and then now you can't you can say like well you mentioned this before that it's really hard for us to work around that because we built the system based off of what you said back then but again it's not like something unheard of like we've always changed our requirements anyways we always say like yeah we want to stick to what we designed today it's never gonna happen like that so that's like what i would say what makes it a great answer but i think what you said was a good start minus the part where you said and stuff like i would just try to train that out of yourself when you do interviews but overall since we're nearing at the end of this interview i would say that you definitely handled this very professionally you said like oh can i have a few seconds get a few minutes and you ask questions in a smart way so i would say you did a really good job i think like maybe reading up a little bit more on the technical not technical but the world of technology like what's a crn what's an erp and that can really help you with learning about it because during the case itself like there may it's not technical by any means but it does ask about a few things that they'll expect you to have some kind of baseline knowledge so for example with crm what does it mean really in the business world and sometimes current events could really help with that to know like okay yeah i know what a crm is but how is it like in practice and most people don't have the resources to really work in a company where you can see everything and learn what it is so current events is really important too knowing what's out there too so for example what are the crm systems out there can help you understand the differences between them and what kind of decision makings come from it so in this case it could be salesforce uh i mean right now we're using hero crm and crm action but knowing about that too can help you with decision making without actually being in there and also like i know a lot of this like especially the last question a lot of that you wouldn't have thought about that i think even when i started out i wouldn't have thought about like oh you know like let's track it over time i thought like you know we stick to it from the very beginning but it's never going to be possible so that part it's just like a it would be great to have if you have it but i think like where you start i was also a good answer as thank well i kind of have um just kind of two general questions yes um some of the process itself like when i was kind of gathering my thoughts and i don't know how much time is too much time sometimes but how do you how do you know when i'm taking like i'm taking way too long to kind of get my my kind of thoughts in order or is that you saying such a thing or taking too long or something too little yeah so i would say that's actually a pretty subjective answer if i were to give you one because the best way to do it is if you literally walk them through what you're writing and what you're thinking that way they know like okay are you wasting time or are you literally thinking and you're staring at the paper because i don't know either way i mean it looked like you were taking notes and drawing things but i don't know what you're doing but if you communicated your entire thought process like okay well i'm going to look into this and then maybe if it doesn't work out that way we're going to do this that would at least tell me like okay that technique counts as an answer even though you're thinking but it does help me really understand what you're trying to say so if you were to give an answer and then it doesn't really correlate with what you were thinking i can kind of understand from what you were thinking at least to say like okay maybe you misunderstood something but because i know what you're thinking like i would let that slide so that usually is like based off of how good your thinking is basically if it was 10 minutes and you really were going down and thinking about every single element i would actually say yeah you can do that but if you were just like 10 minutes staring at the piece of paper and i was just like what are you doing are you actually thinking are you literally stuck and that's where it may feel too long but if you were to talk through the process it doesn't feel too long because you're already providing your answer even if you don't have the answer ready so in most case interviews i would recommend that i think like for example uh if you weren't yourself like okay i'm gonna conduct interviews with the help desk and then if you say something like that also talk about like why the help desk why interviews what kind of questions then i can kind of guide you as well like without you even providing the answer just yet and that way like you will even be on a better track than if you just constantly worked on yourself and then tell me the answer so a lot of times i think a lot of people actually do the like the first part where they just do everything and then they tell me the answer and then they go down like a really bad path but if they told me about the process from the very beginning i can actually kind of correct them or so like oh no no that's not what i meant without you going down that rabbit hole is like yeah this is like not gonna work but uh whenever it comes to something like that really it's subjective like i can't say maybe five minutes maybe 10 seconds like maybe they're expecting you to say it from the very get-go and just know it but the best way to do it is if you really were to walk them through what you're thinking and then you can conclude it at the end after all that thinking so it does tell me your thought process it does make the interviewer at least feel a little bit more involved even though you've technically given you didn't give your final answer just yet okay what's your second question yeah my last question was just how to combat like nerves before you know that's something [Music] were you nervous for this um not very much because i knew it was kind of one-on-one it's like yeah i'm not actually applying for a job but once when