Mob Psycho 100 - Reaction - S1E8 - The Older Brother Bows ~Destructive Intent~

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just kidding we are on episode ocho you are playing it oh we have to say the beginning i thought we're just gonna i thought you could pause it look how you guys always say well we're gonna get right into it but it's like we didn't get right into it like we talk a lot and then at the end of talking for a while we say we're getting right into it but we're not do i see them the other way everybody does hello everyone i'm parker and i'm sam i'm morgan i'm nicole and we are the react pack good evening and welcome back to another episode of mob psycho 100. we're on episode eight today yeah we just finished uh episode seven here as a quick recap of that we witnessed ritsu mob's younger brother his power has awakened with the help of dimple now dimple is uh he kind of has a questionable uh motive but he wants to take someone over possess them which he has and ritsu has permitted him to possess him so that he can gain his powers um and ritsu gets his powers through corruption and guilt that's what we found out and that's what kind of awakened this all as he's been framing anybody who has a questionable background in the middle school and they basically wiped out all of anybody who isn't perfect and then now they're going for people who are still good people but just um anything that goes wrong and so you could tell ritsu he does empathize with people because he feels guilt but i think that he has wanted to continue that so that he can gain these powers and now he's getting powerful enough to fight people um for no other motive than just violence he said mob has come to the scene and we're going to see how he reacts to his brother being violent especially when mob has taken an oath to never use it against people in a bad way so yeah we'll see the clash of two uh different espers the brother rivalry yeah rivalry do you think that mob is gonna or um reid sue is gonna listen to mob i don't i think that he's gonna be he's jealous and now that he finally has his power who is mobbed to say that he can't use it mob never stopped using his power in the way he wanted to so i think that he'll continue i don't know he's gonna justify his actions through whatever even though he's still the smartest guy in school so now he has everything yeah yeah that's true i feel like they're gonna be forced to fight alongside each other though like they're going to have to fight the scary guy the guy that's oh the hooded the purple and the purple is a purple he's pretty right yeah it's purple yeah so i mean and then that will force them to maybe work together and work together what i think maybe ritzy's going to challenge mob and bob will refuse again but he should know he's not strong enough right i don't know if he knows the extent of his powers i guess that's true well if uh route 2 starts using his power for good won't his powers start to fade because he's filled by hate or the corrupt guilt so does that or did it just take that to awaken it will he plateau if he just starts using it for good and like having corruption and guilt just you know makes it stronger or will he his world his power diminish if he starts like not doing corrupt things i mean because like even mob's powers is controlled by his emotions i mean yeah yeah it's more like all of his emotions not just maybe it was just something that just awakened his power because it was just like a strong sense like a very strong emotion and then maybe you'll be able to like kind of be closer to like how mob is yeah like be able to try to like channel it a little bit better yeah yeah it seems like he's training it he seems to be doing better at it right or is that just all dimpled it could be just simple too yeah is dimple getting stronger at all i don't know like can he like suck out some of his spirit every time he possesses him right yeah i assume he it he is yeah well if he gets strong enough then he's able to control him yeah yeah so maybe that's why he's still sticking around because now it's a fight between the two of them too who can get strong enough to eliminate the other yeah we'll find out shortly so guys be sure to subscribe and also to join i don't know it's not like a robot i just feel like mob a little bit today make sure you're trying to channel subscribe make sure to subscribe and join our patreon our diamond tier is our highest tier and in that tier you can play games with us you can get uh four weeks ahead in our and our timer uncut videos our rose quartz tier is also really awesome if you don't want to spend as much as that and you can on the other tiers you could take the polls and our lowest here it's not what you think it is amethyst you can still participate and get um access to what kind of stuff can you get access to polls and games game nights holding game nights and so we've been holding a lot of those recently so we'd love to have you um join along with us also be sure to uh follow us at our handles below and discord and our discord you can chat and game especially with these three that they really are really on there a lot like comment and subscribe nice yeah and then we'll have all the corrections just on the screen you just like do it if you need to verify all the information that parker just said just go check it out just look at it uh the react pack