MLB Blown Calls Leading to Ejections - June 2019

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wearing their Prince twins jerseys they'll be taking those back to Manhattan yeah same color prac Oh No [Applause] on her wendelstedt has not had a consistent strike zone tonight he is an umpire who has a very short fuse that hurts [Music] to take long ned's want to know why well you got to know that about an umpire before the game starts you got to know who you're dealing with there was a pitch in Solaris first F at that he was not happy with and remember we were talking about this hood during the homestand players got to be very careful about there's the pitch that was considerably low if we're gonna believe the strike zone grid I don't know if that's enough or if it's worth getting thrown out of the game especially with so layers power good arms now strike three call Machado does not like him and will say some things here to Bill welke yeah he's going to get tossed Manny Machado is tossed from this game [Applause] the backstop tt for balance [Applause] well let's go back to the pitch here to fastball off the plate at ninety seven we've seen a lot of pitches tonight both ways called off the plate strikes sure manny has a legitimate gripe but as I said when you're around the plate he got that particular call there does he have a right to grunt yes but the bad thing here is though what happened after this you know the objection what's gonna happen they threw his back that's that's not a good thing Berner flied to right his first time in his two for 15 lifetime against Marquez [Applause] I don't want pitch that's a strike going to that side of the plate has been generous so far tonight [Applause] matching his total from a year ago and now ball one no strike one on Muncie [Music] Chad Fairchild likes that side of the plate I guess whether it's a left-handed hitter or a right-handed hitter and his buddy Dave Roberts knowing somebody just got thrown out of the game I hope it's not Justin Turner Dave Roberts coming over here to explain the voices how can you discern who yelled that at you and then throw somebody out and I think it is Turner I think you're right and they only have three bench players tonight and old they're up to four now with Beatty being called up that's pretty sensitive for a man in blue to toss just in cos that would be the first words out of his mouth and nobody in the stands knows it we've seen some really good restraint from umpires this season with some pretty strong arguments coming from both sides that is the opposite end of that spectrum Chad Fairchild who has a really good reputation spent a full time on peyer's since 2010 he's bucking down the postseason a bunch a quick trigger it appears on Turner and now Fairchild gonna wait until Turner vacates the dugout Justin still can't believe that it's him that's what you should do if you're the players stay there and make them reai denta phiu Dustin's even gonna be madder when he goes in and sees it on TV and a liberal a strike call it was that it wasn't over the plate not his or Max's well got his hands when they say he's swung out it I just said I need swing I don't know about that [Applause] [Music] he's out [Applause] in games too happy about that doesn't appear to be going to be back-to-back strikeouts [Applause] we'll be five strikeouts for Hernandez [Applause] [Music] we can't even review it you know because they said he's swung [Applause] you can review it if it's a hit by pitch can't review it protects me on a check swing and that's the first time that Gabe Kapler has been thrown out of all that means might as well he is he's I did not pick he swung at it neither did I [Applause] take a look do not swing at it it did hit his hands activist right hand he didn't swing no did not [Applause] strike three call yeah that pitch appeared to be a little wide of the plate but consistent with what drekman has established early when it's fastball 91 miles an hour it is right there just off the edge and Garcia he's gonna go back and look at that and realize that what was off the plate probably say something to Bruce Dreckman when he gets back up there but that's been the norm here in the early going and they're already saying something [Music] the direct men took exception to what he was hearing from the Rays dugout and Kevin cash we'll get his money's worth the director was pretty emphatic he definitely gave him enough warning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kevin cash with a few parting words see if the replay video replay review came back and kiermaier was not at first base we had him thrown out then did we realize it wouldn't take much longer the two at a roll and your God he said we just looked at it's a ball and it's two in a row good look at the Brandon laughs - Joey Wendell the pitch down in sex yeah some branded line he had him the director addressing the dugout again run out of coaches [Applause] couple of called strikes here first this is the three one watch it there I mean it's that's the one that they had trouble with yeah they're both right I mean this is Jesse Chavez this is what he does yeah I mean this they're pulling I do to pitch hope toward right field Redick on the mold and it drops with a great effort right near the bullpen home plate area and he just could not come up with it and it just landed foul when he knew Redick was you knew Redick was going to be selling out here from Jump Street busting it hard just out of the reach here I don't know that we didn't see any any white kick up that's probably just me begging Lee [Applause] I guess possible could it be a crew chief review very well could be I'm not totally sure how this ends up playing out it's just a war database at that fella that's in there you have to place the runners some right and I believe that's it that looks like a fair ball again I'm Way up here and I'm just kind of looking and everything you folks are seen at home but I've got to believe if you see just under Josh Rennicks left me if we replay that again you'll see some white kick up and then after he slides through you might see some white also on the ground and that could be the that could be the paint from the line see watch just under this left knee after the ball hits it's gonna hit and now kick up that little white right there you see it kind of flash up folks allow the laser to come home and score ball [Applause] so the bluebirds are Bob Ballard wants to see what the heck's going on [Music] Jim rattles the crew chief Melvyn we saw the big replay board well that is a huge missile what's going on break for the Oakland A's [Applause] and the flip towards second and that will do it so disappointing ending thought maybe they do now three two one after five well a lot of activity in the brain Marcus Semien who got down to first base after the groundout and he was all over Allen Porter Porter's the guy who made the call on Marcus stayed on him and you can just about figure out what is gonna happen here and his alan porter just decided to throw him out and marcus then came back and got his money's work Bob Melvin came out and they let Bob Melman argued quite a bit he did not get thrown out [Music] so Marcus Semien is out of the game Jim Reynolds is trying to be a peacemaker that's his job as the crew chief but Bob Melvin is not a happy man
Channel: Bosten56
Views: 350,373
Rating: 4.7038121 out of 5
Keywords: mlb ejections, blown calls, mlb blown calls, mlb, ejections, 2019, june, worst calls, mlb worst calls, mlb worst blown calls, worst, calls, mlb worst ejections, june ejections, june ejections mlb, june ejections 2019, bad ball calls, bad strike calls, bad ball or strike calls, ball, strike, good, bad, blown, gabe kapler, justin turner, manny machado, jorge soler, seimen, marcus semien, ejection, ejections 2019, worst ejections, best, best ejections, mlb ejections 2019
Id: HL09zm-28bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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