i actually do interviews that's when i really get kind of okay good actions and stuff like that yeah i was gonna say it didn't seem like you were nervous at all it seemed like you were pretty on on top of it and confident but yeah i can definitely see like a mock interview won't have the same feeling as the real interview so when it comes to case interview i can definitely tell nervousness is like a lot higher than like if you were to do a behavioral interview behavioral interview is very conversational you can you can't really mess up talking about yourself unless you accidentally say something wrong if it's a case interview there is kind of a right or wrong way and there's also like the probably the hardest one to prepare for and to know like how you're doing so what i would do instead is practice like i honestly when i did it i only did one so that's like the only way i was like okay well i think i'm prepared i have the interview tomorrow i have like no chance i have to do this and that was like kind of what i was thinking but then i was thrown with this case that definitely was not even anything i was close to for being prepared even if i did prepare 10 months for this interview it wasn't even what i was expecting it was a technology consulting case interview just like this so that's where you really need to kind of kick in like okay now what do i do i was like even more nervous at the time but kind of thinking about putting yourself in the shoes of like an actual consultant and do this as if this is really a client that you're working with that really helped me because if i was dealing it in this interview then i'm like okay this is an interview i'm going to be evaluated every second but if i put myself in that shoes of the consultant working with the client then it's just like a normal conversation i'm just providing a solution and then it also helped me recall a lot of things in my mind as well because if i were to be in an interview i'd probably block out all of it and be like oh my god i'm a deer in headlights i don't know what to say i don't know what to do but if i put myself as a consultant then i'm like okay everything i learned in school comes to make sense now like i could talk about this i could talk about that even though i did not prepare for the case interview at least that particular type everything that i was thinking about came out and i think the more nervous you are the more kind of shut out you are with what you're thinking about and maybe even like what to say like you might start stuttering and you might be a little bit like oh wait i just said that and then you'll kind of lose confidence on that but if you just kind of slow down i think that was a really big thing is that a lot of people who do interviews that kind of speak really fast or they're thinking really fast and then whatever comes out of their mouth is like does not even make sense that's a lot of people but slowing down really really helps i think a lot of people are like how do i slow down like this is just something i'm just gonna do i can't just slow down but practicing can really help with that the more you do the more you're like okay it's not that bad it's you're starting to expect like everything that they're going for and even the types of questions like for example keith performance indicators you'll not even know like what kind of key performance indicators are from practicing and even if it was tech or not like that is also a question you get in management consulting case interviews so you'll be prepared and the more you know about the unknown the more prepared you'll feel and because of that you'll be less nervous and you'll actually be able to slow down and take it in so i know that was like a lot to throw in it really is evaluating how you are when you're nervous why are you nervous and then what can you do to work against it but typically i would say practice practice practice and specifically for technology consulting case interviews there's not a lot of cases out there or at least not that are public uh and usually just practicing you imagine consulting case interviews or even practicing networking i think for me that was actually the big key like i only practiced one case interview when i did this and a lot of my networking i was like okay meeting someone new that i've never met before how do i even deal with that encounter like do i know what they're gonna say like i don't want them to judge me or anything like that what do i say they say something i don't know then how would i react to that that honestly i just transferred that knowledge and experience to this and then all of a sudden it just felt like normal like i'm talking to a random person who's just asking me a question about what i could do to help the problem then if you put it in that kind of mindset it's so much easier to understand cool thank you so much for taking the time to interview me and kind of help me and walk through this process i really appreciate it yeah no problem if you have any other questions just let me know uh technology consulting community also is a resources out there all the cases that we're going over today are going to be in there and also sent in the link down below so if you also want to apply for the program definitely check it out it's free and hopefully diego you got a lot of value out of this and hopefully you get that job offer definitely thank you so much all right thank you so much bye
Channel: Christine Wong
Views: 12,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology consultant, tech consulting, consulting, technology consulting, christine wong, case interview, mock case interview, mock tech case interview, mock technology consulting case interview, technology consulting interview, it consulting interview, architecture strategy case, deloitte case interview, kpmg case interview, pwc case interview, ey case interview, big 4 case interview, accenture case interview, career coaching with christine, consulting case interview
Id: oc2zYWRPMqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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