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hello everyone in today's video we are back with another episode of MMG be and in today's video we have two star guests and that is a weic and Talia hi hi all right hello okay spoke explain the rules hang on I need to slap both of you cuz it's kind of like a tradition now what a welcome um I don't appr being slapped sorry it's not personal it's just it's just business I'm kind of offended me too Talia and AIC welcome to the DND Molly Channel and welcome to m two dares episode number four so the way it works is we'll do six rounds of a private server 1 V one and The Losers of each round have to do a dare made by the other people in a public server does that sound good okay yeah yay yay you wouldn't give me a bad dare right no I would I would love to it depends oh I'm the nicest person in the world can't be cuz that's me I'm innocent by the way no that's not innocent I'm the murder okay I'm outside who's who Shar is Italia o okay come on 200 ping oh I'm I'm going to like it too my throws delay I feel like a bot like I click and it goes like 10 seconds later yeah I don't even see my knife throwing at this point oh my god oh yeah buddy I'm getting that first air you're getting that first air okay usually Molly always gets the most thereare so don't worry guys yeah I actually do as well that's good I'm actually I'm really really good at getting innocent in a private server so I don't get too many that's really good for you round two the murderer I'm innocent Molly you say you're murderer yes o easy dub for me easy easy dub sh go oh that went straight for you bro I'm not going to lie no it did not oo hio that was not fair my ping Rose to like 1,000 wait so I one one you now yeah and then if you shoot me I've got a dare hey I shoot you not her right yeah shoot me oh that was so close to my little leaf what why are you so good Talia what I don't know I'm on so much bad ping I feel like a pro right now get at McDonald's breakfast oh I got um a breakfast burrito and I got a hash brown and I got a coffee because I knew we were playing early but I wanted to make sure like I was awake for it cuz I always go back to sleep after I walk my dogs innocent innocent I murder wait who Shar get away from me get away come herea you come here oh I threw the wall okay no my knife didn't throw they there for you wait if you guys are looking for cheap goodes with instant delivery then I have the perfect solution for you this is Blox car a really cheap Roblox marketplace where you guys can buy murder mystery 2 items and the best part is it is so simple so as you guys can see there is a massive selection of murder mystery 2 items and I've been wanting B for a while now so all I do is click on it and all the other items I want and I'm all set to check out and where it says discount you guys can actually put in my code which is Molly and you guys get 20% off of your order now I just enter my Roblox username and confirm it's me and because I'm over 13 I can just press this button and now I'm able to join the Bots private server where I've instantly been sent to trade and as you guys can see I now have all of the items that I just purchased with instant delivery thank you so much blo cart for sponsoring and let's carry on with the video so annoying my knives doesn't throw when I click it I like that your bangs cover your eyes you just see my smirky face I look like a creep yeah you look like you would tell me oh there's candy in my van just come here I would finally I'm innocent I got murder again I'm just going to die sh no is not good at Sheriff so I think you win I have to warn you o I'm like the greatest time you're not hear him he [Music] him oh I was behind the wall on my screen this is so weird I'm not going to lie that was a complete fluke he cheated that was good though thank you I would have three dares please be nice to me I'll give you a nice dare if you give me R bro oh okay does that sound like a deal depends on how much I think you should be generous and give him five I give you six for a nice dare make it seven seven is a deal but you're expensive oh I'm Sheriff again I'm innocent I love it I'm innocent as well uh oh on 200 200 ping is this a joke you probably still win to be honest You've Won every like Sheriff round I'm good at Sheriff get T dare no dares I was on a clean sweep I'm so scared I'm going to get air o I'm not shoot yet cuz I want to go for the one tap I need the perfect shot okay never mind shut up oh that was so that was so close I saw that you guys think's winning this round Talia what are you doing I'm on your head I haven't played mm2 in so long you on my screen at least today I haven't crazy last few days I've been lazy swear that went through you who saw that who saw that no that your first dare G good job so how you feel to have the most Dar Alicia not good I'm just praying you're being nice to me I haven't won a single round I think except when I'm innocent so that's I'm feeling great okay I love that Molly sherff check out my dance I do it better and I got murder I'm so lucky I love my life hey hey no not you again it's always you oh oh yes oh nice now I just have to kill all of you oh my God you got this you got this you got this I'll give you permission to stab Molly if I stab Molly I'm going to stab Spork as well yes I give you permission I give I give permission that's allowed oh my God okay you have permission to stab SP okay I will stab you wait where did he go you won't be able to find me no don't be sneaky with me where are you too stab him get him get him if you stab me you have to make it eight roblux eight seven and a half fine fine oh I'm dead oh on you're