Mk7 VW Golf R : 10 TOP TIPS so YOU can BUY A GOOD ONE!

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okay.i wherever say a golfer is boring ever again hello guys and welcome to this box wizard video in stay video I want to share with you 10 top tips to help you buy a good mark 7 Golf R because these are now over 6 years old believe it or not I bought my first one in March 2014 during that year it was 100% reliable but now they get into this kind of age there are quite a few things to look out for but I thought it'd be great to give you a top 10 to help you go out and buy yourself a good one from the mini that are out on the market so without any further ado let's count the top 10 down starting at number 10 okay then at number 10 we're gonna start off with quite an easy one we're going to see whether your marks on Golf R is apple carplay or Android auto compatible because these are really popular options but if you buy a car that's too early unfortunately you can't get it unless you change your head unit which is really expensive on the later cars you can just pay the dealer for an upgrade that's about two hundred pounds and your existing head unit will work just fine there is a distinct cutoff that was cars built towards the end of 2015 onwards enable this before that its head unit job so let's have a look at how to tell now this car is a 2016 car and it has got the correct head unit for this because it's an MIB 2 which means a screen is bigger but there are some earlier MIB T's which has still got a mute button there and they're not the ones that are compatible and these cars were built from Endor 2015 probably registered first and March 2016 onwards but you'll still need to check because there could be earlier cars registered quite late the other way to check is to go into the menu and look for app connect if you press that this car would not have the activation down but if I pave it either excellent I'm only probably a ridiculously large amount of money considering what they've got to do that will give me apple carplay and android auto that sort of thing i G's every time I got into the car so it's definitely something worth paying the extra for ok at number 9 my tip is to look for cars built for the 2017 model year because they've got heated seats and navigation standard there weren't many expect changes during the run of the mark 7 golf are probably the most significant and if you want heated seats they're really hard to retrofit and you won't find many of the early cars have got them because they're an optional extra and not many people chose extras when they were lease the colors now the change occurred in the factory during the middle of 2016 so the cars built were registered in the UK mainly from the 1st of September onwards so on a 66 reg but you might find the odd late 16 plate car that's got them as well you might find the odd 66 rage car doesn't have them but it's easy enough to tell just look for the nav button on the head units and heated seats I've got that button just there okay tip number eight is to look carefully at the tires on the Golf R because they are quite expensive particularly for nine teams like this one and a lot owners will be tempted to save money by fitting rubbish basically I've seen quite a few auction with some very very bad tires on them and mixed up all over the car as well so you might have different tires left and right that is an absolute no-no so don't make some left to right don't have any budget tires on your car make sure you've got good brands front and back ideally the same all-round it's not the end of the world if you've got a different good make at the back to the front but if you want to enjoy this cars amazing handling to the fullest having the same good make and model tyre all round the car is what you really need okay number seven only applies if you're buying the car with this style of wheel this you call the Pretoria and it's a 19-inch rim was the factory option right the way through production it's about nine hundred and fifty pounds and it's a beautiful wheel not only does it look good it's also a lightweight wheel problem with that though is that it's not actually very strong so these are very very prone to buckling and there are about 700 pounds each so I wouldn't really want to buy a car that needed one of them replacing if you buy a car with four that's pretty much three grand so what I'd recommend is a giving them a very good visual inspection before you buy the car and then once you buy it get it home take the wheels off and have a careful look around the inside edge as well which you can't see quite often buckles are there and anything bad enough should be visible and if you bought it from a dealer and you tell them within probably a day or two that the buckle the wheels are buckled then they shouldn't really have too much of a problem with that but you might find it's a bit of an uphill struggle trying to get anything out of them once you've connected the car but yeah you just have to make a good case particularly there's a volkswagen dealer who should have probably picked it up at the pre delivery inspection and replaced it but they're so expensive that nobody's ever got any bird to replace them so they would rather just give you the car and let you work it out for yourself and pay for it yourself you might be lucky and find it can be repaired as well there's lots of really good wheel refurbishes like prestige wheel Center in Birmingham who can actually repair buckles quite easily so it's not the end of the world obviously it's worth trying to avoid this problem if you can okay tip number six relates to the fact that the marks haven't gone far it's probably one of the most stolen cars in the UK right now and that means that if you look at Auto Trader I can guarantee you quite a few those cars will have previously been stolen and I bet if I asked you what you'd rather have a car that hadn't been stolen in the past or one that had been stolen and recovered you'd probably say you'd rather have one that hadn't been stolen recovered and I can't say I blame you but it can be very hard almost impossible to tell especially with new data protection laws where you can't ring up the dealer and they can tell you what's