anyway um yeah okay so you guys ready i am actually really excited because i want to see [Laughter] i really want to see her mom is wait yeah i feel like he's gonna be heartbroken i like how everyone's a messy eater [Music] so he told on him as he should yeah oh my goodness damn he's going on that little date with her a lot i know do you think she actually likes him i think so she just only wants to take his power and learn about the powers yeah probably a little bit both oh yeah we'd never mention it but the blonde guy he he didn't lose his powers because we were kind of oh did we think yeah we were like a little like did he no that doesn't make sense oh i'm pretty sure at least i was well because it looked like he was taking his time remember yeah and them is weenie okay did you just call her weiner no i just weenie weenie junior super weenie super weenie had junior uh that turned into his hair why did he have such a tall wig is it like what's in between is the air or did his head grow no i think his hair is missing i know but what what's up what's in the office what's making it it's probably just hollow yeah hello [Laughter] oh here we go isn't he gonna know that dimples he's gonna leave what he doesn't need him he's too strong put that guy in that sweatshirt he's going to get out of there good job dimple it was a bite um [Music] oh holy [ __ ] damn that's actually really intense that's what mom was worried about um look at that guy he's grabbing his ass [Music] i mean they all went in to fight so i [Music] is that the facility oh yeah it is oh though [Music] they're capturing all of them where's the body improvement club dead all right damn oh oh my god [ __ ] oh shoot just fight everybody these guys they're so dumb jesus all right [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] he jolted up yep [Laughter] his mom not knocked out oh oh [ __ ] oh i think he's in no he's still oh [ __ ] oh you're lying but to save your brother yeah yeah does he have psychic powers who oh my god i've never seen mob like get beat up yeah he kind of got kind of beat him up a little bit but not like this [ __ ] oh no [ __ ] they even feel bad doesn't get angry he's so broken is that for mob or his brother okay oh [ __ ] oh yeah [ __ ] oh i just got the chills eyes are red now oh my god [Music] like he was with in his fight with totoro he just copies oh my god he looks so cool though oh my gosh don't blow hopefully this guy is just dead holy sh oh [ __ ] they all saw that oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my god i hope it's really good yeah as well say reagan maybe no i think it's reagan i think it's reagan too because that's not but he reagan can't see him but he'll like con as well yeah he's the only one that could probably take help mob right now because mob is about to he looks so different with his hair up like yeah he looks like his brother oh my gosh what what the [ __ ] mine unconscious so he's even more powerful oh oh no don't take the pressure he's gonna kill oliver come on bob don't be mad himalayan salt look at this poster this is nice i don't think that would be that does not seem nice yeah he's giving her a massage with the rock you've never gotten a hot rock myself is that a thing oh i'm sorry oh my god [Music] he was always worried about him losing it yeah i mean i feel like he was just conflicted like he wants to care but then he's also scared yeah he was just too many i love how he's just like his buddy now look at him he's like hi he's so kind look at his pose so cute his brother thought see why is he being helpful yeah come on table what are you doing did they take the other students too then yeah they were all tied up okay [Music] is that it oh i guess this is the end right is getting to it who's driving them that guy i think this is ritsu yeah ritu oh all the other kids the sword that dialogue from between uh mob and ritsu was sad he was just saying that like he was scared of him the whole time he didn't want to set him off honestly that was a really good scene that was really like a really good story i got teary-eyed yeah i was a little really sad but do you think he meant all of it well he even his even hard truth yeah yeah i know there's like part truth to it i just felt like he was like i don't know mom was like you don't mean that because it's like i understand him being scared because it does like flash back to that time where like he did see that side of mob where like i feel like they never really talked about it it was kind of just like oh are you okay i'm okay but he was always just like afraid of him but mom never noticed it which is kind of sad but i don't think like i don't know he's like oh that whole good brother to brother thing is gone and stuff it's like but you're still you're still brothers you still love each other right he's just scared of him which i can understand yeah but i mean that's what mob said to him like you're just still my brother so yeah and i mean when mob was fighting purple hoodie guy ritsu was worried you know yeah he was ready to give him their vote yeah maybe there's still hope for free too yeah as far as him not going too far to the dark side yeah what if he goes in there and he likes what he yeah they train him or manufacture his powers i think he is a kid really i feel like he's waiting for his brother to save him you think he wants to be like he wants to be saved i