MLB Prime 9: Unbreakable Records

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Tatis 2 slams in the same inning vs same pitcher Chan Ho Park

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/BettsBellingerCaruso 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would argue that the only truly unbreakable records are the ones that date back to the dead ball era. Nobody is going to throw more than 680 innings in a season, period. Nobody is going to win more than 60 games as a pitcher. Nobody is going to strike out more than 513 in a season. Nobody will have more than 110 shutouts. Nobody is going to hit above .440 again.

Everything that was set in the modern era is breakable, however unlikely it may be.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/pjokinen 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to prime nine the countdown show that covers the very best in baseball guaranteed to start arcubees not in this week it's the nine most unbreakable records of all time why nine that's baseball nine players nine innings prime nine [Music] in the last three decades we have seen some of baseball's most cherished records fall by the wayside rose passes cobb this certainly is crowning achievement the iron man passes the iron horse [Music] [Applause] [Music] ricky runs by brock [Music] [Applause] [Music] there were those who thought these records would never be broken and yet they were they did it with class they did it with elegance and so we ask are their numbers so incredible they are unattainable by anyone that is the crux of this episode the nine marks in baseball history that we believe will stand forever [Music] our ground rules are simple these nine numbers are records not feats what more can you say ted williams is the last man to hit 400 but that's not a record it's a feat is there anybody bob gibson's 1.12 era is also a feat now that's another show all together this show is simply about records and the crowd stands up and well they should so let's get started and find out if you agree with our top nine unbreakable major league records starting with number nine on prime nine now pitching for the dodge number when he entered the game teams knew their time was up because starting in 2002 just two words said it all that's how they feel nowadays when this guy comes to the mountain i remember the hype of dodger stadium when the ball was in his hands he was just dominant amazing absolutely amazing it wasn't that he was going to get you out it was how he wanted to get you out he could get you out with a fastball 99 miles an hour curveball slow curveball oh my gosh change up he could pick his poison with which to get you out looking kind of psychotic out there [Music] more methodic than psychotic gagne didn't blow a single save opportunity from august of 2002 through july of 2004. his 84th consecutive save president in the history of major league baseball eric gagne's 84 straight saves it's unbelievable because it's about execution how many times you watch a baseball game a swinging bunt a broken bet single let's say every inning was a clean inning where he had nobody on base that in and of itself is still difficult to think that 84 times out of 84 you could be that perfect will we ever see this run of perfection again it's hard to imagine we've seen great closers before and since trevor hoffman one of the premier relievers in baseball francisco rodriguez got him on a strikeout to think that a pitcher is going to go out and succeed 84 consecutive times the way the game is played at such an offensive game it's very very difficult to believe that will ever be matched that'll be a record that'll stand for a long time if not forever [Music] 1941 that's a memorable year yes now that's an understatement for having already guided his yankees to four straight titles joe had a signature season in 41 and it all began on may 15th i recall it it was a fellow by the name of edgar smith for the white sox i got a base hit didn't mean very much but in time it would mean everything for dimaggio had embarked on a two-month stretch of consistency that divide both the baseball gods and odds hitting safely in 20 straight games is remarkable 30 amazing and 40 almost unheard of i thought i was doing pretty good as it was no matter how far that streak went joe was no stranger to hitting streaks having hitting 61 straight games in the pacific coast league and the dimensions of yankee stadium offered plenty of opportunities for base hits yankee stadium folks was 461 feet to center field 457 left center 447 right center but this guy never made an out during the streak a fan made off with joe's lucky bat the fan might not have been so lucky when he reached for his bat out of the bat rack his bat was not there and then the story got into the newspapers and two or three days later the bat showed up some of joe dimaggio's new jersey friends found a way to get that bat back perhaps no one really wants to know how they got that backpack the hits just kept coming the streak kept building the record crept closer did joe feel the present pressure didn't mean anything to him pressure meant he's going to dig in more joe reached the first milestone on july 2nd when he broke the record of 44 straight games set in 1897 by wee willy keeler the lion drive into the stands joe turned a new page in baseball history he made it 45. he'd go on to make it 56 straight and although ted williams hit 406 that year joe's incredible streak helped make him the mvp to hit for a third of the season consecutively that's pretty crazy stuff jolton joe's 56-game hitting streak is the holy grail of baseball consistency everyone seeks it out but only some have come close [Music] i think that now somebody gets into dimaggio area would be cameras around the guy 24 7. i think that would break a guy before he would be broken on the field yeah you know what i don't think it's ever gonna be broken welcome back to prime nine featuring the most unbreakable records of all time you've seen the ninth and eighth best we now continue with number seven on september 11th 1985 cincinnati's favorite son was about to make history if you have a lump in your throat you're only human the record of 4191 career hits was held by ty cobb for almost 60 years but in 1963 pete rose put on a major league uniform and unleashed his relentless approach to hitting pete rose was a line drive hitter a guy used old field a guy who was going to be a tough out [Applause] [Music] he probably had 650 at bats every year but to average almost 200 hits every year for 20 something years that's just incredible rose lines one he probably had the most desire to succeed every at-bat of