MLB Tonight Explains Why Pitchers Hit Batters

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I swear my reddit watches my YouTube habits. I was binging on pitcher vs. batters just the other day.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/hiteckredneck 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

It never explained why? Just where and how.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/3WeeksClean 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
can you explain being the pitcher what is intent what is it how you do it how you don't do we have some video look at and see of guys getting hit yeah because you know this has been that's been but it's been a testy past like five or six days in Major League Baseball would you say this is the right way to take care of well if no what happened there so where you try to hit a guy anything shoulders and above it is dangerous it's life-threatening you go down below preferably the waist of the but that's generally the area if a guy is trying to hit a guy or trying to brush them off the plate it's a difficult part to get out of the way upper body actually can get out of the way shoulder area or chest area we have other examples and I'm assuming this is not how to do it well happen that bad that one is that one that's bad no that's the one that you yeah you got a you you know once you get up there it's guys are more like hey you're talking about my life now what I you know guys I get a lot of guys probably 10 11 12 year they weren't all on purpose some I established in if I threw inside a lot I hit Manny Ramirez in the head on no to pitch at the Jake and the ball ricocheted in Stanton I didn't hit him on purpose you admit you did hit a few guys on purpose I hit a few okay so because pitchers will admit that anybody that gets hit but they think did you do it on purpose well I wonder how you won do you do this for me yeah but not every single time the guy gets hit aside okay well that's what we say religious sensitivities up oh that's very yeah let's settle down a sensitivity all right but there is a place to hit a guy yes that is okay yeah so how do you do it so once you show us all right so based on what we saw with Brett Lawrie ever we saw Ben turn I thought that the whole thing should have been over right after your dad walked the ball up in the area he should be here right so and then you can throw right so so generally speaking you see the meaty part if a guy knows he's supposed to get hit generally you look at the elbow to the butt like this is an area where you know yes it still hurts and you know you're not trying to actually go down to major league pitchers right now sandwiches but once you once you establish ride high fast balls and it goes upon above the elbow the rule of thumb is elbow to the butt like you have this area here and this is a purpose pitch guys can get out of the way because you can move and this is a hard area to get out of the way because one you can't your feet could fly out and up here you can move but this is a hard area to get at and then reaction when a ball is coming at you is it go like this and so if it's that area you're gonna get hit natural reaction when you played how many times are we watching these guys they line up and they're swinging this way we're seeing get guys get hit in the chest Noelle's very good hit there tonight he got hit in the chest yeah that's all Stanton guy in the face right number Stanton went like this Oh firing through a two seamer it's running in and he's swinging and it whacks him in the face right yeah right alright so it's scary stuff here let me just see Greg you're you're the the batter right awful this acidic in there so a vice is a real baseball play so they use it in the lights all right urine I don't want to hurt Greg but it's it's pretty easy stuff guys when you're winding up of course I'm not sixty feet but I'm looking at that window hard al I can't see it I'm looking right through please don't please catch so it's you know what if you're not trying to if you're if you're trying to throw for a purpose there's a pretty easy window to get what I want to make real quick you haven't pitched in how many years I'd retire to no six what year are we in so yeah so here is you have thrown ten pitches right where you want it right now I'm throwing forty feet I don't care this is what major league pitchers can do don't tell me you can't put the ball where you want it when you want it alright so you know it comes set and then oh that one last one was with me out that was the wiffle ball these are Robo oh god I wanted to hit you ready god I did we got it see his face now imagine get hit by this go go go I don't want a real ball hurt it's awful well it's a it's it's a it's a grown-up game you know I mean I there's a there's a certain aggressiveness that I think we don't get associated with football or hockey or contact sports
Channel: MLB Network
Views: 571,744
Rating: 4.781446 out of 5
Keywords: mlb network, mlb, baseball, Pitcher (Baseball Position), Inside Pitching, Al Leiter (Baseball Player), MLB Network (TV Network), MLB Tonight (Award-Winning Work), Harold Reynolds (Baseball Player), Major League Baseball (Sports Association), Brett Lawrie (Baseball Player), Yordano Ventura
Id: rqkitlXuiPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2015
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