feel like it i feel like like even like kind of look back i don't know maybe i'm overthinking that but like i think right now maybe yeah but like i think once he's in there cause they're they're not good people and i don't think his brother's like ultimately evil he's still i don't know no i don't think he's i don't think he's evil but he might just let the idea of having all this power overtake his more out like morality i know what you're saying like his priority is like power over being a good person yeah what if yeah what if he does something in here and he he likes it and then this is where he like grows to be that villain i believe in him i think he's waiting for his brother i just think there's nothing to everything he's done up to this point has been you know he almost killed all those guys he nev and we don't know if what his brother said to him actually changed him i mean he was worried about him when he was getting beat up but we don't know if ritsu actually feels any different than right before the fight yeah yeah i feel like i needed to talk more um my mom was so cute when he's like oh congratulations you guys know [Music] such a supportive brother he's so cute i just all those men were so violent and there was no women in those thugs did you realize that sounds about right just kidding everyone was just so willing to fight each other whoever showed weaknesses yeah i mean even when mob was getting beat up though they're like uh he's kind of taking this too far like yeah it seems like their like little battle ritzy was just kind of like oh who's stronger but yeah yeah we're like fighting to the dead yeah they're also middle schoolers so and none of those guys have psychic powers they were just literally beating each other yeah so it was kind of cool to see such a contrast and how mob was taking this battle compared to his battle with taru you know yeah like he didn't want to fight totoro back because you know the only person who would be hurting would be him what would be teru but here he had like a purpose he's like save his brother and like i'm glad like all that went out the window like him being like oh i don't want to hurt anybody yeah yeah yeah that was a that was a kind of a every time i thought it was like over he would one person would like get back up and start going again i'm like oh yeah i defeated him and then just like get right back up yeah it shows you how much stronger uh did we get the name of the guy who used the helix powers the purple jacket guy oh i don't know the guy that's part of the claw he um he's so much stronger than teru hanazawa yeah he is because mob didn't have to even really try with teru yeah and this one he had to try really hard yeah so what the heck is tara going to do if they go together i mean maybe he fought one of the strongest guys too but yeah it is two versus one though so i mean like mob was close to he basically was gonna win but now that they're at the facility it's gonna be way more than them yeah that's true i really like the katana man like it's cool it creates his design yeah just like the idea that you have a katana that's controlled um someone else does that oh the one that kidnapped all the kids yeah he put his sword but he she back with psychic power i don't know i just look cool that is pretty cool so i'm hoping i want to see some fighting from him oh i know what i'm thinking of what are you thinking of castlevania uh what the [ __ ] yeah no not dracula the guy we haven't maury and i have not seen this well he also controls his okay yeah sort that way so not original well i mean maybe it came out first i don't know who came up first just just described that anyway stab stab i don't have anything else to say yeah i think we just need to see what the claws ultimate you know they want a revolution that's now we're taking a new path they take uh the kids that have not like awakened their power right to basically brainwash them into being the soldiers yeah yeah yeah to train them they're gonna be stronger though they're gonna awake don't they have these little those little things that help awaken their powers a little bit faster is that what i saw they look like that we don't know for sure yeah okay i mean yeah aren't they like cr giving powers to random people too they're harvesting the power somehow and like giving it to other people but they're not naturals so they're not actually no they're not as strong yeah right right right but the number of them yeah yeah yeah it could be trouble well it could be i believe in little brother i don't know i don't think i i don't know i'm being scared i don't trust him yeah ritu that is i believe in him it depends how fast they can get him that's true i feel like if it takes a long time to rescue him i think he's going to really enjoy his time at the claw maybe not right away but like eventually we'll see we'll see all right well make sure you check out our patreon our discord and like comment subscribe we'll see you next episode bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The React Pack
Views: 83,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mob Psycho, Mob Psycho 100, reaction, react, female reaction, female reactors, group reaction, mob, shigeo, reigen, anime, animation, mp100, season 1, episode 8
Id: 0YDN5Z4pzq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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