any player in the history of baseball and he was a switch hitter so you know you have two different swings two different mentalities well pete rose keeps rolling along i don't think any of us were surprised i really think that anybody who watched the game in that era felt like people was going to be the one to get there and so pete came to the plate on that day in 85 just one hit away from the record i think god could have been pitching that night out and got a base set the first time up i just knew i was going to get basically [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 1192. you don't know what it feels like i get a nine minutes stay in ovation the cameras were just popping this certainly is crowning achievement and that was the only time in my life that i was ever on a baseball field i didn't know what to do rose would retire with 4 256 career hits 40 how many hundred hits 42 god that sounds ridiculous man but too ridiculous for any of today's hitters to eclipse it seems so i remember reading a math study that ranked all of the current players and it gave derek jeter a 1 chance of beating pete rose and no one else had even a percent whatever it takes he does 21 years of 200 hits you're still not there i think that's a very high mountain to climb at just five foot six the cubs hack wilson did not look much like the other sluggers of his day but one memorable year he loomed larger than all the rest 1930 was a year of phenomenal hitting it was a wild west show [Music] instead of shooting off six guns they were swinging bats [Music] entire national league hit 303 that year and heck drove in an unfathomable 191 runs breaking the old mark of 175 set by lou gehrig in 1927. of course heck had plenty of help at the top of the lineup on his team he was one of five players to hit over 335 that year so there were a lot of men on base when heck came to the plate 191 rbi has been the record now for almost 80 years although a few of hack's contemporaries did come pretty close lou gehrig in 1931 hank grinberg in 37 and jimmy fox in 1938 it's a common saying in baseball that every batter loves his base hits and i'm no exception but what about today is there someone out there who could take a hack at hack a fast start would be key to reach hack wilson's record for rbis in a season a player has to be nearly to a hundred by the all-star break he's got 101 before the all-star break it's one thing to hit the ball over the fence and score a run and get an rbi but the key is are there guys on base in front of you and are you able to come through in those situations manny ramirez had 165 one year which is remarkable but you just don't see those astronomical rbi figures being reached anymore that'll be a real difficult one to break welcome back to prime nine featuring the most unbreakable records of all time the most saves in a row in the most consecutive games with a hit have checked in at nine and eight respectively followed by the record for career hits and rbi in one season which means it's time for number five to me that mounds your mound and that's your territory and you want the hitter to know that you look at it that way baseball's greatest strikeout pitcher for ryan express there was a time when 3 000 strikeouts was a you know hall of fame worthy and then he almost doubles that strikeout number 5 for nolan ryan when you look at a strikeout record you have to have a pitcher that was blessed with that type of ability the grunt told you it was a basketball then they have to be blessed with the ability to pitch for a long time and nolan complemented that blessing with a tireless work ethic nolan ryan was a physical anomaly he likes playing a big role in his picture he just had an amazing will to perform and to work you can't pitch it up your legs he was almost a freak of nature because he could throw that baseball almost at 100 miles an hour at the age of 42 years old he just blew it be able to throw as hard as he did for as many years as he did it's just mind-boggling 57 hundred strikeouts plus that's just a six stat in my opinion so is it possible in this day and age for any pitcher to break ryan's strikeout record it's not likely what nolan ryan has accomplished as far as strikeouts nobody will ever do that again because they don't pitch the innings and now it's up to the bullpen starting pitchers are i think are comfortable in today's game i'm only going seven innings great job you got to pitch 20 years you got to be just as good at the end of your career as a beginning and have very few injuries throughout so i don't see it happening to put nolan's strikeout total into perspective consider that the active strikeout leader randy johnson is in his mid-40s he struck him yep johnson is still more than 900 strikeouts behind him no one is catching this express one of the greatest beats in the history of this great game [Music] henderson with a good lead and he got a big jump from the moment he walked on to a major league baseball field he was something special there goes ricky he could read any little tip that the pitcher would give him so when he pushes off he's gone when it came to stolen bases there was no contest first of all i mean there was a throw but there was no contest ricky was as close to unstoppable as a major league baseball player can be the greatest base stealer of them all and ricky could make that claim once he caught the great lew brock ricky had that passion to challenge you get base running arrogance that arrogance helped ricky first break brock's single season record and then the all-time mark of 938. he's gone he's got it all time league stolen base leader luke brock was a cinema a great base stealing but today i am the greatest of all time how amazing is this hall of famer's record consider that a player would have to steal 70 bases a year for the next 20 years and he'd still be sick short ricky said i can get in there easy no one is ever going to touch this mark especially not the way the game has changed in the last decade where power has taken precedence over speed the home run means a little bit more now look at this baby ride get up get up get up so you're not gonna take the chance of sacrificing a potential caught stealing [Applause] ricky's all-time marks for runs scored and lead off home runs may someday be challenged but as for stolen bases he's safe the greatest in the game at stealing a base ricky henderson [Music] the new york yankees world champions world champions most successful franchise of the century 26 world championships no team in professional sports has more it's impressive when you walk up to yankee stadium and you see 26 world championships they want to remind