impossible to hit same with you I will stab you you should stab well done so all of you get a dare now yep oh let's go that's such a win for me and Talia both have two spor you have two and Elicia you have three okay still not the best supp to go head over to a public server and do these de all right I got Sheriff would you if I told you I'm the murderer no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding okay good someone want to give oisk a sheriff deck okay oh I have one for you ship flock and you can only walk backwards only like good luck finish them I'm going to walk into the like this I know she's going to like stab you I just want to follow you I'm to there's so many people following me I'm kind of kind of scared I wouldn't go that way they just killed this way okay okay okay I'm going the other way who is it I don't know I would never know I canot even see anything oh that's a dead buddy maybe this bacon or maybe this everyone's following you definely going to stab me I'm walking away I'm scared why is it following me so many people oh no I'm in I'm in a ladder I cannot even climb it I have to go back oh wait oh yes my God good job I just guessed I I didn't even see his okay who's going to have a dare next spark going it's your turn you have a dare yeah I'll go next just got killed I got killed first oh my go oh my gosh she everyone just got killed no she camping there's she's literally in the air she she's so laggy okay okay good job thank you who wants to give Spork his dare how many days have I got wait I don't know SP how much have you got I think I've got like zero everyone has two but Alia I think we all have two now I had three but I did one of them yeah okay so Al and you can give me my Des cuz Molly's not very nice to me okay okay I was think I one did you get any roll okay no you're just inant you could try to trick everyone to thinking you're the murderer if that's possible ooh I've got a fake knife actually but I'd have to wait for next round oh okay you want to do it next round then yeah sure sounds like okay they don't go a roll now no oh you're about to look behind you look oh oh you how come you're good now Mo but you're so bad in the priv I don't know I actually don't know okay I will equip my fake knife is it the key thing uh no it's like a red knife thing hang on let me let me find it what oh what is that it's really good when you equip prank bomb and you throw it away it's like you've got an actual knife show us oh yeah well get put it back down put it back down cuz the round like isn't like started yet oh yeah good idea I hope you get shot okay let's same oh my do it next round as well do it next round as well what was that I see the gun oh I might get the gun watch this guys this is how it's done bro yeah right you're right watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this wow wow right oh yo who saw that okay that was kind of good first shot didn't count my ping was like 10K oh yeah yeah and and my eyes are closed oh okay yeah okay I'll hide so that no one can see my fake knife guys I'm the murderer you think you'll get shot somebody just killed oh no it's the same person it's yeah it's the same person ohon got the gun almost shot you there no no blocked him oh shoot you oh my oh save me Sheriff please if a doesn't get hero win this round she gets another di no I do not like that come on frog face she's literally a frog face shooting oh I think she's about to I saw oh my lagging she's just shooting ROM at this literally she's shooting at the floor oh what why would you sp me like that why would you do that she shot you the one Rude why would you do that I do not deserve an extra dare that was not on me that was not you you you got shot we we'll let you off thank you I've been through enough pain oh she said sorry though I'll go next ooh I got Sheriff you like to do your dare now considering your sheriff or should we go tomorrows we can do mine if you want to I don't mind okay I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking oh I can't think I can't think Spar you give her one if you want no no cuz I I promised I'd do a nice deck I'm getting 7 and a half robu so I don't want to give her a shareff dare oh yeah I'm trying to run away from people oh I just died I did not hang on let me spectate for you oh hello I'm the murderer look shoot me shoot me not stupid nobody's been killed though no I just died she it's frog face it's frog face yeah you it's frog oh it's frog face who shot me wait oh at least I've got a I got a D tell her that you want to like team with us so you won't shoot her but then like betray her right at the end let's the real W teaming oh this is so laggy I don't know if she's checking her shirt she said k o l i don't know what that means I think that means cool maybe I don't even know then just betray her right at the end just shoot her wait she's teaming she's teaming with that other girl the one that shot you they teaming she walked right by her and didn't kill her look oh yeah that makes that makes sense why she shot her last round Oh I thought she shot you on accident yeah they're te look she was oh okay just shoot her now shoot her now betrayal she betrayed me people are saying I'm fake because real AIC don't team they say in the chat apparently I'm fake and because I don't have headless I'm fake I'm just pretty with this face today it looks really nice yeah he by the way guys I think now is an appropriate time to ask you what your favorite flavor of ice cream vanilla that's what that yeah that's what I said everyone says that's really basic oh a murderer okay a murderer so if you want to give me a d the gun oh okay yeah I agree I agree I agree okay okay