MMA Thug Life Craziest moves in the world 미첼 페레이라 VS 김대성 풀경기 FULL FIGHT

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uh this one's you know he has to figure out i've never seen anything get anything on pereira so he has to figure out how he's going to get just just just break down that reach advantage right there first he's got a weight advantage i don't know how he's going to play it but yeah he's going to have to get inside and he's going to have to push pereira back if he doesn't then perez just going to do as he pleases he gets really comfortable in the cage and he likes to move around and he likes to just instill his game on people this will be a two five minute round match and dez on keep just walking in there with a couple low kicks starting off yeah that's one thing he's got for him he's fearless he just goes straight forward and he likes to slug he likes to throw big heavy shots whoa herrera just jumping in there yeah that's exactly what he's going to do he's going to dance around him and surprise him you eat that long right hook oh took a little slip there he's on his back i heard this on kim has practiced jiu jitsu for that would have been a very very problematic move referee's gonna give him a warning here yeah you can't no stomping herrera saying it was to the body but it was definitely uh he stepped on his head stepped on his head there i think pereira is lucky there just to get off with a warning the song said it's okay yeah he's a sport you know he he just loves to fight and he gave him a nice little kick so no soccer kick no stomping there we go rough again this one's got to watch out for those lunging oh those launching punches from herrera we saw pereira in his last bout just knocked down one two and chair with one of those lunging punches it's very you just no you can't you just don't know what he's going to do yeah he's so unpredictable this one's just edging his way forward he's knocked down he's getting surprised whoa nice move by dez on kim keeping him off and another one wow splashing around a sidekick to the head oh first [ __ ] kick there tesla's all right yeah he knows how to be in a man please the crowd he's gonna be careful though ferreira are we watching a video game fight or really i'm not sure it's kind of oh the reality here it's changing white hooks three minutes left yeah based on kim he doesn't want to get embarrassed here he doesn't uh want to let pereira get too flashy but he's keeping his composure we've never seen pereira down this road though we haven't seen him go for that this far nice body shots there yeah it's just covering up so high that pereira is getting into the body throwing some big heavy hands here the back fist oh oh it's neat me to the body jason is actually there's caught him a couple times yeah he got him a couple times he seems to have done his homework he's not he's not phased by if that was a little bit longer you know it would have been more effective yeah that's the problem he's got he's so short and stocky he's got to get really close to hit pereira now in suwan has to be watching this right now yeah he's going to be thinking how am i going to deal with this unorthodox oh [Music] nice overall cover up nice wide range by pereira and applying knees got a hold of his head whoa big knee kick here we go we haven't seen too much of pereira from the clinch position deston's got him tied up but breaks away dazzle's taking a lot of hits but he's still moving forward yeah pereira just ducks that big right hand it was kind of telegraphing there oh slow down a lot yeah he slows down but he keeps going you know he just doesn't he doesn't grind to a hold he just keeps going kind of steady and uh kind of slugs it out [Music] big spinning back kick there from herrera and nice counter by this one strong right hand yeah that's where destin is going to work he's going to try to counter those shots those shots which are coming from all different angles from cabrera yeah someone's looking for an overhead yeah if he can keep herrera against the fence you know he might be able to land a big shot he's just looking for a right just that one big shot a minute left yeah we've never seen that before never seen it before dazzling's giving him a fight right now yeah he doesn't showboat anymore he's top showboating just trying to tie up those arms from the bottom we're trying to throw some short 30 seconds in this first round so i want to see what their song has practiced for this fight in the ground he's looking for an arm lock here but he doesn't have the right posture yeah i think at the moment he's just kind of looking to survive i think he's giving up on the uh trying to pull the head and trying to stop that pounding up he's got it from side to side he's got to move yeah pereira is catching him here with a short shark and that's the first round and who saw this coming that this fight this open weight bout between the two was going to end was not going to end to the first round well some sportsmanship there pereira helping up yeah pereira's giving him some credit he knows he's not in an easy fight wow that kick was just so strong you know 100 kilograms 220 pounds yeah that sidekick to the head was uh something you don't see every day from herrera okay now we're we're going into the unknown for both fighters actually yeah uh there's someone's guessed out a lot uh i don't know how you can perform in the second round you gotta see [Music] yeah but he's just got this uncanny ability to just keep going forward i think you know the the one problem is he's gonna slow down and he's gonna get caught but he can take a lot of damage right he's really durable and he's still got that big shot he's still got that chance of knocking pereira out and the second and five uh the final round we have five minutes on the clock dazzling with his hands up she's ready for anything that might pop out at pereira you [Music] yeah you are absolutely right he is durable he takes a front kick to his stomach as well he's saying come on yeah he often just takes one to give one he just stands there takes a couple then throws it a big counter big overhand right nice body shot by michelle both these guys got so much power though you can hear those shots you can feel them those kicks those those knees oh there's a knee kick it's damaging that's home yeah he's gonna get out of that he's gotta get out of that quick tight clinch see that that distance is just oh a big right hand yeah that distance this is bad oh this is not good [Applause] [Music] yeah just too much for your uh park up against the fence there pereira finishes him with some knees you can see there's something swelling around his eyes herrera means business you know this was a this was a a really important fight for other fighters who's studying up on pereira right now this one was a very very indicative fight so i think he's probably going to get the title shot next time against in jala yeah i mean one thing uh pereira's gonna have to deal with within jayla is just his wrestling and his uh kind of uh clinch clinch game you know can pereira deal with that sometimes when pereira is under that pressure it can be difficult for him to deal with that he's used to just going forward right and imposing his game [Music] you know i have newfound respect for tesla oh yeah seriously all the fighters have a lot of respect for that yeah respect there are not a lot of people who can you know trade with herrera like this oh yeah he took him into the unknown like i said i mean what was it it took it took pereira like what a minute usually two minutes or so [Music] yeah what a performance by pereira it's always a performance by ferreira i mean he's got a lot to be happy about now he is a he's an ultimate contender for the title shot but i really gotta give big ups for this song man i was like really impressed and pereira has a chin you know he can take a lot of punches too yeah he took a few shots and uh he was able to use his head work pretty well as well during the fight you know you
Views: 26,215,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 로드FC, ROADFC, MMA, 종합격투기, 격투기
Id: pPCgqmzykW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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