you just how successful they've been over the years not on blame them and in the midst of their run that set the bar for sports excellence the yankees did something that is almost beyond comprehension the bombers did it again [Applause] they made baseball history what a team so how do you win five in a row it starts with the manager and despite his common perception casey stengel was a shrewd baseball man the press had fun with him but this was a brilliant baseball mind casey pushed all the right buttons to keep this talent-laden roster on an even keel and before they knew it they had a ring for every finger it was a team that was unparalleled for an era in terms of what it accomplished [Music] the last two teams to win three straight world series were the oakland a's from 1972 through 74. the alternates captured their third successive world championship and more recently the yankees from 98 through 2000 the new york yankees have won their third straight championship but to reach five in a row you'd have to go back to the era in which those yankees played it's a lot easier to do those days because there's only eight teams in each league and if you had the best team you're gonna go to the world series you can't do it today and i'll tell you why we had to win four games to be the world champions now you have to win 11 games the current playoff format is indeed a roadblock but so is free agency teams just don't stay together like they did back in the 50s the element now when you're seeing new teams in the world series and different teams winning the yankees five straight world championships will never be broken because of parody i make it a point never to say never but the sheer nature of you know the yankees feat is just not going to happen we now return to prime nine where this week we're focusing on the most unbreakable records in the history of baseball to qualify for this show a record has to be so off the charts that we feel there's no conceivable way any current or future player could pass it by [Music] now it's time for the toughest of all two records that above all the others will never be broken we begin with number two i'm learning as a hitter so all of that you know is helping me to become a better ball player and maybe someday soon i'll be in a big league uniform big looking uniform cal ripken jr would slip into that uniform in 1981 and on may 30th of 82 he would embark on a journey that almost defied belief you live your life you play your career in a certain way to try to be the best you can be i don't think i have any secret that i can dispel at this point then everybody will play a thousand consecutive games it's just a little bit of luck and a lot of desire a lot of desire a lot of desire i think everybody realizes down deep inside in order to accomplish something you have to give yourself to the task the shortstop now playing in 2 000 consecutive games in a row it was a number most thought lou gehrig would hold on to forever but now the iron man would join the iron horse and let it be said that number eight cal ricken jr has reached the unreachable star once it got to that point they dropped the banner and i remember coming out and and acknowledging the fans and they just kept clapping the fans would not stop seemingly in honor of what cal represented he embodied what a lot of people felt when they came to the baseball field work ethic desire stick to it he's a guy who just showed up and gave a hundred percent every single day for years and years and years he was baseball's every man well now i'm loose cal could have stopped there but he added another 501 straight games so is the record his forever it's a luck first thing that comes to mind 2632 is just it's ridiculous i say this affectionately he's a freak there was probably many games where he wasn't 50 percent much less 100 percent and he went out and played it's easy to call in sick it's easy not to show up but if you push through you find that you can but to play every game for more than 16 straight seasons no cal's testament to sheer endurance will never be challenged i couldn't imagine playing 26 32 in a row it's a it's an unbelievable feat never be broken again we will never see anything like this again i cannot see anybody going through year after year after year and and be able to go out there and play in the lineup big round of applause for the iron man [Music] our pitching version of an iron man is the owner of the number one unbreakable record what he did was so amazing the award for pitching excellence bears his name he won more games than any other pitcher i would love to go back in a time capsule and see saiyan pitch how he could start over 900 games how he won 511 games back when cy young pitched pitchers were starters and relievers so there was more opportunity for decisions you look at the scope of what it takes to win 300 games tom glevin has become the 23rd pitcher to win 300 career games you've got to go 20 years of winning 15 games and you think about the reality of guys being able to do that it's just difficult to break forget 15 wins cy young won 30 games five times and that direct gaze stared down many a nervous batter denny mclean was the last man to win 30 games in 1968 and with the way the game has changed it's doubtful anyone will reach that mark again it's so much more of a specialized game that now a starter can be pretty successful pitching six innings and they say well you did a good job you know we're going to go to the bulkhead you're good and you're at 112 for six innings that's plenty we're having the argument now that whether or not anybody after myself or randy johnson is going to win 300 games in this game anymore and then realize cy young was 211 beyond that there's no way anybody's going to break that record before we go we must point out that if vitro continues to hit at his current pace for the next six years he will catch and pass rose [Applause] but he got his first 1278 in japan and they don't count in the major league record books and what is it about shortstops that enables them to play so many games in a row especially since it is such a physically demanding position of the 10 longest consecutive games played streaks in big league history four of them belong to shortstops ripken is the king but shortstops everett scott joel sewell and miguel tejada each played in more than a thousand straight games too well that ends our streak of 30 straight minutes of great baseball that's our prime nine what's yours
Channel: cacable7
Views: 17,057
Rating: 4.9118943 out of 5
Id: H0KSf0Jt5qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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