MLB Ejections Part 4

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- and there it is McCutchin hit and Elgato run from the game there were pregame warnings issued and McCutchen is struck in the ninth inning Clint Hurdle coming out to see if the cousins alright McCutchen spikes the back I've never seen Andrew so upset on a baseball field as he is right now I was hoping that you know it wouldn't come to that okay it's 95 mile an hour fastball right in the middle the back you know there's there's a big difference between pitching inside to get out and trying to hit somebody with a fastball big difference to me this is finable and suspended you have got to be sit down and fine there is no way that's not intentional No what could Jennings be asking right now well I guess it's possible never had anybody do that they're gonna check matters they're gonna check mattes I think that Jenny's came out as the umpires there checking natus the checking his right arm they're feeling his forearm then I get personal and we saw this happen just the other day right well everybody uses sunscreen and mixes it with rosin they try to say well you know you got to disguise it it goes back to that same thing Jose that they need to change this rule and get more specific well buck is out there saying hey what's up right what's up you I mean I guess they could say um why do you have sunscreen on the domes clothes has been closed the whole game but it's something the guys used to mix with rosin to help them get a tacky feeling and in the end the rule should be changed where you can't put anything on the ball but you should be able to use something on your hand to get a better grip but not mantis has been tossed yeah Brian Matusz has been ejected from this game just waiting for things to happen for but now that we talked about times ever since of urgency but now you see how Ian's yelling at Lackey because if I'm sure lackeys showing his displeasure with a strike selling that's ridiculous Mike Matheny he threw out John Lackey standing on a mound get ready to pitch he gets tossed and we're in a pennant race one and two on the outside corner Matt can't can't believe it but angel Hernandez is ringing him up gone the Matt Kemp is kicked out of the game Mattingly trying to ride to the rescue but it's too late now that he knows he's gone Matt lets it out manure among other things or at least a reasonable facsimile so the last three Dodgers have struck out Ramirez to end the eighth Gonzalez and Kemp in the ninth and the battle will be all Crawford so Mattingly comes out but he can't do anything Kemp's gone crowd now getting into it the O 2 pitch down the third base line a fair ball right over the bag that's going to score two men into second goes Marte with a shank double and take a couple of couple of great pitches get ahead in the count make another pretty good pitch jam um little kinky ground ball that just barely barely stared there now this has got to eat this you can't challenge this because it has to be beyond the umpire where the umpire is stationed which is generally right back to the infield the far edge of the infield dirt whether the ball went over the bag or not is not a challengeable play at least the way was explained to us fair foul has to it has to be beyond where the umpire is down there past the bag at third and that ball hugging the line third-base umpire Chris Guccione fair ball right right on top of it and said that's a fair ball when I went over the bag she look like that you know the way he sliced that ball I can't believe it didn't sting foul yeah Jeff managers gotten run 85 on the slider good-looking pitch strike two dining with another one up in the zone and Upton has a word for mark Carson as he goes away and he's been ejected ugly day for the Braves first Chris Johnson now Justin Upton Braves have had five ejections this year and two of them in this game this would be the third worst if they went on a pitch out with siciliani running he's out second base Terry Collins can come out to argue but he can't challenge Jeannette makes the tag and that's the third runner the Mets attack taken off the bases already well it's starting to see with the pitch out you just love the way that counsel calls it and siciliani was in there by the way he was saved but once you've used challenge it but unsuccessful you've got no recourse in all Terry Collins could do his argue the call with Larry Vanover who had a good angle but appeared to get it wrong that's a bad call this is a you know this is something we've talked about from time to time about the replay rules if the goal is to get it right take the magico out again and just fix the problem no matter whether the manager challenges are not strike three call at will and the eighth inning the Red Sox get a run and Cespedes just get tossed yes he did indeed so ejection here it's five to Tampa Bay Giants have is the guy in the box right now 1 & 2 so Wilhelmsen so he goes right back same location you're crazy got to go out there I'm just got to be careful Bruce Bochy didn't have many options and he kicked him out he kicked them out unbelievable we film out of the game of the count 1 & 2 but it's not like the league doesn't know about perspec is a guy that just Takahiro said because you're gay you're gone
Channel: MLBPlays17
Views: 1,149,017
Rating: 4.5456901 out of 5
Keywords: mlb, ejection
Id: Brev0tc23NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2016
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