been done to the car and if the cars not been written off you know this car might have been stolen and in a few Ram raids and been recovered in reasonably good condition but it might still had 10 grams worth of work done to it by a main dealer that's an insurance company's expense and then give him back to the owner and he's probably gonna want to sell it then at that point because it might have been stolen in an aggressive way that nobody wants to happen once let alone twice now a little tip which applies to HPI checks done in the trade is that they've got a little additional bit of information called the HPI footprint and this tells you what's been recorded on HPI for the previous six months so if this car se had been stolen the owner anger at the police and told them it had been stolen it would go on the police national computer is stolen and there would be a record as that of that on HPI now the police can be a bit slow at taking them off but they should have take it they should take it off but if you look in the footprints tab on a on a trade HPI check it will still show you if that car was recorded or stolen in the previous six months to the date from when you've done the check which i think is a very very important bit of information that would probably reveal quite a few bad things about quite a lot of cars for sale probably shouldn't be telling you because I'll probably get calls out one day myself but it's a nice little tip to have and if your car is clear in the HPI footprint then you know that it's got a really good past which for Marks & Goff ours is very very unusual okay at number five we have the thorny subject of remaps now I don't have a problem with these but I actually don't want to buy a car that's already been remapped even if I want to remap it myself because you might have already been subject to excessive wear and tear and also somebody else's map might not be the one that I want on my car quite often you don't even know what map is on a car when it's been map you don't often get the any paperwork for them so yeah I don't think they're a particularly good selling point now when it comes to buying advice what I'd suggest if you're buying from a dealer and you do not want a modified car get them to state it's never been modified in writing before you buy it if you're buying privately ask of the owner they might even think it's a good thing that it's been remaps and if it's a good car in every other way then it's probably not too much of an issue but you really need to know because you really need to tell your insurance company if the car still under warranty probably not many mark sevens will be now although if it's a four or five year warranty which is an extension that could have been made when the cars were new or the map will have invalidated that so that would be no use for you when it comes to remaps just do a bit of homework ask the Oh Elsa sellers whether they think they've been modified or not going to put it in writing and you can't go too far wrong okay at number four let's talk about the paintwork on the mark 7 Golf R because it was a real change in the paint quality when the mark 7 golf came out compared to the previous generations of golf and it's not for the best yes they are really really shiny but they do Mar very very quickly so there's a whole new movement of detailing and washing your car carefully that's been inspired by for the golf 7 now when I bought mine brand new I had a couple of issues with it firstly the paintwork chips really badly on the bonnet within 300 miles and secondly there were defects in a lot of the panels which you'd never see on a golf before the 7 unless it had an accident repair but it turns out that's how they were coming from the factory and that was before they sacked the bloke who was in charge of production who was taken too long to get them built so after that which would have been around the summer of 2014 they probably got a bit worse but as they get older the problems are really stone chips the pain does seem to chip worse from the earlier cars and you can really tell if the golf I've had a hard life because it will be heavily chips sort of probably mainly in this line forwards and the front bumper will be missing a lot of pain and this is a really good and it's done about 30,000 miles obviously quite gently but when you see them at auction you can see cars that are bad really bad but lower mileage than others and part of that will be to do with the fact that somebody's been driving it up the back assembly racing them partly will be to do with the fact that somebody's actually clocked the car before giving it back at the end of the lease because they've done more miles than they want to pay for which is not uncommon and unfortunately other issues then I found on other marks Evans that the paint's here can chip really badly for the cars live rouille and they've been quite a few stones flicking up and you can actually end up pressure washing it off so it starts off just on the lip there being a bit chippy and catch it with a pressure washer you can take a whole sort of width of your finger off which I've never ever seen before and that car was original paint so yeah look very carefully at the paintwork a lot of it you'll be able to machine polish back it's not the end of the world but heavily stone ship car will be very very expensive to put right and will tell you a lot of things about the way it's been driven okay at number three I want to talk about service history because this car produces 300 horsepower from just a 2 liter engine so giving it fresh oil and every so often isn't really a big deal or at least it shouldn't be but I can bet you a lot of cars for sale won't have complied with the servicing requirements to have an oil change every year or every 10,000 miles whichever come sooner stuff I wouldn't want a car like this that have been much longer than that between oil changes really considering and that strain the engine is under the other thing that changed with the mark 7 is that the Haldex interval which used to be 40,000 miles and with no time limit became a three year maximum so it caused older than three years should have heard the Haldex oil changed DSG though if it's a DSG automatic car has