okay I'm getting frog face first never mind I heard the gun inside oh it's that teaming girl it's the teaming girl I she might shoot me actually never mind I'm trying to kill her yeah kill her oh get shot oh yeah the Flaming oh my God say in the chat you have to say hi in the chat be toxic super toxic and say easy as well no how can you I don't know I don't know I don't know what was that lag um that is a horrible me I watch this guys I'm going to beat the toxic camper oh oh wow so good okay watch me you got this you got this no missed got the gun at least yeah oh got air okay I must Adit that was pretty good air Molly oh thanks even though you're toxic you need to put easy again for airing o the camper no camping no camping you suck bro yeah that was a pretty good shot to be honest I don't know how I hit hit that I'm not going to lie I was name being at the floor but it's the face it is the face I Avenged you guys now tell what's your favorite flavor of ice cream um I don't I don't eat ice cream what I'm lactose intolerant like really really bad like it will oh no that's so sad you don't get some like special ice cream I did one time and I remember I accidentally left it out and it didn't melt after like 3 hours so then I was like this is disgusting something's wrong with it yes it was like and it was disgusting oh I'm murderer you want to give me a d do you want to give him the death be really really hor yeah um okay every time you kill someone you have to emote for like at least 3 seconds for like at least you're first Spirit no no how do you okay emote 3 seconds what that's what the no I was sneaky that was good that was really good I'm proud of you I was going to say I'm Sheriff to give me a dare but then he spoke up so I was like I'll just be quiet and then you gave me that dare so you can shoot me I don't know what you're talking about that was just I didn't know I share till you started emoting that my two days up yeah you know what for the sake of Charity and Christmas and goodness I'll I'll take on another deck cuz I feel like my two have been very short for the sake of Christmas that's so nice of you thank you I am a very nice person no you're not definitely Molly will tell you he's horrible guys I used to buy all of Molly's roblux gift cards for her back in the day are you guys twins like twins no he's older than me what a murder oh it's my turn to give you a dare okay be nice or else no seven Robux 7 and a half Robux 7 and a half sorry H okay I dare you to go you someone just got the gun no why is somebody dead I didn't mean kill anyone I dare you to kill one person and then just stand out with the knife and stand completely still like one of those beginners does in front of a person yeah so just kill and then just stay still holding the knives open and say guys how do I yeah no be like how do I move okay you can't move okay I'm going to see if I can pick someone who hasn't seen me yet kill momy I give you you should probably just kill spoke to be honest wait she not dead your hit box is not hit Boxing all right now don't move oh don't move I'll kill SP though oh you there oh she's trying to help me Fair WR hey I can throw I can still throw nobody's shooting me or anything see you get oh no it's you again you have permission to kill tally at first okay she was mean to me I'll shoot you you were mean to mealia Talia try have your eyes closed see if you win oh okay just close your eyes I'm standing still wait wait killed someone I didn't mean to kill her am I still alive you're alive go oh she shot me perfect this is the last person you won I won still let's go that was a good you just flexed your not her a there'll be 7 and a half Roo please okay I'll transfer that was pretty that was pretty good there actually I'm pretty pleased with my D creative skills yeah it was good and I won cuz I'm pretty good as well I stay you up for a win you're welcome yeah I haven't got a single dare once no one's giv me a dare okay now we do Talia next I still have I still have the closed one when you had closed eyes I think that was count us a dare right that was just okay okay she was evil to me last time we do you want to give t a dare okay let's see what will we get oh I'm Sher Mur no we're friends right no not today not this very second if you guys want to give me a day like at the same time cuz I've just got Sheriff I dare you to reset the gun for me what I dare I dare I dare you to speed glitch with the gun oh okay that's a better one actually okay I I'm going to regret saying that but what's my there play in first person first person only no I didn't realize that t was the murderer the big in my space Oh my God my cursor oh it's actually really hard to I just protected you it's really hard to aim like this oh oh did get you cuz T you're too Pro oh somebody got it one I got one tapi can I ask by the way how you came up with your name I'm not sure if you've responded to that before but I think I have it's basically just my name Alicia Alicia but then I just changed some letters q and u nice yeah never thought about the yeah well how so you know a spoon and a fork mix together oh Mur who came up with that I'm murderer does someone want to give me a dare does anyone else got roll no no okay so what's my dare hang on I'm looking I'm not to kill me okay that sounds like a fit I might just kill Talia cuz I'm kind of upset don't don't jump the whole round oh okay oh what get away from me so sneaky bro get off of me go away and is like the sneakiest person of all time come down this hallway I Dare You Dam it I no oh bro lose it no up damn it at least you can't I can't work I was going to say look I'm doing the splits bro yeah look at