an oil change every 40,000 miles that stayed the same but bear in mind mains enos for some reason even though they can charge you extra all this a very very poor at advising owners of this so if you've done 40,000 miles within say two years and you were over something like a month or a thousand miles late to have the oil change you live in validated the warranty on the gearbox and if something goes wrong with Volkswagen you just completely throw it out and that could all be down to the fact that the dealer hasn't advised you properly and I know this from bitter experience but it occurred with a car that hadn't done that many miles that quickly but it had a five-year warranty and it happened in zuv the thing the fourth year because the DSG all change which had been done late the technician hadn't put enough oil in the gearbox and about six months later the gearbox got noisy when I took it to VW said fix that it's got a five year guarantee they said ah but all we've done late so it's no longer valid so even though the technician had knackered the gearbox I couldn't really prove that I ended up having to buy a 5,000 pound gearbox so yeah that's why I Drive a set okay at number two we have something that only applies to carve with a manual gearbox and that is clutch slip there for some reason a bit like the paint the clutch quality on this car not what you expect from a Volkswagen and there have been reports of clutch you slipping at 8,000 miles and it's just nothing you can do apart from replace and it cost about a thousand pounds probably more to get that done that's a main dealer which is ridiculous I really don't understand why that is the case I think it's probably a bit under sized for the talk of the car because it's the same as a GTI when Angie ties are a little bit better they don't seem to suffer from the problem at as much though the s-1 does and that's only 230 horsepower but what I all I can think is that the material the clutch you've made out isn't as good that's dealing with bad drivers as it used to be on the mark 6 and mark 5 I've never replace the clutch on a mark 6 mark 5 the odd mark for really high mileage but never anything below about 80,000 miles but I've had cars 812 it's just not unusual it's ridiculous we really shouldn't have this from a VW and quite often they will say to you it's not a warrant or park because it's the way you've been driving but I can tell you now this did not used to happen and I don't think people are driving it any differently to how they used to so it's definitely a material issue it's kind of a good thing though that you can't get a menu rs both because that problem has gone out of the way and generally the automatics are really reliable anyway if you want to cut manual golfer I can't blame you I bought one brand new the way to check is to use a high gear so forth it's probably quite fine actually you just have to feel the torque pick as the turbo kicks in and then if it's going to state it will do it right then because we're talking been really strongly then but you really need to have a proper thorough test-drive not on a on a quite a slow road like this so I've tested cars on the dual carriageway here they've been fine giving them to somebody and he's found it slip so the very early stages that slip are very hard to find unless you deliberately well I even just drive it normally for quite a long time because you might find it has to be the right amount gradient the right amount of throttle you know so I'm yeah it's not to me you want to find out your cars doing just to be bought it because there's no cheap way out of it the only way to fix things really is to buy an uprated clutch and the good news is that you can buy a sacs one for the same price that the dealer will charge you for a chocolate one from Volkswagen [Music] but when they're working there are really nice box [Music] Oh okay I went and said a golfer he's boring ever again okay then number one in the top things to look out for when buying a Mach 7 Golf R is the coolant module so this is tucked away under the inlet manifold it's basically a thermostat and water pump in one the very expensive parts and it's not a question of if but when it's going to leak because they will all do it at some point parts probably a few hundred pounds from VW and the labor is similar so you're looking six to seven hundred pounds to get it done and it really shouldn't be leaking on a car of this age the good thing is a lot of them went wrong under warranty the bad thing is they fitted the same part which will do it all over again luckily 7.5 I don't think will suffer so there is a change in the part later on in production but bearing in mind these came out 2014 probably is 2016 they might have fitted the same part so it'll be going wrong again the way to find out you won't see a leak really unless you take the tray off is to smell there's a very spicy smell that's distinctive when it comes to coolant after a hot Drive have a good sniff around here you don't even have to lift the bonnet you better smell it outside also look in the boots if it's a private sale see if the owners got water in the beat so they can top it up because that's a bit of a giveaway but yeah it's a very disappointing state of affairs that car that we buy because of the reliability the coolant out so early in their lives and it's really expensive to fix it but in every other way though this is still a really good car so guys I hope you've enjoyed this box wizard video if you have please give it a thumbs up please comment please share please please do subscribe click that Bell notification icon and I'll see you for the next one hopefully really soon
Channel: volkswizard
Views: 186,333
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Keywords: golf r, golfr, vwgolfr, mk7golfr, vw golf r, mk7 vw golf r, mk7r, golf gti, mk7 gti, ea888, volkswizzard, joe achilles, mr jww, car wow, mat watson, jayemm, mk7 golf r review, mk7 golf r probefahrt, golf 7 r, mk7 golf r buying advice, mk7 golf r buyers guide, mk7 golf r for sale, mk7 golf r modified, Andrew Chapple, 2.0 TSI R, Golf R Estate, Golf R Wagon, Lapiz blue, drag race
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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