theit you still won how do that with my eyes closed by the way hands on on the keyboard bro shut up you're so sneaky you I said has anyone got a roll and you said no you've been Sheriff like a million times in I'm Sheriff I'm Sheriff have been I'm murder no wait I've done my days haven't I yeah me too just to see you guys one I just go on a killing spree yes no how did I miss you I was taking a picture with her oh and I just killed her sorry how about as an extra special day you kill Molly and then let me get the gun I'm going hit me how so far I just realized I have the power slate equipped that's why my knives are so weird so is Talia the only one with a dare left yeah can we see if she gets a good roll y yeah yeah yeah I'm not going easy on this de bro I think you just salty that I killed you I'm pretty salty I'm not even going to lie every time I murder you kill me I don't know what you're talking about nether be honest have you got a roll no I'm innocent I promise but if I do pick up the gun I will shoot you if I pick up the gun good idea that's so mean I think I'm just going to make a whole on you flipping Spork let me just slap oh my God this this girl who want to take a picture with me just pulled off her knife okay should I trust her I don't know okay get your picture then I'm running she's going to face as well yeah she has got our face matching I hope this he Spork for me is she going to do it go as evil you're ganging up she gone she's going for you oh she just killed me good job quit good job I'm going to make a video called a and Talia and d and d Molly all exposed we're all going to post our Tes on you I'm just going to quickly ask chat gbt for the worst dare I can give to no suddenly I want Molly to give me my dare okay you're going all right let me have a look I'll be nice though because I am nice all right if you get murderer then have you got a ghost knife like the really small one yeah okay then do the round with that one cuz it's got like the tiniest hit box e it's so oh I've got a dare for Talia oh what it's way better than Molly's dare okay you say it then yeah you didn't think of that though you just asked chat GPT to do it I cheater cheater I need to stand right next to you when I give you this dare look her in her eyes I dare you give me a million Robux a right thereare and you you kind of have to do it cuz it's you know that's how the Dare Challenge Works no that's a scam you're trying to scam Talia Revenge Talia is being mean to me as you deserve oh did you say the Dare was to give Molly a mill oh say less what no no I heard him say that I didn't hear him say that did you hear that too I heard it I'm just going to go on account and give them to me no change your passcode change your passcode no will don't worry don't worry oh it's that girl no reset no Talia watch Italia do it do it bro Molly shut up bro my idol my doll oh the noob the noob shot her that was amazing this is like basically the whole YouTube video is just bullying spor with YouTubers that's what we like to see uh I personally do not like this this is a great video I love it 10 out of 10 I spoke the punch bag of the mm2 community uhhuh uh isn't does someone want to give me a dare what R have you got I'm not telling you don't think you're murderer cuz you would have killed me by now how many from my dare go give a dare why you dare talet stop bullying SP no she can carry on horrible dare horrible dare yeah we don't like that you guys is so mean to me did you say shoot sport I think I heard you guys say shoot sport no I said shoot sport yeah no I did say say that oh my God shot shot Molly there's no way you're killing Spar I'm a Spanish this girl's moving her head she's like moving her head and stuff iow you're not allowed to jump I am my is done you have one more remember you you haven't done it so you're not allowed to jump you're not allowed to move either someone just died okay fine I will not move but I did just hear the murderer so tell it's up to you I think I'm scared it's so laggy I think it might be wait don't shoot her but I I don't know I think it might be her is it that Noob or is it that Noob it's beanie lose tell oh it's h it's h the be I'm going to protect her y went right through you went right scw him I saw that SP not fair you cheated you exploited I forgot to turn off my a assis sorry do you not say washroom oh we say toilet or bathroom it's the washroom what are you washing together I'm washing my bum my hands and my body in the shower y almost sa the outro wa you're the only did someone tell her to kill me in the chat no didn't that time she remembered from last round question mark she dabbed on your body this is not fair God you guys do the outro about me all right yeah you you can just be here burning I'm going to go cry thank you a and Haria for coming on today's episode it was very fun having you guys it was really fun thank you had fun thank you for having us of course you guys are my friend anym we love killing swk yeah we do [Music] turned into the hate spor series everyone subscribe to a we and Talia don't subscribe to spor though cuz we don't really care about unsubscribe to spor yeah un if you're seen this unsubscribe to spor Channel right now no I'm Lally the only person who died yeah I know we all just sat here yeah everybody's sitting here watching you
Channel: dndmolly
Views: 98,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mm2, murdermystery2, roblox, robloxmm2, mm2roblox, murdermystery2roblox, robloxmurdermystery2, murdermystery2dares, funnydares, robloxdares, mm2dares, daresinmm2
Id: Tbmim5LXVKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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